Safe With Me (Falling For A Rose Book 1)

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Safe With Me (Falling For A Rose Book 1) Page 16

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  She swallowed visibly. “I just took it as a joke. You and my mother seem to be on a roll tonight. Did you guys conspire on this plan of attack,” Samiyah asked playfully.

  The desire that burned in his eyes was making her body stir.

  “It’s no attack I assure you. Would it be funny if I meant it?”

  Jonas spoke each word carefully leaning in to place a kiss on her lips. Truth be told, he couldn’t get enough of her, and the more he spent time with her, the more he never wanted to leave.

  There was a round of laughter coming from the dining hall. “I better hurry or Claudia will swear I left her hanging,” Samiyah said avoiding his question.

  Jonas grinned taking a step back, and she scurried into the bathroom. At the counter, she held her chest. Her breathing, unstable. Could Jonas have been serious, Samiyah wondered. It was absurd to think she could actually get married when she had only been divorced a couple of months. Samiyah shook her head vehemently. No, it was impossible. It was ridiculous. She would be crazy to even consider such a thing, right? Samiyah stared at her reflection in the mirror. Seconds later the door flung open, and Claudia walked in.

  “So, that’s how it is, huh? You just leave me with those drop dead gorgeous men?” Claudia placed her hands on her hips. Before Samiyah could respond, she fell out with laughter. “I’m just kidding honey. I loved every second of it.”

  Samiyah smiled sweetly still trying to clear her thoughts.

  “I know one thing, I better be the first to know about a wedding.”

  Samiyah turned back to her. “What are you talking about? I just celebrated a divorce! Does it look like I’m in the spirit to be talking about a wedding?”

  “Oh, honey please, you can’t fool me. You’ve got love written all over you. The both of you do. Why do you think his dad asked?”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh yeah, well while you were in the bathroom, Jonas came back to the table, and he is by far the finest of them all. If you don’t want him, I wouldn’t mind taking him off your hands.”

  “Be my guest,” Samiyah said calling her bluff.

  Claudia rubbed her hands together. “Oooh, really?” Claudia turned to leave the bathroom licking her lips. Samiyah reached out and grabbed her pulling her back by her collar. Claudia yelped coming face to face with her.

  “That’s what I thought,” Claudia said. “I was just teasing you anyway. I only have eyes for Jaden.” She wiggled her brows.

  “You’ve proven your point,” Samiyah said through clenched teeth.

  “Girl, you’re so cute when you’re feisty. Did anyone ever tell you that? And are you sure you’re not pregnant?”

  Samiyah rolled her eyes. “Seriously?”

  “It doesn’t hurt to ask. At least I didn’t do it in front everybody.”

  “I’m not pregnant; I think I know my own body!”

  “Okay if you say so.”

  “I do say so.” Samiyah huffed. They left the bathroom. Back in the dining room, the men were discussing the NBA finals.

  “Lebron is the better player, and you know it. If not, he wouldn’t have gotten the MVP title,” Jordan said.

  “You have lost your mind if you think Kyrie Irving wasn’t deserving of the MVP award. He dominated in every sense of the game,” Jonathon said.

  “He may have for the finals, but where was he all year? The MVP award goes to the man who has continuously dominated during the season, not just the finals, and we all know that was Lebron.” Jaden said. A round of disagreements and mixed feelings on the subject crowded the space.

  “Since we’re all keeping it real,” Samiyah interjected, curious eyes turned to her, interested in what she had to say. “Steph Curry was the real MVP.”

  “Awe, nah!” they all said going around the table like a band of fanatics at a live game.

  “He doesn’t even deserve mentioning since they failed at taking the championship home,” Julian stated.

  Samiyah and Claudia chimed in on why Steph Curry should’ve been mentioned and how he is better than Lebron. The conversation lasted another hour and a half before the men decided to let Samiyah win her argument.

  “You make an excellent point,” Jonas said with a grin on his face.

  “There’s no use arguing with the women, they always win in the end,” their father pointed out. The men shook their heads in agreement, and the ladies laughed.

  “Now here’s a man with some sense,” Martha exclaimed.

  One by one the men rose from their seats and cleared the table. Samiyah cruised through the swinging door of the kitchen.

  “Please Norma, allow me to help you.”

  Norma stood at the sink filling it with soapy suds. “Oh no dear, I am perfectly fine doing this myself.”

  “I’m sure you are, but I can’t leave without giving a helping hand. I wasn’t raised that way. In my home, if you ate, you washed dishes.” The ladies chuckled.

  “Ain’t that the truth,” Martha said making her entrance. Norma turned to her placing one hand on her hip.

  “Now, just what do you think you’re doing?”

  “I just finished clearing off the table. Those men were obviously raised right because they tried to take it off my hands but I’m not having it.”

  Norma looked from mother to daughter. “Well, they don’t make ‘em like you ladies anymore.”

  “Don’t get it twisted, Norma. We do this because we want to, not because we should,” Martha said.

  Samiyah chuckled. “If you’ll excuse me, Norma, you can take a load off. I’ll be finished with these dishes in no time.”

  “I’m not used to anyone taking over my kitchen, but I’ll make a deal with you.”

  They looked on expectantly. “I’ll load the dishwasher. Ms. Manhattan, you can wash the pots and Ms. Martha Jean, you can dry them and put them in the cabinet.”

  Jonas, Jonathon, and Julian walked through the door. “So, this is where all the women went. You know this is what we do after meals, what’s going on Norma?”

  She swatted them, “Not today it seems,” she smirked.

  “Where’s Claudia?” Martha asked.

  “Probably wherever Jaden is,” Samiyah quipped.

  “You would be right,” Jonas said. He went to Samiyah drawing her in his arms. She flung soap suds at him and laughed. “Oh, you got jokes, huh? You know you don’t have to do this.”

  “That’s what I told her,” Norma said.

  “Again,” Samiyah said, “I know that, but I want to do it. And you’ll need to get used to it. Both of you.”

  “You won’t hear me complaining again,” Jonas said, his voice so close to her ear she could turn around and bite him.

  The women finished their tasks in record time. “Now, that’s what I call teamwork,” Norma said, impressed.

  “Yes!” Samiyah checked her time it was after ten. They left the kitchen. Christopher was speaking to the men.

  “Before you leave, I wanted to speak with you all about a hunting trip.”

  Jonas looked to Samiyah. “Do you mind waiting?”

  She grabbed her purse. “It’s okay, I’ll ride back with Claudia.”

  “What if I want you to ride with me?” he asked.

  She chuckled. “Call me when you’re done sweetheart, and if it’s not too late, you can come over.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows, and she laughed. “Promise?” Jonas asked.

  “I pinky swear it,” Samiyah giggled again.

  He walked her to the door with Claudia and Jaden following closely behind them.

  “Mom, are you riding with us?”

  “If it’s alright with Jonas, I’ll catch a ride with him. Norma is giving me a tour of the garden.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to wait,” Jonas asked.

  She smiled. “Spend some time with your father and your brothers. It’s obvious he misses you guys.”

  He bent and kissed her on the lips. “You’re righ

  “I’ll be waiting for your call.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” Jonas winked, watching her walk to their car.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  In the living room, the men found a seat gathering around their father. Norma handed each of them a small glass of brandy.

  “Thank you, Norma,” Christopher said.

  “You’re most welcome, sir.”

  She took her leave. Christopher brought the glass to his lips taking a sip of the strong liquor. “It’s been a long time since we’ve been hunting. I’ve been on more fishing trips then I can count with Fred and Sampson. But what I want to do is go on a trip with my boys. So how about it, while you’re all in town I’d like to make a day of it.”

  “Dad you talk like we don’t live in Chicago,” Jordan said.

  “Having a home here and living here is two different things,” Christopher responded.

  “We’re only out of town for extended periods of time when business calls for it,” Julian said.

  “Which your business calls for it often,” Christopher retorted.

  “Anytime you want to get together for a trip we’re here. Just let us know, and we will clear our schedules,” Jonas stated.

  His father smiled up at him. “Thank you, son. I appreciate that. Let’s do It next week.”

  “The girls will want to come, too,” Jacob added.

  “They’re just as busy as you all,” Christopher said. “It seems I have to schedule appointments with all my children these days. Either way, I’ve already spoken with Eden and Phoebe. We’re going to Saint Lucia at the beginning of the year.”

  “You are not going on a trip to Saint Lucia without me,” Jordan injected.

  “Me either,” they all began one by one.

  Christopher chuckled. “Well, you better make reservations then.”

  The men all agreed and drank their brandy. “That brings me to my next question.” His eyes landed on Jaden. “When do you plan to settle down?” Jaden glanced behind his shoulder then back to his father. The other men in the room snickered. “Even though I was looking at Jaden, I’m talking to all of you.” The chuckles stopped immediately.

  “Ah, now no one has anything to say.”

  Jonas rose to his feet.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Jordan asked.

  “Would you like to accompany me to the restroom little brother?” Jonas winked and left the room.

  “Well?” Christopher said not willing to let up.

  “How many times do we have to have this conversation?” Josiah questioned.

  “Until you answer it.”

  “What do you expect us to do, online dating?” Jacob inquired.

  Christopher shrugged. “Might not be such a bad idea.”

  Groans jumped from one person to the other. “You’re kidding me, right?” Jaden objected.

  “I don’t think it’s such a bad idea.” All eyes turned to Jonathon. “What?”

  “If you want to date you don’t have to market yourself online,” Julian confirmed.

  “I know where you’re going with this.” Jonathon walked to the bar poured more brandy then turned to them, “But everyone knows who we are. How can we find someone who’s sincere and trustworthy when so many women flock to us because of our social status?”

  “I’m glad you asked!” Christopher beamed. More groans went throughout the room.

  “Excuse me, fellas,” Martha peeked her head into the room.

  “Are you ready, Ms. Martha Jean?”

  Martha looked around the room for Jonas. “Let me get him for you,” Jaden stood happy for the interruption.

  “I know it’s late and you’ve got business to attend to in the morning,” Martha stated.

  Christopher checked the time. “It seems that you’re right. Okay boys, we’ll resume this conversation later.”

  As each of them filed out of the room, they gave a quick hug and kiss on Martha’s cheek. Taken aback, Martha held a steady grin as the last one reached her.

  “Drive safely. I don’t suppose the brandy you had here tonight will impair your driving?” Christopher posed it as a question.

  The men all grinned. “Not even close.” Jonas said appearing out of thin air. “Ready?” he posed the question to Martha.


  “Did you like the garden?” Jonas asked.

  “It was beautiful.”

  “You’re welcomed to visit it anytime.”

  “I don’t know if Mr. Rose would like that.”

  “I’m sure he would. He could use the company, trust me.”

  One by one they trailed out the door. Christopher stood next to Jonas, one hand on his shoulder.

  “Son, I was serious at the dinner table earlier. As soon as you set a wedding date, let me know. You know Norma is going to want to help out.”

  “What makes you think Samiyah wants to marry me, pop? She just recently got divorced?”

  “Because she loves you just as much as you love her. Any woman in her right mind would be lucky to have you as their husband and time waits for no one. Who wrote the rule book on how long you have to court someone before you marry them? Now go get her.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Jonas said.

  Jonas didn’t know when it happened, but he’d fallen in love with Samiyah and God help him if she didn’t feel the same.

  On his way to the car, Jonas dialed Samiyah’s number and waited for her to answer.

  Claudia pulled out of the Rose’s parking lot adjusting her rearview mirror. The street was pitch dark since the house sat on its own road for a couple of miles. Claudia turned her high beam lights on.

  “Why is his father’s house in such a desolate part of town?” Claudia asked.

  “It’s the home they grew up in, and it has memories of their mother there. He’ll probably never leave it.”

  “Is their mother alive, what’s the story behind that?” Claudia asked.

  Samiyah thought back to what Jonas had shared with her. Even though Claudia was her best friend the information seemed so personal that she wasn’t sure if she should tell it.

  “No, she’s not.” Was all she said.

  “What happened to her?”

  “You’ll have to ask Jaden the next time you see him.” Samiyah wiggled her eyebrows.

  Speaking Jaden’s name brought a broad smile to Claudia’s face. “What makes you think I’ll be seeing him again?”

  “Oh please, you know you’ll be seeing that man again.”

  “He didn’t ask me out, and unlike your man, he didn’t make any promises to call.”

  “That doesn’t mean he won’t.”

  Claudia was hopeful, even though she’d only had one night of pleasant conversation with him, Claudia wanted more. They passed a car that sat off the road but quickly jumped behind them as they flew by. Claudia’s attention was pulled to the flashing lights in the rearview mirror.

  “Someone behind us is flashing their lights,” she said.

  Samiyah turned around; the lights continued to flash. “Maybe it’s one of the guys?”

  “But why would they flash us and not just call.”

  “You’re right,” Samiyah said. “Keep driving.”

  The car sped up and was now on the girl’s bumper. “They’re blinding me,” Claudia said.

  Samiyah’s phone rang. “She pulled it out of her handbag. “It’s Jonas, maybe that’s him behind us, I can’t tell.” She answered the phone peering through the back window. “Hey sweetheart is that you behind us?”

  “I’m still in my father’s home, but I’m leaving now.”

  “There’s a car behind us flashing their lights. They’re on our tail.”

  The car rear-ended them giving a little jab to the bumper. Samiyah and Claudia screamed.

  “What’s happening?” Jonas said alarmed.

  “I don’t know they just bumped us!”

  The car swerved around coming to a hard stop in fr
ont of their vehicle cutting them off. The ladies screamed again as Claudia hit the brakes coming to a sharp stop.

  “Where are you? Tell me where you are now!” Jonas commanded.

  The passenger of the car got out. Samiyah watched as the guy walked to her side. With extreme force, he leaned back and struck the window with a crowbar busting the glass instantly.

  “Aaaaaaaah! They screamed again. Shards of glass fell into Samiyah’s lap as he reared back and struck the window over and over.

  “Samiyah!” Jonas yelled. “Samiyah!”

  There was shuffling through the phone. A second later a voice spoke. “Two for the price of one, it must be my lucky day.”

  “Who is this!”

  “I would be offended by that question, but I have no time for it.”

  A foreboding ran throughout Jonas. “Kevin?” He questioned.

  “See that’s why I never get offended because I know before long you’ll pick up on the sound of my voice.”

  “How’s your night Jonas? I hope all is well considering.”

  “What are you doing?” he growled just about ready to break his phone in half.

  “Getting your attention, I can’t manage to get it otherwise, and it seems I’m not the only one. Man, you did a number on that pretty little assistant of yours. Broke her heart in pieces, I was going to take her, but she was all too forthcoming about giving up your father’s location. You shouldn’t put everything on your schedule, and you should know by now, not to trust women.

  But since I’ve got your attention now, let me tell you what’s going to happen next. This fight I have been so politely telling you about for the last couple of weeks is happening tonight. I need you to be there and not only do I need you to be there, I need you to win. See there’s a lot of money at stake here, and as soon as you deliver, you will get your sweetheart back and her friend. Just to be clear, there are three fighters so bring you’re A-game because you’ll need to win against all three of them.”

  “I swear if you touch her.” Jonas threatened.

  “She won’t be harmed unless… well, it’s up to you. She is a beauty. I can see why she’s caught your attention. I’m happy to have her in my company. We’ll be in the old gymnasium off of Rucker’s and Lance street, come through the back. “Oh, and don’t even think about calling the police.”


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