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The Matchmaker's Mark

Page 19

by Black, Regan

  "I see." He rested his hands on his knees. "You were born marked. As Lily." He twitched a finger and she was jerked to the spot right in front of him. She shivered as he lifted her arm to the moonlight.

  "This bothers you?" He studied the pattern on her skin. "Look closely."

  She watched as the mark she'd known all her life trembled, parts of it fading away. "There is your birthmark."

  She stared. It was so small and pale. A simple sprout from a heart shape leaf no bigger than her thumbnail. The mark morphed again as she watched. "And here is the truth for you." She felt as if he held her arm under a mister when a cool fog hovered and blurred the edges of what had been so very familiar all her life.

  "That is powerful magic on your arm, my daughter. More powerful magic is within you."

  A warmth of certainty warmed her heart as a weight of failure lifted.

  He squeezed her hand. "I suppressed this magic for your own protection." He smoothed a hand over her arm and the mark was exactly as it had been this morning. "And the protection of men who would be mesmerized by you."

  "Suppressed?" Her eyes met his and his face softened into a wry smile.

  His touch, his words, Lily wasn't sure how it happened, but she found herself looking back on her life from her father's perspective.

  "But I failed all my magic. I failed your heritage."

  "You have never failed me or our house. There were reasons, little one. Reasons you might see more clearly now?"

  She did. It was all rushing through her mind, like a movie on fast forward, blasting away her confusion and insecurities. She'd been a child dancing in this clearing so many decades ago, casting spells for daisies. She managed to coax forth the stems and leaves, but the flowers refused to bud or bloom. She had wished for someone to understand, to accept, to love her as she was.

  Her mark had changed later that day.

  If her father's shared memory was accurate, he'd done the changing, because her wish had gone out into the world to land on Dare.

  But what did that mean? She didn't want to think he loved her simply because he was compelled.

  "A halfling with your power was a threat to those who believe tradition is paramount and bloodlines should not be compromised."

  He was admitting the royal house had wanted her dead. Something she'd suspected for years. Tugging free of his grasp, feeling cold, she huddled into her jacket.

  "And now?" Now that she could travel through the Angel Oak the royals must be having conniptions.

  "Your arrival tonight proves you are ready." He pulled her to him, and she clung. "This place was forbidden because you drew such power here. If you turned it against the elves or humans…"

  "So the binding spell was meant to hold me until assassins or instructors arrived?"

  "Crudely stated, but true enough." He held her at arms length.

  "Because causing flowers to bloom is such a threat."

  "We both know you have more than that inside you. A girl who can turn wishes to truth?"

  "So you'll instruct me now?"

  He shook his head, his smile sad. "I don't believe you need me to instruct you."

  "I'd rather you didn't assassinate me either."

  He laughed. "Impossible. With my protection lifted, your power is your own. You can claim your rightful name as Lily of the House of Angel Oak."

  Goosebumps rippled over her skin as the implications sank into her brain, her heart. "You mean tulips won't bloom unless I want them to?" She'd always be a halfling, but with full control of her power the options were wide open.

  "Neither will the moonflowers." He chucked her under the chin when she blushed. "Or the fire weed. Whatever happens, Lily, whatever you do, you will always remain my sweet angel."

  "Always." She followed his gaze as her mark morphed yet again. It was less comfortable this time, but the end result was beautiful. An elegant calla lily resting on a vine of heart-shaped ivy leaves.

  "In your heart, little one, is your power. You wished long ago for the one who could keep you safe in here," he tapped her chest, "and out there." His arm swept an elegant arc to encompass the world beyond the clearing.

  "Your magic responded when he found you."

  "My mark was fighting your suppression?"

  "Among other things." Her father laughed and a light wind ruffled the trees, laughing with him. "You will be well in your life, little one." He hugged her close once more. "No matter where you choose to live." On a sigh, he released her, only to stare wistfully at the horizon. "Watch the sunrise with me?"

  "Of course, Daddy." How could she refuse?

  They sat, watching the sun warm the sky in a peaceful silence she hadn't known in far too long.

  His exit was as quiet as his entrance and no evidence of either moonflowers or fire weed remained when she was alone again. Instinct told her she could leave the clearing, but Lily was suddenly uncertain about where she might go.

  First to the Angel Oak. Then the car. She couldn't wait to share all this with Dare.


  Defeated, Dare hid in the alley behind Lily's shop. He'd used every ounce of magic in his vast arsenal and all of Gilly's techno-skills to find Amy, but the new Matchmaker was off the grid. She couldn't possibly have learned to cast such a strong shield already, but the alternative was too horrible to contemplate.

  He'd hoped she would agree to help him petition the royal court so he and Lily could be together. Unless Lily didn't want to be with him. He couldn't let his thoughts wander down that dark path.

  Regardless of her decision about him – them – he wouldn't let Lily be controlled or manipulated by the royal house. He knew the prejudice against halflings. He was ashamed to admit he'd thought similar things himself at one time. But a halfling with the power he sensed inside her could throw the royal court into a debate that might end with an assassination order.

  He'd never let them do it.

  Somewhere under those vast calming arms of the Tree of Life, after failing to get back to the clearing, he'd decided Amy was the key to saving Lily. Except now, according to Gilly, Amy was effectively gone.

  He was alone in the alley, the sun was climbing and still Lily's shop was dark, in every sense. Even Henry was notably absent. He was about to climb the fire escape when she materialized in front of him. "Lily?"

  "The one and only."

  "I'm so glad you broke the binding spell." He took a step closer, certain the eventful night was playing tricks with his brain. "You're safe?"

  "I'm perfect." She threw herself into his embrace, clinging and sprinkling kisses all over his face. "So much has happened."

  He could feel the changes in her, see the confidence on her face. "As long as you're okay."

  "I'm way better than okay. But all that can wait. I'm so sorry you had to walk."

  "I needed the air."

  She laughed, laced her fingers with his and suddenly it all seemed worth it.

  "Why didn't you wait at the tree?"

  "Let's go inside," he said, buying time. Where to start? How to explain all he'd felt and his failed emergency plans? He loved her, but what if she didn't want to hear that right now? "I tried to get back to the clearing, but the way was blocked."

  "I bet." She unlocked the door, led the way inside, still holding his hand.

  "After that, ah." He hesitated, sensing something was off as the fluorescent lights winked on. He rubbed at the nerves prickling on his neck. "Well, I called a friend for help, but it didn't work out."

  "What kind of friend?"

  "Doesn't matter – "

  The stairs creaked. Both Dare and Lily followed the sound to see Cade glaring at their joined hands. A glance confirmed she was as surprised to see her brother as he was.

  "Where have you been?"

  Lily held tight when Dare would've released her hand. "Out." She snuggled closer, clearly oblivious to the murderous light in Cade's eyes. "With Dare. Why are you here?"

  "Business. Let go of him."


  Dare let the siblings bicker, using Cade's distraction to evaluate the cloaking spell draped over the shop. It was powerful magic that had turned the shop into a 'black hole', fooling anyone who might be looking for it, or mythical entities inside it. He'd seen it employed once before, in a containment trap a pack of werewolves had planned for the Matchmaker.

  With Cade arguing with his sister, Dare picked it apart, discovering the truth. Cade had kidnapped the Matchmaker.

  "You bastard!" He charged up the stairs, throwing his shoulder into Cade's stomach. The elf twisted to put him into the wall, but Dare was ready. He kicked out, pushing against the wall, flipping their positions. He heard Cade's body thudding down, heard Lily's scream as a distant echo, but the rage of battle hazed his vision. He pounded up the stairs to rescue the Matchmaker.

  It took a moment and a quick rub at his eyes to realize Amy was quite content on Lily's couch, Guinness curled on her left and Henry on her right. "Didn't I warn you? Do I even want to know?"

  "Probably." She smiled up at him. "But I'm not telling." It was for the best, he knew it and admired her discretion.

  "Do you know that traitor's plans?"

  "At the moment, this is as far as his plan has worked."

  He wanted more answers, but two pairs of feet were pounding up the stairs. "I saw your note and tried to come after you."

  "On foot?"

  He grinned. "That wasn't the original intention, but it's been quite a night."

  "Do go on." She was teasing him. Actually sitting here, having been kidnapped by an elite elf, she was teasing him.

  "I'm not telling either."

  "My, my. You did have quite a night. Lily?" She turned, smiling at the infuriated florist who'd just managed to get around her brother.

  "Yeah. It was eventful."

  "That's good." Amy rubbed Guinness' ears.

  "What do you know about it?" Cade demanded.

  Amy sniffed. "Being sheltered so effectively, I'm pretty sure I know less than nothing. Officially that is. If you're so worried, check for a mark."

  Dare scowled at Cade, but he dutifully extended his hands and forearms, unable to ignore the little stab of disappointment that his skin was the same as it had been hours ago.

  "Something happened," Dare blurted. "To Lily. Her magic brought the royal house down on her."

  "Bullshit," Cade muttered, but he subsided with one look from Amy.

  The tension was palpable, but the dynamics were off. For a kidnapping victim, the Matchmaker looked too relaxed.

  "What do you mean 'after her'?"

  "I can explain," Lily said.

  "She's a halfling," he said. "They might want her dead."

  "Dare doesn't know the whole story. Yes, we've seen one of the royals today, but," she said, glaring at Cade, "he was my father. He's guaranteed my safety."

  Dare's knees gave out and he slumped into the nearest seat. She was the daughter of royalty. He studied the pride on Lily's face, wondering how it was possible for one woman to change so much in just a few short hours. She'd been so hard on herself for so long, but now she looked ready to take on anything. Would that include him?

  "Look at him, Lil. He can't believe it."

  "Shut up, Cade."

  "It doesn't change anything," Cade insisted. "You can't be with him."

  Lily shoved Cade back so hard Dare thought she might send him down the stairs again, but Amy's icy tone stopped them.

  "Why not, Cade?"

  "She's half human. His house won't have her. He's a washed up, failed excuse for a bodyguard. Our house won't have him."

  "Dare. Is a halfling really such an issue?"

  "Not ideal, but my family would come around."

  Amy made a small humming sound. "Ideal for you and Lily, though."

  "If she'll have me."

  "Absolutely not." Cade stepped forward, blocking Dare's view of Lily.

  Dare massaged his temples. He'd just wanted a few more minutes with Lily, to tell her how he felt and share an idea for their future. "Who's the idiot? If you kidnapped Amy to prevent her meeting your sister, why the hell bring her here?"

  "The Matchmaker has been called to appear before the royal court. This is the safest place to wait."

  Now Dare swore. "I've heard of no such summons."

  "Because you lost your Matchmaker."

  Dare glanced to Amy, certain she'd be hurt by this callous reference to Camille, but she was distracted by something they couldn't see. It was an expression he'd seen on Camille all too often. Once more he wished Amy had her own security detail. After what he'd seen in the clearing, he figured Lily's emerging power was counteracting the safety Cade was counting on, but he wasn't about to say so.

  "Gods, Cade, this isn't a motel. Make a better plan." Lily stormed to her room and slammed the door.

  "There isn't one!" Cade turned back to Dare, shrugging helplessly. "I can't move her. She convinced me to check on Lily with some line about the rogue werewolf. Then Henry saw her, and I truly cannot get her away."

  "Oh, you're in such big trouble." Dare looked closely at Amy. The Matchmaker wasn't supposed to be able to lie, so either the wolf was close or Amy was gaining more control of her power.

  Cade jerked his thumb toward the door. "I'm thinking we're in it together."

  "The first wise thing you've said," Amy agreed, standing up. "Now I'm going to make breakfast. For girls. Egg white omelets and fruit. You guys are on your own."


  Lily had never been more embarrassed. First her father seeing too much at the clearing, then her brother assuming too much more right in her own home. In front of Dare! She couldn't stand the idea that he'd been put on the spot, couldn't even look at him when Amy insisted she come out and eat.

  Cade had begged her to keep the shop closed, but she refused, just to spite him. If he was such a fantastic specimen of wood elf, let him keep the place 'hidden' while customers came and went.

  She prayed for a busy day. She didn't get it.

  Jim came and went with the usual few minutes of local gossip, but other than Belinda, he was the only interruption all morning. Her designs were blasé, mainly because of the lack of motivation. Her emotions were too battered from new insights and the bitter implications to deal with any of it right now. She'd thought Dare was the one. When he kissed her, when he was inside her, when he'd spoken so gently afterward. But he wasn't marked and Cade's words echoed in her head.

  It was a terrible grief crushing her heart to know she'd compelled him. As a lonely child with silly ideas of love and romance, she'd made a wish and ruined his life. And hers. She didn't want anyone else now, but it was clearly not the right solution.

  Dare wandered down at lunch time and by the bleak look on his face, she could tell Amy was still waiting for the transfer to the royal court. Stupid formal protocols.

  "Can we talk?"

  She shrugged, not trusting her voice.

  He sighed. "Lily Parker, I, Darian Knoll formally offer you my protection."

  "What?" She carefully closed her florist knife for fear she'd use it on him. "I don't need a bodyguard."

  "No, I imagine Cade and his crew do that well enough."

  "Cade suggested this." She reached to untie her apron. "I'll kill him."

  "No. He doesn't want me around you at all."

  Her gaze dropped to her mark. She tugged her sleeves down and crossed her arms.

  "Amy can help us," he whispered.

  "With what?" Lily demanded. "What are you thinking, Dare?"

  "She'll help with the match."

  "The match."

  He rocked back on his heels. "If you're willing."

  "You want us to be matched so you can protect me?"

  "That's one reason."

  "So after last night you feel compelled to protect me."

  He nodded, stopping when she shook her head.

  "Lily," he said with enough heat to chase the chill rippling over h
er skin. "What we shared, what I feel –"

  "Is a farce."


  "Are you marked?"

  "No, but – " He leaned closer, but she held up a hand to stop him, pulling away before he could touch her. It was agony.

  "I'm not in any danger." She cleared her throat. "From anyone. It's okay. You can go on, Dare, you have no obligation here."

  The bells chimed a merry welcome at the storefront. She moved away from him, feeling the pain with every step.


  "I know who you are, Dare."

  She'd looked it up during the dreadfully slow morning. Dare's family tree was like hers, royal, ancient and steeped in tradition. Worse, it was no secret they were going extinct faster than the other elf houses. A male of Dare's strength was destined to marry a pure blood elf female who could pop out pure blood baby elves at regular intervals.

  Sickening. Especially when her mind plopped those gorgeous babies in her arms with Dare at her side.

  "I know the worries of your house." She turned toward her customer and didn't look back.

  Chapter Eleven

  My dearest Amy,

  I was reminded of your grandmother today. Nan was such a lovely woman and always quick with a smile, a cookie, or a story. I often wish I could tell a tale with half her conviction. Just sitting in her small kitchen on a rainy afternoon could become an adventure. We all need places like that, those spots where we can plant roots, feed our souls, and keep our most secret dreams safe.

  I hope you'll be blessed with friends and special places like that.

  Love always,

  Auntie Camille

  Dare leaned against the work counter, his gut twisted in absolute agony. He hadn't presented his case well enough. Not well at all. Sure he was 'compelled' but not because of some childhood wish she might have made. Not even because of the dreams. How could he make her see what he saw when he looked at her? What could he say to convince her he knew his mind and his heart and he couldn't live without her?

  Well, there was a Matchmaker right upstairs, might as well talk with her.

  He found her alone in the tiny kitchen, hands wrapped around a coffee mug. "Where's your keeper?"


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