The Exchange Student: Complete And Uncut

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The Exchange Student: Complete And Uncut Page 4

by Anya Merchant

  “To be honest, the police in this town are shit,” said Dave. “If there is one thing you should have been told before moving here, it’s that.”

  “I’m just an exchange student,” said Zack. “Don’t worry about me.”

  Dave smiled at him.

  “I’m serious. The law enforcement officers, along with their friends and family are almost like a clique in Easthaven. One of those jocks back there is actually the police chief’s son.”

  “It sounds almost like you’re trying to connect some dots,” Zack replied.

  “I’m just thinking out loud,” said Dave.

  The wind blew through the trees and grass, and Zack felt a slight chill reach into his body. He took a couple steps and shifted so his back was to the breeze.

  “Come on, let’s go hang out at my place,” said Dave.

  Zack looked at him, a little unsure of what he was dealing with.

  “Oh come on dude, I’m a good guy, trust me,” he said. “It’s just me and my older sister. She lets me sneak some of her beers on occasion, and we can play some video games.”

  “Alright, man,” he replied after a moment. “Beats anything else I have to do today.”

  The walk to Dave’s house took about twenty minutes. Zack got a chance to see a part of Easthaven he hadn’t seen before, removed from the more active and communal areas. The street that Dave lived on was worn with potholes and litter, and many of the houses were in disrepair. He led Zack to the outside of a small home, paint cracking on the sides and several roof tiles missing.

  “This is my place,” he said. “Like I said, it’s just me and sis. Make yourself at home.”

  Zack followed him inside, and was surprised to see that the interior was clean and relatively nice in décor. There was a large, black couch in the living room, and across from it, a wide screen TV>

  “Hey Dave,” called a woman’s voice. “I didn’t realize you would be back so…What happened? Are you okay?”

  Standing in a doorway was girl in her mid-twenties. She wore an apron over a t-shirt and jeans, and had a nice figure, with small but perky breasts and a decently sized butt.

  “Relax, Jess,” replied Dave. “It was just a small scuffle. Zack here helped me out of it.”

  She smiled at him, and wiped her hands as she walked towards him.

  “Thanks for watching out for him,” she said, reaching to shake his hand. “I’m Jessica. Are you new here in town?”

  He took her hand, taken slightly aback by her beauty up close. She had a radiant, peppy look to her, and something in her voice had an almost musical ring to it.

  “Yeah, I am,” he said. “I’m Zack.”

  “Zack…” she repeated softly. “Well I’m glad you were around to help him out. It’s always nice to have new people in Easthaven, especially like you.”

  There was a shot pause in conversation in which Zack and Jessica’s eyes never parted. Dave eventually interrupted the silence, walking over to the couch and pulling out some controllers from the TV stand.

  “Hey sis, can we drink some of your beer?” he asked. “It would help ease the pain of my wounds.”

  Jessica smiled devilishly.

  “Alright, fine,” she said. “But only if I can play a couple of rounds too.”

  Dave agreed, and she turned and walked into the kitchen to grab them. Zack had a seat on the middle of the couch, and a moment later, Jessica came in and sat next to him.

  “So, Zack did you move to Easthaven, or are you just visiting…?” asked Jessica.

  “I’m actually an exchange student,” he said. “But with the school closed, it really almost seems pointless.”

  “Yeah, that must be rough,” said Jess. “One of my friend’s younger brothers died in the shooting, I was so terrified for Dave after I heard.”

  Zack glanced over at Dave, who was digging around behind the TV for some cords.

  “I can only imagine,” said Zack.

  “I’m so glad that you were there for him today,” said Jess. “If it weren’t for you, he probably would be a mess right now.”

  She put her hand down on Zack’s thigh and slid it up his leg slightly. It was a surprise, but not entirely unwelcome, and Zack felt his lower half begin to get excited. Finally, Dave managed to get the game set up, and turned back towards them. Jessica let her hand rest on the couch next to him.

  “I would have been fine, sis,” said Dave. “I mean, probably. Not that I don’t appreciate your help, Zack.”

  “No, I understand,” he replied with a smile.


  They were playing a free for all multiplayer fighting game. Zack found Jess and Dave to be quite challenging opponents, and was slowly sucked into the action on the screen. He lost the first round, but managed to tie the second with Dave, and then won the third.

  “Looks like somebody is a quick study,” he said with a laugh.

  “It’s not too hard, once you pick up the basics.”

  The three of them played a couple more rounds. Zack was growing increasingly aware of Jess, and her body. She was so beautiful, and having her next to him on the couch seemed to make the air fill with a strange sexual tension.

  “Hold on, I have to go to the bathroom really quick,” Dave said in between games. “Does anybody need anything?”

  “No, I think we’re good,” replied Jess.

  He got up, and walked into the other room. A strange tension settled over the room, and Zack felt heat begin to emanate from his chest.

  “I am really glad that you helped him out,” said Jess.

  “It was no prob,” he replied.

  “Our town is so small, there aren’t a lot of strong guys like you who would be willing to do something like that. It’s just the same people in Easthaven most of the time, you know?”

  “I can see how that could be hard to deal with,” Zack said.

  Jess leaned in and kissed him. Zack felt part of him want to react modestly, and push her away. But his hands seemed to have other plans, along with his lips, and he wrapped her into an embrace as his tongue pushed into her mouth.

  Jessica moved fast, and began rubbing his crotch and building it into a nice, hard erection. He shifted her legs so that she would have better access, feeling slightly concerned about how blatant she was being at the same time.

  “Dave is just in the bathroom,” he said.

  “Don’t worry, he always takes forever,”

  She reached into his boxers and tucked his cock out through the flap. Zack felt as though his dick was springing to attention in record time, and almost groaned out loud as Jess brought her lips down on it and wrapped them around his member.

  He began to guide her head up and down, enjoying the feeling of her sucking him off and working his cock. Jess seemed to be getting really into it, and was putting on a performance that would have made a porn star blush. Her tongue worked the shaft of Zack’s cock in a way that felt beyond heavenly, like being licked by a soft, wet cloud.

  He could feel the cum beginning to build up and ready itself, and then, almost as if on cue, the two of them hear d the bathroom door open. Dave walked down the hallway and into the living room, and the two of them scrambled, only just managing to make themselves decent in time.

  “Alright,” said Dave. “One more round?”

  “I can’t, I really have to, uh, get going,” said Zack.

  His new friend gave him a confused look, but it didn’t stop him from getting up and heading for the door.

  “It was nice meeting you Zack,” said Jessica. “Stop by again soon.”

  He nodded to her, not entirely sure how to respond.

  “See you later man,” said Dave. “Thanks for the help today, seriously.”

  “Yeah, no problem. Thanks for the beer.”

  Zack stepped outside the house and made his way home. The sun was beginning to dim in the sky, and he found himself wondering what Alex was up to. He pulled out his phone and dialed her number as he walked. />
  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Hey, how’s your day going?” he asked.

  “Good. Pretty boring since earlier, but good.”

  “I’m on my way back to my host mom’s. Do you want to come for dinner tonight?”

  “Sure! What time?”

  “Around 6, I’m guessing,” he said.

  “I’ll be there!”

  The two of them talked a little more about the situation in the town before saying goodbye. Zack had walked most of the way home during the conversation. He couldn’t help but notice just how empty the streets were. It was almost as though the town’s morale had also been a casualty of the shooting.

  He arrived outside Quinn’s house, and headed in through the front door. There was no sign of her in the kitchen or living room, but when he made his way upstairs, he began to hear a noise coming from her room.

  Quinn’s door was slightly ajar. She was lying on her bed, wearing a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. One of her hands was inside her panties, rubbing against her crotch, and from the moaning and heavy breathing she was doing, it was quite clear to Zack what was going on.

  His cock was still primed from what had happened with Jessica, and as he looked in on his host mom, it was impossible to push the intense sexual desire out of his head. Quinn was masturbating right in front of him, and it was incredibly arousing.

  He felt almost like his mind had little say in what happened next. His hand drifted down to his pants, and he unzipped his fly and pulled out his hard cock. He crouched low to minimize the angle he could be seen from, and began to pump his cock as he watched his host mother please herself.

  “Oh god,” whispered Quinn. She was trying to stay quiet, but the little squeals and moans she let out drove Zack almost crazy with lust. It was different from how he had felt with Alex, or even Jessica. Something about seeing his host mother as a sexual creature was illicit, dangerous, and incredibly hot.

  Quinn began to accelerate her pace, pushing her hips up in the air and dropping them back down in and almost sensual, wave like fashion. Zack couldn’t help himself. He began to think about what it would feel like to be on top of her, pushing into her, fucking her relentlessly, fucking the woman who cared for him.

  It didn’t take him long for the thoughts and sensations to push him over the edge. Quinn cried out louder and tensed up with her hips in the air, climaxing almost at the exact same time Zack’s seed began to splash out. He did his best to catch it in his hand, but there was almost too much, and he had never felt his cock explode with such force before.

  Zack quickly pulled his pants up and snuck off to his room, closing the door behind him and taking several moments to process what had just happened.


  Zack spent about a half hour in his room before he heard a knock from the hallway.

  “Zack honey, are you there?” called Quinn. “I thought I heard you come home earlier…”

  “Yeah, I’m home,” he said.

  He got up and opened the door, feeling slightly ashamed as he stood in front of Quinn. She was wearing the same clothes he had seen her in earlier, and had a musky, feminine smell.

  “Oh, hey,” she said, also seeming a little flushed. “I just wanted to see if you had any special requests for dinner.”

  “I don’t know, maybe stir fry?” he said. “Hey, I hope it’s okay, but I invited one of my new friends over for it.”

  Quinn looked a little confused, and slightly put off.

  “I know, sorry, I should have asked you first,” said Zack. “But I really think you’ll like her.”

  Quinn crossed her arms and smiled at him. Zack couldn’t help but think about just how well she seemed to fit as a host mother.

  “Alright, it’s fine,” she said. “I will be sure to cook plenty extra.”

  Zack spent an hour or two in his room, on the computer. The shooting had created an online buzz, and he clicked through several of the news articles related to it. The final death count was only four people, but it still seemed to be a huge impact as far as the amount of press it was getting.

  There was even a YouTube video of footage taken by one of his fellow classmates of the killer. The black mask with a skull on it that Zack had seen him wearing filled up the thumbnail, and sent a chill down his spine as he remembered his own experience. Before he could click on it, however, the doorbell rang.

  It was Alex, and Zack made his way downstairs and let her inside. She had put on some make up since he had seen her earlier that day, and it caught him off guard.

  “Surprised?” she asked, smiling.

  “You look great,” he said. “I mean, not that you don’t normally, it’s just…wow.”

  “Yeah, I clean up well,” she said. Zack gave her a hug, and the two of them walked into the kitchen. Quinn was chopping vegetables and seemed to freeze slightly as she caught sight of Alex.

  “Quinn, this is Alex,” he said. “She’s another exchange student. We actually met on the boat ride over here.”

  “Oh, that’s nice. It’s a pleasure to meet you, dear,” replied Quinn. She turned back towards the vegetables and continued chopping the blade coming down harder on the cutting board.

  “Likewise,” said Alex. She shot Zack a questioning look, and he shrugged his shoulders.

  “Why don’t the two of you wait down here in the living room, and watch TV?” said Quinn. “Dinner will be ready in a couple of minutes.”

  “I was going to show her something in my room, just real quick,” said Zack.

  “No!” said Quinn, a little too forcefully. “I mean, it will only take a minute. Just hang around down here, okay?”

  Zack nodded slowly, and led Alex into the living room. He sat down on the couch and she joined him, leaning up against him as the two of them watched TV.

  True to what she had said, it wasn’t long before dinner was ready. The three of them sat down at the table and began to eat.

  “This smells delicious, Quinn,” said Zack.

  “Thanks, sweetie,” she replied. “Do you like stir fry? I should make it more often…”

  The three of them began to dig in. For a couple of seconds, there was an unusual silence in the room. Finally, Zack spoke up.

  “The town felt so weird today,” he said. “I mean, I don’t know how it is usually, but the streets were so empty, and everybody seemed to be on edge.”

  “It’s still right after the tragedy,” said Quinn. “It’s going to be like this for a while. The school told me that classes are canceled for the rest of the week.”

  “Wow, I guess we’re going to have to find something to keep busy,” said Zack. Alex was sitting next to him, and she blushed bright red. A stern look came over Quinn’s face, and she set the cup of water in her hand down hard.

  “I didn’t see many police officers out investigating, though,” said Zack. “Come to think of it, they never questioned me about anything that I saw yesterday.”

  “Well, did you see anything when you were in the hallway?” asked Alex.

  Zack held his answer in, wondering if he should be honest or not about it. There was no harm in telling his host mom and Alex, he figured.

  “Yeah, actually,” he said. “I saw the shooter in the library. And I helped our home room teacher get away.”

  “To be honest, I wouldn’t put too much faith in the abilities of the cops,” said Quinn. “This town is about as corrupt as it gets when it comes to the police force. I’m just glad that you’re okay, Zack.”

  They finished their meal, talking about the town and how they had spent their day. There was a strange vibe between Quinn and Alex that Zack couldn’t help but pick up on. It almost seemed like they loathed to engage each other, and despite his best efforts, he found it impossible to break the ice between them.

  Zack walked Alex to the door after dinner and helped her into her jacket. He caught a smell of her hair as he lifted it onto her shoulders, and it reminded him of flowers and spring.

>   “So do you want me to walk you home?” asked Zack. Alex glanced behind him, and when he followed her gaze over his shoulder, he noticed that Quinn seemed to be watching them out of the corner of her eye from the kitchen sink.

  “No, that’s okay,” she said. “Call me tomorrow, though. I want you to meet my host family next time.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” he replied. Zack leaned in and kissed her, feeling the softness of her lips as he did. Alex smiled at him one last time, and then stepped out the door and closed it behind her.

  Zack walked back into the kitchen and leaned against the wall, looking at Quinn. She was focused on doing the dishes a little too intensely.

  “So what was all that about?” asked Zack. “Alex is my friend, you could have been a little more welcoming to her, don’t you think?”

  “Is this just some game you play, then?” asked Quinn.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You come into a new town with new people and it’s just open season, huh?” asked Quinn, her voice trembling slightly with emotion. “What were you planning on doing with that girl tonight?”

  “Quinn, what’s gotten into you?” he asked her. “Why does any of this matter to you?”

  She pulled off the pair of rubber gloves she was wearing and walked over to him. Even though Quinn had not dressed up for dinner, and spent the past couple of hours cooking and cleaning, she still looked radiant. Her boobs were pushed forward against her t-shirt, and her face was a reflection of deep inner conflict.

  “Zack…” she whispered.

  She leaned forward and her lips made contact with his, totally catching Zack off guard. After a second, he began kissing her back, and running his hands over her body. Quinn leaned her head back, and he began kissing her neck, his cock becoming excited and pushing against the fabric of his pants.

  Suddenly, Quinn broke the embrace. She looked at Zack, blushing and horrified at what had just happened, and then stepped by him, running upstairs and shutting herself into her room. Zack stood in the kitchen, bewildered and with no idea what to do.


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