Doctor's Secret: A Secret Baby Romance

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Doctor's Secret: A Secret Baby Romance Page 5

by K. C. Crowne

  “Well, why do you live here?”

  “The views, the quiet, the charm.”

  “Same. And believe me, I spend enough time in big cities to more than make up for it. But I Iove having a little town to call home.”

  I found myself wondering what sort of place he called home. Was it one of the chateau-like palaces up in the woods? Or one of the modern apartments that had recently been built? It wasn’t so much about wanting to know what he had, but more about wanting to get to know every bit of him.

  We eventually pulled up to my apartment, Duncan coming to a stop and cutting the engine.

  “I’ll walk you to the front door.” He opened the door for me and took my arm once more as he led me to my apartment.

  Such a freaking gentleman.

  At my door, he turned, looming over me with all six and a half feet of him, his eyes a brilliant blue even in the low light of the evening. “I had a wonderful time tonight.”

  “So did I. But…”


  “But you know the one thing that would make it even better?”

  He smiled that sly, cunning smile I was already growing to love. And I could tell he was reading my mind.

  Duncan leaned in and placed his lips on mine, electricity shooting through my body as he kissed me. I felt like Jell-O, like I might melt into a puddle on the spot. He let his lips linger, his hands going to my hips and holding me firmly. Then he took them away, leaving me glowing.

  “Was that what you were thinking?” he asked. “Because it sure as hell was what was on my mind.”

  “You know it. And that’s the second kiss you stole from me.”

  “Here’s to many more.”

  I opened the door and prepared to step inside, but I wasn’t ready for the evening to be over, not by a longshot. I turned to him.

  “Now,” I said. “There’s something I want to do without permission.”

  “Oh yeah?”


  I reached forward and took his hand, pulling him toward me. Duncan was huge – had to be around two-thirty, at least. So when he followed my lead, I knew he was letting me.

  Once he was inside my apartment, the door clicking shut, the two of us were all over each other. Duncan and I kissed, but this was no polite goodbye peck. My mouth opened and his did too, our tongues searching out one another’s as we kissed passionately, deeply.

  He grabbed my hips, his strong hands taking hold of me as I sighed. No one had kissed me like that before, held me like that before, made me feel that way.

  Who the hell was this guy?

  My fingers danced over the buttons of his gray dress shirt, undoing them one-by-one. And the body underneath? Holy freaking moly. Dr. Duncan clearly practiced what he preached when it came to health, and he had the physique to prove it. His muscles were toned and sculpted, his shoulders round and solid, his chest two cut pecs, and his stomach shredded – not a drop of fat anywhere to be found on that six-pack.

  I placed my fingers on his chest, moving my touch over his body. And as I took in the mouthwatering sight of him, he reached around and unzipped my dress. Once he reached my waist he went up to my shoulders, slowly peeling it down.

  He shook his head as he exposed more and more of me, his eyes dropping to my breasts then moving down. I hadn’t expected to have sex that night, but I was still glad I erred on the side of caution and wore my one sexy set of bra and thong.

  “Holy hell,” he said as I shimmied the dress down my legs. “You’re something else.”

  I was turned on, soaking wet, ready for him to do with me whatever he wanted. And he didn’t waste any time. Duncan cut the distance between us, putting his hand between my legs and rubbing my clit through my panties. The sensation was so incredible that my knees felt like they might buckle beneath me.

  “Oh…oh my God.” The words poured out of my mouth in a slow moan. Each stroke of his fingers over my clit brought me closer and closer to orgasm.

  As if sensing I was weak in the knees, Duncan reached around me, scooping me off my feet and carrying me to the kitchen table. Once there, he peeled my panties down my legs and spread me open. I was wet and so ready for him.

  “Does it feel good when I touch you like that?”

  “So fucking good.”

  He grabbed my inner thigh with one hand and slipped a pair of fingers into me. My eyes squeezed shut as he pushed in deep. I moaned, pressing my hips against his hand as he fingered me. He moved in and out, his thumb on my clit making slow circles in perfect tandem to his penetration. The sight of him in front of me, no shirt but still in his fitted dark slacks, an expression of tight concentration on his face as he brought me closer and closer to orgasm.

  It was enough to push me over the edge. I came hard, grabbing his arms and holding on for dear life as the climax flowed through my body. When it faded, I caught my breath, leaning forward and resting my head on his broad shoulder.

  “That was fast,” he said with a grin.

  “You’re too good,” I murmured.

  “Well, I’m not even close to being done with you.”

  He withdrew his fingers and reached around my back, undoing the clasp of my bra and sliding the straps over my shoulders. My breasts tumbled out, big and round. As I sat there, totally naked, Duncan stepped back and stared at me, lust in his eyes.

  “Goddamn, you’re about the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  How could a girl not blush at words like that? But he didn’t give me time to react. Duncan scooped me off the table, picking me up like I was nothing. He carried me to the bed and set me down, my legs hanging over the edge. He positioned himself on top of me, leaning in and kissing my lips, then my neck, then my collarbone. I broke out in goosebumps when he reached my breasts, taking them into his hands and licking my nipples. Then he moved over my stomach and down to my hips, and I knew just what he had in mind.

  “I’m can’t wait to be inside you,” he said with a grin. “But I need to taste you first.”

  “I won’t argue with that,” I moaned in anticipation.

  Duncan moved his head between my legs, kissing my inner thighs, more tingles running through my body as his lips moved closer and closer to mine. And when he put his mouth on my pussy, it was all over.

  I let out a shriek as he kissed my clit, my head swimming with total pleasure. He ate me like a pro, spreading me open and dragging his tongue slowly, pressing it against me. He’d mix it up with slow, lazy circles around my clit, a few quick darts with the tip here and there.

  It didn’t take much for orgasm number two to hit. And when it did, it hit me like a train. I squirmed and writhed as he made me come with his mouth, running my hands through his thick, dark hair and making sure he didn’t go anywhere.

  When that orgasm faded, I dropped my arms to my sides and took in one deep breath after another. I looked at him and ordered, “Come…come up here.”

  “Yeah? Why?” he teased.

  I grinned. “Because I need you inside me.”

  Duncan stood up, undoing his belt and zipper and button. He stepped out of his black leather shoes and pulled his trousers down, his cock straining against his boxer-briefs. God, what a sight. He was larger-than-life, built like a god. And whatever concerns I had about what he had going on down below were gone at the sight of his dick on the verge of ripping through the fabric of his underwear.

  “You ready?” he asked.

  “Do you even need to ask?”

  He flashed me one more sly grin before pouncing, moving on top of me with speed that surprised me for a big guy like him. I grabbed his cock through his underwear, feeling how thick and hard it was, stroking it slowly. Duncan growled in response, letting me know I was on the right track. I was in a frenzy, nothing on my mind but Duncan, his cock, and how much I wanted it inside me.

  “Something you should know,” he said, gazing at me with those brilliant blue eyes.

  “What’s that?”

sp; “When it comes to the bedroom…I like to be in control.”

  “Is that right?

  “It is.”

  Not surprising that a powerful man like him would feel that way. “What do you want me to do?” I asked, not sure what to do with the information.

  “Nothing,” he said. “I’ll take care of it all.”

  The idea of being in his hands like that…did something to me. I’d already come twice, but that didn’t sate my desire for him. If anything, it made it more intense.

  “Then take care of it.”

  One more grin, then he rolled off his underwear and kicked them aside. His cock was gorgeous, a thing of total beauty. It was long and thick and solid, and the idea of it inside me was nearly enough to make my mouth water.

  “Stay just like that,” he said, still on top of me.

  With that, he swept up my legs, taking them into the air and resting them on his shoulders. His cock was inches from my opening, and I squirmed my hips, beckoning him to come inside. He clasped himself, placing his head at my opening and slowly pushing inside.

  His fingers, his tongue, his mouth – they were incredible, but nothing could compare to what it felt like as he entered me.

  Duncan’s cock filled me perfectly, like nothing I’d ever felt in my life. I’d been a touch worried that he might actually be too big, but as he pushed more and more of his inches into me, I found myself quickly accommodating him.

  “How’s that?” he asked once he was buried to the root.

  “So…so good,” I groaned, my head pressed hard into the bed.

  Another smile. He pulled back and drove into me again, my walls gripping him tightly as he penetrated me. I was done, totally transfixed by him and how he felt inside me. I watched him work, watched him rise up and drop down, his cock vanishing into me.

  Soon we were in a steady rhythm, Duncan pounding me hard, my breasts bouncing back and forth along with his thrusts.

  “I…I…” I could barely speak.

  “You’re what?” he asked, not breaking his pace.

  “I’m going to…going to come again,” I cried loudly.

  “Good,” he said. “I want you to come for me. I want you to come on my cock. And I want you to look me in the eyes while you do it.”

  It sounded intense, but I wanted to do it, wanted to experience it. Right after he finished speaking the words, I came so hard I felt like I might unravel into nothing. But like he asked –like he’d told me— I stared deep into those blues.

  He came with me, his cock pulsing inside as he drained himself deep within me, an expression of mild tension on his face as his body tensed and released. And when he finished, he stayed inside me, kissing me deeply.

  When Duncan pulled out and dropped to my side, I curled up against him without thinking about it, feeling his solid warmth against my body.

  And soon I was asleep, feeling happier than I had in a long, long time.


  The alarm blared. Without opening my eyes, I attempted to reach over to turn it off. But I couldn’t move my arm. I was shocked, not sure what the hell was going on. Then, when I opened my eyes and turned, I realized why.

  The most beautiful woman I’d ever seen was on top of it. She opened her eyes sleepily, a smile spreading across her face when she saw me there.

  “Good morning,” Annie mumbled.


  I leaned in and kissed her, our lips lingering. My cock twitched to life below the sheets. It took me about two seconds of her touch to go from half-awake to ready for more. But I didn’t have time.

  “Fuck,” I said, taking my lips from hers.

  She appeared surprised at first but understanding flashed on her features. “The conference call.”

  “The conference call,” I repeated. I reached over her naked body and took the phone from where I’d set it on the nightstand.

  “What time is it?” she asked. “You’re not running late, are you?”

  “It’s a little after five. So, I’m good,” I told her, smiling at her as I added, “You, on the other hand, should go back to sleep.”

  “Nah, I’m fine.” I could tell by the sleepiness in her eyes and her voice that she was still bushed. “Let me get you some coffee.”

  I chuckled. “Trust me, it’s alright. I’m used to getting up this early. Get some sleep, and I’ll see my way out.”

  “Alright,” she agreed without much hesitation, which was cute.

  “I’ll be in touch later today,” I promised. “We can plan when we’re seeing each other next. Sound good?”


  It was pretty damn adorable the way she was trying to stay awake. I kissed her one more time before getting up. I put on my clothes as quietly as I could.

  “Hey,” she said, rolling over.


  “I had a lot of fun last night.”

  “Same,” I said. “Most I’ve had in a while.”

  She smiled slowly at me before closing her eyes. By the time I stepped into my shoes and made my way to the front door, soft snores filled the air. It made a certain amount of sense that she was a snorer – she needed something to offset the beauty; otherwise it might not be fair.

  I locked the door behind me and went out to my car. The air was crisp with a serious chill. Clouds blanketed the sky, and it felt a like snow was in the air. About time, too. With Christmas around the corner, we’d need some white other than what was on the tops of the mountains in the distance.

  I climbed into my Land Rover and started the engine, driving through downtown and to the road that led to my house. My neighborhood was called The Chalet, and the name was fitting. The many houses, all of them huge and belonging mostly to the wealthy types that vacationed in the area, dotted the side of the hill before the mountain.

  I was about a twenty-minute drive away and before long pulled into the middle door of my three-car-garage. My house might’ve been what some considered a little much. It was three stories, done in a chateau style of brick and wood, and situated on a massive chunk of land complete with Olympic-sized pool, guest house, and tennis court – not that any of those got much use in the winter.

  Maybe a little big for one person, sure, but I liked it, thinking of it more as a symbol of how far I’d come since I’d started out as an eager pre-med at UCLA.

  I stepped into the huge entry room of the house, tossing my keys onto the kitchen bar. The room was lodge-style, with a massive fireplace, hand-made furniture, and a single large, arched window that looked out onto the mountains. The room called out to me to relax, to kick off my shoes and plop onto the couch, to enjoy some coffee as I watched the sun rise.

  No time for that, however – the conference call awaited. I made some coffee and went up to my third-floor office, sat down behind the desk, and send out the texts to get it started.

  The call lasted a couple of hours and was between me and a few other doctors, all with plenty of questions about the meeting I’d had. They wanted details – when I was planning on opening new locations, how much staff I was planning on bringing aboard, and how much I’d be paying them. I’d done my homework, so it all went about as expected.

  And the moment it ended, my thoughts returned to Annie. God, what a woman. I sat back in my chair, thinking about how she looked underneath me, my cock buried between her legs, her face tight and her mouth open in a wide, silent O as I made her come for the third time.

  I couldn’t wait to see her again. But before I could get too lost in the fantasy, my phone buzzed on my desk. A text from Andrew.

  Busy last night?

  Shit. I felt like a real asshole. After all, he’d been so intent on our bi-monthly get-togethers, and I’d blown him off. And not just blown him off – blown him off so I could fuck his ex-girlfriend. I remembered what had happened at the restaurant, how he’d been there, how we’d almost been spotted.

  Or had we been spotted? Was Andrew asking the question because he’d
seen us and was being coy about it? I needed to play this right.

  I didn’t feel too bad about all that. After all, he’d treated her like shit and broken up with her. But still, it didn’t sit all that well with me, and ditching him didn’t help matters.

  Sorry, sorry. Had the chance for a once-in-a-lifetime date. I’ll make it up to you.

  It’s fine. Just text me first next time.

  Andrew wasn’t the most expressive guy in the world, always playing things close to the vest. Nothing about his text indicated one way or another that he’s seen us.

  I likely wouldn’t know until the next time we got together.

  Will do. And sorry again.

  No response to this. But knowing Andrew, it was because he’d simply decided nothing else needed to be said.

  Sometimes I worried Andrew was too put-together for his own good, too driven by the cold, logical part of his brain, which was why he’d broken up with Annie, after all. He’d coolly weighed the pros and cons and decided he didn’t have time for a woman in his life, that his career was the bigger concern.

  And she was left with the broken heart.

  That was none of my business, however. If he wanted to break up with someone like her, that was his loss. I couldn’t imagine in a million years having a woman like Annie and deciding writing legal briefs was a better use of my time. Hell, if I had her, you’d almost have to drag me out of bed to the office.

  And I wanted her like crazy. I’d wanted her since I’d seen her picture on his social media.

  I’d known it was wrong as hell to want my brother’s girl. But he’d made the decision for her not to be his girl any longer. Didn’t that mean he’d given up any right to complain about it if I were to move in? But I knew it wasn’t that simple. Andrew and I were different, but in very important ways, we were similar. One of those ways was that we were both take-charge, type-A men. Alpha to our cores.

  And men like us didn’t care for it one bit when other men moved in like that – brother or not. He’d view it as a betrayal if I were to start something out in the open with Annie.

  Hell, maybe he’d be right.

  All of a sudden, I felt tense, like my mansion had suddenly closed in around me until it was the size of a closet. I felt trapped. I needed to get out of the house, get some fresh air.


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