by Ron MacLean
Rock’em Sock’em videos, 274
support for underdog, 136–37
turbot joke, 114–15
Cherry, Luba, 147–50
Cherry, Richard, 15–16, 92
Cherry, Rose, 143–46, 252
Chiarelli, Peter, 280
CKNW-AM, 113
CKRD-AM and FM, 31–33, 45–50
CKRD-TV, 48–49, 50
Clancy, Frank “King,” 63
Clark, Alan, 108–9, 112, 113, 115–16, 117, 176, 226
Clarke, Bob, 180, 305
Clarkson, Michael, 189
Coach’s Corner
effect on HNIC ratings, 113–14
hosted for first time by RM, 1–3
political discussions, 110–12, 116–28, 218–20, 222–23
rapport between RM and Don Cherry, 17–20, 87–95
show preparation, 304–5
sponsorship, 111–12
use of seven-second delay, 205
Coates, Al, 69
Coffey, Paul, 257
Cogan, Kevin, 74
Cole, Bob, 115, 131–32, 164
Commonwealth Games, 296
Compuware, 267
concussions, 279–83
Cooke, Matt, 140–41
Cornell, Bob, 91
Coubertin, Pierre de, 243
Craig, Dan, 161, 162
Cranston, Sid, 49
Cranston, Toller, 273
Creighton, Fred, 93
Crosby, Sidney, 221–22, 279, 281, 282, 303
Crozier, Joe, 266
CTV television network, 191
Cuddy, Jim, 261
Cutler, Dave, 27–28
Dadswell, Doug, 69–70
Dagenais, Mike, 257
Dallas Stars, 161–63, 166, 167
Daly, Bill, 156
D’Amour, Marc, 69–70
Dan Snyder Memorial Golf Tournament, 255–56
Darling, Joel, 120–21, 124, 191
Davidson, John, 65, 73, 175
Davidson, Ron, 270
Day, Larry, 61
de Bruin, Erik, 235
Dean, Christopher, 273
Demers, Jacques, 199
Detroit Red Wings, 291–92
Dingman, Chris, 181
Dodson, Mike, 259, 260
Domi, Max, 202
Domi, Tie, 190, 202
Don Quixote, 209–10, 214–15
Doucette, Cory, 261
Dowbiggin, Bruce, 188
Downey, Aaron, 170
Doyle, John, 189
Draisaitl, Peter, 228
Draper, Kris, 291, 292
Drummond, Don, 50
Duceppe, Gilles, 191
Dumont, J.P., 170
Eastcott, Garnett, 142
Edmonton Oilers, 72–73, 159
Edmonton Sun, 95
Edwards, Don, 69
Egan, Bob, 261
Elliot, Bruce, 194
Elliott, Sam, 265–66
Ellson, J.P., 265
Envy: The Seven Deadly Sins (Epstein), 293–94
Epstein, Joseph, 293–94
Esposito, Phil, 198–99
Falk, David, 184–85
Fecan, Ivan, 191, 207
Felicien, Perdita, 243
Ference, Andrew, 222
Festing-Smith, Linda, 249, 250
Festing-Smith, Patrick, 249, 250, 251
fighting, in hockey, 108, 285–86
Finley, Brenda, 61–62
Finnell, Karen, 300
Firestone, Roy, 107
Fischler, Stan, 198
Fletcher, Boots, 71
Fletcher, Cliff, 70–71, 181
football, 27–30
Forristall, John “Frosty,” 197–98
Forsberg, Peter, 202
Fort, Rodney, 154, 166
Foyt, A.J., 74
Friedman, Elliotte, 233
Gainey, Bob, 180–81
Gallacher, Bill, 166, 167
Gallagher, Tony, 184
Galley, Garry, 257
Gartner, Max, 229–32
Gemini Awards, 256, 264–65
The George Michael Sports Machine, 74–75
The Glass Castle (Walls), 262
Global television network, 84
God’s Debris: A Thought Experiment (Adams), 294
Gold, Andrew, 36
Goodenow, Bob, 153–56, 158, 166
Gordeeva, Ekaterina, 238
Gorshkov, Alexander, 32
Gothe, Jurgen, 307
Gould, Bobby, 280
Graham, Paul, 177–78
Green, Mike, 305
Greene, Bob, 229
Greene, Helen, 229
Greene, Nancy, 229
Gregory, Jim, 63
Gretzky, Janet, 244
Gretzky, Walter, 244
Gretzky, Wayne, 94–95, 129–32, 244, 285, 287
Griffiths, Arthur, 138
Grinkov, Sergei, 238
Grossman, Sandy, 284
Gulf War (1991), 116–17
Guliker, Casey, 264–65
Hall, Glenn, 69–70
Hanomansing, Ian, 251
Harper, Stephen, 283
Harrison, Ron, 95, 109
Hasek, Dominik, 266
Haskayne, Dick, 52
Haskayne, Lee, 52
Heatley, Dany, 254–56
Hedman, Victor, 281
Heinrich, Wayne, 47–48
Heinzl, John, 194
Henwood, Dale, 185
Hicks, Tom, 166
concussions, 279–83
fighting in, 108, 285–86
Hockey Night in Canada. See also Coach’s Corner
Dave Hodge’s departure, 81–84
“gay pimp” opening, 107–10
RM hired, 76–78
sponsorship, 112, 113, 194
“Think Hockey” segments, 270
Hodge, Dave, 73, 76, 81–84, 88–89
Hogan, Paul, 239
Hollweg, Ryan, 215–18
Hotchkiss, Harley, 156
Hough, Jim, 77
Houston, William, 199
Howe, Gordie, 280
Hrudey, Kelly, 108, 297–99
Huard, Bill, 285
Hubbard, Elbert, 290
Hughes, Jimmy, 61
Hull, Brett, 131
Iginla, Jarome, 202
Indianapolis 500 car race, 73–75
instigator rule, 285
Iraq, U.S. invasion of, 117–28
Jackman, Tim, 215
Jauhal, Pritam Singh, 114–15
Joel, Billy, 33
Johncock, Gordon, 74
Johnson, Ben, 225
Jones, Randy, 280
Jordan, Michael, 184–85
Kadri, Nazem, 68
Karmanos, Peter, 166
Kasper, Steve, 19
Keenan, Mike, 93
Kelley, Jim, 266
Kennedy, Forbes, 262
Kennedy, Gary, 262, 263
Kennedy, Mike, 263
Kennedy, Ted, 280
Khabibulin, Nikolai, 170, 171
Killeen, Ray, 40–41
King, Dave, 227
Kipling, Rudyard, 155
Knox, Jean, 220
Koppett, Leonard, 151, 154
Kosti, Rick, 69–70
Koules, Oren, 167
Labatt Breweries, 112–13, 194
Lafleur, Guy, 137
LaFontaine, Pat, 179
Lafontaine, Phil, 223
Lamb, Debra, 61
Lansky, Steve, 58–59
Lapham, Lewis, 118, 122, 293
Larionov, Igor, 176–77
LaRue, Dennis, 170
Le Gougne, Marie-Reine, 242
LeClair, John, 303
Lee, Jane, 230
Lee, Nancy, 124, 127, 183–84, 193, 194
Lee, Terry, 230–31
Lee-Gartner, Kerrin, 228–32
Lemieux, Claude, 139, 291–92
Lemieux, Mario, 18, 280
Lewis, Ray, 255
, Camera and Democracy (Lapham), 293
Limpert, Marianne, 234–35
Linden, Trevor, 156
Lindros, Eric, 228, 280
“The Lion Sleeps Tonight,” 214
“Lonely Boy” (poem by RM), 12–13
Lowe, Kevin, 244
Lownsbrough, Mike, 52, 61
Ludwick, Terry, 296
Luongo, Roberto, 290
MacDonald, Gayle, 206
MacInnis, Al, 17, 66
MacLean, Cari Lynn Vaselenak (wife), 39–44, 58–59, 95, 99–100, 201, 236, 240, 250, 252, 265
MacLean, Catherine Sarah MacDonald (mother), 4, 6–9, 14–15, 164–65, 187, 245–53, 294–95, 300–301
MacLean, Frank, 5
MacLean, Mary, 5
MacLean, Nina, 5
MacLean, Ron
accused of racism, 199–201
as an investor, 267–68
becomes host of Hockey Night in Canada, 81–86
at CFAC-TV Calgary, 51–57, 59–67, 73–75
childhood, 7–13
colleagues at CBC Sports, 296–99
considers move to TSN, 207–8
contract negotiations, 112–16, 178–95
criticism in media, 135–37
early married life, 58–59
edits old Indy 500 footage, 73–75
favourite authors, 293–95
first broadcast with Don Cherry, 1–3
as football player, 27–30
Gemini Awards, 256, 264–65
joins Hockey Night in Canada, 76–78
loss of temper with Don Cherry, 141–42
Olympic coverage, 224–42
parents, 4–9
performance anxiety, 238–39
preparation for HNIC, 304–5
proposal to Cari, 43–44
puns, 37–38, 92–93, 110, 114–15, 299
as radio broadcaster, 31–37, 45–50
refereeing, 23–26, 132–34, 302–4
relationship with Don Cherry, 209–23
rescue of drowning man, 275–78
as weatherman, 48–49
MacLean, Ronald Francis (father), 4–9, 12, 14–15, 164–65, 187, 247–49, 250, 252, 253
MacNeil, Al, 69
Macoun, Charlie, 133–34
MacTavish, Craig, 303–4
Madison Square Garden television network, 191
“Maggie May” (Stewart), 56
Magnuson, Keith, 258
Manasso, John, 256
Manning, Preston, 93
Mansbridge, Peter, 96, 98, 126, 197
Marshall, Grant, 260
Matthews, Rob, 265
McCarty, Darren, 291–92
McCreary, Bill Jr., 285
McDonald, Lanny, 59–61
McFarlane, Brian, 77
McGuire, Pierre, 176–77
McKenzie, Ian, 69
McKenzie, Joe, 44
McNamara, Gerry, 63
McSorley, Marty, 139–40
Meagher, Gary, 281
Mears, Rick, 74
Meehan, Don, 173, 178–85, 191–95, 207–8, 264
Meeker, Howie, 73
Messier, Mark, 17, 132
Milbury, Mike, 285–86
Mills, Frank, 42
Mitchell, Andy, 197
Molson Export Ale, 104
Montgomery, Wes, 37
Montreal Canadiens, 73
fans’ booing of U.S. anthem, 119–20
Moore, Scott, 171–74, 269
Morley, Bob, 302
Morrison, Scott, 135
Moulton, Minnie, 5
Movie Night in Canada, 259–60
Moyes, Jerry, 166
Muckler, John, 219
Mulroney, Brian, 116–17
Murphy, Jerry, 28
“Music Box Dancer” (Mills), 42
“My Life” (Joel), 33
Najak, Sherali, 296–97
Naslund, Mats, 91
National Hockey League (NHL)
editorial pressure on Hockey Night in Canada, 171–74
franchise values, 165–68
instigator rule, 285
lockout of 1994–95, 129–32
lockout of 2004–05, 152–56, 259–60
and Olympics, 211
players on “watch lists,” 170
rule changes, 283–85, 286
salary cap, 156–60, 168
two-referee system, 283
and Winnipeg, 212
National Hockey League Players’ Association (NHLPA), 153–56
nationalism, 289
Neal, James, 263
Neale, Harry, 70, 71–72, 188–89
Neely, Cam, 19, 96–98
Neil, Chris, 217
Newmarket Hurricanes, 133
Newport Sports, 173
Nichol, Ken, 33
Nicholson, Bob, 210–11
Niedermayer, Scott, 244
Ninety-Nine All-Stars, 129–32
Nolan, Ted, 219–20
Oake, Scott, 233
Odelein, Lyle, 181
O’Faolain, Nuala, 246–47
Olympic Games. See also Winter Olympics
Athens (2004), 243
Atlanta (1996), 233–35
Beijing (2008), 233, 249, 250–51
Seoul (1988), 224–25
Sydney (2000), 237–39
O’Malley, Martin, 190–91
“One” (U2), 214
Ontario Hockey Association (OHA), 133–34
Orr, Bobby, 19–20, 145, 196–99, 280
Paine, Thomas, 287
Pakhomova, Lyudmila, 32
Panaccio, Tim, 201
Peca, Michael, 183
Peeters, Pete, 67
Pelletier, David, 241–42
Pells, Leah, 234
Peplinski, Jim, 53–54, 227
Phoenix Coyotes, 166
Pilling, Trevor, 233, 296
Pollock, Grant, 52, 61
Pollock, Kevin, 303
Probert, Bob, 279
Quesnel, Pat, 28–29, 30
Quinn, Pat, 280
Rabinovitch, Robert, 205, 206
Rainnie, Bruce, 233
Ramage, Rob, 258
Ranford, Bill, 257
Red Deer Rustlers, 49
Redekopp, Harold, 183–84, 201, 204–6
Reimer, James, 304
Rendezvous ‘87, 64–65
Reunion Arena, 161–63
Richards, Brad, 244, 259–64
Richardson, Daron, 257–58
Richardson, Luke, 257–58
Richardson, Morgan, 257–58
Richardson, Stephanie, 257–58
Richmond Hill Dynes, 133
Richter, Mike, 17
Riendeau, Dwight, 10
Riendeau, Ed, 10
The Rise and Fall of the Press Box (Koppett), 151, 154
Roberts, Gary, 66
Rodier, Richard, 166
Roenick, Jeremy, 19
Rommel, Erwin, 32–33
Rooney, Chris, 303
Royal Winnipeg Ballet, 110
Russell, Scott, 251
Ruutu, Jarkko, 215–16
Ruutu, Tuomo, 217
Ryan, Frank, 49
Ryan, Pat, 88
Ryerson Rams, 302–3
Salé, Jamie, 241–42, 243
Salinger, J.D., 294–95
Samuelsson, Ulf, 202
Sandstrom, Tomas, 91
Saskin, Ted, 156
Sather, Glen, 135, 191, 227–28, 305
Saucier, Roland, 87–88
Savijarvi, Lisa, 236
Schneider, Mathieu, 89
Schreiber, Wally, 227
Schultz, Dave “The Hammer,” 274
A Season of Loss, a Lifetime of Forgiveness (Manasso), 256
Sellars, Doug, 2, 226
Semenko, Dave, 285
Shakespeare, Shannon, 235
Shannon, Darryl, 267
Shannon, John, 51–54, 56–57, 72–73, 76, 84, 92, 175–76
Sheedy, Colin, 266
Shero, Ray, 282
Shields, Ed, 32
Shift (Brown), 216
Short, John, 135
Sikharulidze, Anton, 241–42, 243
Silver Broom (curling championship), 87–88
Simon, Chris, 215–18
Sinclair, Don, 29
Sinden, Harry, 198–99
Sjostrom, Fredrik, 304
Small, Bruce, 24–25
Smith, Arthur, 95
Smith, Doug, 52
Smith, Martin, 31, 32
Smith, Michelle, 235
Smithson, Jerred, 169
Snoopy (family pet), 7–8
Snyder, Dan, 254–56
Snyder, Graham, 254–56, 264
Snyder, Jake, 256
Snyder, LuAnn, 254–56, 264
Spear, Brian, 297
The Sports Network (TSN). See TSN
Sports Select lottery, 109–10
St. Louis Blues, 166–67
Stanton, Tom, 251
Stars on Ice, 272
Stasiuk, Steve, 134
Steckel, David, 281
Stellick, Bob, 63
Stemmle, Brian, 236–37
Stemmle, Karen, 236
Stepan, Derek, 305
Stevens, Kevin, 19
Stevens, Scott, 280
Stewart, Rod, 56
Stojko, Elvis, 236
Stortini, Zack, 170
Stuartt (pet), 102–6
Stursberg, Richard, 144
Summers, Mark, 36
Sutter, Brian, 265
Suzuki, David, 222
Swanson, Todd, 41, 79, 105
Swanson, Val, 41, 42
Sylvan Lakers, 24–26
Tampa Bay Lightning, 167
Teed, Danny, 45, 47
“Thank You for Being a Friend” (Gold), 36
Therien, Emile, 206
“Think Hockey,” 270
Thomas, Tim, 289–90
“Thunderstruck” (AC/DC), 214
Tokens (pop group), 214
Toms, Doug, 296
Tonelli, John, 80
Tonelli, Sandra, 80
Tootoo, Jordin, 202
Toronto Sun, 191–92
TowerBrook Capital, 166–67
Trachman, Jay, 45–48
Tremblay, Suzanne, 111
TSN (television channel), 51, 207–8
Tupholme, Iris, 271
TV timeouts, 284–85
two-line passes, 286
two-referee system, 283
U2, 214
United Nations, 122
Vancouver riot, 288–91
Vaselenak, Bev, 100, 102–3, 250
Vaselenak, John, 39, 41, 100–101, 250
Vellner, Marty, 28, 30, 267–68
Vinik, Jeff, 167
Wagner, Noel, 57, 58
Walkom, Stephen, 303, 304
Wallace, Don, 76–77, 78
Walls, Jeanette, 262
Watson, Michael, 29
Whalen, Ed, 55–56, 61, 65–66, 172, 294
Where Shall Wisdom Be Found? (Bloom), 214–15
Wilkinson, Tom, 28
Williams, Brian, 77, 233, 240, 247
Wilson, Ron, 68
Wilson, Tracy, 226
Winnipeg, Manitoba, NHL team in, 212