Safe With Me (Falling For A Rose Book 1)

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Safe With Me (Falling For A Rose Book 1) Page 7

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “No, no, no,” Claudia repeated. “You seriously don’t know?”

  Samiyah didn’t have the slightest clue why her friend was so frantic. “I don’t, what is it?”

  “Girl what are you doing, hiding in a cave?”

  “I’m standing in the dressing room in the gown I’ve picked out for the auction benefit. I was getting ready to send you a picture of it when I saw the missed calls. I don’t know how my phone ended up on silent and I have no idea what you’re blabbering about. Now can you stop beating around the bush and tell me what’s going on?”

  “Hold on,” Claudia said. The phone went silent for a minute before Claudia came back to the phone. Samiyah’s phone buzzed. “Okay check your text messages.”

  Samiyah pulled the phone away from her ear and opened her messages. She froze and her mouth dropped open. It was a newspaper clipping of the Chicago Tribune. It read;

  “A blazing love affair for the most eligible bachelor, businessman, and former boxing world champion Jonas Alexander Rose?”

  The clipping showed a picture of them last night on the dance floor in the most romantic embrace. Her hand was softly touching his chest, her face flushed with a demure smile lingering. The look on his face was adoring, sexy, and exotic and his lips were inches away from hers.

  “Oh my God!”

  On the other end of the phone, Claudia squealed, “You lucky, lucky girl!”

  Inside the San Juan conference and business center, Jonas looked away from the detailed analysis report that displayed projections of key factors for Rose Bank and Trust Credit Union’s next branch expansion located in New Jersey. He listened to Tim Harper from The Harper Group go over the report through a speaker phone sitting in the middle of the conference table. As the man spoke about, population, age distribution, per capita income, past household growth, among other things, Jonas’ mind seemed to only be focused on one thing, Samiyah Manhattan.

  It was common for him to meet a beautiful woman, take her to a hotel and rock her world before disappearing without so much as a trace of his scent left behind, but never had a woman gave the same amount of passion in return as he did. Besides that, he’d never had his thoughts dominated by a woman to the point where he couldn’t focus on day to day business. It was true, Jonas didn’t expect to be pulled into a conference while on vacation, but it had happened before, so he wasn’t one hundred percent surprised.

  However, when he woke that morning and gazed at the sleeping beauty next to him, his heart leaped, and wanted to stay enthralled around her. Jonas had a mind to plant kisses on her soft, delectable lips but there was no time. He slipped out of bed and made his way to the meeting after ordering her room service and having his assistant shop for a dress.

  “That’s good news,” one of his board members shouted.

  Jonas glanced at the members around the marble glass table one by one, his eyes landing on his brother Jaden who was staring at him intensely. Jonas leaned forward in his chair.

  “Thank you, Tim, for that long, detailed report that could’ve waited until I got back in my office on Monday.”

  Everyone in the room snickered. “You know when we get the information we like to be prompt with our findings,” Tim said.

  “I know, I know,” Jonas repeated, “I’m just giving you a hard time.”

  “I’ll let you get back to it. Look to hear from you on Monday,” Tim said.

  “You got it.”

  The called ended and members of the board shuffled around gathering their papers, filing out of the room. As they exited, Amanda Davis, Jonas’ assistant entered the room handing him a copy of the Chicago Tribune. There he was front and center with the woman that riddled his thoughts. Whoever the cameraman was had taken an ideal shot of them, and they looked like a couple in love. It didn’t surprise him; there was nowhere Jonas could go that would keep paparazzi from getting a shot of him. Except for Terrance’s back home in Chicago.

  “It’s in every major newspaper across the country.” Amanda spoke flatly.

  She didn’t sound too enthusiastic about it. Truth be told, after going through stringent background checks, drug tests, and health screenings, Amanda was delighted when Jonas chose her six years ago as his assistant. She had the same hopes as many women who applied for the job; to show hard work and one day possibly be chosen as his love interest. Amanda had sat on the sidelines and watched as Jonas was with one model after the next, but they never lasted long, and in her spirit, she hoped this latest one wouldn’t either.

  “Thank you, Amanda, anything else?” he spoke disarmingly.

  Reluctantly she replied, “No sir, that will be all.” Amanda went towards the door then turned back suddenly. “I’m going to lunch would you like to accompany me?” She held her breath, when he didn’t respond quick enough she said, “Or I can grab you something if you’re hungry.”

  He was hungry. He’d left for the meeting this morning without eating breakfast, and his tank was running on empty.

  “I think I will.”

  Jonas rose from the swivel chair. Amanda gleefully smiled.

  “Give me just a moment,” Jonas said. He turned to Jaden who’d been watching him all morning. Amanda closed the door leaving them alone in the conference room.

  “What can I help you with little brother? Looks like there’s something on your mind,” Jonas said.

  “I was just thinking the same thing about you. How’s it going with Samiyah? I see you managed to get her here.”

  “Get her here? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Jonas said it with a straight face. Jaden gave an incredulous grin, “I think you do.”

  When Jonas didn’t respond, Jaden laughed slapping him on the arm.

  “You’re good. She is gorgeous, stunning, actually. Since you’re not interested, maybe I’ll try my luck with her. Seems like my kind of woman,” he winked.

  Jonas crossed his arms over his extensive chest with a look of dare in his eyes. “Go right ahead, if you want me to ball you up like I used to when we were kids, the difference being I’m a little bigger than that one-hundred and twenty-pound middle schooler you use to know.” Jonas grimaced showing no signs of a joke.

  “That’s what I thought,” Jaden said chuckling. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, whistling on his way out the conference room.

  Chapter Eleven

  Samiyah dialed Jonas’ penthouse suite and waited patiently for him to answer. When he didn’t, she hung up and redialed the number. No answer. Samiyah huffed.

  The newspaper clipping disturbed her. She was a professional for Pete’s sake, on the front page looking like she had a school girl crush. Samiyah went in search of Jonas stopping by the conference rooms first. He did say he had an urgent call to take, so maybe he would be there. When she reached her destination, to her dismay, Jonas was nowhere in sight. Samiyah let out an exasperated sigh.

  When I’m not looking for him, he’ll show up.

  She was right. The hotel was huge; it could take all day to find him. Maybe she should just plan her day out and wait to run into him.

  But what if you don’t?

  Samiyah groaned. It was 1:48 p.m., today she would make it her business to get to the beach. This was a four-day three-night trip, and there was much to explore. Deciding to get something to eat, Samiyah made her way to Delicias, a restaurant inside the hotel.

  On her way, Samiyah received pleasant smiles and flirtatious looks from women and men alike. In her mind, she wondered if they recognized her as the lovesick woman on the front of the newspaper.

  Stop worrying about something you can’t control.

  When she made it to the restaurant, Samiyah sauntered to the first free table she saw. It sat by glass windows with a view of the palm trees and beautiful blue waters that surrounded them. The feel of the restaurant was busy, the décor upscale, and no one seemed to be sitting alone but her. As she waited for a server to approach, Samiyah got lost in her thoughts. It wasn’t lo
ng before the waitress manifested to take her order. Looking over the menu, she placed an order for grilled chicken quesadillas and a glass of water.

  As the waitress walked away, Samiyah eyed her movements which came to a halt when she passed him. A rush of emotions filled her gut. There Jonas sat, comfortably in simple but sexy attire. Her eyes zeroed in on his face. He lifted a fork to his mouth, and Samiyah caught herself softly moan. It was barely above a whisper.

  Then his tongue licked his delicious lips, and he took another bite of his food. Samiyah envied that fork. A charming smile broke out sitting high on his masculine face. It was followed by a burst of laughter and a nod of the head. It was then that Samiyah realized he had a companion. From her long slender legs, Samiyah knew she was tall. Her brunette hair was in a bunch of curls that curved her ears. Samiyah was unable to see the woman’s face, but from a distance, she could see enough.

  A pang of jealousy ran through her core. Samiyah tried unsuccessfully to dismiss the feeling. It was uncomfortable and confusing. She didn’t want to care. There was so much she didn’t know about Mr. Jonas Alexander Rose, and Samiyah wasn’t trying to find out.

  What did she expect, he was Chicago’s most eligible bachelor after all. When paparazzi got a hold of a picture of him today, they would forget all about her. Yes, Samiyah reassured herself. So why on earth did she care so much?” Another beat passed, and he looked over meeting her quizzical stare.

  Now her heart was racing double time, and she quickly looked away. Clearing her throat, Samiyah placed her focus outside the glass window and held it there.

  When Jonas saw her, there was an unfamiliar leap in his chest that confused him. The broad smile that sat on his face dissipated. He wondered how long she’d been watching him. Dr. Blake Sanchez entered the room seeing Samiyah immediately. The doctor strolled to her table. Jonas watched as he interrupted her thoughts. A look of surprise catching her face. The doctor spoke, and a gorgeous smile lit up her beautiful expression.

  Again, there was that leap in his chest. Samiyah shook her head yes and the doctor took a seat across from her. The waitress appeared with her food and took the doctor’s order.

  When she began to eat Jonas’ mind flashed back to memories of her delicate lips on him; licking softly across his neck, biting down on his shoulder, kissing up his jaw and nibbling on his ear. When she took another bite, her eyes met his and this time she licked her lips.

  “Excuse me.”

  Jonas was up moving towards her like a predatory animal. Samiyah took a sip of her water to calm her nerves. When Jonas approached, he could hardly take his eyes off her.

  “Good afternoon, Samiyah,” Jonas glanced at Dr. Black Sanchez. “Doctor,” he said quickly acknowledging him.

  “Jonas,” the doctor said, surprised once again by his sudden appearance. “How are you today?”

  “I’m well,” he responded to the doctor, but his eyes lingered on Samiyah. She took another sip of her water.

  “Good afternoon, Jonas,” Samiyah said. “Enjoying your lunch?” A smile dashed across her lips.

  Jonas slid his hands into his pockets. “I did, I missed breakfast this morning, and I was in desperate need of a bite to eat after working up such an appetite last night.” He spoke low; his voice, deep.

  Samiyah swallowed hard.

  “You work too hard,” the doctor chimed in, “even on vacation. How do you plan to relax and take a load off,” he asked.

  “I’ve got an idea,” Jonas said, speaking to the doctor but sending a direct implication toward Samiyah.

  The doctor laughed, “I’m sure.”

  “Samiyah, do you mind if I speak to you for a moment?”

  “Actually, I do need to have a word with you. Dr. Sanchez, you don’t mind if I speak to Mr. Rose for a minute, do you?”

  “Of course not, take your time.”

  Samiyah rose from the table and walked passed Jonas exiting the restaurant. When they got outside, she turned to him.

  “Did you see the Chicago Tribune, today?”

  “I did.”

  He stepped closer to her. Jonas had a thing about getting into her personal space. Samiyah let out a deep breath to refocus her thoughts.

  “Well, what are you going to do about it?”

  Jonas lifted a brow. “What’s wrong with it?”

  She crossed her arms. “Are you serious? They think I’m your love interest.”

  “I’m waiting for the part where this should be an issue for us.”

  Did he say us?

  “The problem is, I’m not your love interest. Look, I’ve got a career, and I’m still building my client list. I can’t have people thinking I’m one of your one hit wonders.”

  A silly smile cracked Jonas’ lips replaced by a humorous laugh. He was so irresistibly charming she couldn’t help but laugh, too.

  “This isn’t funny, Mr. Rose.”

  He reached for her, drawing Samiyah into his embrace. “But you’re laughing.” Her head fell forward landing on his chest as she let out a cheerful laugh.

  “And since when did we go back to referencing each other with a formal address? I think we’re more than acquainted enough to be on a first-name basis.”

  Pulling back from him, Samiyah looked into his eyes. It was amazing how she felt just being here with him.

  “I don’t assume anything, Mr. Rose.” He gave her a stern look. “Okay Jonas,” she said taking back the formality.

  “You don’t have to, always call me Jonas.”


  “How was your breakfast,” he inquired.

  “It was fabulous, thank you.”

  “You’re more than welcome. Listen, if you have a problem being photographed with me, tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.” He was being serious. “I don’t want you to think being with me will ruin your reputation or the reputation you’re trying to build. I would never want to put you in that position.”

  His face was so close just an inch more, and her lips could touch his.

  “Hey, Mr. Rose, sorry to interrupt, I took care of the check, and I’m off to the beach if you need me.”

  Samiyah pulled slightly away from him.

  “You did use the company card, right?”

  “Should I have,” Amanda asked.

  “Whenever you’re on company business, you use the company card.”

  “I did, I’m just playing around.” A shy laugh departed from Amanda before extinguishing into an artificial smile.

  Jonas smiled brightly. “Samiyah this is Amanda, my assistant. She’s dealt with me for six years now. A real trooper, I hope she stays around for a while. It would be hard to replace her.” Amanda gushed. “Amanda this is Samiyah Manhattan,” he paused then said, “My love interest.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Do you have any plans tonight?”

  “No, I’ve done what I needed to do today,” Samiyah said.

  Jonas grabbed her hand threading their fingers together. Samiyah’s heart skipped a beat.

  “Take a walk with me, love.”

  He started out of the hotel with her, hand in hand. Outside, the sun shone brightly with high blue skies. Jonas covered his eyes with aviator sunglass, and Samiyah pulled a sun hat from her beach bag and placed, it on her head. As they strolled, Jonas put his free hand inside his pocket.

  “Have you ever been here before, Samiyah?”

  She pursed her lips. “I can’t say that I have. It’s a beautiful island.”

  “You haven’t seen the half of it.”

  “What made you choose this as a destination?”

  “When I was a kid, my brothers and I along with my father and mom would vacation here during the summer seasons. It was where they got married and spent their honeymoon.”

  “Sounds like a very happy childhood.”

  A sparkling grin covered his face, “It was.”

  “Are you the oldest of your brothers?”

  “I am, and because of that, my father mad
e sure I was the toughest. He made me set the tone for my younger brothers. They would always want to follow me around, and they kept a close eye on me. We were thick as thieves. You know how siblings are.”

  “I’d be remiss to say that I do.” A grim look came over her. Jonas stopped walking and faced her.

  “Are you an only child?”

  “Yes, but it has its perks, I guess.” A faint smile took over departing just as quickly.

  Jonas touched her face, the palm of his hand caressing her cheek. “That’s nothing to be sad about. I can imagine being the only kid. Your parents must’ve spoiled you to death.”

  “My parents were divorced by the time I turned four-years-old.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  She shrugged, “It is what it is, I guess. My birth was hectic; it was unlike the usual happiness that comes along with having a baby. My mom used to talk about it all the time. When her and my father found out they were having me, they were both immediately excited. But I came early, too early at 30 weeks. I ended up staying in the hospital for months until I was in better condition to go home.

  Needless to say, I have a soft spot for preemies. Every weekend I try and dedicate my volunteer services at the local hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit.” She smiled sheepishly, “Except for this weekend of course. You have my best friend to thank for that.”

  “I’ll make sure and thank her,” he said.

  “Anyway, taking care of me came with its own set of challenges. For one, I came home on oxygen, and I had a few delays with crawling and walking. My parents would often argue, mostly my dad, who felt my mother wasn’t helping me enough.” A smile dotted her face but went away before it could fully form. “Then the weekend of my birthday, I saw my mom crying her eyes out in the kitchen. I asked her what was wrong and she tried to pretend she was okay. She didn’t tell me that day, but eventually, she did.”

  “My dad remarried and moved to Atlanta with his wife. I didn’t see him for years until I was nineteen. By then, the memories I had of him were vague. He would pop up every couple of years and take me to dinner, or buy me a car; sometimes he would send money. He ended up having two other kids, and I never saw them. Then one day, my mom pulled up in front of the house and asked me to come outside. When I got in the car, I could tell something was wrong.”


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