Doctor's Secret: A Secret Baby Romance

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Doctor's Secret: A Secret Baby Romance Page 13

by K. C. Crowne


  “In the bathroom!” she called out. “There’s some bubbly on the table – go ahead and open it!”

  I shut the door behind me and spotted the bottle she was referring to. After taking that in hand, I started opening it.

  Then she stepped out.

  I opened the wine bottle, the cork shooting off with a pop and the foam pouring all over my hand around the neck.

  She was stunning.

  Annie was dressed in a tight, powder blue gown that looked poured over her curves. The neckline was low, but tasteful. Her blonde hair fell in loose waves, draped over her shoulders. Her shoes were off-white heels, a perfect complement to the dress.

  I was rock-hard on the spot.

  “Screw the bubbly,” I said, setting down the bottle. “I know what I want.”

  I cut the distance between us, stepping over to her and putting my hands on her hips, pulling her against my body closely enough that she could feel my hard-on through my slacks.

  “I’d ask if you like the dress, but I think I know the answer.” She gazed up at me with those gorgeous green eyes, a smile on her lips.

  And I kissed her hard. Our tongues were knotted together, her taste filling my mouth. I squeezed her hips, noting the absence of panties through her dress. Then I moved up to her breasts, grabbing them firmly.

  Annie sighed, falling into the kiss. But the moment I put my hand on her leg, ready to move up her thigh, she moved it away.

  “Now,” she chided playfully, wiggling a finger at her. “I didn’t get all dressed up just to get naked before I had a chance to show off this lovely gown you bought me.”

  “Good point,” I said, giving her hips one more squeeze before backing off.

  “But,” she continued, “that doesn’t mean you won’t get the chance to take it off later. If you play your cards right.”

  “And what’s step one in playing my cards right?” I asked, up for the challenge.

  “First step is pouring me a glass of that champagne.”

  “You got it.” I returned to the table and poured us each a glass, bringing Annie’s to her. “You know,” I said, looking her up and down. “Maybe I messed up, letting you pick out a dress. This might be far too distracting.”

  “Then you’re going to have to learn to focus. Aren’t doctors good at that?”

  I nodded. “We are. But it’s not like I have to perform surgery with stunningly beautiful women in the room.”

  She laughed, raising her glass. “To an incredible night.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” We tapped rims and sipped before I checked my watch. “Shit. We’d better get moving. Lots of people I want you to meet tonight.”

  “Got it.” She opened her closet and took out her fake-fur-lined coat.

  “We’ll have to do something about that, too,” I said, running my fingers over the fur.

  “I didn’t want to go too nuts with your account – figured the dress and shoes were enough.”

  “You’re more than welcome to go nuts with me anytime,” I smirked, sending a double-message.

  We took a few sips of the wine and headed out. The town looked beautiful in the gently falling snow, the flakes drifting down and flicking with light from the streetlamps. Our shoes crunched softly on the white dusting already on the sidewalk.

  “Nice ride,” she commented, taking in the sight of the dark red BMW M3.

  “Thanks. I don’t get much of a chance to take it out. Figured this definitely counted as a special occasion.”

  “Happy to be one,” she said with a smile.

  I opened the door and let her in, and we were soon on our way.

  “So,” she said. “What’s the plan?”

  “The plan is we head to the party,” I told her, smiling when I added, “It’s at the Four Seasons, and I went ahead and got a room for us so when we’re ready to go, we can get the hell out of there.”

  “You got a room?” she asked with a wink. “Someone’s presumptuous.”

  I chuckled. “I’ll take the couch if you want the king-size all to yourself.” I matched her wink with one of my own.

  She took my hand on the shifter, letting me know her true thoughts on the matter.

  We drove on, reaching Denver and heading downtown. The Four Season was abuzz with activity, a long line of limos in front letting well-dressed men and women out onto a massive red carpet that led to the illuminated, ornate front of the building.

  And, of course, the paparazzi were there. The press was on both sides of the stairs, yelling out questions and snapping pictures.

  “Wow,” she said. “This is all for your company?”

  “I like to hire good people, and one of the solid hires I made was my head of marketing. Don’t ask me how she did it, but she managed to turn Pitt Medical Group’s holiday party into the social event of the season.”

  “Looks like we’re going to have to wait,” she said, noting the line.

  “Nah. One of the perks of being the man in charge is you never have to wait.”

  I pulled the car up to the curb, bypassing the line of limos. A valet, spotting me, hurried over and took the keys.

  “Have a good night, Mr. Pitt!” he said as we stepped out of the car.

  “You as well.” I slipped a hundred into his hand as he ducked into the car. Then I took Annie by the arm and led her toward the huge procession of people.

  “Is that the press?” she asked.

  “Unfortunately, it is. I hope you don’t mind being on the cover of a few local gossip websites.”

  “Oh, I mean, not like I ever read those.” She blushed and grinned – cute as hell.

  We weaved our way through the press, joining the rest of the guests making their way up. As soon as the paparazzi realized who I was, and that I was with a date, it was on.

  Being caught up in the press was like being caught up in a blizzard or thunderstorm – some force of nature. It swirled all around you, drowned out your thoughts with its noise. All you could do was put your head down and try to get through it.

  I waved my hands as they took photos, the flashes of their cameras popping off around us. My hand stayed on the small of Annie’s back, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a look on her face that made it clear she had no idea what to make of the events around her.

  They shot out their questions about me, and most certainly about Annie. I didn’t answer a single one of them, of course, and soon we were at the towering front doors of the Four Seasons, four equally towering guards in black suits locking eyes with us.

  Realizing immediately who I was, they opened the doors and let us both inside. Annie let out a whoosh of air from her lungs, her eyes wide.

  “That was something else.”

  “Just the paparazzi,” I said, adjusting my bowtie. “You’ll get used to them.”

  Annie regarded me with an expression that suggested she had no idea how anyone could get used to something like that. But her expression changed on a dime as soon as she turned her attention to the hotel.

  “Holy…Christmas,” she said, her eyes wide as she looked in every direction.

  The lobby of the Four Seasons was as elegant as ever, the massive space decorated with all sorts of Christmas décor, a gigantic tree in the center between the two towering staircases.

  “We’re in the ballroom,” I said. “Shall we?”

  “I think we shall,” she said, still smiling but clearly still trying to wrap her mind around everything happening.

  I extended the crook of my arm and she took it, flashing me one more smile as we made our way to the ballroom. Two more guards opened the doors for us, and we stepped inside.

  The place was gorgeous, a huge, century-old space with tall, vaulted ceilings and parquet floors. Hundreds of people were there, all the top strata of Denver, from local celebrities to politicians to sports stars, attended, dressed in their most elegant garb. A live band was on the far stage, playing upbeat versions of Christmas classics. />
  “Wow,” Annie mumbled as the scene around her unfolded. “I’ve never been to a party like this before.”

  “And I’ve never been to one with someone as beautiful as you on my arm. Come on.”

  She smiled at me again and we started into the crowd.

  The next couple of hours were wonderful. We chatted, we drank, we danced. Annie, despite her unfamiliarity with social events of this proportion, fit in like a charm, showing no fear with meeting the elite of the city, quickly winning over everyone she spoke to with her incredible personality

  She was charming, she was vivacious, and she was fearless. I’d been on dates before with women who weren’t entirely familiar with my circles, and they always approached being a part of them with the same enthusiasm, like they couldn’t wait to social climb.

  But Annie was different. She radiated warmth and was a joy to be around. And as much fun as we were having, it wasn’t long before I wanted her all to myself.

  “So,” she said as we slow danced to White Christmas. “What’s this about a room?”

  “Looks like we’re thinking the same thing. Come on.”

  Leaving the party the right way would’ve been an hour-long process. And there was no way I could wait that long to have her. So I took her by the hand and led her through the party, giving quick goodbyes to the familiar faces I passed. And as soon as the elevator doors shut and we were finally alone, we were all over one another.

  We kissed with wild abandon, like there was no one in the world but each other. I swept my hand under her leg, bringing it up around my waist as I put my other hand on her hip.

  The doors opened and we broke apart and hurried down the hall, laughing and smiling like a couple of kids. The room was on the far end, and when we reached it, I didn’t waste a moment swiping the key card and opening the door.


  I was more than ready to pounce on Duncan. But I needed a moment to stare at that room. It was incredible. The room wasn’t a room at all; it was more like a big apartment in the best part of downtown Denver. A large living room with a fireplace and elegant furniture dominated the space, and windows looked out onto a balcony with downtown glittering beyond. A massive bedroom was to the right, and to the left was a huge bathroom complete with indoor hot tub.

  “Like the room?” Duncan asked as he undid his bowtie, letting it dangle down both sides of his neck in that cool, Frank Sinatra kind of way.

  “Are you kidding?” I asked. “It’s amazing.”

  “It’s my usual spot for when I come downtown. Call me spoiled, but I’ve gotten used to having space.”

  Still in awe, I stepped over to the fireplace and turned it on. Warm, crackling flames filled the space – it was the perfect pairing with the snow still dancing on the low wind outside of the hotel room.

  Duncan stepped behind me, wrapping his big arms around my waist. I saw us in the reflection in the mirror over the fireplace and couldn’t help but notice how perfect we looked together.

  “You were great tonight,” he complimented. “I was expecting you to do well, but you totally exceeded even those expectations.”

  “Happy to impress,” I said with a smile, turning around and gazing up into his piercing blue eyes.

  “You’re impressive, alright. And not just tonight. Every night that we’ve spent together has been wonderful, each better than the last. I can’t even begin to say how happy I am we’ve come into one another’s life.”

  His words warmed my heart. “I feel the same way.”

  Duncan moved in and kissed me again, a thrill running through my body at the pressure of his lips against mine. I closed my eyes, focusing on the sensation, loving how his mouth felt, how his hands felt, his musky, masculine scent, his solid body underneath his handsome tux.

  Effortlessly, he lifted me off my feet and carried me over to the couch and putting me back down on my feet in front of it. Duncan loomed over me, still smirking in that gorgeously cocky way, one hand in his pocket as he looked me up and down.

  “Goddamn, you’re beautiful.” Then he moved onto the couch and sat down, draping his big arms over the top. He looked like the boss, like the man in charge. “Now,” he said, his eyes moving slowly over my body, savoring the sight. “Take that dress off. But don’t rush yourself.”

  I smirked, slipping my fingers under the straps over my shoulders and bringing one down slowly, then the other. Duncan said nothing, watching me carefully, his eyes going to the newly exposed bits of skin. I moved the dress down my arms, then over my breasts. The bra was a new addition, lacy and black. The look on his face made it quite clear he was a fan.

  Next, I let it slither over my stomach. I glanced at Duncan’s crotch, noting his cock becoming stiff and tenting the fabric of his slacks. Knowing I was turning him on was itself a turn-on, and I wanted nothing but the lovemaking that was coming.

  When I reached my ample hips, I kept on going. I wore no panties because I hadn’t wanted a line in the dress. His eyes darkened and his nostrils flared as he realized I was naked under the dress. Then I turned, bending over and letting him take in the sight of my full, round ass while I dropped the dress to my heels and stepped out of the fabric pooled around my feet.

  “Perfection,” he purred as he looked me over. He reached for me, but I slapped his hands away.

  “No, it’s my turn to make you feel good,” I said, stalking toward him.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  I dropped to my knees in front of him, and my hand clasped his cock as I began rubbing his head through his soft slacks. I moved my fingertips up over his torso, his shirt so thin and fine I could make out the details of his muscles. After teasing him a little more, I unbuckled his belt, then the zipper, then slowly removed his slacks and boxer-briefs. His cock sprang out to greet me, dripping and solid and so fucking gorgeous.

  I couldn’t resist. After flashing him one more eager, sultry expression, I took his cock into my hand licked up one side and down the other. Maintaining eye contact with him the entire time, I ran my tongue in a circle around his head. Then I opened my mouth and took him in, wrapping my lips tightly around him and circling him with my tongue again. He tasted so good, salty and sweet and perfect.

  My eyes locked on his, I took more of him into my mouth until I nearly reached the bottom of his length. I wasn’t able to make it there quite yet –there was so much of him— but I did my best. I stroked his shaft as I went up and down, giving it my all.

  “I want to make you come,” I whispered, taking my lips off while I kept on stroking him.

  He groaned and swept my hair aside. “You want to feel my cock throb in your mouth while you drink me down?”

  “Yeah,” I said. “So much.”

  He grinned. “Maybe some other time. Stand up.”

  Always in control. Always the boss. I loved it.

  “Turn around and bend over.”

  I did as he asked, slowly bending at the waist, my ass pointing at him again. He put his hand on my inner thigh, his touch drifting up until his fingertips teased my lips. I was wet, soaking. Duncan put a pair of fingers inside me, my walls gripping them tightly as he moved inside.

  The pleasure was so instantaneous and intense that I grabbed the arm of the couch and held on, my nails digging into the fabric. Duncan moved inside me expertly, teasing my clit and going in and out, my knees bucking underneath.

  “Tell me how that feels,” he said, his tone still commanding.

  “So…so fucking good.”

  “I want you to come for me,” he said. “I want to feel your pussy come on my fingers. And I want to hear you.”

  I turned my head just enough for him to see me nod. Then I bit my lower lip, moans pouring from me as I came. As the pleasure pushed through my body I did as he asked, letting the moans and sighs shoot from me at whatever volume I wanted. I screamed, almost dropping to my knees. But Duncan helped me up, made sure I stayed right where he wanted me.

  When the orgasm
had faded, I stood up and took one deep breath after another.

  “Now,” he said. “Come here, Annie.”

  I backed up, beyond ready to feel that thick cock inside me. One hand wrapped around his cock, I lowered my ass onto him, his head spreading my lips as he slipped inside.

  “Lower,” he commanded. “I want to see you take all of it.”

  Inch by inch, he penetrated me, and just as he savored me, I savored him. His cock plunged deeper and deeper into me, my lips sealing around him. Soon I was seated on his lap, his hands on my hips. He lifted me slowly before bringing me down again hard. I let out a moan as he filled me, buried inside.

  “I’m going to make you come again,” he said, not the slightest shred of doubt in his voice. “And I want to hear it.”

  I rose and fell, rose and fell, each penetration bringing me closer and closer to the orgasm he demanded, the orgasm I craved. My moans turned into screams, soft and pliant, desirous and overwhelming. And I came, just like he asked. I brought my ass down onto him, grinding against him, feeling his cock deep inside, touching every inch. Duncan clapped his hand down against my cheek, squeezing the flesh.

  “That’s two,” he said. “Tonight, I’m going to make you come more than you ever have in your life.”

  “Oh God, I don’t know if I can take it,” I moaned.

  With a smirk, he grabbed my ass and picked me up, carrying me into the bedroom and setting me down on the bed. “All fours,” he said, pointing. “Now.”

  I did as he asked, positioning myself with my ass sticking out toward him. I turned to watch him strip off his clothes, my pussy still throbbing with aftershocks of my last orgasm. When he was down to nothing, he took his position behind me, lowering his body. His hands came down on my ass again, spreading me open.

  Just I wondered what he would do next, I felt the pressure of his tongue on my lips, warm and wet. Duncan opened me, dragging his tongue over my clit, his fingers entering me once again. This time he didn’t need to ask me to make noise. He ate me so well, so expertly, that I couldn’t help but scream and moan as I squirmed against him. And it didn’t take me long at all to come. I grabbed the soft sheets, gripping them so hard I worried I might rip through them. I collapsed forward, my chest rising and falling as the intensity cooled, my body relaxing after such pleasure.


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