From This Moment (Jackson Hole)

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From This Moment (Jackson Hole) Page 10

by Alison Chaffin Higson

  Hell, watching her, I’m about to come myself. My cock is hard as steel and really wants to play.

  Moving towards her sex, I insert my tongue. Her breathing becomes ragged. Moving my tongue to her clit, I put two fingers inside her. Sucking her clit into my mouth, I flick my tongue over and around it, which seems to drive her wild. Moving my fingers in and out of her, faster and faster – within seconds she’s shouting my name as her orgasm hits. Moving my mouth back to her sex to taste her orgasm, I ease her back down to earth gently with my tongue.

  Standing on shaky legs with my balls throbbing and my penis leaking, I help her up off the table. Turning her around she lies face down on the table. Stretching her arms out she grabs hold of the other side, opening her legs.

  Christ, standing behind her stroking her buttocks has me gripping her hips; I’m so aroused. She turns her head to look back at me, “Fuck me Cade.” I slam inside her, to the hilt. Practically lying on top of her, I start placing kisses on her neck and shoulders. Rona’s groaning and trying to move her hips, but I have her pinned down; she can’t move. Trying to slow my pending orgasm, I still inside her, which gets difficult when she starts squeezing my shaft with her inner muscles. “Stop moving.” I manage to choke out.

  Taking deep breaths, I stand back up, moving my hands from her hips slowly to her breasts, caressing her nipples, I start moving inside her again. She feels so hot and tight I’m not sure I can stop. God, she’s starting to squeeze me again. Feeling my balls start to tingle, I move one hand from her breast and start playing with her clit. Shouting my name over and over, she comes around me at the same time, I explode inside her. “Cade…. it isn’t stopping.” Her sex continues to squeeze my cock. The pleasure is so intense; I can’t stop grinding against her.

  Collapsing over her back, I can feel her trying to breathe deeply, just like I am. Somehow, I find the strength to lift up and pull out of her. Helping her up, I sit her back on the table and take her into my arms.

  Once my breathing has evened out, “I don’t think I will ever be able to eat at the table again, without imagining you spread out on top of it, waiting for me to taste you. Heck, every meal I’ll probably be sat here with one hell of a hard-on.”

  Moving her hands down to my rear, she squeezes bringing us skin to skin again, kissing my chest. “I think you just gave me two orgasms, one after the other.... wow!”

  Smiling, “I feel like beating my chest.” She laughs.

  Placing another hot kiss on her lips, “Come on, we better get cleaned up before Jake decides to show up earlier than he said.”

  Helping her off the table, she pulls her dress up while I find my sweats.

  “I think you may have to help me up the stairs, my legs are like jelly.” Picking her shoes up from the floor she gives me one hell of a view.

  Holding in a groan, “Under no circumstances are you to wear that dress anywhere in public or in front of anyone else.”

  She laughs at me now, “I take it you really like it?”

  “Honey, I loved it, but my reaction was all to do with the woman wearing it.” I place a kiss on her lips.

  Chapter 11

  ~~ Rona ~~

  The following morning, I wake alone. After yesterday on the table, we showered and then ate pizza in front of the fire with Jake, who seemed a bit preoccupied.

  Cade slept in my room, holding me all night, so waking up alone wasn’t something that I expected. I guess I’m feeling a bit upset.

  I climb out of bed and look out of the window to the most beautiful winter’s day – everywhere covered in deep snow. After a quick shower, I put on my new red skinny jeans with a black turtle neck jumper and my usual thick socks.

  Heading downstairs everywhere is so silent. I go to the kitchen and feel the coffee pot which is lukewarm. After a cup of coffee, warmed in the microwave, I decide not to be upset with Cade until I know why he left without a word.

  Going to the front door, I pull on my new thermal boots, coat and gloves and head outside. Wow, what a sight. I can’t wait to make a snowman!

  Two minutes later, Cade and Jake pull up outside with an older couple in the back.

  “Morning Rona,” Jake says, climbing out of the truck.

  “Hi Jake, Cade,” I say, wondering why Cade won’t make eye contact with me.

  “Morning,” Cade replies, still not looking at me.

  “This is Susan and Bill Grady from a few doors down. Their power line has come down, so we brought them over here for breakfast, then I’m going to take them back and fix the generator for them.... they’re my grandparents on my mother’s side.” Jake tells me.

  “Hi, you must be Jake’s friend.” Susan walks over to shake my hand.

  “Yes, she is.” Cade agrees, still not looking at me.

  I’m not sure whether I want to scream, cry or kick him right now.

  “Hi Susan, Bill, it’s nice to meet you both. Why don’t we go inside it’s warmer in there.”

  Back inside we hang our coats up and before I can get Cade on his own, he’s in the kitchen pouring everyone coffee. Except me!

  Not knowing what the hell is going on, since Cade said that he wasn’t fighting what was happening between us anymore, yet here he is completely ignoring me after the most amazing afternoon of my life. I can understand him not wanting to tell them about us, because of his daughters. They were Janice’s parents, but that was no reason to ignore me. Is he ashamed of me? If this is how he’s going to react every time Susan and Bill visit, then I’m not staying. In fact I feel used and decide to go and pack. I can’t stay, not like this.

  Cade is chatting away to everyone in the kitchen, while I just stand outside the group feeling like an intruder. I can feel tears approaching, so needing to get out of there quickly, “If you’ll excuse me, I have something to do.” I turn towards the stairs.

  “Why don’t you take Susan with you? I’m sure she can help.” Bill offers.

  Turning to look at everyone as I reach the stairs, I glare at Cade, “No, that’s fine, I prefer to pack alone.” It’s the first sign of something in Cade that I’ve seen this morning, and it looks like fear flickers in his eyes.

  Continuing upstairs I hear Jake call out to me. I know the tears are seconds away so I keep going up to my room, ignoring them. As soon as I get there, I shut the door and lock it for the first time since being here. Sliding down the door frame in tears, I put my head on my knees and cry my heart out.

  After what feels like hours, but is probably about twenty minutes, I manage to get up off the floor and go to wash my face.

  Feeling completely drained and used, I lie on the bed wondering what the hell has happened between now and yesterday.

  Hearing someone knocking on the door, I ignore it, even when I realize it’s Jake outside. A while later I hear the door again. Looking at the clock I’ve been locked in my room for about an hour. This time it’s Cade and I start to ignore him too.

  “Rona, open the door please. You need to eat.”

  Then a minute later, “Rona love, please open the door, we need to talk.”

  Hearing him call me ‘love’ makes me see red. I climb off the bed, charging to the door and yank it open.

  “Don’t call me love; you lost that right this morning. If you don’t mind I’ll stay tonight and leave tomorrow.” I look at Cade with the tears coming back and falling down my face.

  “God, I’m sorry.” Cade looks rather pale and red around the eyes.

  “Sorry for fucking me?” Cade winces. “Sorry for leaving my bed while I was asleep, sorry for ignoring me, sorry for being ashamed of me or sorry for making me feel used?”

  Sitting down on the sofa by the window, Cade puts his face in his hands. He looks up at me, with tears on his face, “I’m sorry for how I acted this morning, from leaving you in bed, which I only did because it was so early. I’m sorry for how I treated you when I got back to the house. I love you and really don’t want you to leave.... please don’t leave me.”
  “Cade, nobody ever hurt me as much as you did downstairs. I trusted you and gave you my heart. Right now I feel as though it’s been torn to shreds. I know we’ve not told Anna and Beth yet, so I didn’t expect you to tell them about us, but you couldn’t even look at me and when we were in the kitchen you made coffee for everyone, but me. That made me feel like I wasn’t welcome.” Openly crying now, I look at Cade, who still has tears on his face.

  “Cade, why were you ashamed of me?” I manage to ask.

  “I’m not ashamed of you.” He takes a breath, “Let me try and explain. I love you so much it scares the crap out of me.” Sighing, “Janice was Susan and Bill’s only child. Not long after she died a couple of the local girls tried helping me out with the kids, hoping for more. Susan was rather vicious with her tongue. I didn’t want her to have any idea about us, because I didn’t want her turning on you like she did them; she really can be a viper.”

  “Go on,” I say, as I start drying my face.

  Coming over to where I’m sitting on the bed, he crouches down and takes hold of my hands. “I’m sorrier than you will ever know for this morning and how I behaved. I love you with all my heart and I was terrified if she started on you, you would leave me, but hell, you’re leaving anyway.” He puts his head in my lap and his arms around my waist.

  Stroking his hair, I feel him shudder. Keeping my hand in his hair, I think about what he has said and because I love him so much I try to accept what he’s told me.

  “Cade, I love you and I’m not going anywhere this time.” He lifts his head from my lap looking at me, “But if you treat me like that ever again, I really will leave and as soon as Anna and Beth know, I have no intentions of hiding our relationship, because I’m not ashamed of you.”

  Joining Cade on my knees, facing him, I place a kiss on his lips.

  “I promise that won’t happen again. I just panicked and my plan to protect you backfired.”

  “Yes, it did.”

  “Come on let’s clean up and head downstairs. I’m kind of hungry now.”

  Standing up Cade holds his arms out to me and I move into them for a hug, “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I reply.

  ~~ Cade ~~

  Entering my room to clean up, my knees practically give out on me. Just making it to my bed, I sit down with my head in my hands.

  With shaking hands I try to wipe my tears away, but they just keep coming. I feel empty inside, I’d just nearly lost the only woman I’ve ever loved, because I was stupid and scared.

  Not sure how long I’ve been sitting here, but the next thing I know, Rona is stood in the doorway.

  “Cade, can I come in?”

  “Yes, Rona you don’t need to ask.” I hold my hand out to her.

  As she takes my hand, she just stands there not knowing what to do. I’ve done this to her, to our relationship which was only just starting.

  Looking up at her, I say the only thing I can, “I’m so sorry love.”

  Moving closer she sits on my lap, putting one arm around my shoulders and her other hand to my face, “Cade, I love you.” She places small kisses all over my face. “Come on let’s go eat then get some fresh air on the horses, so I can take some winter pictures. Have I told you how much I love the snow?”

  Smiling now, she’s infectious with her fun for the snow, “Alright, give me a few minutes to clean up.”

  “No chance, I’m not letting you out of my sight again.” Standing up from my lap she takes my hand and leads me into the bathroom. Finding a wash cloth she wipes my face, following it with kisses.

  “I don’t deserve you,” I say, to her when she’s finished.

  “Yes, you do.”

  Going downstairs to eat, we arrive in the kitchen to Jake making us both some sandwiches. He looks up at us, “Is everything cool?”

  “Yes, it is now. Thanks Jake.” Rona grins at him, “At least now I know where you get it from!”

  This makes Jake laugh, but I haven’t a clue what she means.

  “Idiocy is obviously hereditary in this family,” she says laughing.

  The phone rings interrupting the laughter.

  “Rona, would you mind getting that?”

  “Will do.” Rona runs to answer the phone.

  “Why does Rona think you’re an idiot?”

  “I’m not an idiot, Elise is,” he replies, leaving the room.

  Oh, so that’s it, woman trouble. Should have known.

  “Jake, wait up.” Rona shouts, dashing back into the kitchen.

  “Elise is stuck in the snow on her way here.”

  “What the hell is she doing out in this. Shit, she knows better than to be driving around in her car.” Jake looks mad and worried, while walking a hole in the floor.

  “Jake, she’s on her way here to you, she left Tom.” This stops him dead in his tracks.

  Looking across the room, he looks in total shock, “Jake, did you hear Rona?”


  “Listen, you need to go to her now, before Tom catches up to her.” After a pause, “Tom hit her Jake, when she told him she was still in love with you and couldn’t marry him.”

  Hell, he looked ready to go hunting – the two legged kind of prey.

  “Go get your girl, and don’t screw it up. She needs you to be there for her, not to go off half cocked. Do you understand me?” Rona says, to get through to Jake.

  “Yes, I heard. I’ll go look after her now, but that bastard will pay.” With that he stomps out of the house.

  After eating the sandwiches we head to the stable to saddle Honey Bee and King for a short ride in the snow.

  The stables are deserted when we arrive, “Isn’t there anyone else around?”

  “No, they didn’t come in today, because of the roads. Jake and I sorted them out earlier.”

  While unzipping her coat she moves close to me and unzips my coat as well; reaching up she pulls my head down for a kiss. Very soon the kiss gets out of hand and Rona reaches down between our bodies to stroke my erection through my jeans. I deepen the kiss. She unzips me and reaches inside for my aching cock. Stroking me from tip to base.

  While she’s still busy stroking me, I reach under her jumper to her naked breasts, rubbing and pinching her nipples. Lifting her jumper, I put my mouth to her breasts, licking and sucking them. “Make love to me.” She whispers.

  “What, here?”

  “Here.” Turning to face the wall, she proceeds to unzip her jeans and shoves them down her legs. I get a hell of a view of her naked ass as she bends over. Standing up again she places her hands on the wall in front of her, turning her head to look at me, she grins. She wiggles her butt. “I’m ready!”

  Shit. Walking over to her, I put my hands on her hips, smoothing them over her smooth cheeks. I gradually move my hand over her hip to the front, threading my fingers through her curls. I move even lower between her thighs and push first one finger then two inside her to check her readiness. She wiggles her delectable butt against me, “Now Cade. I want you inside me.”

  Finding her more than ready, I remove my hand and take hold of my penis, placing the tip to the entrance of her sex. I grab hold of her hips while moving slowly backwards and forwards. I slide into her. We both groan in pleasure.

  ~~ Rona ~~

  God! Cade enters me slowly. All I can feel is him, nothing else but Cade. Pushing back against him, while clenching my muscles, pulls a loud groan out of him. “Faster Cade.” Before I can take a breath he’s pumping really fast in and out of me, his hands travel up inside my top to my breasts; he massages them and pinches my nipples. I can’t think. He has me so aroused. His thick penis is sliding in and out of me. His balls keep slapping between my legs when he pushes home. His fingers are rolling and pinching my nipples. I desperately need to come.

  As if reading my thoughts, Cade moves one hand down to my clit, he starts to rub it between his fingers while he continues to lavish my nipples with the other. I cry out in
orgasm. Cade shouts my name as he ejaculates deep inside me.

  Coming back down to earth, Cade kisses my neck and pulls out of me.

  “Hell love, you always make me go off like a rocket.” He zips up his jeans then bends down to pull mine back up.

  As I finish putting myself back together, I turn to look at Cade, “I’d never had an orgasm until I met you, now I’m addicted. I think it has more to do with the fact that it’s you, the guy I love with all my heart.”


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