Safe With Me (Falling For A Rose Book 1)

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Safe With Me (Falling For A Rose Book 1) Page 9

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “I’m not done with you yet,” Jonas growled.

  “I don’t want you to be.” She said.

  They kissed again then slowly covered themselves as Jonas rowed back to the dock.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The immense size of Jonas’ beach house sat behind a tall wrought iron gate. When he pulled up, an electronic voice rang out.

  “Good evening, do you have an appointment?”

  Jonas spoke into the receiver, “Jonas Alexander Rose.”

  “Good evening Mr. Rose, I hope you enjoyed your day, welcome home.” The gate opened inward allowing them to pull through. He pulled around a circled driveway and parked in front of the door. Jonas stepped out of the Ferrari California and strolled around to the passenger side opening the door for Samiyah. He held out a hand helping her out of the luxury vehicle.

  Taking a look at the huge home Samiyah gave him a side eye. “Are you sure you’re not hiding a family inside this castle?”

  He grinned, “Not yet.” His gaze lingered on her for what seemed like forever.

  “So, Chicago’s most eligible bachelor does want to settle down one day?”

  Jonas reached for Samiyah, drawing her into him. “Are you asking me to settle down?” His voice was low and profound.

  Laughter like an angelic enchantress bellowed from her. The sound captivated Jonas’ senses causing his body to react with unrestrained hunger. It was the most titillating melody he’d ever heard. No woman’s laugh had ever made him so aroused to the point of fascination. Jonas brought his mouth down feasting on Samiyah’s moist lips. Abruptly, her amusement turned into pleasure, she craved him just as much as he did her and their appetites for each other took over. Their tongues danced caressing the concave of their mouths with a heated and fiery passion that ignited an insatiable desire.

  Jonas swept her up into his arms and carried her over the threshold. Samiyah’s hands lay gently on his face, and they continued to kiss with Jonas never breaking his stride. Once they were in front of the fireplace, he laid her down on the large bear rug that lay neatly in front of it. With the flick of a button, the flames rose covering already chopped wood that sat ready to be burned. With only the glow of fire creating shadows that bounced off the walls and furnishings, Jonas removed his clothes. Samiyah watched him intently, and he watched her just as well. She quivered and removed her dress revealing her naked smooth skin underneath. The bikini she wore earlier was never put back on as they rushed to get to the beach house.

  Samiyah laid back, slowly spreading her legs allowing Jonas to see everything she was offering. His movements stilled as he watched what he knew would be his dinner on a dish he could never refuse. Her beautiful body put all platters to shame. He removed a condom and tore the paper.

  “Let me,” she said her voice now sultry and intoxicating.

  They switched positions, Jonas now laying on his back.

  “Let’s play a game,” she said.

  He raised an inquisitive brow.

  “Don’t be scared,” she teased.

  A smirk sat in the corners of his mouth. “What type of game would you like to play, Samiyah?” His voice sent shivers down her bones melting her entirely.

  “Put your hands behind your head.”

  He followed her orders, and she took the condom out but didn’t put it on right away. Her hand massaged his length, and he eyed her with a watchful gaze each stroke making him longer and harder than before.

  “Don’t move,” she ordered.

  She dipped her head and tasted the beginning of his arousal. A sharp suction left his lips, and he lifted slightly.

  “Don’t move,” she said again, reminding him to stay in formation.

  Her tongue teased him with delightful pleasure before taking him in as deep as her throat would open. The taste of his member elevated her greed, and she took in the fullness of him moving in a rhythm that took his breath away. The warmth of her mouth and wetness of her tongue exercised his organ like she was playing an instrument without a second of hesitation.

  “Samiyah…” his voice rumbled.

  She responded by moving faster; he sat up curtly removing her from the meal she was having. She squealed as the strength in his fingers dug deep into the curves of her waist. He pulled Samiyah on top of him and quickly entered her. A sharp gasp left her mouth at the profound invasion. Her lips trembled slightly as his pelvis met her opening. Still, in an upright position, he slid his hand into her thick tresses and overpoweringly kissed her lips. With her legs folded at his side he moved her back and forth with a forceful thrust that sent moans and songs of praise through each of their mouths.

  “Jonas,” she said in breathless anticipation.

  “Yes, love.”

  She moaned, their love making temporarily making her lose all thought of her words. He kissed down her neck, pulled back on her hair, indulging on the arch in her neck.

  “We…” she paused trying to catch her breath. The more she tried to talk, the deeper he went taking her voice away every time.

  “We…what sweetheart,” he bit down tenderly on her earlobe. Uncontrollable shivers raced up and down her entire being. Samiyah couldn’t formulate an articulate sentence if she wanted to. She was just too far gone to care. Samiyah screamed out, and he went faster lifting her and dropping her to the base of him. He leaned back pulling her with him, her hair hanging to one side.

  Samiyah placed her hands on his chest propping herself up, winding her hips in a circular rotation. Suddenly, he flipped her over switching positions with ease. He was in control before, but now he would bear no mercy on her. Jonas dug deep into her womanly core grinding with the force of a drill, his tongue traced her breasts; licking and sucking on her areolas. The sounds of their lovemaking infiltrated the room, and they panted continuing to praise each other. A vibration in her leg gave him a signal that she was close to her end.

  “Jonas…” she moaned out.

  “I’m with you love.” He nibbled on her chin with his hands caressing every part of her.

  When her orgasm hit, it was stronger than the night before if that was even possible. Samiyah called out to God and Jonas in intervals of heavy laden breaths. Along with her, Jonas’ rush of release coated her insides, without hesitation, he rolled them to the side still connected to her, and they held each other for so long that they fell into a deep slumber.

  When Samiyah woke up the next day, she found herself wrapped in a pair of strong arms. Turning to face him was bringing back a strong feeling of sexual awareness. His body did that to her. She could get used it but she wouldn’t. His eyes were still closed, and his face lay within inches of hers with his masculine features softened by his sleep. Although they slept with no blanket, Samiyah found herself warm and cozy. Samiyah continued watching him, thoughts of what could be dancing around in her head.

  Even though she knew there wasn’t a chance of that happening, she enjoyed wondering anyway. Feeling a spark of confidence, Samiyah turned her lips towards his and placed a soft kiss on his mouth. She kept her eyes on him and before losing her nerve she kissed him again slow and intricate. Samiyah stuck her tongue out and traced the outline of them. Her eyes lowered to his mouth, and she moaned softly, her eyes fluttered back to his to meet a blazing dark gaze. There was a thrill of longing that coursed through her. His lips moved against hers, his arms cuddling her tighter to him. With them still naked, they dived into a morning round of pleasurable sex.

  They spent the day together indulging, unable to get enough of each other. For Jonas, he had the strongest ache when it came to her and being there made him put further claims down as they showered, made love, showered again, laughed, talked, ate and made love again. He gave her a tour of the nine bedrooms, five and a half bathroom home. It was a beautiful modern eclectic design that stretched from the soft gray living room walls, blue chairs with burgundy accent pillows, and hardwood floors, to the tan bedroom walls, California King frame, and huge French doors that opened to
a balcony with the beach in the backdrop.

  For the longest, Samiyah would linger on it looking out at the blue waves. It was such a beautiful sight to behold. They spent breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a little desert there as well. When the sun set, the golden orange glow stretched across the sky giving them a perfect view of a sight that belonged only in fairy tales. Once day turned into night; Jonas and Samiyah watched a romantic comedy that kept them laughing and enjoying the closeness of the other.

  For Samiyah she was sinking slowly, and it was beginning to disturb her. Her mind said what Samiyah was feeling was impossible and absurd. Her rational thinking fought a war against another important part of her that had Samiyah believing she was actually feeling a love like she’d never felt before. They fell asleep and when Samiyah awakened, Jonas wasn’t in bed. Her movements were slow when she rolled to the side lifting her head slightly. His voice trailed from another room.

  “It’s no problem at all I should’ve checked in, my mind has been elsewhere.” There was a pause. “Because you know me so well.” There was deep laughter. “If you need anything else, let me know.”

  Silence. A second passed before he was walking back into the room bare-chested with his phone in hand.

  “Is everything okay?” Samiyah inquired her voice quiet and dreamy.

  He climbed back into bed and pulled her to him, “everything is fine.” He kissed her nose. “There’s somewhere I want to take you tomorrow with it being our last day here.”

  She felt a bit apprehensive about that, but she would enjoy every moment with him that she had left.

  Chapter Fifteen

  On the last day, Jonas drove Samiyah back to the resort so she could prepare herself for whatever adventure he planned next.

  “How should I dress,” she asked him.

  “It’s an outdoor activity so dress comfortably.”

  They kissed and parted ways when the elevator reached her floor. The entire time she’d been there, not one night had been spent in her suite. For a moment, Samiyah thought about spending the rest of her daytime there. Inside she showered and ordered room service while she gathered the clothes she laid out on the bed. She packed them neatly in her suitcase. Realistically, Samiyah needed to get her mind right. This trip was nearly over, and real life was waiting for her in Chicago. But she couldn’t shake the feeling of longing that sat deep in her loins. When Samiyah was finished packing, she dressed and blow dried her hair before stepping outside on her balcony.

  Her mind traveled to the night they spent in front of his fireplace. In their haste to get to each other, they didn’t use a condom. Samiyah tried to inform Jonas of this but once they got started all reasoning flew out the window. She sighed, the last thing she needed was to slip up and get pregnant. Samiyah didn’t want to be nobodies baby mama. Minutes later, there was a knock at her door. She glided to the entrance and opened it without asking who was there.

  His hands were tucked neatly in his pocket, his muscular build hidden behind a button down casual Perry Ellis shirt with an attractive fit. He kept his eyes on her and stepped in the doorway.

  “Are you ready?”

  She nodded, her eyes traveled down to his casual shorts that looked comfortable and smooth with a flat front design. Today Jonas had on sandals, and his feet were freshly pedicured.

  “If you don’t mind, I want to check out first. If we end up staying wherever we’re going past check out time, I don’t want my belongings to stay behind.”

  “No one would dare touch your items,” he said, forcing her into his hypnotic stare like he always did.

  She smiled a bit. “I’ve already packed everything, and it’s ready to go anyway. I’ll just grab my suitcase.”

  “Allow me,” he said.

  She stepped to the side letting him enter. The nearness of his body awakened hers as if it was trained to rise every time he came around. He must have felt it too because he paused for a short moment before entering the room and grabbing her suitcase. When Jonas exited, the door closed behind him.

  “You know that suitcase has wheels. You don’t have to carry it,” she implied.

  He smirked. “I’d rather carry it.”

  Samiyah loved the deep mellow of his voice, and she was feeling more and more down about their time together ending.

  Downstairs at the counter, Samiyah checked out of her suite, and Jonas checked out of the penthouse. When valet brought the Ferrari around, Jonas placed the suitcase in his trunk. As they left the resort, Samiyah sighed dramatically.

  “Everything okay,” he asked noticing her mood.

  She turned slightly to him in her seat. “I want to thank you for this wonderful trip. There is no telling when I would’ve gotten around to taking a vacation like this.”

  “Thank you for accepting the invitation.” He responded. “We should take more trips like this one.”

  There it was again; he was talking as if they would always be around each other. “Why do you keep doing that,” she asked.

  “Doing what?”

  “Sometimes you talk as if you plan to marry me.” She laughed out loud.

  He grinned, enjoying the sound of her voice. “Why is that so funny, Samiyah?”

  Her laugh settled down. “Because it’s ridiculous.”

  He switched gears and clenched his jaw never responding to her answer. The mood in the car shifted, and Samiyah cleared her throat.

  “This place we’re going, is it far?”

  “We’re almost there actually.”

  He drove another mile before exiting and pulling into a parking area. They left the vehicle and made their way through a park and down to what looked like a small station. An orange trolley sat unoccupied with a line of people waiting to load.

  “Jonas!” A guide walked to him his hand outstretched for a shake.

  Jonas smiled and reached forward. “Mark, how are you?”

  “I’m doing just fine, it’s been a long while, huh?”

  Samiyah turned to him. “Everyone keeps saying that.”

  Jonas chuckled, “Mark this is Samiyah, today is our last day on a short vacation, so I wanted to bring her by and give her a tour.”

  “Of course, of course,” he repeated with a wink at Samiyah.

  “Go ahead and find a seat.”

  Jonas guided Samiyah to the trolley, and they got in.

  “I know I’ve asked about where we’re going, but now I’m really curious.”

  He leaned back and casually placed his arm behind her. “You’ll see in no time.”

  When the trolly finally moved, they traveled down a steep rolling mountainside. Miles of green tropical forest loomed around them. Samiyah relaxed sitting against Jonas as the rich green leaves, shrubbery, and vegetation grew in a display of sublime nature.

  When they arrived at their destination and exited the trolley, Jonas slid his hand in hers and led her to the entrance of a massive cave-like structure. Samiyah gasped covering her mouth at the colossal size of it. She was given a pair of headphones.

  “What are these for?” she asked.

  “It’s audio recording. You don’t have to wear those; it’s just an incentive. This is Cueva Clara it’s about one hundred and seventy feet in height.”

  They made their way through the cave Samiyah in awe at the huge red clay like wall interior with jagged edges hanging from above. About fifteen minutes in Jonas pointed, and Samiyah followed his direction. What looked like a school of bats hung from overhead. She yelped and jumped into his arms. A wide smile covered his handsome face.

  His lips touched the edge of her ear. “They won’t hurt a soul.”

  The warmth of his mouth glazed her. They resumed their movements, and she could hear what sounded like water. Samiyah glanced down.

  “There’s an underground river at a sink hole one hundred and fifty feet deep.”

  “Will we get to see it,” she asked.

  He looked at her questionably. “Do you want to?”

ter Samiyah thought about it, she decided she didn’t want to see it. Jonas laughed, “Don’t be scared.” He said mocking her from when she told him the same thing a couple of nights before.

  The cave walls spread far and deep with different sections breaking off into bottomless crevices of the massive structure.

  “This is beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here.” Samiyah was so caught up by the breathtaking sight that she didn’t notice Jonas was, too. But it had nothing to do with the cave. This he’d seen many times, but Samiyah was becoming his favorite portrait to look at, seeing a different part every time his eyes fell upon her. When their tour ended, Jonas said his goodbyes to the guide, and they headed back to the car.

  Samiyah checked the time, it was well into the evening. “I’m going to miss my flight if we don’t get to the airport,” she said; her mood changing once again to the somberness she held on the way to the caves.

  “I would love it if you’d accompany me on my private jet.” He paused, “unless you’re dying to get away from me.” A fleeting smile crossed his face.

  A flutter of butterflies flickered in her stomach. “I’d love to.”

  His attention left the road and traveled to her. For a long moment, they stared at each other. More butterflies fluttered through her. The yearning was so strong, and Samiyah hated it. The last thing she wanted to do was get caught up in a man who could have any woman he wanted. Samiyah kept in mind her reasoning was clear, it made sense, no one could fall for someone this quickly. It was disastrous, and she was playing a dangerous game.

  Pulling up to the private strip, Jonas parked the Ferrari mere feet away from the aircraft. They exited, and Jonas removed her suitcase and carried it to the jet. The doors were already extended, and a luxurious pair of steps awaited them. They climbed the stairs and stepped into an all black modern space with leather seats and the initials J. A. R. rooted on the headrests.

  “Sit wherever you like.” He offered.


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