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Blood Page 24

by Emily Thompson

  While the others responded self-effacingly to his thanks and offered handshakes and pats on the back, Twist could only marvel at how good a match the two of them truly were. Their love might seem subtle or even chilled at times, but Twist now saw that those moments were an illusion. Despite any amount of horrors they encountered thanks to Aazzi’s condition, she and Philippe clung tightly together and drew strength from each other.

  The group took a pair of cabs back to the tall lighthouse at the coast. In the bright light of day, Twist saw even more airships docked to the tower of the lighthouse than he had when they’d arrived. He spotted the same Rook vessel that had brought him to Africa and was relieved to see the Vimana docked among the ships. As they were alighting from the cabs, a pair of obvious Rook agents in their sharp black suits approached them.

  “Here we go…” Luca grumbled under his breath, spotting the Rooks as well.

  Skye shot him a sour glance but moved to meet the Rooks.

  “Agent Blue?” one of the two Rooks asked, smiling pleasantly to her.

  “What can I do for you?” she asked with a nod.

  “Aden has requested that you personally deliver the remaining potion to him in Honolulu,” the Rook said with a polite air and an American accent that matched Skye’s. “We’re heading that way and have been asked to take you.”

  “I see,” Skye said, looking troubled. She turned to find Twist, Jonas, and Myra behind her, while the Vimana’s crew headed for their airship, and the gypsies watched the Rooks with scowls from farther away.

  Twist glanced at Jonas, noticing a sudden blush of unmistakable relief in the buzzing at the base of his own neck. Jonas’s expression, however, showed nothing at all. But Myra responded instantly, giving a mournful tone and wrapping both arms around her friend. Skye dropped her travel bag and smiled as she hugged Myra in return.

  “There, there, honey,” Skye said soothingly as Myra pulled back to look at her in obvious sorrow. “I’ll miss you too. But we’ll see each other again, real soon. I’m sure of it. You guys are always getting into trouble,” she added, glancing past Myra to Twist and Jonas.

  “Are you in trouble now?” Jonas asked Skye, nodding at the Rooks behind her.

  Skye smiled at him. “Nah, I’m fine. I think Aden already knows exactly what was happening. I’m probably in for a talking-to, but that’s it.”

  Jonas nodded, looking relieved now, though the buzzing in Twist’s neck hadn’t changed at all. “Thanks for helping us out.”

  “Yes,” Luca agreed, stepping closer. He paused, looking at Skye, as if his words were difficult to voice. “Thank you for your help,” he managed finally.

  At his side, Harman nodded agreement but didn’t speak.

  “Well,” Skye said lightly, “maybe now we can all be friends.”

  Harman and Luca didn’t look the least bit excited by this idea, but neither of them spoke up to counter it.

  “I’ll miss having you around, as well,” Twist offered to Skye with a smile. “You’ve been a very good friend to all of us.”

  “Thanks, Twist,” Skye said, smiling back. “You’re a sweetheart. I know Kali’s going to miss you, especially,” she added, before looking to Jonas.

  Jonas’s goggles were on over his eyes now, and his expression was still hard to read. He didn’t appear to feel that he needed to say anything at all.

  “Well,” Skye said, when Jonas continued to hold silent. She picked up her travel bag again, slinging the strap over a shoulder. “I guess I’d better go.”

  “Have a good trip,” Myra offered, although her tone was rich with disappointment.

  “Oh!” Skye said suddenly, putting on a smile. “Here’s an idea,” she said, slipping the long chain of her pendant watch over her head. She held the necklace out to Myra. “Why don’t you hang on to this, Myra? I can get another one. And then, you and I can talk any time we like.”

  Myra gasped in delight and took the necklace with both hands, clutching it as if it were a treasure. “Oh, what a lovely idea! How does it work?” she asked, looking at the little watch.

  Skye showed her how to open the watch and how to flip the face of it over to reveal the soft blue light from within. When a voice from within the watch responded, asking what they wanted, Skye told the voice it was nothing, and they shut the watch.

  “I’ll call you when I get a new communicator of my own,” Skye said to Myra. “When it buzzes, just open it up, and we’ll be able to talk. I’ll tell you how to contact me too, once we’re all set. Then, you can call whenever. As long as I’m not in the middle of battle or asleep, I can usually talk.”

  “This is wonderful!” Myra said, quickly slipping the chain over her own head. The little watch hung low, over her crystal heart. “Oh, thank you!” she said, taking Skye into another embrace.

  “You’re welcome, honey,” Skye said, smiling again. “I’m just glad I thought of it.”

  Twist smiled to see Myra’s sadness lessened now that she could still at least speak with her friend. Skye offered her final good-byes and asked that her sentiments be relayed to the Vimana’s crew. Although it seemed obvious to everyone else that Skye would have liked an embrace from Jonas in parting, Jonas offered none. He also failed to mention that he would miss her company. Skye didn’t insist, however, and left with the other Rooks while Twist and Myra waved, and Myra tried not to look sad. The gypsies watched Skye leave with their vial of dragon’s blood with sour expressions but no verbal complaint. Twist made no comment on Jonas’s odd behavior as the three of them and the two gypsies went to board the Vimana.

  As Twist stepped aboard the Vimana once again, he suddenly realized that Jonas had also made no protest at all about undertaking a journey with his family. Everyone was quickly consumed with arranging the living quarters, forcing Twist to wait to mention it. Since there would be so many people on board this time, even without Skye, Twist made the quick decision to share Myra’s room rather than take one cabin to himself. He knew he would need her to keep his nightmares away, anyway, and she seemed only delighted at the prospect of sharing with him.

  Dropping his travel bag in Myra’s room—the hand-painted flowers still on the wall between the two small windows—Twist hurried away to find Jonas as the ship cast off into the late-afternoon sky. He found him in his old cabin with its low, Japanese-style furnishings, sitting at the table on the floor. Jonas looked up to him and offered a light smile in greeting.

  “Where’s the rum?” Twist asked, stepping into the room.

  “I’m out,” Jonas said with a heavy sigh. Despite his tone, Twist felt nothing but calm in the buzzing at his own neck.

  “Sorry I asked,” Twist said, taking a seat at the table. “But you seem to be all right without it. And I’m not sure why.”

  Jonas gave him a quizzical look.

  “Well, this is the Vimana,” Twist said leadingly.

  “Yeah,” Jonas muttered irritably. “But I think I can handle them, this time. After all, they’re all exhausted. They should leave me alone for a while.”

  “And we’ve just parted from a good friend,” Twist added.

  Jonas gave a quiet sigh. “Yeah, Myra’s really going to miss her.”

  “You’re not?” Twist asked, watching his reaction closely.

  Jonas gave Twist a level look.

  “I thought you liked her,” Twist pressed, unable to swallow his confusion. “You seemed to get along quite well, you stood up for her against the gypsies, and you were upset whenever anything happened to her. And that’s not to mention, you both acted like you were courting.”

  “I do like Skye,” Jonas said. “She is a good friend. But I’m not like you, Twist. I’m just not built for relationships,” he said, speaking the last word as if it were unsavory. “I can’t stand the idea of being tied down to just one person.”

  Although Jonas’s tone was bold and confident, Twist sensed that there was something amiss in what he said. Especially against the vague, shifting energy in the
base of Twist’s neck, Jonas’s words struck Twist with a distinctive sound of self-denial. Twist also realized that, although he might be confused, it wasn’t really his place to understand. Twist fell silent, struggling to come up with a way to drop the subject of Skye without making things any more awkward between Jonas and himself.

  “When do you think they’re making dinner?” Jonas asked Twist.

  “I don’t know, but I am getting a bit peckish,” Twist answered, grateful for the change of subject.

  “So am I,” Jonas said earnestly. “I hope Arabel is feeling up to cooking. She makes a roast chicken that’s out of this world.”

  “I’d love to try it,” Twist offered.

  As the conversation fell into a comfortable rhythm and the topics of discussion remained safely in the realm of food, Twist relaxed into the familiar atmosphere of Jonas’s company. By the time Zayle came to tell them that dinner was ready, Twist had managed to convince himself, silently, that he didn’t need to understand anyone else’s preferences for relationships. All he needed to concern himself with was his own relationship with Myra.

  After everyone had enjoyed a lovely diner made by Arabel, Zayle vanished into the engine room, and Howell took his rightful place at the helm. Aazzi and Philippe retired early, while the others each entertained themselves in their own ways.

  While the Vimana sailed through high, streaming mists that began to gild the edge of twilight, Twist found himself alone at the bow of the ship, looking out over the thinning jungles below. A vast, yellow desert stretched out to the northern horizon, drawing Twist’s thoughts back to Egypt. It felt like ages had passed since he’d been there, even though he knew it had only been a few weeks.

  His memories billowed up in his mind, reminding him of all his new adventures. It hadn’t even been a year yet, since he’d first left London. Knowing the man he used to be, he could hardly believe he’d left at all. He smiled, remembering that very first moment when he’d realized that Myra wasn’t just a fairy tale. He reached into his pocket and plucked out the diamond ring. He turned the gem to see its glint in the failing sunlight and marveled at just how far that decision to leave home had taken him.

  By the time he’d been old enough to understand such things, Twist had already given up any dreams of a married life in his future. Having a family and children of his own would always be a complete impossibility for him. But with Myra, he suddenly found the possibility of the smallest form of a family: just two. To his eye, even that was immense and breathtaking. And when he thought of sharing the rest of his life—however long it lasted—with his beautiful little princess, his heart felt ready to burst with pride.

  “That’s not really your style, you know,” Jonas’s voice said softly.

  Enthralled by his own thoughts, Twist hadn’t noticed his approach and turned quickly to see his friend standing beside him. Jonas was eyeing the ring in Twist’s hand.

  Twist looked back to the ring. “It’s not for me.”

  “Yeah, I guessed that,” Jonas sighed.

  “You don’t think I should?” Twist asked, looking at him carefully.

  Twist was silently grateful that he didn’t have to explain himself fully for Jonas to understand. But, given their earlier conversation, he was also suspicious that Jonas might tell him that marriage was a silly idea and no good for anyone. Jonas took a moment, staring silently out at the desert ahead of them, before giving his answer.

  “I think you’d be a coward and fool if you didn’t,” he said with a heavy breath, before looking to Twist with light-blue eyes. “But whatever you do, you can’t go through with anything until we’re in a very fun city. I mean New Orleans, Rio, Monaco, Osaka—somewhere truly epic.”

  “Wait, what?” Twist asked, confused.

  Jonas looked at him very seriously, startling Twist a bit. “You, sir, are going to have one hell of a stag do.”

  Twist laughed, shaking his head.

  “You’re not getting out of this,” Jonas said sternly, though he was starting to smile now too. “I’ve never been a best man before, and I’m going to take my duties very seriously. The world won’t know what hit it.”

  “Oh, heavens,” Twist muttered pitifully.

  Jonas grinned at him. “I’m surprised but very proud of you, you devious rogue,” he muttered, reaching out to punch halfheartedly at Twist’s shoulder. “But even if you are going to shackle yourself to some girl, there’s no way I’m letting you even think of settling down.”

  Twist nodded solemnly. “Neither would Myra, I imagine.”


  “Good evening, chaps,” Arabel said from behind them.

  Twist turned to see her and Myra walking closer. Arabel was recovering from her wounds quickly and already looked much better. But at the sight of Myra, Twist felt his heartbeat speed up sharply. Theory was all well and good, but in the face of actually speaking his mind to Myra, Twist’s courage dissolved into a thin shadow of faith. He palmed the ring quickly and glanced away, struggling to calm himself. Some other time would be better, anyway, he assured himself. Maybe he could construct some romantic moment in which to ask her.

  Jonas smiled knowingly at him.

  “Myra?” Jonas said sweetly to her with a wide smile. “Twist has something to ask you.”

  Twist’s heart leaped into his throat, beating as quick as a trapped rabbit’s. He looked to Jonas in fright and alarm. Jonas gave him a hearty pat on the back and turned away.

  “Ara,” he said, stepping up to her and offering his arm. “Walk with me.”

  Arabel appeared very curious but took her brother’s arm nonetheless. Before Twist could voice any reasonable response, Jonas and Arabel were already moving away down the deck, leaving him alone with Myra and her pleasantly curious smile. He stared at her dumbly while she stood in all her innocence and impossible beauty. The golden sunset reflected richly on her copper skin, complementing the purple-and-pink sari she wore so well, while her blue jewel eyes glinted in her forever-childlike face.

  “What is it, darling?” she asked curiously.

  Twist tried to speak, but his words got caught in his throat. He thrashed about for something else to say, but there was only one thing in his mind. Suddenly, he wasn’t at all certain that she would say what he so desperately needed to hear. Could he survive a rejection from his one and only love? He struggled to find some excuse to put off this moment, to gather his courage.

  “Is something wrong?” Myra asked, looking concerned now.

  She stepped forward and reached up to stroke his face with her cool copper fingertips. A chill poured down Twist’s spine like cold water.

  “No, no,” he said quickly, finally managing to get his voice to respond. He took her hand and held it, looking down at her perfect clockwork fingers. “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “What did you want to ask me about?” she asked gently. His Sight whispered with her mild confusion.

  Twist closed his eyes and took a deep breath. There was no point in putting this off. In a life as hectic as his, he had to seize his moments whenever he could. Tomorrow, anything in the world could happen to them. He waited until he managed to organize his thoughts into some sort of order and was grateful for her silent patience. Then, he opened his eyes and faced her with what courage he had.

  “Did I ever tell you that you are my favorite old fairy tale?”

  Myra looked startled but smiled faintly. “Am I a fairy tale?”

  “Of course,” he said, smiling gently. “That’s why everyone we meet knows your legend.”

  “I was beginning to wonder about that,” Myra said thoughtfully.

  “No one ever knew that the story was true, so you became a myth. I heard your story when I was little, and I thought it was a myth too. But it was always my favorite. As a boy, I always dreamed of going to your palace on the tops of those misty mountains and building toys to make you smile.”

  Myra’s shining face shifted slowly into a delighted smile as he spoke.
“You make it all sound so magical.”

  “It was, to me,” he said, finally catching his footing now. “But in all my childish fantasies, I was never more than an entertainer to you. I never thought that I would fall in love with you. And I never dreamed that you might…love me. I never thought anyone ever would.”

  “Well, you know better now, don’t you?” she asked, her smile warming.

  Twist smiled back to her, but his words stopped once again. He looked down to her hand in his and forced the words out.

  “These last few days have made my own mortality abundantly clear to me. I think it’s wonderful that you will never leave this world. You make it so much better,” he added, daring to glance up to her eyes again. “But I fear that I can’t actually stay with you forever, as I promised.”

  Her smile chilled, and she nodded. “I know…and I don’t care,” she added quickly. “I don’t want to think about that.”

  “Even if I can’t give you forever,” Twist said, mastering his will to keep his eyes up, “I can give you the days I have left. They can all be yours, if you’ll have them.”

  When Myra’s face brightened again, Twist knew it was finally time for boldness. He slowly dropped to one knee before her, ignoring her slight confusion when he did.

  “I don’t want to spend a single day without you,” he said, fighting to keep his voice steady. “Beautiful Princess Myra, will you be my wife?”

  Myra’s shock washed over his Sight like a lightning strike. There was a terrifying moment in which she didn’t speak or move at all. Then, suddenly, her emoticons snapped into the brightest and warmest light Twist had even seen. He stared in amazement at her blinding joy, even though she looked ready to cry. She nodded with a jerky motion, stealing Twist’s breath away.

  “Of course I will!” she gasped, dropping into his embrace. Her clockwork body trembled as he held her close, his Sight drowned in her bliss. “Oh, darling, I was getting worried you would never ask me,” she said, pulling back to smile at him while still somehow looking cross.


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