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Safe With Me (Falling For A Rose Book 1)

Page 13

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Jonas was not one for begging or trying to convince anyone, but he couldn’t bring himself to walk away from her.

  “Liar,” he said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me; the reality is you’re running scared. You think because you’ve had a bad relationship that somehow all men will turn out to disappoint you. And you’re wrong.”

  Samiyah bit her bottom lip. “Are you going to prove me wrong, the man I saw flirting with his assistant? I can’t compete with her. She’s around you for everything, knows your every move, and frankly, I don’t want to. Do whatever you like.”

  She tried to side-step him, but he blocked her exit. “I wasn’t flirting with her.”

  Samiyah glared at him.

  “I know what it looked like, but it was really platonic. I’m sure she’s grown to have a love for me, and I do her, but it’s not in the way that you think,” Jonas said.

  “If you really believe that, then you are blind and I won’t be a part of whatever it is she thinks you have going on.” She pushed through him.


  Samiyah jumped in the driver’s seat of the U-Haul and pulled off with her mother following closely in tow.

  “Are you okay?” Claudia asked.

  Samiyah didn’t know, but one thing was for certain, she was definitely running.

  Chapter Twenty One

  The mug of cappuccino brewed to perfection, Samiyah grabbed it off the Nespresso coffee maker and blew lightly at the steam. Claudia entered the kitchenette. “Feeling better this morning?”

  Samiyah leaned against the counter. “If by better you mean shifting my focus from my mother to something else then yes, much better.”

  Claudia smirked, “Oh honey, you guys will come to an understanding at some point, but you know she is set in her ways. Hey, I told you at the beginning of the week not to get your hopes up about her changing. So, when you called me last night fussing, I just sat back with a glass of wine and listened.”

  “Yeah, I don’t want to talk about it. In other news, you have yet to show me this dress you’re wearing to the benefit tonight.”

  “Ah yes,” Claudia kissed her fingertips one at a time. “It’s magnificent! Samiyah giggled.

  “Why haven’t I seen it?”

  “I haven’t seen yours. I sent you a photo!”

  “Actually, you were on the verge of sending me a picture when you found out you and Jonas were front page news.”

  Samiyah frowned. “Oh yeah. Wait, you didn’t see it when we were moving?”

  “No ma’am, I was too focused on that fine stallion of a man to notice anyway.”

  Samiyah cut her eyes.

  “What?” Claudia asked.

  “Must you be so thirsty for a man, where’s your independence?”

  Claudia gawked, “Says the person who’s been married for the last five years. That independence ran out the door when I decided to keep it real with myself. As long as I’m single, I’ll be that, but I long to be dependent on someone. Besides you would say that after everything you’ve been through.”

  Selena Strauss floated into the room. “Mrs. Manhattan, you have a visitor.” Samiyah checked her watch. “My first appointment isn’t until nine thirty.”

  “He’s not on your schedule.”

  “Who is it, Ms. Strauss?”

  “Mr. Manhattan.”

  Samiyah held back an eye roll; her jaw now clinching. She looked to Claudia. “You wouldn’t happen to have some whiskey I can drop in this cappuccino, would you?”

  Claudia stifled a guffaw as she watched Samiyah leave the kitchen. Inside her office, David sat with his legs traversed, be-suited with perfect posture. Claudia closed her door and sat her cappuccino on the cherry oak wood desk.

  “There is nothing of yours left at the house, I forwarded my ring by way of USPS, and the garage has been cleared out.”

  He stared at her for longer than she liked. Samiyah sat in her swiveled chair her arms coming to rest on the desk. Lightly her fingers began a slow tap, that was her own silent way of saying, anything else?

  “You changed your hair.” He said.

  Samiyah arched an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t call it changed, I merely cut the front so a bang would hang above my eyes. The rest is still long and wavy just the way you hate it.” She smirked.

  His posture buckled and he relaxed in his seat loosening his tie. “It’s hard for me to do this.”

  “To do what?” An ink pen was in her hand now. It swayed back and forth as she tapped it on her desk but kept her focus on him. His eyes went to it, a vein popping up on his forehead. He wanted to scold her, but he let it go.

  “It’s hard for me to be here.”

  “Why are you here, David?”

  He averted her stare taking his attention to the glass window pane behind her. “I’m sorry.”

  She inched forward slightly. “Say what?”

  His eyes met hers. “I’m sorry.” It was clearer this time. There was shame on his face but determination in his eyes.

  “What are you sorry for? What’s done is done. I’m over it, I’ve moved on.”

  “With that guy who was at the house. That’s who you’ve moved on with?”

  He was jealous. Samiyah would’ve rejoiced in the feeling, but honestly, she didn’t care. “Is that all you wanted to say, you’re sorry? Apology accepted, now get out.” Her hand had ceased its tap dance and was now clenched around the writing tool in a fist.


  “No,” she shook her head vehemently. “That’s one thing you will not do. Get out.”

  “I know I messed up.”

  Her mouth opened and closed. She reached forward and hit a button on her desktop phone.

  “Security.” They answered.

  “Could you come and escort Mr. Manhattan out of the building. Make sure he makes it to his car safely, please.” She released the button.

  “Samiyah don’t do this. You said it yourself, our marriage deserves another chance.”

  “Newsflash David, we are divorced. So, the words ‘our marriage’ no longer apply when talking about you and me. And another thing. I don’t know what’s happened between you and your little girlfriend, but I don’t want any part of it.” There was a knock, and her door swung open. Two security guards pulled up in front of him. He rose closing the lone button on his jacket.

  “This had nothing to do with me and her and everything to do with me and you. I can see myself out.” He left her office with security behind him. Selena Strauss stuck her head in. “Mrs. Manhattan your 9:30 is here.”

  “Send her in, Ms. Strauss.”

  Jonas had been calling Samiyah since she’d left her townhouse at the beginning of the week. He understood the scene in his office was misleading, but she wasn’t even giving him a chance.

  The cellphone in his lap chimed, and he answered without hesitation. “How can I help you?”

  “I’m glad that you asked.” At the sound of Kevin’s voice, annoyance took root.

  “Let’s meet in person. I have a bonus for your corporation once you agree to this fight.”

  “Kevin, it’s never going to happen.”

  “Just hear me out, what do you have to lose? You know you’ll win. Adding an extra one hundred fifty million dollars to your bank account has to be tempting.”

  “If this were five years ago, maybe, but not now. That’s what being retired means.”

  “That’s why this is an off the book fight. No one has to know about it but the people involved.”

  Jonas cracked a smile. “My refusal has nothing to do with people knowing.”

  “What does it have to do with? Inquiring minds want to know.”

  Jonas didn’t respond.

  “Listen if you’d rather discuss it in person let’s set a date. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  “I have no desire to talk about my reasons for not participating. I’m sure you can find someone else who’s a good fighter. Aft
er all, it is your specialty.”

  “I appreciate the faith you have in me but your selling yourself short if you think I can find someone better then you. I’m sure if you came out of retirement you could beat the current champion.”

  Jonas smirked. “I’ve gotta go.”

  “Wait, listen, let’s have a conversation. I’ll be at the old gymnasium tomorrow, trust me you’ll change your mind once you get there.”

  Jonas ended the call. The limo pulled up in front of the Hilton Hotel and stopped. The door opened to a flash of photographers taking shot after shot not wanting to miss an angle as he stepped out.

  “Mr. Rose, look left please!” One photographer yelled. “Mr. Rose turn to your right!”

  He paused long enough to give the photographers a few still frames before tilting his head with a gentle smile and moving forward down the red carpet. The lobby was designed in a beautiful array of purple and white solidifying the March of Dimes signature colors.

  “Jonas Alexander Rose,” a man said approaching him, his hand held out for a shake. “It’s good to see you in attendance.”

  “Mr. Mayor,” Jonas said accepting his handshake. “Always a pleasure.”

  “Have you ever thought about running for an electoral seat?”

  “Not once,” Jonas responded.

  “Why not? I think you’re just what Chicago needs to shake things up a bit.”

  “You might be right,” Jonas flashed a signature smile.

  “Well if it isn’t Jonas Alexander Rose,” came another voice. The men turned to see Jaden and Jordan Rose approach. The brothers smiled shaking hands pulling each other in for hugs.

  “Mr. Mayor,” they said acknowledging his presence. “I thought you wouldn’t make it for a moment big brother. The auction is getting ready to start.”

  “I was saying the same thing,” the mayor asserted. “Let’s find our seats, shall we? I’m looking forward to outbidding one of you fellas tonight,” he said with a humorous sneer.

  “This should be interesting,” Jordan said rubbing his hands together.

  “Where’s your partner’s in crime, Jordan?” Jonas asked. No sooner than he’d mentioned them, Jonathon, Julian, Josiah and Jacob made their entrance.

  “Speak of the devils,” Jaden said.

  “Well if it isn’t a few good men,” Jonas said referring to Julian. Julian was the most sought after international male model and founder of A Few Good Men male modeling agency. They slapped hands and reached out hugging and greeting each other.

  “How’s business, fellas?”

  “Better than ever,” Josiah said. The men agreed.

  “I can’t complain,” Jonathon replied. “My security firm is growing, and I hear you’re not doing so bad yourself big brother.

  With a sparkling gleam in his eye, Jonas confirmed, “Not doing too bad at all. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  The men left the lobby and made their way into the ballroom. Chandeliers, upscale furnishings, and beautiful bouquets stretched around the room as far as the eye could see. The who’s who of Chicago was in the building including but not limited to, the Mayor, the Governor, city council members, actors, singers, authors and more. Every woman in the building had turned their total focus to the seven gorgeous men; no doubt hoping to be on one of their arms by the end of the night. Some women didn’t even wait for an invite. They made their approach with confidence in their strides.

  Jonas surveyed the room with a strong sense of awareness. There was a huge crowd at the event, but it didn’t stop his eyes from landing on her, standing farther across the room than he would’ve like. Jonas hid his surprise behind his focused observation as he willed her to meet his stare.

  Samiyah was on her second Mai Tai. “How many of those are you going to drink,” Claudia asked her.

  “I’m sorry, are you my chaperone because the last time I checked, I’m an adult.”

  “Since the moment you signed those papers you’ve been drinking.”

  “Excuse me, but it’s not like I didn’t drink before.”

  “Yeah, but it was like twice a year.”

  “If you must know, this has nothing to do with David and everything to do with my nerves.”

  “It’s okay girl, it’s just one date. You’re not an escort, and look on the bright side? This event not only helps a worthy cause that you feel strongly about, but it also gave us the opportunity to network. I already have a few respectable clients lined up from this event. I’m sure you do, too.”

  It was true. Samiyah’s beauty struck any man that saw her coming to the extent that they went along with whatever she was saying. Some who already had financial advisors offered to use her services insisting they could always use a second opinion. Samiyah wasn’t new to flattery, but it still tickled her how some men fawned over her. In Samiyah’s mind, she was as regular as regular could be. Samiyah turned her back to the bar and sighed bringing her Mai Tai to her lips. With a sudden change of energy in the room, her eyes shifted to the double door entrance.

  Immediately a heated flare welled from her feet rising through her legs, then thighs, wrapping around her midsection glazing its way to the crown of her head. An audible sound left her mouth at the sight of Jonas Alexander Rose. His steely gaze ripped through her, and Samiyah felt her breathing becoming erratic. The Mai Tai in her hand was forgotten as she watched his long strides bring him across the room. Like the sexiest marching band she’d ever seen, all six of his brothers followed him in a glorious sync that couldn’t be broken. It seemed like a lifetime for him to get to her, with women stepping into their path and men looking to hold a conversation; neither coming close to halting his advances.

  Samiyah didn’t know when she put her drink down but it was no longer in her hand. Once Jonas was closer, Samiyah got a good look at the gorgeousness that was all male, and his splendor oozed masculinity. The all-black tailored suit fit his well-built, powerful frame in the finest fashion.

  Now standing in front of Samiyah, Jonas reached out and bent slightly placing a warm kiss on the back of her hand. “Mademoiselle, you are… sublime,” he said; his voice thick and sexy. “I had no idea you’d be at this event.”

  It took Samiyah a second to remember she was mad at him but when it came to her, she quickly removed her hand. “My intentions were to tell you a few weeks ago, but you were occupied.” She said.

  “We should talk.”

  “Now is not the time to discuss it, don’t you think?”

  His eyes gleamed and sat low never leaving hers. His lips were moist and screaming to taste the details of hers and every nerve ending in Samiyah’s body was on edge. It took sheer willpower to cut her eyes from Jonas to the rest of the men occupying their space.

  Good evening Jaden,” Samiyah acknowledged. Jaden was the only brother she’d been formally introduced to.

  “Hello beautiful,” Jaden answered receiving a stern glare from Jonas.

  “Excuse me, where are my manners, Samiyah these are my brothers, Jonathon, Julian, Jordan, Josiah, Jacob, and you’ve already met Jaden. Fellas this is Samiyah Manhattan, Co-owner of S & M Financial Advisors and this is…”

  “Claudia Stevens, my business partner,” Samiyah said finishing his sentence. There are two other employees here with us Selena Strauss and Octavia Davenport, but they’re backstage getting ready for the auction.”

  The men greeted the women and Claudia knew she was in male model heaven. With the men surrounding them, Samiyah and Claudia were envied by every woman in attendance, even those already partnered with dates. Jonas couldn’t pull his eyes away from Samiyah. The all white evening gown she wore fit every curve that she held. The dress gave Samiyah a mermaid fit at the top that sprouted into a small flare at her ankles.

  Pearl studs bejeweled her ears, and Samiyah’s hair sat up in the tightest bun on her head. It showcased her neckline that was covered with a white pearl necklace. There was no doubt that she was the most s
tunning woman in the building tonight and Jonas didn’t need to case the place to come to that conclusion.

  A man stepped to the podium and cleared his throat. It was only then that Jonas looked away.

  “May I have your attention, please. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen for attending this March of Dimes auction. I hope you brought your wallets because tonight we have a beautiful array of lovely ladies who are helping us raise money for this wonderful charity. So, without further ado, let’s get started.”

  Applause rose around the room, and Jonas glanced back toward Samiyah, but she was gone.

  Backstage Samiyah got her nerves together. Jonas had thrown her entire equilibrium off.

  “Girl those men are built for the Gods, honey,” Claudia said. “When you stood up to leave I thought you would have to pull me kicking and screaming for a minute.” She gave Samiyah a serious look. “And Jaden…” she kissed the tip of her fingers and shook her head. “Girl, there are no words to describe him.”

  “There are no words needed; I was there remember?”

  Samiyah and Claudia stood behind three other women in a line that lingered through the dressing room. When one woman left the stage, another entered. Slowly but surely, they were making their way to the front. Amanda stood behind Claudia dressed down in a beige sequined evening gown that hung just to her knees. No doubt she was trying to impress Jonas. Her matching accessories sparkled, and she wore a dark red lipstick.

  “Good luck, ladies,” Amanda spoke to Samiyah and Claudia. Samiyah dipped her head, “Same to you,” she responded out of courtesy.

  “I’m sure I’ll have a pleasant evening; you ladies make sure you do the same. I hear there are six other brothers to choose from.”

  Claudia felt a strange vibe coming from Amanda but decided not to explore it. Samiyah gave a phony smile. “So there is,” she said.

  Now at the top of the line, the woman coming off the stage was squealing with delight having received the highest bid.


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