Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1)

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Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1) Page 10

by K E Osborn

  I’m gaining on him as I reach out and wrap my arms around his body, yanking him to me as I pull us to a stop. Wrapping him up tight in my arms, he fights me with all that he has as he moans loud, his hands coming down to punch into my back. I grimace as he unleashes his fury into me, but I don’t care as long as I have him contained and safe, that’s all I care about. His fists slam into my back, hitting so hard I know it will bruise as I run my hands tightly around him, holding him into place trying to placate him. “You’re okay, Levi, I’m right here. You’re safe. No one’s going to hurt you,” I tell him.

  But he continues to moan against my ear as he thrashes about in my grip. “Be quiet,” he yells.

  “The noise is gone. You’re okay,” I murmur as I see Tomi rush in behind Levi, tears streaming down her beautiful panicked face as she moves in cautiously behind Levi to get access to his backpack. She looks at me, and I nod at her letting her know I have him tight.

  He can’t hurt her.

  He might only be sixteen, but he’s strong as hell.

  She opens his backpack and pulls out his trusty earmuffs, then moves into place and tries to shove them on his ears, but his head is thrashing about. I grip him harder, making him moan in anguish as Tomi finally manages to place the earmuffs over his ears and on his head. It seems to instantly send a wave of calm through him like all the outside noise is now blocked out, and he’s only having to deal with his inner thoughts. Eventually, he stops beating my back, and his body goes limp.

  Tomi lets out a small sob as I grip Levi tighter, comforting him in my arms. He grasps onto me like I’m his lifeline as I hold him letting Levi know I’m not going to let him go.

  Eventually, his energy seems to dissolve as his body slumps, so I slowly walk with Levi, who’s holding onto me with his legs and arms wrapped around my body, over to the nearby bench seat. I gently sit him down, then squat at his feet. He tries to hit me again, but he’s so weak I stop him with just one hand. He’s totally exhausted. The sight of his weakness sends sadness through me as I gently reach into my pocket, pulling out a fidget spinner.

  I put it in my pocket this morning just in case we needed it today to keep Levi entertained. Maybe he needs it to settle his mind right now.

  I glance at him. “If you take a breath, everything will be all right. The noise is gone, and all you can hear is me. Play with this for a while. Okay?”

  His head moves infinitesimally in a nod, so I hand it to him. He takes it, adjusting his earmuffs on his head but leaving them on as he slowly rotates the spinner, concentrating as it whirls around in his fingers. I stand, inhaling deeply. The area smells like lavender, it’s calming and soothing, and just what Levi needs. The walkway is vacant of all other people right now which is a blessing. He simply needs some time to breathe.

  I turn and notice the look on Tomi’s face. She’s devastated. She’s at a breaking point. Turning away from the two of us, she folds her arms around her body for comfort. Stepping over to her, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her to my chest. Instantly, she bursts into tears.

  I didn’t feel any ounce of fear or panic in the situation. Somehow, I knew what I had to do. I’ve made sure to educate myself on the issues Levi has in case it ever happened while I was with him, so I was prepared. What I didn’t read up on was how badly it affects the loved ones around him.

  “It’s going to be all right—”

  She sniffles, her bottom lip trembling. “He’d have been fine if we didn’t bring him here. This is all my fault. I know his condition, I knew this was a possibility, but he’s been doing so well the last few years with no severe meltdowns. Nothing this bad has happened for so damn long, I’ve gotten complaisant. I should have known after he had a minor outburst when I told him about the shop. I knew he was on edge. This was too much.” She wipes her nose with the back of her hand. “I’m a terrible caregiver and sister.”

  I pull her to me, shaking my head. “This isn’t your fault. Too many things happened at the same time… the lion, the balloon, the screaming kids. We couldn’t have foreseen that, Tomi. He’s had a great time here today, and he got to see a lion in the flesh.”

  She sniffles, glancing over at Levi, who seems content now twirling the spinner in his fingers. Although, I can see he’s totally wiped out. The meltdown has obviously taken a lot out of him, physically and mentally.

  “True, he did get to tick something off his bucket list.”

  Chuckling, I wipe a tear from her cheek. “Where’s that feisty, sassy woman I know? This isn’t you.”

  “I’m strong in everything I do, but when it comes to Levi, I’m weak. Seeing him meltdown like that... it breaks me every damn time. He panics, and I panic, it’s a vicious circle, and one I will never get used to. Mom was so good with him. She knew exactly what to do in these circumstances… seems so do you.”

  Pulling her to me, I kiss her forehead. “Even a girl who seems as hard as stone is soft on the inside.”

  She giggles, pushing me away from her while crinkling up her nose with a feisty look back on her face. There’s my girl. She walks over to Levi, bending down at his feet as I walk over beside her.

  Levi looks up at us both and weakly smiles. “I saw a lion.”

  Tomi’s face lights up like the fourth of fucking July. “Yeah, you did.”

  Levi’s mouth turns up in the corner, looking unsure. “He was very loud.”

  Tomi chuckles and slides onto the seat beside Levi, and so I move in on the other side of him making sure he’s in the middle. Levi glances at me and grins like he’s happy again.

  “Yeah, he was. You feeling all right, muscles?” I ask.

  He lets out a bellowing laugh as he flexes his barely-there biceps making Tomi and me laugh.

  Levi nods as Tomi digs around in his backpack and pulls out some sunglasses and places them on his face.

  I give him two thumbs up. “Cool, dude.”

  He nods his head a little too enthusiastically, but it makes us all chuckle.

  “Time to head home,” Tomi suggests, and Levi nods in agreement as we stand, Tomi and me on either side of Levi as we link arms to walk out of the zoo and head home.

  Now we’ve gotten over this hurdle, we somehow have to get Tomi over the next one—letting go of Hope & Faith Ink.

  This is not going to be easy.


  Time to Say Goodbye

  I never thought this day would come. I’ve been dreading it for so fucking long. I fought as hard as I could but with my landlord, Jacob, selling the shop out from under me, and Alex Scott coming in with his goons to demolish this place, my hands are tied. Other than chaining myself to the front door naked in protest—which I honestly thought about doing for a moment—there’s no way out of this for me.

  Hope & Faith Ink is closing its doors for the final time today, and there’s not a damned thing I can do to stop it. The thought cripples me every time I let it sink in, but right now I’m Saran wrapping a long-term customer’s forearm. She just happens to be my very last client too. Her tattoo is ironically inscribed with, c’est la vie.

  “There you go, Izzy. Remember your aftercare. If you have any questions, message me on Instagram. I want to thank you for being a return customer and using Hope & Faith Ink. Your loyalty here has been our honor.”

  Izzy, with her long, black hair and bright red lipstick, not to mention countless piercings in her ears and face, looks at me with her piercing blue eyes which are currently misting up. “Tomi, I’m gonna miss you guys so damn much. I have no idea where the hell I’m gonna get tattoos of this quality now…” Her eyes look far away in thought. “Maybe this will be my last one.”

  I look at her skin, almost completely covered in ink, wondering where she could possibly find any room to have any more, but with a woman like Izzy, ink is an addiction. This won’t be her last. But I’m miserable I won’t be her tattooist any longer. “Never say never, Izzy. Thanks again… for everything.”

  She leans over giv
ing me a brief hug, then she picks up her black leather handbag encrusted with studs and walks over to Gigi at the cashier’s desk to pay. I glance at Jana and Hogtie who look as miserable as I feel while they walk toward me. The muted hum of the door closing and with it, our final customer leaving sends a somber mood through the entire place. Jana wraps her arm around my shoulders as I glance around my shop.

  My home away from home.

  The place my second family works with me every single day.

  I swallow the lump forming in my throat. If I’m not careful, at any second I’m going to break out into a fit of some sort of hysteria as I take in all the memories of my parents helping me build this place into the amazing marvel it’s become.

  Suddenly, a loud pop echoes through the room making us all swing our heads to the rear of the shop to see Skins walking in with a bottle of champagne with bubbles now flowing over the top from the burst cork. “Time to celebrate, fuckers!” Skins calls out, grabbing some plastic cups from under the bench on his way.

  I can’t help but let out a small laugh, but it’s not filled with humor, it’s more about what he’s said. I need to celebrate the times we’ve all shared together. This family is a strong unit. We work so well together, but I feel like I’ve let them down.

  We’re all going our separate ways now. Skins is finishing his apprenticeship at another shop. Hogtie’s going to work out of his garage. Jana’s moving to another tattoo studio, and Gigi’s going into tattooing makeup while also working on nipple reconstruction for breast cancer survivors.

  We’re a diverse bunch—that’s what made this studio such a great place. Anything you wanted done, we could cater to. This is just a crappy situation. I’m so damn angry at Alex Scott for tearing this area to shreds, and in the process, taking out a perfectly functioning business and hardworking people with it.

  If I ever meet him in person, I swear to God, I’m gonna punch him right in his stupid-ass face.

  Skins walks over and hands me a cup of champagne, and I take it with a half-smile. “I just want to thank you all…. for everything you’ve ever done for me and this place. I couldn’t have asked for a better crew and support. You guys are just fucking amazing. If I could do anything to keep this place open and have you here with me, you know I would.” I grit my teeth. “I’m sorry, but I’ve failed you guys.”

  Everyone’s faces scrunch up.

  “You didn’t fail us, Tom-Tom, asshole Scott did. Don’t for a second think you’re to blame in this,” Skins blurts out, then takes a long drink of his champagne.

  I exhale as Jana, Gigi, and Hogtie all nod in agreement. “Yeah, you’re right.” I have a sip of my champagne, taking another look around my shop.

  This is it.

  The end of an era.

  I’m devastated these people I call my family have to leave here too. I can’t help but feel responsible for that.

  “Fuck Alex Scott,” Gigi calls out making me almost spit out the champagne in my mouth with a laugh.

  The door to the shop sounds as everyone else chuckles. A tingle runs over me as I raise my cup to the center of us, and they all meet their cup to mine in a cheer while champagne spills over the top and runs down my hand.

  “Yeah, fuck Alex Scott,” I call out as we all laugh then take a giant drink from our cups.

  I turn and notice Xander walking toward us, but he’s looking a little hesitant.

  My body alights, all the hairs on my skin stand on end as a warmth floods through me. He makes me feel alive, even when I’m in the shittiest of situations. He strolls over to me, a slow smile creeping on his face. Jana nudges me as I place my cup on the cashier’s desk, then I walk across to meet him. His body relaxes as I approach, his hand reaches out to take mine instantly. A tingle shoots up my arm to my heart, giving it a little kick-start.

  “I thought I’d pop in to see how you were doing. I know tonight is huge for you.”

  I lean up on my toes, planting a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks, you have no idea how hard this is.”

  He grimaces, but it’s only a fraction, just enough for me to notice. “I have some idea. I’m sorry, Tomi.”

  My brows knit together as I let out a small laugh. “It’s not your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for, Xander. But you being here definitely helps.”

  He tenses, doing that wincing thing again. I’m not sure what it’s about, but I know I need to feel him, so I tighten my grip on his hand and start walking.

  Xander leans into my ear. “And where are we going?”

  Smirking, I pull him past everyone. They’re chatting amongst themselves not paying attention as we pass. “There’s something I’ve always wanted to do here.”

  The corners of his lips turn up as he follows me into the supply closet in the back, and I close the door behind us. I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck, looking into his eyes. They light up as he suddenly realizes my intentions. Leaning up on my toes, I press my lips to his while his hands snake around my waist, holding me to him. My lips tingle as his tongue dances with mine.

  Xander pushes me back against the shelves, hard. I let out an “oomph” into his mouth as the shelves rattle and a couple of ink bottles fall to the floor at my feet in our mad moment but luckily don’t break. My hands tangle in his hair as his run under my shirt, his smooth, warm fingers caressing the small of my back. We kiss frantically against the shelves while his fingers grip into my skin.

  My clit throbs with desire—Xander makes me so needy for him. If the guys weren’t out in the other room, I would definitely take this further with him. But I know I can’t, I need to slow down because as much as I want, no, need Xander right now, I have to cool this down.

  I slow the frantic kiss. He senses and pulls back from me, his forehead resting against mine as we pant for breath. His eyes staring into mine, so full of lust, I want to say screw it all and drop my panties right here.

  Xander licks his lips, his hand coming up to gently caress my cheek. “How are you… really?”

  I close my eyes taking a much-needed breath. “This is fucking shit… I hate the world right now.” I open my eyes to see him watching me with a sympathetic frown. “But it is what it is. And all I can do is to wait and see how this all pans out. What kills me… is I just don’t know how Levi is going to take all this.” I shrug out of his grip and start to pace the confined space. “You saw how he was at the zoo. I mean, I’m not expecting that every day, but I do know he’s not going to be the same when he’s thrown this far out of his routine.”

  Xander sinks in on himself, the move not comforting me at all. It only shows me I’m right. Levi isn’t going to get through this transition okay.

  Xander strides up to me taking my hand. “I know this is hard, but Tomi, you’re so strong. You’re fierce. And as for Levi, you take such good care of him. You have your specialists to turn to if he needs it. Levi knows you love him and only want what’s best for him. He’ll get through this, just like you will.”

  I gnaw on my bottom lip. “Yeah, but at what cost? What trauma is this shit going to have on Levi? Will he be able to fight his way through it? What if I can’t find a job quickly enough? What if I can’t pay the mortgage on the house?” My eyes widen. “Fuck, what if I lose the house? The house my family lived in, Xander? The memories of my parents and Kaylie. I can’t do that. I can’t lose that house, not for Levi or me.” I pace harder and faster, the anger swarming through me the more I think about Alex Scott and the damage he’s done to my life, to Levi, to our family.

  Xander tries to pull me to him, but I resist, yanking away from his grip. “I need to go and see this Alex Scott. Give him a piece of my mind. Walk right into his office and punch him in his fucking nutsack.”

  Xander swallows hard, placing his hands on my shoulders to stop me from pacing. “Tomi, you’re angry. I get it. I really do. Trust me. Nut-punching Alex won’t do you any good. It won’t make you feel better. And it absolutely won’t get you your shop back. Just take a bre
ath, and let’s go out there to celebrate your last night with your friends.”

  I chew on the side of my cheek. “Fine… but I still want to punch him right where it hurts.”

  He lets out a stifled laugh. “Noted. C’mon, let’s get you another drink.”

  Greta’s watching Levi at home while Xander and the rest of us sit around the shop laughing and having a great time. The shop might be closed for business, but for these last few moments, it’s still full of life.

  I’ll need to come in to pack everything up before I’m evicted completely. But for now, now we’re closed for clients, and it leaves a dramatic sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I may be laughing and having fun with my colleagues, but inside, I feel like a piece of me has died today. Like a little piece of Mom and Dad went away all over again. I would never have had this shop if it weren’t for them. Now, I won’t have it at all, and when it’s gone, another piece of them goes right with it.

  It’s getting late, I’ve only had a couple of drinks, and that was hours ago. We’ve had pizza and soda since then, but I’m feeling like maybe we need to call it a night.

  Thing is once we leave, then it’s official.

  This place is actually closed.

  Silence falls on us as we all must think the same thing. Skins looks up to the ink splash clock on the wall. We all follow his line of sight to see it’s nearing ten o’clock. I need to message Greta. Woman is a saint. Staying with Levi while I work late. I have no idea what I’d do without her. Thank God, Levi loves her so much, and thank God my parents were wise enough to cater for Levi so well in their will.

  “I think it’s time to call it, Tomi,” Skins mutters, his voice low and somber.

  Swallowing hard, I stand. Everyone follows my lead as we all walk around to gather our things. I pick up my bag, and we all step as a team for the final time to the door of Hope & Faith Ink. They file out one by one, Xander walks out before me, leaving me the last one to exit. I take one last look around the shop, a sense of dread flooding through my veins. I switch off the lights, sending my shop into darkness for the last time. I turn to the sign around to ‘closed’ and shut the door, locking it. Taking a deep breath, I place my hand on the door, just taking it in and close my eyes with a heavy sigh.


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