Doctor's Secret: A Secret Baby Romance

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Doctor's Secret: A Secret Baby Romance Page 8

by K. C. Crowne

  I was on guard right away. “Yes?” I asked.

  He smiled, but it wasn’t a warm, friendly smile in the least. It was the smile of a man on edge, a man I needed to watch myself around. A man I needed to watch Annie around. Before saying a word, I took a small step forward, putting my body between him and Annie. He twitched at this, making me even more certain my gut instinct was right.

  “I’m trying to get to the Stumble Inn, but I got kinda lost. Either of you know where it is?”

  The Stumble Inn was a bar on the other side of town, but I didn’t believe his true interest was in asking directions.

  “Catch a cab and ask the driver,” I said, my tone curt but polite. “They’ll help you out.”

  “Can’t afford a cab, man,” he said. “Got a few bucks?”

  I glanced at Annie out of the corner of my eye. Her eyes widened slightly, and her limbs were stiff. Just like me, she’d sensed the danger and was prepared, tensed.

  “Not tonight,” I said. “Have a good one.”

  My body still positioned between him and Annie, I stuck my arm out to lead her away. One of his hands shot out, grabbing Annie by the wrist before we’d taken a step. The other deftly reached into his pocket and pulled out a mean-looking blade.

  “That’s a nice purse,” he said. “Bet she’s got a few extra dollars in there.”

  Annie let out a scream, trying to jerk her hand away. He gripped her tightly, however, not letting her go.

  It was the last move he had a chance to make.

  The first step was getting Annie out of harm’s way. I grabbed his wrist, twisting and squeezing it hard enough to break his grip. I shoved the man back, making damn sure he wasn’t close enough to touch her, let alone hurt her.

  “Ow! Shit!” He grabbed his wrist with his other hand, the blade dangling between his middle and index finger.

  My nerves even and calm, I focused on the problem at hand and solving it as though it were nothing. Panic didn’t enter into it.

  Next step was disarming him. I pulled my fist back, driving it hard in his direction. His eyes went wide as my fist connected with his jaw, a sickening crack indicating a broken jaw. Pain radiated through my hand instantly. The man stumbled back, his knife dropping to the ground with a clatter. He fell next, stumbling and hitting the sidewalk hard, blood trickling down the side of his mouth. He was in a total daze.

  I spotted the knife on the ground and kicked it away, making sure it wasn’t in arm’s reach of the man. I turned to Annie. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she said. Then she glanced down at my hand. “But you’re not.”

  I raised my hand to my face and saw what she meant. I was bleeding. Not a lot – just a few drops. “We need to get out of here,” I said.

  I put my hand on the small of Annie’s back, shooting the mugger one last hard look before leading her away from the scene. Less than a minute or two later, we were at my car, the locks clicking shut.

  “Holy shit,” she breathed, tension releasing from her shoulders.

  “Are you alright?” I repeated.

  “Fine,” she said, reaching for my hand. “But your hand.”

  “It’s nothing – probably just grazed a tooth.”

  “It’s not nothing – you’re bleeding.”

  “Let me get back to my place before we worry about a scratch. Okay?”

  A nod. “Okay.”

  The drive was silent, and all I could think about was how fucking furious I was, how enraged the idea of anyone even thinking about hurting Annie made me. Relief hit me as soon as we pulled up to the house. As we approached it, her head swiveled so she could look at everything.

  “Wow,” she mused, eyes wide when we pulled into my drive. “This place is all yours?”

  “It is.”

  I parked in the garage and led her inside. Her eyes moved around every inch as if we’d just walked into some kind of ancient cathedral. “I think you could fit a dozen of my apartments in here.”

  Her attention was captured by the tall, arched windows that overlooked the back stretch of the property, the mountains rising in the distance. As she watched, I flicked on the gas for the fireplace, warm, inviting flames rising inside.

  “This is amazing,” she said, turning around to face me. “I’ve seen these houses whenever I drive through town. But I’ve never actually been in one.”

  “In that case, I’m pleased to welcome you,” I announced, heading to the bar and glancing around for something appropriate to drink. “A little red?”

  She glanced down at my hand again, the sight of blood on my skin snapping her away from the subject of my home. “Speaking of red,” she said. “Where’s a medical kit?”

  “It’s fine. No medical kit necessary.”

  “Duncan, some strange man broke your skin with his tooth. It’s not fine.”

  “Every bathroom has one. Nearest is just over there. Kit should be under the sink.”

  Annie nodded and hurried off, returning moments later with a red-and-white medical kit. “Come here,” she said, sitting down at the kitchen bar and opening the kit. She began poking around, looking for the right gear. “Let’s see…God, this isn’t just some regular med kit – this is heavy-duty stuff.”

  “Doctors don’t mess around,” I said with a chuckle. “Here...”

  I plucked the necessary stuff out. The cut was nothing to worry about – just a scratch, really. But some antiseptic wouldn’t hurt.

  “Okay,” she said, getting it all ready. “Now, this might sting a little.”

  She dabbed a cotton ball with the antiseptic and placed it on my cut. It stung, but not enough to get a reaction. She clean the cut with an alcohol swab, then applied ointment and a Band-Aid.

  I grinned. “Want a job? Got a few clinics opening.”

  She let out a laugh, playfully swatting my arm. “Smartass. But thanks for what you did. It was stupid, but brave.”

  “Stupid and brave is what I do best.”

  Her hand on mine, she gazed into my eyes for several long moments, the heat building between us.

  “A drink,” I said, getting up. “Don’t want to pat myself on the back, but I think I’ve earned one.”

  “I’ll say.”

  I picked out a bottle of cab and, before opening it, nodded toward the iPad on the coffee table. “I pick out the wine, you pick out the music. How does that sound?”

  “Oh,” she said, sounding a touch surprised. “What do you want to hear?”

  “I want to hear whatever you want to hear,” I said. “Whatever’s on your mind right now.”

  She crossed her arms under her breasts and gave me a sly smile. “What if what’s on my mind is, say, Norwegian Death Metal?”

  I laughed as I poured the wine, almost spilling a bit on the bar. Smart and beautiful and funny. What more could a man want?

  “If that’s what you’re into, then go for it,” I said with a wink. “Not like you’d be bothering the neighbors.”

  She picked up the iPad and considered the idea for a long moment. Then she turned and looked out the window, watching as shimmering flakes of snow fell from the sky.

  “Ah,” she murmured after several minutes of searching. “I’ve got it.”

  Music flowed from the surround-sound speakers. The music was wonderful, a delicate classical piece that sounded a touch familiar.

  “What’s this?” I asked, approaching her with the wine and handing her a glass.

  “Vivaldi’s Seasons. This one’s Winter, of course. One of the best. And I thought it was appropriate.”

  I said nothing for a few moments as I listened to the gentle strains of the music, noting how perfectly it fit with the snow falling and the fire crackling.

  “You’ve got an ear for this,” I said, standing close to her.

  She chuckled, her cheeks blooming with color for a brief moment. “It’s a hobby more than anything.”

  “A hobby that you’re exceptionally good at,” I complimented, hoping
she’d blush again. I wasn’t disappointed. “You’ve got excellent taste, and I’d bet anything you’re incredible on the violin.”

  “Maybe you’ll hear me play some time,” she said with a smile.

  “I’d love that,” I said. “But I have to be honest…”

  “About what?” she asked, turning to me, a look of intrigued curiosity on her gorgeous features.

  “About the fact that there’s a different kind of music I’d like to make with you tonight.”

  She grinned, biting her lip. “That’s cute. A little cheesy, but cute.”

  I couldn’t wait a second longer. The music swirling, the fire blazing, I kissed her.


  Maybe I shouldn’t have done it. Or, at the very least, maybe I should have put up a little more resistance. But as much as I didn’t want to admit it, something about the way he’d reacted when the man had tried to mug us, how he’d saved me, had put me in a state I couldn’t even begin to wrap my head around.

  Duncan set down his glass of wine and put his hands on my curvy hips, squeezing them in just the right way as he kissed me slowly and deeply. The music was perfect, the snow was perfect, the fire was perfect. I’d gone from single, broken-hearted woman, to being swept away by a man so amazing I couldn’t even believe he was real. There had to be some catch, right? A tall, handsome doctor who seemed to be totally smitten with me? It had to be too good to be true.

  Or maybe I’d actually found a really, really good thing.

  “You alright?”

  I hadn’t noticed that Duncan had ended our kiss and was gazing down at me, an expression of mild concern on his face. “Um, yeah. Totally fine. Better than fine, really. Why do you ask?”

  He smiled slightly. “You looked like you’d checked out.”

  “No, not that at all. Just…got a little in my own head.”

  “Anything you want to talk about?” His expression was one of concern. “Is it about what happened tonight?”

  The answer was yes and no at the same time. But I was with an incredible man, and for some reason I couldn’t seem to stop thinking about what might be wrong with the situation.

  “No – just being silly.” I waved a hand dismissively. “There’s something I want right now, and it’s definitely not to talk. And about the mugging…I’m good. Really, I’m trying to figure out how to thank you for what you did back there.”

  “You don’t need to thank me. I was only doing what needed to be done.” He leaned in and kissed me again, his lips moving along the curve of my neck. “But I want to hear it. Tell me what you want.”

  The way he said the words made it obvious he knew what I wanted. And that he was going to give it to me. I closed my eyes, smiling as he kissed down my neck, over my collarbone, opening my shirt enough to expose my cleavage and kissing that, too.

  “I want you to take me over to that rug in front of the fireplace, and I want you to make love to me on top of it.” Saying the words sent a chill of arousal through my body, causing my skin to break out into goosebumps.

  “Good,” he said. “Because I don’t know if I’d be able to wait until the bedroom.”

  I grinned, but before I could say or do anything else, Duncan wrapped his arms around my legs and scooped me off the ground, a squeal shooting from my mouth as he effortlessly lifted me off my feet. I loved how easily he was able to hold me and savored every second of him carrying me to the fireplace rug.

  The flames were warm and toasty against my skin as Duncan lowered me gently onto the rug. Once there, he reached down and slipped my shirt over my head, exposing the lacy, red bra I had on underneath.

  “I like this,” he said, slipping his fingertip under the cup just a bit, a grin on his lips.

  I didn’t say anything, instead focusing on the way he touched me, the way he kissed me. Just like I’d hoped, he pulled me out of me head, made me think about nothing but him, nothing but how he made me feel.

  Duncan reached underneath me, and I arched my back as he undid the clasp of my bra and pulled it over my head. Next, he unbuttoned my jeans and unzipped them slowly. My red thong matched my bra, and I was eager to show my body to him.

  I’d never felt like that with a man before. My curves had always been something I was proud of, never ashamed. But the way Duncan looked at me, the way he stared in awe at the sight of my figure, made me feel so sexy, so desired.

  “Fucking hell, you’re gorgeous,” he growled as he positioned himself on top of me.

  “You’re not so bad yourself, Dr. Pitt.”

  He grinned before reaching down and placing his hand between my thighs, squeezing the delicate flesh firmly as he moved his way up. When he was between my legs, he pulled my panties to the side, teasing me with his fingers.

  “Oh…oh, fuck,” I moaned, closing my eyes again.

  He spread my lips and slipped a finger into me, his thumb working my clit. I shoved my panties down to my ankles as he fingered me, each circle around my clit, each penetration with his fingers bringing me closer to orgasm. My hips writhed, my body began to shake. Duncan grabbed one of my breasts, squeezing it just the way I wanted, teasing my nipple until it was hard.

  “Oh my God,” I said again, amazed by the way he pleasured me, the way he so effortlessly brought me to the brink of orgasm again and again, knowing just where the line was and how to bring me close without pushing me over it.

  He gazed down at me, his eyes locked onto mine as he fingered me. “Are you ready to come for me?” he asked, as if knowing it was completely up to him.

  “I’m…oh, fuck…I’m ready!”

  He grinned and upped the speed of his penetration, pressing down just a bit harder with his thumb on my clit. The orgasm burst through my body, sending me into wild convulsions of pure ecstasy. He guided me through the orgasm expertly, holding me with one hand and touching me with the other.

  When it faded, I let my limbs slacken for a moment as my chest rose and fell. When I could breathe normally again, I whispered, “I want to return the favor.”

  He shook his head. “That’s not want I want just yet.”

  “Then what do you want?”

  “Right now, I want to make you come again.”

  I was shocked at the words, wondering if I even had it in me. The first orgasm was so intense I worried another might tear me apart at the seams.

  But Duncan didn’t wait for my permission. He scooped me up again, depositing me on the nearby chair, my legs dangling off the seat. Once I was there, he dropped to his knees, moving close to me and spreading my legs open again.

  “You have the most gorgeous pussy I’ve ever seen,” he commented, staring between my thighs and shaking his head in disbelief. Then he flicked his gaze up to me. “How can someone be as beautiful as you?”

  I blushed, not sure what to say, shaking my head as I looked at him. He laughed before sliding his arms under my thighs and pulling me close, planting his lips on my inner thighs and moving closer to my pussy. I was still recovering from the last orgasm, still sensitive. But, like before, he knew just how to touch me. He was gentle, starting by kissing my lips softly, giving my body time to prepare for what he was about to do to it.

  I ran my hands through his hair as he reached my waiting pussy. However amazing his touch was, his kiss was another level. Duncan spread me open and started with quick darts of his tongue over my clit, making the same perfect circles.

  Moans flowed from my mouth as I leaned back into the soft, cushy chair, the fire raging behind Duncan, the light from the flames outlining his perfect body. As he ate me out, he placed his fingers inside me again, and just like before, an orgasm began to take shape almost immediately.

  “I love the way you taste,” he murmured. “So fucking good.”

  It was like I’d cast a spell over him, like he’d been transfixed. I felt so sexy, like I was made to please him, and him to please me.

  He continued to lick me, soft wet sounds filling the air and mixing with the crackle
of fire. Duncan brought me close to the edge, teasing me with an impending orgasm.

  “Now,” he ordered, raising his mouth from my pussy while continuing to finger me. “Come for me now.”

  Before I had a chance to react, he put his mouth back on me and started again. And I came. I gripped the arms of the chair, digging my nails into the fabric as he brought me to another orgasm. It flowed through me, hot and incredible. I screamed, I cried, I barely recognized the sounds coming from my mouth. Intense pleasure rocked me into silence as it faded.

  Duncan rose in front of me and began taking off his clothes, his eyes on mine. He was totally into my body, but his was really something special. I couldn’t get over how cut and toned he was, his form like something carved out of solid oak.

  I thought about him at work, Duncan dressed in a white doctor’s coat, that perfect body underneath. It was more than enough to get me ready for what he surely had in mind next.

  When he pulled off his white boxer-briefs, his massive cock springing out in front of me, I simply couldn’t resist him. I sat up, wrapping my hand around his length and stroking him slowly, eye-to-eye with his erection.

  “I don’t remember asking you to do that,” he commented, his voice low.

  “I guess I’m just in the mood to break the rules.”

  “I can tell,” he said. “Now, why don’t you show me what a bad little rule-breaker you can be?”

  After stroking his length a little more, I leaned forward and kissed his cock, letting my lips linger on his head for a long moment before moving them around, making sure not a single bit of his tip went unnoticed. Then I opened my mouth and looked up, letting him watch as I took inch after inch of him into me. I wasn’t able to get much. Duncan was long and thick, and I could only fit about half of him into my mouth before I had to go back up for air. He grinned, as if expecting it.

  “Tell me how it tastes,” he said as I stroked him.

  “So fucking good. Makes me wonder what you’d taste like coming down my throat.”

  “Maybe you’ll find out.”


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