Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1)

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Without Exception (The Without Series Book 1) Page 21

by K E Osborn

  Levi tilts his head in confusion. “What does that mean?”

  I take a deep breath, looking at Levi. “How would you feel about going to a better school, one for children like you, one that specializes in teaching you things you’re more gifted at?”

  His brows narrow. “People like me?”

  He looks at Tomi as I nod. “People with autism and such.”

  He slowly looks back at me. “I would like that very much.”

  Tomi inhales sharply as she rushes forward grabbing Levi in a tight embrace. “That’s settled then. Tonight we celebrate. Henry, you’ll stay, won’t you?”

  Henry looks at me for approval. He should know by now he’s a part of my family as much as anyone else, so I dip my head at him. He grins wide. “I’d love to. Shall I order in some food for us all?”

  Levi rushes forward taking Henry by the arm and dragging him away. “I’ll show you how. I have the best places on my iPad.”

  I reach out, grabbing Tomi by the waist and stopping her from going off after them.

  She turns looking at me, raising her brow. “You okay?” she asks as I look into her eyes.

  “I wasn’t sure how this was going to go… I didn’t know if you were going to be annoyed with me for taking these steps without talking to you first.”

  She gnaws on her bottom lip tilting her head. “Why did you do this without me?”

  I exhale. “I wanted to make sure I could find Levi a place without getting either of your hopes up. You’ve both had so much loss in your lives, I didn’t want something like this to be taken from you, too.”

  Her eyes glisten as she moves in to wrap herself around me completely. “You know, Xander Scott, you’re one of the kindest, most thoughtful men I know.”

  I lean in, kissing the tip of her nose. “I love Levi. The kid’s wormed his way into my heart, and I want only the best for him. I can give him that. He deserves that.”

  “You deserve that.”

  I slide my nose against hers. “I already have the best, baby. You, Levi, peanut, and this home, even Henry and Greta. Our family is incredible, I couldn’t ask for more. You’ve given me everything I could ever want, Tomi.”

  “I can’t believe I almost let you go.”

  “I wouldn’t have blamed you. Just know the new store is going to be amazing. Levi’s helping with the design as much as he can, and with your input, it’s going to be state-of-the-art.”

  She beams with excitement. “Just a shame that by the time the shop’s ready, so will this little one.” She rubs her hand over her stomach.

  “Don’t worry, it will all be handled for you, and then, once you’re okay to go back to work, Greta will be a full-time nanny, and you can go back to tattooing again, doing what you love in a new place that’s all yours.”

  She exhales. “I still don’t know how to repay you for this, Xander, it all seems too much.”

  I swipe a loose strand of hair from her face and stare deep into her eyes. “It’s nothing in comparison to the life you’re giving me. You’re freeing me from the same mundane life my father and his father had, the cycle has circled for centuries. Father and son carrying on the same traditions, until me. I’ve gotten out. I don’t have to live the life my family did in a loveless marriage that only served a purpose, living for work and money, not experiencing life and living on the edge.” I kiss the tip of her nose again. “I’m all in with this life I’m building with you, Tomi. It’s you, it’s always been you.”

  She sniffles as she swallows hard. “I love you, Xander.”

  “I love you, Tomi.”


  Five Months Later

  My feet ache, my ankles are swollen, and I feel like a balloon. Being eight months pregnant is not my idea of fun, but Xander’s worked hard for this. I have to admit I’m so freaking excited to see what he’s come up with. I haven’t been able to check it out yet. So, as we walk through the mega-complex, Xander has his hands wrapped around my eyes, blinding me while Levi strolls alongside us. The sounds of the new mega-complex are alive and buzzing. The place sounds like it’s busy with people coming and going as Levi chuckles to himself.

  “Okay, we’re about to step up to the door. Are you ready?” Xander asks.

  “No,” I reply honestly.

  Xander and Levi laugh as I hear the door opening and the familiar tingle sounds—the same sound as the old Hope & Faith Ink—as we walk in. The same style of music is playing, and it even smells like the old shop. The sterile cleanliness with a little bit of cinnamon cookie. Don’t ask me why it smells that way, it just always did. How Xander mastered the same scent is beyond me.

  Excitement swells in my stomach as our little girl kicks me. Seems she’s excited to be here as well. We decided to name her Kaylie after my deceased sister. I can’t help but think of her and my parents right now and wonder about what they would be thinking of all this. Would they think I’m a sell-out for taking such a massive handout from Xander? Or, would they be proud of me for finding my feet and making a life for Levi and me—a stable environment and support for Levi to turn to? He’s been far steadier since Xander’s been around. I think having a male role model is great for him.

  “Okay, time for the big reveal. Are you ready, Tomi?” Xander asks, his fingers still blocking my view.

  I let out a small laugh and sigh. “Yes, hurry up or I’m gonna wet myself.”

  Levi chortles as Xander slowly peels his fingers away.

  I blink a few times as a loud, “Surprise!” booms through the studio. Everyone yells, making Levi block his ears instantly. I grimace watching him, but he gives me a thumbs-up as I turn back to see Jana, Gigi, Skins, and Hogtie all standing in the middle of the most amazing studio I’ve ever seen.

  It’s just like I had imagined—a reception area at the front with the cashier’s desk and a lounging area all in dark colors and brickwork with gold accents. Then as I stroll through further, there’re separate zones all decked out with state-of-the-art equipment—reclining tattoo beds, brand new roller workstations, perfect lighting with the décor the same as the reception. Each zone is backed by a brick wall with white plaster running around the edges and gold furnishings. Then the back wall is black, giving the whole area a romantic, warehouse vibe. It’s chic, stylish, and very upscale. I can’t help the rapture running through me right now. I want to jump up and down on the spot, but it’s not a good idea for someone in my condition.

  I glance the wall over and see another area with a sign over the top which reads ‘Tanning Salon.’ I let out a small laugh. “Oh my God, you remembered that?”

  Xander tilts his head. “I remember everything you say. I wanted this place to be perfect for you.”

  Shaking my head in awe, I start to reply, but Levi grabs my hand pulling me through a little further. I giggle, following him. He’s been down here a ton of times with Xander helping him. Those two are near on inseparable now.

  “Where are you taking me, Levi?”

  “You’ll see.” He takes me further around the front of the reception area to where a tasteful mural is painted on the wall in the walk-in waiting area. Warmth floods through me as I look at the artwork—it’s so full of life and energy. I love it instantly.

  Xander and everyone else walk around watching me take it all in. I try to figure out what it all is, then it hits me. It’s not just shapes and colors, it’s tastefully done so no one on the outside would know, but my heart leaps into my throat as I realize, in the mass of colors and shapes are the faces of my parents and Kaylie. My hand slams up to my mouth to cover my sob at the memorial piece. It’s so freaking beautiful, and with my hormones the way they are right now, I can’t hold myself together as fresh tears pool down my cheeks.

  Levi cuddles into my side as I hold onto him tight, and Xander moves in behind us, wrapping his arms around us both.

  “We made it special for you, Tomi,” Xander whispers against my ear as he leans in kissing just under it.

  I sniffle, t
urn my head, and kiss his lips gently as I try to pull myself together. “You’re amazing,” I reply.

  This place is far more than I could have ever imagined. Xander has outdone himself.

  I turn my head to see my old colleagues, and I can’t help but beam in happiness. “So, does this mean what I think it means?”

  Skins fist pumps the air. “The old team is back together again, bitches!”

  Everyone laughs as I glance at my stomach. “Well, I’m not sure how long I’m going to be able to work before little Kaylie comes along, but Hogtie, you’ll run the fort for me while I’m gone?”

  He dips his head. “You know I got you, Tomi.”

  “But don’t worry, bubs and I will be in here all the time. I mean, I need just to soak up this place for real.”

  “Tomi, look at what Xander put in the mural,” Levi says tugging on my arm.

  I turn back to look at where Levi’s pointing to see a lion in the artwork. I love Xander thought of everything when making this place. He’s put in an extreme effort, and I’m so glad I came back to him.

  Levi suddenly spins around facing Xander. “You promised me a lion tattoo, Xander!”

  My skin prickles as everyone laughs. I shake my head slowly as I steady my shoulders. “Oh no, no way.”

  Xander softens his grip on me, turning to face me slightly more with a pouty expression. “I think the first tattoo should be done by the best tattoo artist here.”

  My crew all cheer along with this insanity as I sink in on myself. I guess if Xander is willing to let Levi scratch something into his skin, then it’s his pain, not mine.

  “Fine, fuck it.”

  Levi’s eyes light up as Xander grabs Levi around his shoulders like they’ve been waiting for this day in like forever. I’ve never seen them both as happy as they are right now. Jana, Gigi, Hogtie, and Skins go about prepping a station for Levi to work from. I groan, walking with Xander and Levi over to what will be my station as Xander lays down on the bed.

  “Where do you want it?” Levi asks.

  Xander looks at Levi, pride oozing off of him. “On my left pec, just above my heart.”

  My heart dances a little at the thought he wants something of Levi this close to his heart. Goddamn, Xander’s such a good guy. I’m so lucky. To think how much I hated his alter ego all that time ago, I’m glad I gave him the chance to set the record straight.

  Levi and I sit beside Xander as he pulls off his tank top. He’s still a marvel to look at. It makes me wonder if Levi’s about to ruin his amazing chest.

  I grimace glancing down at Xander’s happy face. “Is this really such a good idea?”

  “Yes,” Xander replies. “You draw the lion on freehand, and he can tattoo it for me. A piece of both of you. Yeah?”

  I fill with warmth at the gesture as I glance at Levi to make sure he’s okay with this arrangement. He nods, so I pick up a sharpie and start to draw the head of a roaring lion. It’s small, so it fits in with the rest of his artwork and not overly detailed, but enough to get the idea.

  Hogtie brings over the workstation with everything on it we need as I glance at Levi, excitement is oozing through him.

  “You okay to do this? I can take over at any time.”

  Levi scoffs as he professionally pulls the gloves on as I walk him through the process of how to do his first tattoo. He listens intently, taking in every detail. Then he slowly moves the machine onto Xander’s skin.

  “You ready?” Levi asks.

  “Go for it, buddy,” Xander states.

  Levi kicks the machine into gear, sending the vibration through his hand. Levi’s eyes widen, and I think for a moment he’s going to chicken out, but he leans down pressing the machine into Xander’s skin, the black ink seeps out instantly.

  “Okay, you’re going in too deep, not so hard, or you’ll do a scratch job. But then not so light or you’ll blow out. You want to be like Goldilocks, just right.”

  Levi corrects himself as I wipe away the ink and blood after his lines. They’re wonky and splotchy, but he’s doing all right for his first go. Xander’s taking this like a champ. So, I take his hand with my free one as I sit next to Levi. It’s like the four of us, me, Levi, Xander, and peanut are all here, together.

  One happy family.

  “How are you doing, Xander?” Levi asks like he’s a consummate professional as he draws another line.

  “I’m doing just fine. This was a great idea. I needed something from you to bond us together as true brothers.”

  Levi stops tattooing while he looks at Xander, his lips part showing his perfectly aligned teeth as he radiates with happiness. “Yeah, we’re brothers!” Levi almost yells in delight.

  My heart thumps harder as he then looks down and continues while Xander winks at me. I grip his hand tighter, giving him a thank you.

  Everyone surrounds us, watching my brother tattoo my partner as Xander reaches his free hand into his pocket. “While I have you both here, in this place, doing something we all love…” He pulls out a ring box as Levi stops tattooing. His eyes open wide as he lets out a small, excited laugh. My stomach falls through the floor as I let out a loud gasp.

  “Tomika Beaufort, my life changed the day I walked into Hope & Faith Ink. I think the name not only suited your life but our story.” My stomach dances with giddy butterflies. “I needed hope that you would see past my name, that you would understand the negative that came with it, and that you saw the good in me through all the shit.”

  I tighten my hand in his squeezing it, letting him know I see him for him.

  “I had faith that you would come back to me, and we could have the most beautiful of lives together. You, me, and Levi. Now we have Kaylie as well, and I can’t wait to meet her. A piece of you, a piece of me. My life is complete having all of you in it.”

  Tears form in my eyes as my heart pounds hard in my chest.

  “Tomi, I can’t imagine waking up a day without you by my side. Every morning is brighter with you in it, and I need every morning to start with you by my side.” He lets my hand go and opens the ring box to show me a beautiful white-gold band encrusted with diamonds, a giant ruby sits on top with a halo of diamonds around it. The ring is so unique, out of the ordinary, and totally me that it has me completely speechless.

  “So, will you do me the utmost honor of marrying me?”

  My eyes well so much, I can’t control it as they burst into tears, excitement bubbling through me as I bounce on the spot. “Shit, I shouldn’t bounce, my bladder’s not what it used to be.”

  He snorts out a laugh as he continues holding the ring, then he slowly slides it onto my finger. “So, you’re my girl?” he asks.

  I squeal a little. “I’m your girl. Yes!”

  Levi lets out a cheer as the rest of the studio celebrates along with us. I lean down with my belly protruding, but I don’t mind as I kiss my fiancé with my baby on the way, and my brother sitting next to us happy as can be.

  Life is great.

  I didn’t think I’d ever be able to say that when it came to Alexander Scott—the man who I assumed initiated the shutdown of Hope & Faith Ink.

  I was so wrong.

  I thought Alex Scott was an asshole.

  But I can now say, without exception, Alex Scott is the love of my life.

  Coming soon:

  Without Hesitation

  A standalone novel in The Without Series of books.

  All complete stories. All happy ever afters.

  The Defiance MC Series

  We're brothers.

  Bound together, not by blood but by grit.

  Our club - constantly under siege by mafia, yakuza, or from our broken pasts.

  Our loyalty - strong, but only to those who remain true.

  Even through the chaos, we find hope.

  Hope for a better tomorrow.

  One where we're not constantly at war. Fighting until the bitter end - for freedom or blood. Whichever comes first.

Through the carnage, a glimmer shines.

  A spark of new life, of love.

  These stories aren't merely about brothers, love and family—they're about chaos, betrayal, conflict and turmoil.

  Life—it's worth living.

  Because we are Defiance.

  Find out more in the Chicago Defiance Series Books or Box Set Part One.

  Resistance – The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 1

  Penance – The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 2

  Deviance – The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 3

  Sufferance – The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 4

  Acceptance – The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 5

  Balance – The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 6

  Defiance – The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 7 – to be released late 2019

  Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

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  Australian author K E Osborn was born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia. With a background in graphic design and a flair for all things creative, she felt compelled to write the story brewing in her mind.


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