Cartier Cartel

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Cartier Cartel Page 17

by Nisa Santiago

  "Nah, I don't be hitting on any women, you know. I got a daughter and that shit is foul. I wish a nigga would put his hands on my seed."

  "True ... true..."

  "I'm the stupidest motherfucker walking this earth to fall for the okey doke. `I'm on the pill,' that bitch said. Now why in the fuck would I believe a trifling whore who I know want to break up what me and my wife got? Huh? Because I'm a stupid motherfucker!" Jason's voice began to elevate higher each time he called himself stupid.

  "I hear you."

  "But check it," Jason paused to wipe the sweat from his forehead, "when she gets here I'm going to tell her straight up that if she has this baby, then it's a fucking wrap between us. No more fucking. No more sneak trips. No more Prada bags and Gucci shoes. It's a fucking wrap."

  "Yo, dead her, son," Wonderful advised, "there plenty other bitches out here. I don't know why you kept fucking with her."

  "Because I liked fucking with her," Jason explained. "It's that simple:"

  "True ... true ... I feel you."

  "And not for nothing. This baby probably ain't even mines. This shit could be Tupac fucking Shakur's for all I know," Jason joked, clowning himself. "You know how she gets down!"

  "Word, son, I wouldn't take shorty's word on that one. Her resume is longer than my dick"

  "I know. But remember I didn't want to believe that she was carrying my son and I had her ass take a blood test and it came back that I was guilty as charged! I don't even want it to get that far with blood tests and shit. I just want her to straight up get rid of it."

  Wonderful listened until he saw the white BMW pull up to the curb. Monya had on a pair of sun shades and lip gloss, but Wonderful could see her smile a mile away. Her hair was hanging straight, past her shoulders, and she had an I-think-I'm-cute expression plastered on her face.

  "Here this bitch finally go," Jason tossed his cigarette to the ground. "A'ight, check you later. Let me go handle my business."

  "Be easy, son. One."


  Jason got in on the passenger's side, but not before he coughed up a wad of saliva and spit it on the ground. That was exactly how Monya was making him feel.

  "Yo, turn down your music," he snapped. Monya had vintage Mary J. Blige blaring in the car.

  "Nigga, please," Monya began. "You better lose the attitude if you know what's really good. Or shall I say what's really hood, 'cause I ain't the bitch to be going for your bullshit."

  "You sound so fucking corny with your little slogans and shit," Jason responded. "Don't nobody got time for all of that. You ain't tough, Monya. And the moment you realize that the better off you'll be."

  "Ask your girl how fucking tough I am," she retorted.

  "My wife. Ask my wife? Why? She know you soft like butter. Cartier ain't gonna say nothing different."

  "Oh, you think so, huh?"

  "I know so and if I even mentioned your name in our household, she would come and break your bony ass in half."

  "You think I fear your bitch? You got me mixed up. I've been letting her fake ass get wreck off the work I put in for years! Everyone in the hood all shook like Cartier is a convicted murderer. That's only on paper. She ain't murder shit. All she can kill is a roach"

  "What the fuck you beefin"bout?"Jason asked. "If Cartier didn't handle Donnie, then who did? You? Bam? Shanine? Lil Momma? Don't make me laugh."

  "I took that trick's life and motherfuckers better start recognizing!" Monya shouted.

  "Come again?"

  "Nah, don't get stuck on stupid now," Monya replied. "You heard me. That's my work, and that lying bitch took seven years of your life while you were running up there to see her do time for a murder she ain't commit. And she locked you down with her lies. Your stupid ass is so dumb. You married a fraud."

  Jason took in what Monya was saying and he didn't like it one bit. But not for the reasons Monya thought he would be angry. He was pissed at himself for holding down a low-life, skeezer bitch like Monya. How could he have been so stupid and hurt his wife the way he did by ever fucking with her in the first place? In that instant, his love for Cartier tripled and he didn't think he could love her more than he already did. Monya's mouth was still running, praising herself for murdering Donnie and belittling Cartier. He wanted to choke the life out of Monya for putting Cartier through all that she had endured. And yet, he couldn't understand her gripe.

  Why had she turned on Cartier? The only true friend she had. Then he reversed the question and asked himself why had he turned on Cartier? They were both losers. Jason wanted to tell Monya how he truly felt, but her unexpected pregnancy was more important. That second baby would threaten to tear their marriage apart if Cartier were to find out. Jason was here to convince Monya to have an abortion and he didn't want to go off on another tangent.

  "Look, what went down with you and Donnie is between y'all. I'm here to talk about this baby that I know ain't mine."

  "You're a liar."

  "Am I? How the fuck you get caught out there when you said you were on birth control? You set me up."

  "Ain't nobody set shit up."

  "You need to get off my dick and go and find another scapegoat, because I ain't the one."

  "You don't do shit for your son-"

  "OK, then why are you insisting on having this baby? Get an abortion and we can continue to fuck around."

  "Continue to fuck around? You really think you got a gold-plated dick, don't you? After this baby I'm done with you. It's over."

  "After this baby?" The realization that Monya was going to keep the baby, mixed with the fact that Cartier had held her down, put Jason in a foul mood.

  "Yes, I'm having my baby," Monya stated bluntly. "You know I don't believe in abortions"

  "Who the fuck you think you talking to? Tell a new nigga that bullshit. You done flushed more seeds than the toilet bowl man. If you want to have this baby, I'm telling you right now that you better erase my number. From here on out, you as good as dead to me. I'ma treat you like a dog on the street. I give you my word on that one."

  "A dog, huh?" Monya pulled out her cell and began to dial numbers. Immediately, Jason got nervous and reached for her phone, but she pulled away. "Hello, Cartier-"

  The knuckle slap was hard and swift. Monya's head snapped back and the telephone went flying to the car floor. Although he hated to hit a girl, in his eyes, Monya was the exception.

  "You're too disrespectful! "Jason yelled. "Call mywife again and I promise you, you'll get worse than that! I will beat the life out of you! Do you hear me? You play too much."

  "Fuck you! And fuck your bitch! I'm having this baby, motherfucker!" Monya went ballistic. She was screaming uncontrollably. In her eyes, she'd just gotten beat down over another broad, and she didn't like that one bit. She didn't consider that her act had provoked the events. "Get the fuck out my car!"

  Jason obliged and slammed the car door. All he knew was Monya better not call Cartier with the grim news. She'd better not follow through on her threat.

  By three that afternoon, Jason had already drunk four Corona beers and ended up on 48 `h Street, the diamond district. He never did buy Cartier the wedding ring she deserved. He figured he had about seven months to make his marriage bulletproof before Cartier found out about the new baby. And there wasn't any time like the present to erase all his scandals.

  The first thing he did was change his cell phone number. That would take effect within twenty-four hours. Next was the purchase of a huge diamond ring for Cartier. Lastly, he was going to take her on a romantic getaway, just the two of them.

  "How about this one?" Manny, his jeweler pulled out a five-carat, VVS diamond setting that cost eighty-five thousand.

  Not that Jason didn't have that amount of money, but he only wanted to spend about half that amount-maybe fifty thousand tops. Besides, he still had a lot of other things he wanted to do for Cartier. He wanted to continue upgrading their house and buy her a new car. It wasn't fair that Monya was para
ding around in a BMW and Cartier was riding American. Although Monya had hustled to get her own ride, Cartier was married to a hustler, so he needed to let motherfuckers know what time it was.

  "That's a beauty, but my limit is fifty large," Jason responded. "Show me something around that price and not no bullshit Manny. Don't try to play me."

  "You're one of my best customers," Manny replied. "Why would I disrespect you?"

  Manny was slick and if he could pull the wool over somebody's headhe would. That was how he stayed in business. He'd just bought a beauty of a diamond for eighteen thousand that would appraise for double. He'd sell that to Jason for forty-five thousand and he was almost certain Jason would be pleased.

  "I got just the perfect ring for your wife." Manny turned around and walked to the safe. He kneeled down and rifled through a few manila envelopes before settling on a small one with writing in red ink. He went in, retrieved the ring, and watched the expression on Jason's face.

  "Damn, I like this, but how much?"Jason asked.

  "Five grand under your max. At forty five thousand it's a steal. It's appraised for sixty."

  "So, if I tell people I paid sixty grand for it, they'll believe me?"

  "If they know about diamonds they will."

  Jason shook his head and sealed the deal.

  On his way home, Jason stopped at a local florist. Ronald, the owner, would always call him when they were about to discount the flowers and give Jason a good deal. Almost every week he bought Cartier roses or some beautiful arrangement. This week, there wasn't a discount, but he knew she would love the long-stemmed roses.

  Jason was shocked to see the whole house was completely darkened. There wasn't one light on, nor was Cartier's car in the driveway. He was good at sensing trouble. Wherever Cartier went, she would call him and let him know. That was proper protocol, especially when it involved taking Christian. When he called her cell phone it went straight to voicemail. He called several times later, and each time, directly to voicemail.

  He called Monya.

  "Did you fucking call my wife?" he angrily asked.

  "Damn nigga, get off my shit," Monya replied. "If you want some pussy tonight come through, but don't be calling here with your stupid accusations"

  "Did you call my wife, bitch?"Jason yelled. "Yes or no?"

  "I didn't call Cartier yet. But don't get too comfortable, because by this time tomorrow, she will know!"

  "Go ahead with that dumb shit you talking."

  Jason hung up and felt relieved. He thought Monya was brazen enough to go along with her threat. Next, he called Trina.

  "Hey, is Cartier there?" he asked when Trina answered.

  "No," Trina snapped.

  Not noticing the animosity in her voice, he continued. "Do you know where she is, because I'm home and I can't find her?"

  "If she's not home, then that's not where she wants to be."

  "What do you mean by that?" Jason asked.

  "Jason, I don't got time to teach a grown man how to be just that-a grown man. I gotta go," Trina said dismissively and hung up.

  Jason was heated. He didn't like riddles nor did he understand why he detected sarcasm in Trina's voice or where the hell Cartier and Christian were. And since Monya claimed she didn't call Cartier-which he didn't know if he should believe her or not-he decided to go by the one friend that she still had-Bam.

  t was pretty late when Jason arrived on the block. He looked to see if Cartier's car was parked out front, but it wasn't. He began to panic. If he didn't find her soon, then he was going to the police and report her missing. As he approached Bam's door he could hear voices. Distinct and clear. It was Cartier and Barn, only he couldn't make out what they were saying. He felt mixed emotions: relief and anger. Why did she have her phone off all day and why was she at Bam's this time of night? He decided to ask those exact questions.

  Jason knocked heavily on the front door. He postured and stuffed his hands deeply inside his pockets. The footsteps were faint and became increasingly heavier as they drew closer. The figure looked apprehensively through the peephole and then retreated. Again, he heard voices, now hushed and muffled.

  He knocked again. And waited. Finally, his pressure was up. He began to bang on the door yelling out to Cartier. When there still wasn't any answer, he began to kick. The flimsy door began to give way on its hinges before it was finally flung open by a sour-faced Cartier. She had her hands perched on her hips and a menacing look in her eyes.

  Before Jason could open his mouth and begin cursing her out for making him worry, she charged him with all her strength, and began kicking and punching him all over his upper and lower body.

  "I heard you! I heard all of it!" she kept repeating as he desperately tried to block each blow.

  "Stop it," Jason pleaded. "S-s-stop!"

  Cartier was relentless. She was emotionally drained and humiliated. She couldn't believe that her husband would make a fool out of her for the second time with the same bitch.

  "You need to be castrated," she cried as she released her fury.

  Jason had no idea what was going on. It was all happening too quickly. Finally, he was able to grab both her hands and restrain her. He grabbed her in a bear hug and wouldn't let her go.

  In all the commotion, Bam never came out to intervene.

  The young couple were sweating profusely and breathing heavily. Eventually, Jason got the situation under control.

  "Ma, what did I do now?" he asked.

  Cartier collapsed on the ground overflowing in tears. Her heavy weight pulled Jason down with her.

  "How could you do this to me again?" she shrieked.

  "What ... you gotta tell me what I've done

  "I heard you today ... on the phone ... when Monya called me. I heard you two arguing about her having your baby and getting an abortion. You promised me that it was over."

  Jason's heart began to beat fast. When he knocked the phone out ofMonya's hand, it must have still been on. His first and only reaction was to he.

  "What are you talking about? That wasn't me."

  Cartier cried even harder. She knew he was lying to her. She could hear the panic in his voice. She felt defeated. One part of her wanted to hear the he, just so the pain would stop. But she knew she had to be a woman and deal with a situation she didn't have any input on creating.

  "Just leave," she finally said.

  "What? I'm not leaving you-"

  "You better leave!" Cartier screamed like a crazywoman in a high pitched, unrecognizable voice.

  Jason was visibly shaken. He'd never seen his wife like this.

  The pain cut Cartier deeply. She looked like a helpless, wounded animal. He saw her pain first hand, up close and personal.

  Jason felt so guilty for putting his wife through the torture and torment. He couldn't even think about what he'd do if he ever found out Cartier was with another man. Not only did Cartier find out about his indiscretions, but she'd have to constantly look in the face of two children as a reminder. She was more woman than he was man. He decided to go home and give her space. He wanted to go in and see Christian, but considering Cartier's state, he thought against it.

  He tapped on the door and asked Barn to take her inside. Barn didn't even try to hide her roll of the eyes, but he knew he deserved the disrespect.

  t was the first day of September, and Cartier was tired of playing the fool. She was tired of being Ms. Nice Bitch. She was going to beat the shit out of Monya and risk her freedom. Pounding on Monya's fragile body was going to be worth any time she would spend behind bars.

  She sat parked three cars behind Jason's SUV and waited. She was no longer angry that Jason and Monya were still fucking. The moment she forgave Jason was the same moment he'd made the decision that he could get away with everything. It's no different than when a woman is being abused and the abuser says he's sorry. The moment she forgives him usually is the same moment he knows he'll hit her again.

  Today, Monya would ge
t her ass whipped for messing with another woman's man. For all Cartier cared Monya and Jason could fuck like rabbits. She was no longer felt emotionally attached to Jason.

  Truth be told, Cartier fell in love with Jason out of loyalty. He stood by her when she did her bid, while brothas like Ryan kicked her to the curb. As she grew older, she knew she was wrong. And for that, she was pissed at herself. It took prison for her to realize the error of her ways. She made plans sitting in that eight-by-six cell every day for seven years. Now she was pissed at herself, because she actually could have done better by herself, without Jason weighing her down.

  Three hours later, Cartier was still waiting. She didn't even care, because the more she sat, the more she thought about what she wanted to do to Monya. She sat back and remembered when they were younger, when she was the confrontational one. She was always quick to argue or fight. It was Monya who shied away from altercations. She always had to be pushed to argue or fight. Now, their roles were reversed.

  Cartier really did her best to avoid getting into fights, and it seemed that fighting was all Monya wanted to do. Cartier knew what happened. Monya had smelled Donnie's blood. It had made her power hungry. She thought she was invincible, the baddest bitch on the block. Killing had a way of doing that to a person ... giving them that false bravado.

  Eventually, Jason staggered out of Monya's apartment building, oblivious that he was being watched. He was so pathetic that Cartier actually despised him. She hated him so much she wanted him dead and she'd spit on his grave. But that was only wishful thinking. Sometimes a man can make you hate the ground they walk on, loathe the air they breathe, and actually wish death on them.

  Cartier hated that Jason made her feel that way. She had already planned her future, and they included a new start with her and Christian only. Jason wasn't and wouldn't be in her plans, so she told herself. But everything started after she handled her present business-beating the shit out of Monya.

  If there was one thing Cartier knew for sure, it was that Monya would definitely open the door when she knocked. She knew Monya wouldn't play the punk, so she'd open up the door popping shit. And just as if she wrote the words to her own book, Monya opened the door.


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