Breaking Free

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Breaking Free Page 17

by Alicia McCalla

  “Cut the bull! You know, we totally set you up and you bit. The only thing we have to do now, is figure out what you touched. It’s so hard to track you people.” The receptionist walked over and began to click the keys on her keyboard.

  Brandon worried that he’d left a trail. And then it dawned on him. The virus was a tracker! He rubbed his hands through his hair.

  Was I really that dumb? Why didn’t I see it?

  The receptionist popped in a flash drive and copied something. “Got it!” She smiled at him. “Take him away!”

  Brandon threw a punch at the oncoming CAGE officers, but missed. He couldn’t go out like this. He jumped up and tried to fight them. But they pushed him down and a big knee pierced his back. He tried to buck up, but there were too many of them.

  “Do you know who my father is?!” he screamed. “He won’t let you take me like this!” His heart pounded in his ears, as they put plastic cuffs on his hands and forced him up.

  The receptionist smiled. “That certainly didn’t stop us from neutralizing your mother, now did it?” Her words punched him in the gut. He couldn’t breathe.

  The CAGE officers dragged Brandon out of the room. He sunk his head low. As they reached the door, he saw pink high heels.

  Heather said, “Let him go!”

  The CAGE officers stopped and looked at the receptionist. She began to explain, “Miss Stillwell, we caught this young man hacking into our system and you know the rules about….”

  “Shut up!” Heather looked cleaned up, like she was back to her old self. “You know you set him up.” The receptionist slung her brown hair back like she was in control, but her face looked pale.

  Heather’s freshly manicured, perfect pink finger pointed at the CAGE officers, with a sense of confidence and power. “Brandon is the love of my life, and none of you will stop us from being together! Let him go!”

  The CAGE officers cut Brandon loose, and shoved him out of the way. He straightened out his outfit.

  “Come here Brandon.” Heather held out her hand. “I need you on my arm to escort me out of this place.”

  He attached himself to Heather’s arm, relaxed his shoulders and took a deep breath. They walked away together with their heads held high.

  When they rounded a quiet corner, she turned to him and said, “Brandon Miller, you now owe me. I just saved your butt. You have a little news conference to attend. And you’d better act like you love me or I’ll turn you back over to them.”

  Brandon stared at her. What have I gotten myself into this time?

  Chapter 43

  “Betrayal scorches the heart and soul of Revolution.”

  —John Brockman

  XJ twirled around on the lab chair. She thought about Brandon. Can I trust him?

  That had been her mother’s problem, but she decided that it wouldn’t be hers. I refuse to be the revolutionary with a ka-zillion boyfriends. I don’t want to get information that way. Did mom really love all those men?

  XJ felt confused. She knew she had deep feelings for Brandon. Did she love him? What kind of relationship could they have together?

  Her phone beeped. It was a text from him. He’d come through with the number! How did he get this intel?

  XJ hopped off the chair and walked over to Dr. Kates, who was using mechanical arms to retrieve the information from the helmet. “Granddad, I think I’ve got some information.” She was happy to finally have something.

  “OK, doll, connect it up over there … and let’s see what you’ve got.”

  XJ walked over and hooked it up to the super-computer. She caught a glimpse of her high school on the TV news.

  “Granddad, how do I turn this up?” She pointed to one of the TVs on a bank of newscasts around the world.

  The sound increased. “How’s that?” Dr. Kates asked. XJ gave an affirmative nod and focused on the newscast.

  “The follow-up on the story at Stone Mountain GEP High, Heather Stillwell, daughter to Nadia Stillwell, the Director of the Region V CAGE facility. Heather has had some sort of nervous breakdown at the school which involved another student.”

  “What has that uppity, white girl done now?” XJ mumbled.

  The newscast continued. “We’re here in front of the Region V CAGE facility, waiting to hear the official word from the Director. Oh wait, here she comes.”

  She watched the TV reporters swarm Nadia, and allowed the anger to fill her belly. Nadia looked dressed to kill in her red suit. She had that stuck-up, but dignified look, with her red lips, supermodel build, red pumps, perfect blond hair and blue eyes.

  XJ hated her for stealing away her father, and even more for detaining her mother. Nadia always seemed to be at the center of her problems.

  She listened and watched. Heather looked identical to her mother, except she was in hot pink. How creepy is this? They really are the perfect Stepford family. How did he marry that woman? Me and dad don’t fit with them at all. What’s up with that?

  XJ laughed, maybe I’d fit if I dyed my hair blond and only wore magenta. Maybe then, she could get this kind of attention from news crews about what was going on with her mom. She turned to see her grandfather watching the newscast. They both looked on in silence.

  Nadia spoke, “I don’t know why you are all here. My daughter had a little tiff at school. Hardly anything for the national news.”

  The reporters yelled, “Nadia, they said that your daughter severely disfigured another student, because she was jealous over a boy. Is this true?”

  Nadia fielded the question like an old pro. “Of course not—that young woman is fine. And my daughter is just a teenager in love. Ah, here she comes now.”

  Cameras snapped as Heather strutted and clicked in her hot pink heels. Confident, beautiful, and attractive. XJ let out a disgusted huff.

  Nadia’s red gloved hand point as she continued, “As you can see, my daughter is fine. She’s normal, happy, and stable. Aren’t you dear?”

  Heather widened her phony smile for the cameras and waved. Then she spoke sincerely, as if she really meant it. “I’m sorry for the confusion and I sincerely apologize for my part at school. I never imagined that my teen problems would make it on national news.”

  XJ’s stomach flip-flopped in disgust. She despised Heather too. That trick is lying! She watched Heather try to play it off.

  But the reporters were relentless. “What about the boy that you broke up with? Are you back together now?”

  Heather held her head back, while her blond curls bounced. She gave an entitled, rich laugh. “You guys are so silly! Brandon is here and I can assure you that we’re together.”

  XJ’s heart dropped as Brandon walked out proudly and stood next to Heather.

  Her mouth fell open, as she watched Heather gaze lovingly into Brandon’s eyes and they kissed on National TV for everyone to see. XJ’s body recoiled and her shoulders slumped. She felt stupid, cheated, defrauded.

  How could Brandon do this? Was this a part of the act?

  She knew now, that she couldn’t be in a real relationship with Brandon. They couldn’t be together. Not only was it illegal but it was impractical. He stood up there on TV with his pink, perfect Blondie. They looked like they belonged together. They looked like they fit. Same mate-designation type. Same class. Same race.

  XJ had hoped it wasn’t true, but reality had set in. She refused to cry or stand there feeling foolish.

  To make matters worse, Brandon spoke, “Heather and I are a couple. We had a little disagreement but everything is okay. It’s a little weird for all of America to be in the middle of our teenage spat, but we are together.”

  XJ folded her arms. She wanted to scream. But instead, she turned away from the screen.

  I will not cry!

  Dr. Kates looked sympathetic. “I’m sorry, doll. I know you really liked that young man.”

  She could hardly breathe as she balled up her fists and released them. Feelings of betrayal overwhelmed her. She didn’t thi
nk she’d ever trust Brandon again.

  Heather’s voice droned on in the background. “I hope everyone will come see me and Brandon at the Miss GEP High School Pageant. We’ll be a lovely couple.”

  XJ wanted to wipe the smug expression off her step sister’s face. She barely heard her grandfather when he told her that the file contained a photo of her first cousin. XJ straightened up and focused. She marched over to the terminal and looked into the face of the girl that she’d seen at the CAGE facility.

  It’s Amber!

  XJ bit her lip as she realized that she wouldn’t be like her mom and depend on a man. She wouldn’t wait for Brandon the betrayer. Let him stay with his pink, blondie surprise. She would break into the CAGE facility and free her cousin all by herself.

  She needed a plan.

  Chapter 44

  “The GEP Revolution is filled with lies and strange alliances. Nothing is as it seems.”

  —Xavier Patterson

  Heather felt confident. She had her stride back. The right personality was in control. A wide grin spread across her face. Brandon had done wonderfully at the news conference. Now no one would question the love that they held in their hearts.

  Fraud! her other voice clamored.

  She stumbled. She wouldn’t allow the other Heather to take away her victory. Her hands shook as she looped her arm in Brandon’s. It felt natural to walk like lovers. They were perfect together.

  “I’m so glad you’re here with me. Everything will work out fine now.” Heather gushed and puckered her lips in a playful kiss.

  She gazed up at Brandon. His face was unreadable. It looked flat, expressionless. “Did you hear me? I love you, Brandon!” She stopped to make him look at her … studying his perfect eyes, face, mouth. Her heart swooned.

  Liar! the other Heather railed. You don’t love him! She felt perspiration roll down her back. Her hands trembled. “Shut-up!” she whispered.

  Heather moved closer to Brandon and stood up on her toes to kiss him. He shrank away, making her miss her mark.

  “You won’t get away!” She forced him down to her size and planted an awkward kiss. The magic didn’t materialize.

  The other Heather said, “You’re an idiot!”

  Brandon abruptly broke the kiss. “Really? Did you forget that I owe you?”

  Her heart jumped. The voice inside her laughed crazily. Heather couldn’t stand it—her body shivered.

  “Shut up! Shut up!” She pounded her head and bent over. Then, she forced herself to stand straight up. A part of her wanted to believe that deep down inside he really did love her—and want her, but it was a lie.

  Why doesn’t he love me? Rage formed in the pit of her stomach. “After all I’ve done for you—you better act like you love me! Kiss me again, like you mean it!”

  Heather saw Brandon’s movements in slow motion. He pushed her back, put his face down close to hers and lowered his voice. “I don’t love you!” he hissed poisonously. “Get a clue!”

  Heather screamed and reached up to claw his beautiful face. Her hunter abilities turned on and her vision went red. He grabbed her hands. The tears would not stop! The mocking laughter inside her head would not stop! The tremors would not stop!

  She had to leave, so she yanked away, whirled around and marched into the nearest restroom. How dare he not want me? Doesn’t he know who I am?

  Anyone would be glad to have her as a girlfriend, lover or mate. Heather went into the stall, slammed the toilet seat down and plopped down on the toilet. She ripped toilet paper from the spool and let the tears flow.

  The other voice inside told Heather that Brandon was right. And she didn’t love him either. She loved someone else, but the real her was being suppressed. She wiped her eyes.

  This bathroom smells awful! She would tell the custodians to do a thorough cleaning job.

  She bent over and put her elbows on her thighs. This was all such a mess! At least she felt calm now. Heather heard the door creak open as someone entered the restroom. She stood up to crack the stall door.

  OMG! She looked at urinals and realized that she was in the men’s bathroom.

  The people walking in were her doctors. Heather clicked the door shut and pulled her legs up so they wouldn’t know she was there listening.

  “That went well.” A voice she didn’t recognize said. She heard pants unzipping and urine hit the back of the urinal.

  “Yes, it did.” That sounded like Dr. Robinson.

  “I feel sorry for that little girl,” the first voice said.

  Who are they talking about?

  She heard the water running, then Dr. Robinson asked, “Is there anyone here?”

  Both men looked underneath the stalls and then they locked the door. The first voice said, “What Nadia is doing to her daughter is unforgivable—drugging her like that! Are you sure she’ll be alright?”

  Dr. Robinson sounded thoughtful, “The intermixing of the drugs, with the girl’s unique abilities has made her the perfect tracker.”

  “Will that microscopic chip you inserted in her shoulder work?”

  Dr. Robinson hesitated. “I don’t know…. It’s set to release medicine whenever the wrong personality takes control of her thoughts. It treats the real personality like a virus.”

  “It’s a good solution.” The other voice said proudly.

  “It releases in the dosage that correlates to the strength of the primary personality. I don’t know what will happen if the primary tries to come back strong.” Now Dr. Robinson sounded worried.

  Heather scrunched down and peered under the stall, watching Dr. Robinson as he scratched his head and adjusted his glasses. “To be able to program her to focus on the one target is a breakthrough. But the real girl is lost. I don’t know what the long term affects will be. It may lead to permanent, multiple personalities or schizophrenia.”

  Heather slumped back on the toilet, stunned. She shook her head. This can’t be true! Would my mother really do that to me? Was it because she was adopted? Dr. Robinson must be lying!

  “Nadia must want that TV producer under her control very badly—to make him her daughter’s target. It’s just wrong. We could’ve used a number of other operatives.” The other man sounded as if he knew something. But could his words be trusted?

  Heather felt confusion, anger, and frustration take over.

  She was lost.

  Dr. Robinson said, “Well, we know Nadia is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants, even drugging and prostituting her own daughter.”

  Heather felt the meltdown start. This time that voice inside helped her. She held it together as one person. She heard them exit, then she came out.

  The voice inside her mind said, We can never trust mother again. Heather put her hands on her hips, as she peered at her image in the mirror. “I agree.”

  But what would she do now?

  Chapter 45

  “When you stand up on your own two feet, it feels like you’re breaking free from everything.”

  —XJ Patterson

  XJ stepped out of the government vehicle as Joanne Chesimard. She’d decided to take matters into her own hands. Since all of the news crews were hanging around like propaganda vultures, she figured she could slip in and save her cousin without notice.

  CAGE would not be on alert. She had between two to three hours before her disguise wore off. Just in case, she brought a purse she’d found with Joanne Chesimard’s belongings.

  It had a CAGE security key card, a small mini tablet PC, a make-up case, and a change of clothes that XJ added. She figured that would be enough.

  XJ’s heart pounded like crazy. She was scared—really scared. She thought about the last time she’d left CAGE, unconscious, and the torture that they’d put her through. But she pushed it out of her head. As her mother would say, there was no sense in dwelling on defeat.

  She concentrated on her main goal: rescuing her cousins, and then saving her mother. Her sensible pumps clicked as
she walked.

  I can do this! She could play the social worker. She took out Chesimard’s card and placed it on her jacket; walked up to the employee entrance and went inside.

  One of the CAGE guards said, “Ms. Chesimard, please step this way. It’s been a while since you’ve been here—you must debrief.”

  XJ’s heart pounded. Sweat poured down her back. What was this debriefing thing? She’d have to improvise.

  She stammered in the unfamiliar voice. “Sure—Sure, I’m ready to debrief.”

  The guard escorted her into a small room off to the side. The room looked like a psychiatrist’s office with gray walls, book shelves, and a security camera that was almost hidden, but obvious to XJ. She sat down in the only chair in front of the camera.

  A mechanical voice sounded, “Welcome, Joanne Chesimard. It’s been eight days since your last check-in. You were working on Case Number 2015-7819, What has been your progress?”

  XJ’s squeezed her fingernails into her palms, her nerves rattled. I got to keep cool. But what can I do? What is case number 2015-7819?

  She thought for a moment and then said, “No progress or updates to report.”

  The mechanical voice said, “Noted. Please exit to the rear of the room and to your assigned area.”

  The door swooshed and popped open. XJ’s shoulders released. She smiled inwardly. That was easy.

  XJ walked to the door and into an office area. She had no idea where her desk was located. She kept going, trying not to look nervous until she found her name plate and sat down.

  She almost burst into tears. There, on the desk, was her mom’s stuff or at least stuff that looked like her mom would have. It looked like her mother had worked as Joanne Chesimard for years! There were certificates of excellence, and other office paraphernalia.

  XJ saw her mother’s computer and began to type. What would her log-on be? She typed her own name and it worked. She began to search through the system. She had to find her cousin.

  Occasionally, she looked behind her to see if anyone noticed her. But so far the place was relatively empty. It looked like everyone was busy elsewhere.


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