Finding Alexei

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Finding Alexei Page 7

by Kendall Ryan

  I don’t even comment on the fact that he’s made two chickens. I’m coming to learn his excessive caloric intake is necessary to maintain his body weight. The guy can eat, that’s for sure.

  “So . . . what did the guys say when you brought Ella with you today?” I smirk, blowing on a bite of my food before placing it in my mouth. Yum!

  Alexei grins. “Fuckers thought she was mine.”

  I’m smiling. Why am I smiling? “Did it go okay? Was she good?”

  He nods. “As good as a two-month-old can be in public. She had a blowout when we first got there.”

  “A blowout?”

  “She shit herself all the way up her back,” he says, deadpan.

  I almost choke with laughter before quickly swallowing my food. “Right. Sorry I asked.”

  He shrugs. “It was no big deal. I brought extra diapers and another outfit, so we were golden.”

  Oh my God, the image of Alexei with a diaper bag on his broad shoulder . . . ovary explosion times a thousand.

  “Plus, my friend Jane, she’s the assistant manager for the team, helped out. She took Ella while I was in the meeting.”

  I nod, giving him the side-eye as I ponder who the hell Jane is.

  “This is delicious, by the way,” I say, helping myself to another big bite.

  “Thanks,” Alexei says, but I can tell he has more on his mind than our dinner. “So, um, her mother . . . do you have any news yet?”

  I release a heavy sigh and shake my head. “Nothing yet. I called the officer I filed a report with, but there’s still no news.” At least she hasn’t turned up dead.

  We finish the rest of our meal and wash the dishes together.

  Ella still isn’t up from her nap when we settle on the couch. I’ve polished off one glass of wine and Alexei has refilled my glass, though he isn’t drinking. I suspect it’s because he has practice tomorrow. Something inside me likes how disciplined he is, while the other part of me feels a little weird drinking alone.

  “How was work?” Alexei asks, sitting across from me. I can’t help but notice his voice is a little cold when he asks this question.

  “It was fine.” I sip my wine.

  “Anyone bother you today?” His darkened blue eyes, that beautiful midnight color I love, are watching everything, and I don’t miss the way his gaze lingers, moving from my eyes down to my breasts.

  I swallow. “Nope.” Not any more than usual, anyway.


  His firm tone makes my insides quiver. It’s quiet and dark outside, and we’re alone, and I can’t help but think about last night . . . about the way his hot mouth felt moving over my sensitive flesh . . . about the soft grunts he made when I took him deep in my throat.

  “What is it?” he asks, his voice mischievous.

  “What?” I blink at him innocently.

  “You turned all pink on me. What’s going on?”

  Oh, dear God. “I was just . . . remembering last night.”

  Did I just say that out loud?

  I can’t believe I just admitted that.

  He moves closer and takes my wine, setting it on the coffee table in front of us. “Come here, baby,” he murmurs, his voice soft.

  It does things to me. This big, strong man being sweet, so soft and tender . . . so perfect.

  Don’t, Ryleigh. I try to remind myself to guard my heart, but I fail miserably.

  As I move closer to Alexei on the couch, he tilts my jaw and steals a sweet kiss, pressing his full mouth to mine.

  “Missed you,” he murmurs.

  He shouldn’t say things like that to me. We hardly know each other. Right? But there’s no denying that raising a baby together for the past week has accelerated things between the two of us. He may just know me better than anyone . . .

  Don’t think, Ry.

  And I don’t.

  I let Alexei kiss me until I’m writhing against him, making tiny, need-filled sounds.

  When he suggests, “Let’s go to my bedroom,” all I can do is nod.

  Thank you, yes. Praise the Lord.

  Warm from the wine, I let Alexei tug me up from the couch. He guides me down the hall, his large hands on my hips the whole way.

  When we enter his bedroom, it’s dark and smells like him, and my knees immediately go weak. I swear I’m like one of Pavlov’s dogs as I start salivating, thinking about taking him in my mouth again.

  We stop in front of the bed, facing each other. The moment is quiet and intense and filled with such promise. His eyes are smoldering on mine, that’s the only way to describe it and my insides tighten.

  “Take this off.” I lift Alexei’s shirt and press my hands flat against his abs, thinking I’ll never get used to how defined and firm they are. It’s a six-pack of heaven.

  He chuckles. “Yes, ma’am.”

  His shirt drops at our feet, and dear Lord, he’s so sexy. All those hours spent lifting weights have paid off. Sculpted muscles over broad shoulders, a trim waist, and a body that makes that coveted V, which makes my gaze travel south of its own accord. Pure perfection. It’s almost too much for me.

  Well, almost . . . but not quite.

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about you today,” he admits.

  That makes two of us.

  Before I have a chance to respond, he tugs my tank top off over my head, and then pulls my leggings down my legs, along with my panties, and soon I’m completely bare.

  My heart pumps faster.

  “Your turn,” I murmur, reaching to unbuckle Alexei’s belt.

  He watches me with that amused expression I’ve come to love.

  When his pants and boxers are pushed down and then off, I can’t help but drop to my knees. And trust me, I’m not an oral sex kind of girl. I’m a him kind of girl, and his perfect cock begs to be licked and sucked.

  “Baby,” Alexei says, as if to stop me, his hand on my jaw.

  I grin up at him. “Hush. I want to.”

  He lets out a deep groan as I fit my mouth around his rigid length and give it a generous kiss.

  “Fuck,” he growls as I take him deeper.

  I can’t get enough of him, and my hand strokes what I can’t fit into my mouth.

  “It’s so good. Yes. Fuck.”

  I meet his eyes and see that his attention is focused on me too. I continue to treat him to wet kisses that earn me plenty of praise, until Alexei’s hands find my upper arms and he hauls me to my feet.

  “Enough. I want to be inside you. Please tell me you want this too. Do you want this, Ryleigh, me inside you?” His voice is so perfectly rough and desperate for me.

  I nod, suddenly speechless.

  “You sure? We don’t have to. We could do what we did last night . . .”

  I shake my head. “I want to. I’m more than positive.”

  Then I’m laid down in the center of his bed, and Alexei moves over me. He kneels between my parted thighs and raises one of my legs, curving it around his hip.

  I watch his eyes. They’re so intense. This moment means more to me than it should, but I can’t help myself. Alexei sheaths himself in a condom while I watch. It’s sexy how confident and sure he is.

  He fits the head of his thick cock against my entrance and nudges forward. “Take a deep breath for me. This might be a tight fit.” He grins wickedly, and I raise my eyebrows.

  I do as he says, inhaling deeply as Alexei presses forward. I almost buck beneath him.

  Holy shit. I knew how well-endowed he is, but nothing prepared me for this.

  His long, thick cock slides inside me, claiming every inch of me, and makes my body clench with an even greater need. I don’t know where he ends and I start.

  “Alexei . . .” I moan once he’s fully seated.

  “Yes. Say my name when I fuck you.”

  I groan as he pulls back, grieving the loss of him.

  But then he’s moving, his hips snapping forward again and again, and oh my God. I can’t help the cries that tumble
from my lips.

  “Alexei, yes,” I moan.

  He’s so big . . . so commanding . . . so sexy with a scent that is so undeniably him.

  “That’s it, baby.”

  He grips my ass cheek in one strong hand, using my body to pull me onto his cock again and again, just the way he likes it. Part of me can’t even believe that we’re doing this. The other part of me can’t believe that we were able to wait this long.

  I throw my head back against the pillow, lost in pleasure.

  “Need you to come for me,” he says on a groan.

  I move my hips against his and Alexei brings a hand between us, rubbing my clit in firm circles as he continues to fuck me.

  That’s all it takes to thrust me over the edge.

  My release rips through me with such ferocity that I’m breathless as I cling to his shoulders. Heat blooms in my core, my body milking his as my vision blacks out.

  “Oh God, Alexei . . .”

  “Fuck, baby. Yes.” He groans, clutching my body close.

  I sense the moment he falls over the edge with me, his long, thick cock pumping hot semen into the condom as he clings to me, kissing my neck and murmuring dirty words of praise in my ear.

  When it’s over, part of me can’t even process what just happened. Alexei merely folds me into his arms and rolls over onto the bed, breathless, still holding me.

  Holy. Shit.

  That was by far the best sex I’ve ever had. Alexei may have ruined me for anyone else. And, I’m not even mad.

  Chapter Eight


  I slap Ryleigh lightly on the butt to wake her, unable to keep my hands off those curvy ass cheeks of hers. Though I know I should demonstrate control, it’s the last thing I want to do.

  “Hmm?” she murmurs, blinking open hazy eyes.

  “Time to get up, baby.” I smile. I fucking love the sight of her in my bed; I can’t help it.

  “Why?” She groans.

  It’s only seven, so I get it, but I rouse her again. “I’ve got practice.”

  “Mmm.” She makes a noise, but I’m not sure what it means. It could mean fuck you. Or go make me coffee. It could also mean okay, sounds great.

  I chuckle and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I head to the shower only because it helps wake me up, and not because I actually want to leave this woman in my bed.

  Twenty minutes later, Ryleigh is still in bed, and trust me, I get it. She insisted on getting up with Ella both times last night, even though I told her I’d take care of the baby.

  I head to the kitchen, intent on making her a strong cup of coffee, and possibly making myself a plate of eggs. Last night was incredible, and I’m more than a little proud that I’ve rendered Ryleigh so useless this morning. The caveman in me is beating his chest proudly.

  I smirk as I flip on my coffee machine and watch the drip brewer begin to work. I already have a bottle ready for Ella on the counter, knowing she’ll be awake in the next twenty minutes.

  When I return to the bedroom five minutes later with a mug of steaming coffee for Ryleigh, she sits up in bed and smiles at me.

  “You’re my hero.”

  There’s something about that smile and the way she says that—it hits me right in the chest and I want to hit replay on this moment.

  “You’re very welcome.” I press a soft kiss to her lips. “Last night was incredible. You are incredible.”

  Ryleigh blushes and looks down.

  She can’t be shy now. Not after last night.

  I lift her chin. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  She meets my eyes at last. “I loved every minute of it.”

  I can’t help but feel proud of how I pleased her. I skim my hands along her upper arms up to her neck, her face, and then tilt her mouth to mine. I steal a long kiss, which Ryleigh gives me freely.

  My cock twitches to life, stirring between us.

  “Do you have time for this?” she asks between kisses.

  “I’ll make time,” I say, and she swats at my upper arm. “I mean it. I want you so bad, baby.”

  Without a word, Ryleigh draws her boxer shorts down over her hips and takes them off, leaving her bare from the waist down, and I remove her shirt.

  God, she’s sexy. Her tits are full and round, and I want them in my mouth right now.

  I lean closer and pull her nipple between my lips. Ryleigh makes a need-filled sound unlike any I’ve heard before, and my cock bucks in my shorts. I rise from the bed and strip in about three seconds, and then I rejoin her, lifting her calf around my hip.

  “Need to be inside you,” I groan when my bare cock makes contact with her hot, wet pussy.

  “I’m clean. On birth control,” she murmurs.


  “Me too.”

  She raises her eyebrows with a hint of amusement at my response, because it sounded like I was saying I’m on birth control too.

  “The clean part,” I say, clarifying. “I’ve been tested.”

  She smiles.

  “I don’t think male birth control has been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration yet,” I add brilliantly.

  God, shut up, Alexei.

  Ryleigh only grins. “Less talking. More fucking.”

  Or more specifically, bare-back fucking.

  I press forward and groan at how incredible she feels. Warm. Wet. Snug.

  And gripping me like her life depends on it. Heaven.

  “Yes,” she says on a groan. “Oh God.”

  “Hold on, baby,” I tell her, placing her arms around my neck.

  Ryleigh’s smile fades away as I fuck her in long, deep thrusts. Pleasure-filled cries pierce the air as I move within her. She’s perfect.

  I’m so close. But I can’t come before she does.

  Correction: I can come just from looking at this woman, but I won’t come until she’s screaming my name.

  I hike her leg higher around my waist, and the new angle does something for Ryleigh, not to mention that it puts me even closer to finishing myself off.

  “Fuck. Alexei!” she cries, contracting around me in a mind-altering orgasm that is more powerful than anything I’ve ever felt from any woman . . . in my entire life.

  I can’t help but follow her over the edge, my own release powerful and unending.

  Holy shit.

  Finally spent, I collapse on top of Ryleigh. As she begins laughing, Ella whimpers from the other room. Perfect. Fucking. Timing.

  A single thought flashes through my brain—

  This is the most perfect way to wake up.

  Chapter Nine


  Alexei’s still at practice. I’ve showered, straightened the apartment, and am now sitting on the floor playing with Ella. On one of his last shopping trips, Alexei picked up a couple of stuffed animals and a baby rattle, and I’m having a blast making this little baby smile, and getting such a kick out of the cute noises she makes as she plays.

  Ella brings the stuffed pig to her face, gripping it in both chubby hands, and I smile down at her. I can’t believe I’ve had her for almost two weeks already. I’m starting to feel a little more sure of myself around Ella, and a part of me knows that that assurance is because of Alexei and his confidence around babies. He calms me . . . centers me, even. He makes me think that maybe, just maybe I can do this.

  As I look down at Ella, I can’t help but think about Andi. I didn’t know her for very long, but she was a good roommate. She was respectful of my personal space and paid her portion of the rent on time. We weren’t friends, more like acquaintances who shared a living space. We didn’t hang out often, but we were friendly enough. For a while, it was a mutually beneficial relationship that worked well. And then all that started to change. She was late on the rent a couple of months, and then she left one day, moving out without warning.

  I didn’t know she was pregnant or even why she moved out, but she must have been at least a couple of months along by then.

  She showed back up out of the blue with Ella many months later. She looked so skinny, far too thin for having just had a baby, and all she said was that they needed a place to crash for the night. Mostly I was just surprised to see her, especially with a brand-new baby in tow, so much so that I blindly agreed. Now I wonder if it was all a plot to leave Ella with me. Because by the time I woke up the next morning, Andi was gone and Ella was crying, needing to be fed.

  Where are you, Andi? I can’t help but think she’s in some kind of trouble. Maybe the kind of trouble that she doesn’t want to involve an infant. Either way, my heart breaks for Andi, but mostly for Ella, whose mother obviously abandoned her.

  While I’m lost in thoughts of what happened to make Andi abandon her child, my cell phone chirping startles me, and I reach for it on the coffee table.

  It’s a text from Alexei.

  This morning was fun.

  I chuckle, my mood lightening with just that one sentence. He’s right; sex with him is fun. It’s lighthearted and happy, and I never once felt self-conscious or uncomfortable. He has this way about him that makes everything feel so effortless and easy and good.

  I don’t know . . .

  I tease him, thinking about what to write next.

  Your technique could use a little work.

  Satisfied with my snarky reply, I sit back on my heels and tickle Ella’s belly with her toy.

  Little—there’s a word I’ve never heard before.

  The ass. Apparently, he’s being snarky too. Yes, the man is hung like a damn horse, and he knows it. My cheeks warm as I remember our encounters, both last night and again this morning.

  I wait for his reply, anticipating something more vulgar, like him saying you didn’t seem to mind when you were coming on my cock. But Alexei’s a gentleman, because his next message simply says, Let’s discuss it tonight after Ella’s in bed.

  I quickly type out deal, smiling to myself.

  Ella lets out a little whimper, and it’s not one of the happy squeals she made while we played.


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