Desire (The Desire Series Book 1)

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Desire (The Desire Series Book 1) Page 5

by Ava Alexia

  “Why? Is there someone else? Who has caught your fancy this time?” Logan asked curiously.

  “Why do you think I’ve met someone else?” Jules hedged.

  “Because that’s who you are. You love them for a while then move on. Who’s the sex toy now?” Logan asked.

  Jules was reluctant to tell Logan who the mystery woman was. He knew that Logan would not approve. Logan was fond of Jaime and would not appreciate him toying with her. But Jules was not sure that he was doing that. When he had seen Jaime at the concert she appeared as a sophisticated, worldly woman. He’d been attracted to her instantly and knew that he had to find a way to have sex with her. The invitation to her celebratory party had been a godsend. It had allowed him the chance to speak with her and charm his way into her bed. He hadn’t thought about the ramifications of his actions in regard to his friendship with Logan and his family. Jaime had been perfectly accepting of a ‘no strings’ attached night of passion. She had said exactly what he’d wanted to hear and they had both experienced a night that they would not soon forget. But when the passion was over he had not ended the evening. He’d stayed through the night and made plans for the next evening. And that evening had concluded with the same kind of mind-blowing sex that the first night had held. Now here he stood wanting to call her and arrange another date for tonight. She had been on his mind all day and he couldn’t stop thinking about her. What had come over him? His trademark was to love ‘em and leave ‘em. But he was having trouble in leaving Jaime. But regardless he knew that he was not the type to settle down. And eventually he would walk away from Jaime. But would he break her heart in the process? She’d said she was only looking for one night of sex. But one night had already turned into two and he knew there would be a third and possibly many more. Would she be cool when it came time to shut the door on their dalliance? He owed it to her and himself to find out. He looked at Logan then shifted his eyes away.

  “No one. It just time to move on from Lyndsay. Obviously she’s beginning to cling. And I don’t do attachments,” Jules replied.

  “Cutting your ties before things get messy. I get that,” Logan remarked. “Well, you might want to make sure she’s not sitting in your lobby when you get home. She was determined to see you.”

  “She doesn’t know where I live. But I will call her to break things off,” Jules said. He sighed and looked around the building. “Keep things on schedule here and let me know of any problems.”

  “Absolutely, Jules,” Logan said.

  “See you tomorrow,” Jules smiled.

  “Later,” Logan said as he went to speak with the electrician across the room.

  Jules took the service elevator to the ground floor. He needed to see Jaime and he didn’t want to wait until this evening. He exited the elevator and crossed the construction site to his car. He got his car and took off.


  Jaime and Madison sat on the café patio talking and laughing.

  “So, is Jules as good in bed as his reputation says,” Madison asked.

  “I hadn’t heard the rumors but speaking from experience, he’s fantastic,” Jaime said with blasé flair.

  “I knew it! I just knew that the rumors were not over inflated. The women are too desperate to get a piece of him,” Maddie said excitedly.

  Jaime thought about the hostess at the Sultry Blues. She’d been ready to strip Jules down on the spot and seduce him.

  “You’re right about that,” Jaime said.

  She told Maddie about the restaurant hostess. Maddie laughed.

  “It served her right to see him catering to you. When will you see him again?” Maddie asked as she took a bite of her Caesar salad.

  “I don’t know that I will see him again. He didn’t make any commitments when he left Sunday morning,” Jaime said.

  “Sunday morning? Didn’t you guys go out Saturday night?” Maddie asked with a frown.

  Jaime was puzzled.

  “Yes. Why?” Jaime asked.

  “So he spent the entire night?” Maddie asked.

  “Yes. What about it?” Jaime questioned.

  “That’s not his M.O. From what I’ve heard from Logan, Jules never spends the night at a woman house. He leaves in the middle of the night,” Maddie said. “And he never takes a woman to his home. That’s a no-no.”

  “Maybe he just didn’t feel like getting dressed and driving home,” Jaime reasoned.

  “He never stays. It gives the woman ideas…the wrong idea. You must have made a major impression on him for Jules to break one of his carnal rules,” Maddie said shrewdly.

  “Our first night together was just exciting, explosive sex,” Jaime recalled. “But Saturday night was really fun. We talked, laughed, danced and had a really good time. I even was talked into playing a few tunes with the band.”

  “That’s not hard to do. You’re such a softie,” Maddie grinned.

  “Jules says I need a bodyguard,” Jaime said.

  “Finally, someone who sees what I see. Are you getting one?” Maddie asked.

  “No. He says if I don’t then he’ll do the honors,” Jaime smiled.

  “So he plans on being around for a while,” Maddie said knowingly.

  Jaime shrugged.

  “It could have been a spur of the moment comment. He may not have meant it,” Jaime replied.

  “He doesn’t say things he doesn’t mean. You are dating Jules,” Maddie said excitedly.

  “Don’t spread that around, Maddie. It probably isn’t true,” Jaime cautioned.

  “It’s true but I won’t repeat it yet. Not until you say it’s okay to do so,” Maddie promised.

  Jaime looked at her in dismay and shook her head at her. Maddie glanced at her watch.

  “Oh damn! Where did the time go? I’ll be late for my next appointment if I don’t hurry,” Maddie exclaimed. “And I left my samples at your house.”

  “Come on. I’ll get you there in five minutes,” Jaime said.

  “But will I be in one piece?” Maddie cringed.

  Jaime laughed as she put several bills in the waiter’s wallet.

  “Let’s go,” Jaime said.

  Jaime arrived home in record time. She entered the garage and parked in her spot. She and Maddie took the elevator up to her penthouse. They were laughing when they enter the apartment.

  “I told you I would get you here quickly,” Jaime said proudly.

  “After running two red lights, cutting off cabbies and nearly hitting a bike messenger,” Maddie declared.

  “People run red lights all the time. And the cabbies got back what they always put out,” Jaime defended.

  “And the bike messenger?” Maddie laughed.

  “He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time,” Jaime laughed. “Besides, I wasn’t that close to him.”

  “I imagine that biker would say otherwise.”

  They both spun around at the sound of the voice. Jules lounged against the refrigerator with a glass of wine in his hand.

  “Jules!” Both girls said in unison.

  “In the flesh,” he smiled.

  Jaime remembered when he had made that same reply at her party.

  “The bodyguard returns,” Maddie whispered to Jaime.

  Maddie then crossed to the couch and picked up her satchel of samples for her interior designs.

  “It’s good to see you, Jules. I didn’t know that you and Jaime had become so closely acquainted,” Maddie said.

  Jules remained silent.

  “We’re friends, Maddie,” Jaime said. She tried to defuse what had become a volatile atmosphere.

  Maddie glanced at Jules closed expression.

  “Very good friends, I would say. He’s in your house when you are not,” Maddie observed.

  “Maddie!” Jaime exclaimed.

  “Gotta run,” she said airily. “It was good to see you Jules.”

  “Maddie,” Jules replied stiffly.

  Jaime joined Maddie as she walked to the elevator.

  “I could strangle you,” Jaime whispered fiercely to Maddie.

  “I couldn’t help but tease him a bit. He really does need to chill out,” Maddie whispered back. Maddie got into the elevator and blew her a kiss. “Have fun.”

  Jaime couldn’t resist smiling at Maddie’s unrepentant grin. She waved to her friend as the doors closed. Then she turned to look at Jules who had moved into the living room and stood by the fireplace. An inscrutable expression marred his features. Jaime sighed deeply. Was he angry? Were they about to have their first argument? It was ridiculous to think so. After all, he was the one who had shown up without warning.

  “Maddie left her samples here. She’s an interior designer,” Jaime said hurriedly.

  “I know,” he said tautly.

  “I didn’t notice your car in the garage,” Jaime said lightly. Jaime strove for a casual tone. She felt she failed miserably.

  “I parked on the street and used the code to get into the garage. I still remembered it from Saturday night,” he said in low tones.

  “Oh,” was all Jaime could think to say. She moved to sit on the couch. Sudden nervousness caused her hands to fidget. She stilled her hands and willed them to relax. There was no reason for her to be anxious. “What brings you here?”

  “Will Maddie talk?’ he asked instead of answering her question.

  Jaime looked at him. So that’s what he was worried about. He didn’t know if Maddie would relate what she had witnessed today. Obviously he wasn’t ready for their “friendship” to be aired among their mutual friends; mainly Maddie’s family. Maddie’s family treated her like their daughter and they would not appreciate Jules hurting or misleading her. Jaime was tempted to make Jules sweat and pretend not to understand his question. But she really couldn’t fault his attitude when she had agreed to the terms of their encounter. Their association was based on sex only. It was what she’d said she wanted and nothing more. It wasn’t his fault that her feelings were beginning to change. Jaime started at her admission but realized the truth of it. The question was: how was she going to deal with it? She needed time to work it out.

  “Well? Will she?” he persisted.

  “No, she will not,” Jaime said quietly.

  “How can you be so sure?” he asked brusquely.

  Jaime was tired of his bad attitude.

  “Because she’s my friend. Enough said,” Jaime snapped.

  Jules eyebrows rose at her tone. He had yet to see her irritated. Her clear grey eyes flashed and her chin was firmly set. Her mouth was a rigid straight line. The longer he looked at her the more he wanted to kiss her mouth into submission and make her scream in passion. He took a step toward her. She stood up and walked briskly toward her bedroom. She was putting distance between them and that was the last thing that he wanted. He followed her.


  Jaime went into her closet and kicked her shoes off. She pulled opened a drawer and removed a pair of blue shorts. Setting them on the bench she pushed her seersucker long green skirt over her hips. It fell to the floor. She then reached to pick up the shorts.

  “Take off the panties as well.”

  Jaime gasped and spun around. She had not heard him follow her into the closet.

  “You need to leave,” Jaime said firmly.

  “You don’t even know why I came,” he said conversationally.

  “And I don’t care. Just go,” Jaime snapped.

  “No,” he replied.

  Jaime sighed.

  “Jules. Please leave. I need time to think and I can’t do that while in your company,” she said.

  “What do you need to think about?” he said.

  “That’s none of your business. Just get out of here,” she begged.

  He shook his head negatively and began to move towards her.

  “Not until we talk….and do a few other things,” he murmured.

  Jaime backed away from him until she was pinned against the bureau.

  “Talk about what?” she asked breathlessly.

  “It can wait. Take them off,” he ordered.

  “No,” she said stubbornly.

  “You promised you wouldn’t wear them when you were with me,” he reminded her.

  “I’ve changed my mind,” she said with false bravado.

  He smiled sexily.

  “If you don’t remove them, I will,” he threatened.

  “You wouldn’t,” she gasped.

  “Oh, I would. Take them off, Jaime,” he repeated.

  By now he was standing mere inches before her. He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her against his chest. His hands moved to cup the cheeks of her bottom. He squeezed and massaged them. Jaime almost slid to the floor with desire. His thumbs then hooked the waistband of her panties. She looked up at him; her eyes dark with passion. He lowered his head and kissed her deeply as he pushed her panties over her slender hips. They fell to the floor and Jaime stepped out of them. He then lifted her from the floor and Jaime wrapped her legs about his waist. He moved from the closet to her massive bed. He sat her on the bed then pulled her to its edge. He then dropped to his knees and spread her legs wide. Jaime couldn’t wait for his tongue to lick her aching clit.


  He smiled as he settled his head between her thighs and licked her lasciviously. Jaime cried out in want. He could make her forget everything but her need for him. She always knew that she was extremely sexual. Her desire for him at twelve years old was proof of that. But it seemed her carnal appetite was even greater since she had become his lover. There wasn’t anything she would do to satisfy her craving for him; and she wasn’t ashamed of it. At this moment though all she could think about was how she could heighten and embellish the experience. She smiled as an idea came to mind. She bucked against his face and knew that her climax was near. But she didn’t want to come just yet. She slid off of the bed and pushed him backward. He fell on his back and cocked an eyebrow at her in askance. She smiled as she straddled him and unbuckled his pants. He lifted his hips and she stripped him of them. His heavy, long penis was nestled in thick short hair. The sight of him made her long to feel him inside of her. But not just yet. She lifted him in her hands and slid her fingers along the length of it. Her fingers touched his nuts and she bent to suckle them. He roared as he bucked in excitement. He grasped her hair tightly to hold her face to his groin. She drew her tongue up his penis until she was at its head. She licked him and her groaned. She then closed her mouth over him and ate her fill.

  “Damn, Jaime!” he hissed.

  She sucked his cock until she felt her desire building to a fever pitch. She was surprised when his powerful legs flipped her onto her back without removing his penis from her mouth. He began pushing his dick in and out of her mouth. He was so big that Jaime thought she would gag but he was careful not to choke her. His thrusts felt so good. She sucked in her cheeks against him and he yell in excitement.

  “Again. Do that again,” he begged.

  She did and he groaned. Her mouth was like a tight, snug cocoon and he was mindless with exhilaration. Jules was panting furiously as he pushed harder and faster into her mouth. Jaime could see that he was totally lost in his world of pleasure. But he was going too far into her mouth. He was too big and she couldn’t take all of him. Jaime tried to push his hips away from her. She was gagging but he didn’t seem to hear her. She was choking and couldn’t breathe. She rained blows upon him with her fists but they seemed to have no effect. She was on the verge of falling into a dark void. The edges of blackness were closing in on her. She gagged again and this time he opened his eyes and looked down at her. Jaime was choking.


  He pulled out of her mouth immediately and pulled her to his chest.

  “Jaime, I’m sorry. My God, I’m sorry,” he exclaimed.

  She doubled over as she continued to cough. Breathing was so hard. She couldn’t seem to get enough air. Jules pulled her into him and wrapped his legs around h
er. He leaned back against the bed and gently laid her head on his chest. He held her close as she tried to catch her breath.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I never meant to hurt you. Never in life would I hurt you,” he whispered.

  Jules held comfortingly and kissed her temple lovingly. Jaime’s erratic breathing slowly began to calm. She lifted her head from his chest and stared at him. Her grey eyes were wide in incredulity. He was such a god in her eyes. How could he have let this happened? Jules saw her expression and cringed in self-loathing. He hated having her look at him in that way; with such disappointment and disbelief. It hurt him to see the pain in her eyes.

  “Jaime, don’t. Please don’t look at me that way. I’m so sorry. I should have been more attentive to you,” he mourned. “I could kick myself for not see that you were in trouble sooner than I did.”

  “I tried to get you to stop but you kept pumping into my mouth. I—

  “I know baby and I am sorry. I was so caught up in my own pleasure that I forgot that I was in your mouth and not your sweet haven,” he explained. “Please forgive me. It will never happen again. I swear it.”

  Jaime saw the pleading in his now dark green eyes. She knew that she could probably forgive him anything because she had fallen for him. How it had happened so quickly was a question she would consider later. But for right now, all she knew was that he was begging for her forgiveness and she was would not withhold it from him. She lifted her hand to his cheek and ran it over his smooth skin. He caught her hand and kissed its palm.

  “I forgive you, Jules,” she said softly. Then she looked at him mock ferocity. “Just don’t let it happen again.”

  He grinned at her playfulness and pulled her against his chest again.

  “Never,” he swore. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “Yes. I’m fine,” she answered.

  They were quiet for several moments. Then Jaime looked up at him.

  “What did you want to talk about?” she asked.

  “Let’s get dressed and we’ll talk,” he said. “But remember; no panties.”

  Jaime heaved an exaggerated breath.

  “Okaaaay!” she sighed.


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