Her Heart's Desire

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Her Heart's Desire Page 3

by Mary Wehr

  “I need more cereal. I swear since Cade’s been home I can’t keep a full box in the house.” She tickled Jack Jr.’s chubby cheeks. Delightful giggles filled the air. The little boy’s blue eyes widened as big as saucers and he kicked out with his feet. She laughed. “He’s such a delightful little boy.”

  Jack wrapped his arm around Melanie’s shoulders. “Of course he is, look who he has for a mother.” Jack Jr. reached for his dad.

  Mel’s cheeks turned red at the compliment as she handed the wiggling baby over to her husband. “Are you saying I’m delightful?” Jack flashed a grin and she patted his jaw adoringly. “You weren’t saying that when I was in the hospital giving birth.”

  Jack’s expression grew somber. “No, I didn’t, did I? I apologize, but I had to keep my mouth clamped shut otherwise the entire hospital would have heard me screaming. You just about crushed my hand with each contraction.”

  Sara poked his arm, wincing when she came up against hard muscle. “Wuss.”

  Mel ran her gaze over her baby from the top of his dark head to his little sneaker clad feet. “Yes, the pain was intense, but worth it.” She tickled the exposed skin of his belly and was rewarded with another shriek of giggles.

  Sara grinned at the couple. Jack was a retired state trooper and one hot, sexy guy. Melanie was a sweetheart and fast becoming a good friend. Lord knew she could use one right now.

  Jack kissed Melanie then lifted his son’s shirt and planted a loud smooch on his belly. More giggles. “Come on, sport. Mommy needs to get back to work. Let’s go agitate the guys at the barracks for a while then we’ll head home and start supper.” He swung Jack Jr. up in the air and set him on top of his shoulders. “Tell that clumsy husband of yours to give me a holler if he needs any help.”

  “I will, Mr. Mom.”

  Jack arched a brow mock-sternly, but Sara knew better than to be scared. Jack dressed in ratty jeans and a cotton t-shirt was a far cry from what he had looked like in uniform. Jack Horan had frightened her near to death the first time he walked into the store in his state trooper regalia. Stern and foreboding. Melanie had been the one to put that smile on his face and the permanent sparkle in his green eyes. Sara loved living next door to Mel and Jack Horan. They were wonderful neighbors and all-around good people.

  As soon as Jack was gone Sara whispered fiercely to Mel. “If I don’t talk to someone I’m going to disintegrate into a pile of ashes.”

  Mel chuckled. “Come on, it can’t be that bad.”

  Sara pursed her lips and cocked her head.

  “Okay, I take that back. My inventory is finished. I just need to send in the order for Wednesday.” She went up to the counter. “Stacy, if you need me I’ll be in the office.” She waved to Sara. “Grab a cup of coffee and come on back.”

  Sara sat in the small office and studied her friend’s face. “You look and sound so happy. I don’t know how you handle this manager’s job. The six weeks you were out on maternity leave I couldn’t wait until you came back. Figuring out schedules, calling in orders, and handling annoyed customers drove me crazy.” She pointed at the pile of lottery tickets on the desk. “Not to mention the lottery.”

  Mel grimaced. “I don’t mind the job, but this lottery can be a pain in the ass at times. I counted these dratted things three times and got three different totals. I thought if I stepped away for a while and finished the inventory I might be able to straighten it out. It’s really not so bad though. I admit I can’t wait to get home to my boys, but working here keeps me busy. This way I don’t dwell on my depression.”

  Sara was thoughtful for a moment. “No one would believe you had depression just by looking at you.” She swallowed the rest of her drink and threw the Styrofoam cup into the trash.

  Mel shrugged her shoulders. “Well, I do and it’s not going away so I have to deal with it.” She took a sip of coffee and set the cup down on her desk. “Now, what’s got you so upset?”

  Sara propped her elbows on her knees and cupped her chin in her hands. “Do you enjoy the sex act?”

  Mel’s brows shot up in surprise. “What?”

  “Geez, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you something so personal. We haven’t known each other that long.”

  “No, that’s okay.” Mel chuckled. “It’s kinda nice to have another woman closer to my age to talk to. Those younger girls have me beat. They could probably teach me a few things.” She tapped her chin. “My first husband was always quick during sex. There was hardly any foreplay. I knew there had to be something more between a man and a woman.” She snorted. “I made the mistake of asking my mother once and she got all up in my face and told me it was my duty to be available whenever my husband needed relief. Mike worked all day and it was my job to see that he was comfortable. It didn’t matter that I had been working at the time. After I was diagnosed with depression he stayed away from me altogether.”

  “Jack’s totally different, isn’t he?”

  Melanie smiled. “Oh yeah. I love sex with Jack. I love everything about Jack. He’s very attentive. He makes sure that I’m satisfied. A big difference between the two men, that’s for sure.”

  Sara rolled her eyes. “My aunt told me that sex is only for procreation. She also said women weren’t supposed to enjoy it. I admit the guys in the past proved her right about the enjoyment part, but Cade is so good. I feel wild and sexy when I’m with him.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with liking sex, Sara. Is this what you wanted to talk about?”

  “Not really.”

  “Then what else is bothering you?”

  “Since Cade hurt his wrist, Reese has been coming over to the house more than ever and it has to stop.” There she’d said it.

  Mel arched a brow in surprise. “Reese seems like a nice guy. He’s always pleasant when he comes into the store.” She chuckled. “Stacy admits she drools whenever she sees him. With that long blond hair he looks like Thor. I swear that girl keeps tabs on all the hot guys that come in here.” She frowned. “What’s up? I was under the impression the two of you were pretty close.”

  Sara’s shoulders drooped. The problem was she wanted to get closer. “We get along fine. Before Cade and I were married he had suggested a threesome with Reese, I was so angry I refused to speak to him for a while. He knew how much the gossip about my mother hurt me emotionally.” She sighed. “He was so contrite, sending flowers every day even though I wouldn’t take his calls. Finally, I couldn’t ignore him any longer and we went out on a date. He had made a mistake and swore he wouldn’t make it again.”

  Cade had taken her to dinner and they ended up dancing the night away. They had a glorious time, but during the drive home Cade had become quiet. He parked the car and before Sara could ask him what was wrong he jumped from behind the wheel and rounded her side. She was pulled from her seat and marched none too gently to the front door of her house. Once inside, he had made it clear that he intended to punish her for refusing his calls. In one fluid motion he had her over one knee. That had been the very first spanking she had ever gotten in her life, and although she couldn’t sit comfortably for the next two days, Cade Dalton had awakened a need in her she never knew existed.

  “Okay, you fell in love and all is well, so what does Reese have to do with anything?” Mel asked.

  Sara broke away from her musings. “No, all is not well. I think I’m falling in love with Reese too. This is my brother-in-law we’re talking about. Isn’t that sick? I truly hate my mother for choosing to be with two men and now I want the exact same thing. I put Cade through hell. I made him miserable until he swore he wouldn’t push me into a threesome and now it’s what I want.”

  “Just tell him what you told me,” Mel said softly. “I’m sure he’ll understand.”

  “He’s been through so much these past few weeks. I know I should be honest with him, but I’m too nervous. Things were a lot simpler before Cade fell. Now Reese is constantly around helping out. I adore him, but every time I see hi
m I want to jump his bones. I want both men.” She stood up and paced the small office. “I can’t go on this way. I’m downright bitchy to Reese, and Cade is always asking what’s wrong. I keep sidestepping the issue. He’s been patient with me so far, but I know it’s not going to last for long.” She sat back down. “It’s been twenty-one years since my mom left. Cade suggested that I ask Aunt Helen if she knows where mom is and find out firsthand why she left instead of listening to all of the gossip.”

  “Sounds like good advice to me. Did you ask your aunt?”

  “Yeah. She claims she doesn’t know, but Cade’s convinced she’s lying. Cade wouldn’t have a problem finding my mom if I asked him to. It’d just be quicker if Aunt Helen told me.”

  “Cade’s right,” Mel replied. “Sometimes it’s best to listen to the other side of the story, although I can’t imagine a mother wanting to abandon her child.” Mel blew out a breath. “As for you, you need to stop trying so hard to please everyone else and focus on doing what you want to do. Talk to Cade about your feelings for Reese.” She paused for a moment. “Would this be a one-time thing?”

  Sara sighed. “That’s just it. I don’t really know. I want to be with both of them, but for more than a day.” Her cheeks flushed and she covered her face with her hands. “My aunt would kill me if she found out. She wasn’t happy at all when I didn’t listen to her advice and married Cade. She said I’d become his and Reese’s plaything before the year was out and then they’d go sniffing for someone else because it was in their nature. She was that way with any boy who came around the house while I was growing up. It’s almost as if she didn’t want me to be happy. Dad never approved of any of the guys I dated, but what father believes any man is perfect for his little girl?”

  Melanie grabbed Sara’s hands and pulled them away from her face. “Stop it. Now, you listen to me. Your aunt may have different beliefs than you, but that doesn’t mean you have to follow her rule. I didn’t know your dad so I can’t comment on whether he was being too overprotective or not, but if you’re asking for my honest opinion, your aunt seems to be very controlling toward you. She calls here a lot to see if you’re at work. The girls also told me that if you’re not behind the counter when she comes in she insists that they tell her where you are.”

  Sara’s eyes widened with shock. “I didn’t realize that. They should have mentioned something. I’m so sorry, Mel.”

  Mel waved away the apology. “That’s okay. We’re all like family here. If she gets too annoying I’ll have to tell her only to call if there’s an emergency. But that’s not the issue right now. Your happiness is. Life’s too short to be afraid to go after what you want. Believe me, I know. I allowed Mike to keep me down by crawling into a shell. He constantly told me that it was my fault I had depression and I believed it. I refuse to go back to who I was years ago. My life is with Jack and my son, but Jack convinced me that I’m strong enough to take care of myself if anything happened to him.” Mel closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again Sara saw the fierce determination blazing there. “You’re not hurting anyone but yourself if you don’t talk to Cade and tell him how you feel.”

  Sara still wasn’t as confident as Mel seemed to be. She felt she needed to explain how good her aunt had been to her. “If it hadn’t been for my aunt, I don’t know how I could have managed. She’d stop by before I went to school. She’d meet me at the bus stop after classes. She helped me with the cleaning and the cooking. I owe her.”

  Melanie huffed. “You owe her your thanks, for God’s sake, not your firstborn or your entire life. If you want to be with two men then that’s something you need to discuss with your husband. Do what makes you happy. You don’t need her permission, Sara.”

  “You don’t think I’m a freak?”

  Melanie waggled her brows. “Hey, if you can have two hot guys like the Dalton brothers by your side for the rest of your life, I say go for it.” She picked up the stack of lottery tickets. “Now, enough of this self-doubt. Help me out here. Would you please add these tickets and see what amount you come up with?”

  Thankful to have something else to think about, Sara took the tickets and flipped on the switch to the calculator. After two attempts the lottery was straightened out and both women left the office. They walked side by side up the aisle.

  “Hey, Sara, how’s that sexy brother-in-law of yours doin’?” Stacy asked, grinning impishly. “Has he found a girlfriend yet?”

  Sara blinked, caught off guard at the surge of jealousy that stabbed her in the belly. Mel was right. Stacy did have the hots for Reese even though he had to be at least ten years older than her. “He’s fine, Stacy.”

  The bell jingled above the door, signaling a customer. Sara’s aunt stepped inside and regarded her niece with a look of disdain. Sara muffled a groan. “Hi, Aunt Helen.”

  “Sara, you should have told me that Cade injured his wrist. It’s not proper for Reese to be at your house at all hours of the night.”

  Sara wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. “Reese is not at the house all hours of the night, and he is my brother-in-law, Aunt Helen.”

  The older woman narrowed her eyes and tilted her head. She straightened and sniffed loudly. “The reputation those two have is way beyond disgusting. Sara, they shared women. Everyone knows it.”

  “That’s right, Aunt Helen, they shared, but not anymore.”

  “Do you really think the neighbors care whether or not they’ve stopped? The fact they had the impudence to act out such disgusting behavior in the first place is what will keep them wondering. They’ll spread gossip and ruin my good name simply because I put my life on hold to see that you had a proper upbringing. I would have thought you’d have more respect for me.”

  Sara felt the burn of her temper clear to her toes. Guilt trip time. “I don’t care what other people think and it’s about time you didn’t either.”

  “Now wait just a minute, young lady.”

  “Excuse me.” Both Helen and Sara turned at the sound of Melanie’s voice. “Sara, why don’t you get that cereal you came for while I speak to your aunt for a minute.”

  Temper stewing, Sara stomped down the breakfast aisle and grabbed a box of cereal. Then she made her way to the coolers and grabbed a gallon of milk. She turned and saw Mel coming toward her. “Is she gone?”

  Mel nodded. “She knows not to call unless it’s an emergency and family issues are not to be discussed at work.”

  “That probably went over like a lead balloon.” Sara plopped the items on the counter and pulled some cash from her purse. Perhaps Cade had been right all along. Maybe her aunt did intend to run her life. “Sorry about the drama, Mel.” She pocketed the change and grabbed the plastic bag with the milk and cereal. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  The knowing gleam in Mel’s eyes stayed with her as she headed home. Did she have the courage to go for what she really wanted and to hell with everyone else?

  Chapter 5

  Reese Dalton held up his guest pass to the guard and entered the gated community known as The Lake. Nice place to visit, but he wouldn’t want to live there. Living there would mean being closer to Sara, and that was something he was desperately trying to avoid. He hadn’t been overly thrilled when Cade called and asked him to stop by, but his brother had said it was urgent. Reese only hoped that Sara wasn’t around.

  He snorted. Not that it mattered. Lately when he’d come over for a visit or to work on some cases with Cade she’d excuse herself and leave the room. That behavior was strictly out of the norm. She used to sprawl on the couch and pip in with a comment or crack a joke. It was as if he had suddenly become a stranger. He hadn’t a clue as to why her behavior had suddenly changed, but maybe it was for the best. He was thirty-four fucking years old and for the past six months his mind and dick were constantly on Sara. He wanted a life with Sara.

  Okay, he was in love with his brother’s wife. Maybe he was being too transparent and it was making her
uncomfortable. That was something he didn’t want to do. She knew that in the past he and Cade had shared women, but that came to a complete stop when she and Cade hooked up. Reese was happy for the both of them, but longing for a woman he could never have was wearing him down. Eating away at his very soul. He was constantly comparing her to other women and that wasn’t fair.

  He needed to move on. Whatever Cade had to say he’d suck it up. He’d miss his brother, but when things were straightened out at the Dalton Law Firm, he was selling his half to Cade, packing his gear, and heading back to California.

  Reese pulled into the tree lined driveway. Sara’s red BMW was nowhere in sight. He felt a stab of disappointment. Shit. The woman was driving him nuts.

  He turned off the car and stepped out of the vehicle. He shook his head in dismay when he saw Cade standing on the porch, decked out in black dress slacks and a black t-shirt. His demeanor was just as dark.

  “Why do you look so pissed off? You’re married to the most beautiful woman in the world. Life should be grand.” He pointed to Cade’s attire. “Don’t you ever relax?” Reese sprinted up the two cement steps leading to the door. “You’re off work for at least a few more days. Lounging around in a pair of sweats isn’t against the law, you know. You’re too tense.” He opened the door with one hand and smacked Cade on the shoulder with the large manila envelope he held in the other. “Loosen up, older brother.”

  Cade arched a brow and followed Reese into the house. “I can’t help it if I’m the one who inherited dad’s fear-provoking features. Actually, I feel pretty good, but you look like hell. Out fucking all night?”

  “I wish I was fucking all night. I haven’t been home yet.” Reese rolled his shoulders. “Corrine and I were deciphering dad’s chicken scratch. We got all of the files up to date and in the computer.” He dropped the envelope on the kitchen table. “Here’s the file on Caroline Martin.” He caught the beer Cade tossed him and popped the top. “I thought Sara didn’t give a rat’s ass about her mother.” He swallowed down nearly half the can.


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