Doctor's Secret: A Secret Baby Romance

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Doctor's Secret: A Secret Baby Romance Page 14

by K. C. Crowne

  “How many is that?” he asked.

  I was sure he knew the answer – he just wanted to hear me say it. “Th…three.”

  “Mmmm, still not enough.”

  I groaned, my face pressed into the sheets.

  He grabbed my hips again, lifting me back onto all fours. As much like jelly as I felt at that moment, I was still ready for more.

  Duncan undid my bra as easily as snapping his fingers, releasing my breasts. He grabbed one, then the other, his touch making my nipples harden, as it always did. He dragged his head against my clit, causing more pleasure to vibrate through my body. Duncan shoved his cock inside me, pumping slowly several times before beginning to drill me at such a steady, incredible pace that my vision blurred.

  “That feel good?” he asked, his voice gruff.

  “So…so fucking good.”

  “Then say it like you mean it.”

  “It feels so, fucking, good!” I yelled, my voice filling the bedroom.

  Duncan fucked me until I was on the brink of another orgasm, but when I was almost there, he stopped, sliding his cock out of me. He grabbed me around the waist and flipped me over so I was on my back on the mattress. He crawled up the bed and hovered over me, holding himself up with his muscular arms.

  “Tell me what you want,” he ordered.

  “I…I want you to make me come again. And I want you to come with me.”

  He smirked. “Good girl.”

  The three orgasms had obliterated me, turned me into putty in his hands. Duncan grabbed his cock and pushed it inside, more moans flowing from my mouth. I wrapped my legs around him, bringing him close. The three orgasms prior to that had been driven by lust. The fourth, however, was something else. Duncan moved in me passionately, our bodies writhing to the same rhythm, our eyes locked.

  “Come for me,” he said. “Right now.”

  I closed my eyes and nodded, then released, the ecstasy rushing through my body, taking me apart. Duncan pushed hard into me at the crest of it, coming at the same time, his cock pulsing and shooting deeply inside me. We rose and fell together, our bodies one. And when he was done, when I was done, he pulled me close and kissed me.

  “That was four,” he said with a grin. “New record?”

  “New record.”

  All I wanted after that was to be held, and he gave me just that. With the fire crackling softly in the living room, we fell asleep in one another’s arms.


  The water was perfect. I put my hand into the depths of the outdoor hot tub, pleased by how good it felt. Perfect – that’s what I wanted. I wanted a perfect morning to go with a perfect evening. But the moment I took my hand out of the water, I thought of the text I’d received from Andrew, remembering everything was on the verge of changing.

  No sense in worrying about that right now, I told myself.

  Once I confirmed the water was just right, I went into the living room just in time to hear a knock at the front door. Room service. I cinched my robe’s sash tight and went to the front door. On the way there, I glanced into the bedroom to see Annie still sleeping soundly, the covers pulled around her gorgeous body.

  “Good morning, Dr. Pitt!” said the young, bright-eyed room service employee. In front of him was a cart of food, several plates covered in silver cloches.

  “Morning.” He handed me the receipt to confirm it was all there and I signed, making sure to leave him a generous tip.

  “Thanks!” he said, his eyes widening as he saw what I’d left him. He pushed the cart into the room before heading out. Once the door shut, I quickly rolled the cart closer to the sofa, my stomach rumbling.

  “That looks like quite a spread.”

  I glanced up when I heard her voice. She, like me, was wearing nothing but a fluffy robe with the Four Seasons logo on the chest. It was open just enough to allow me to see the perfect tops of her breasts, which made me want to have a repeat of the night before.

  “I figured we worked up an appetite last night,” I said. “Nothing like some carb-loading in the morning.”

  “That we did,” she said with a coy smile as she stepped over. “What’ve we got?”

  “We’ve got stuffed French toast, sausage, ham, steak.” I took off the lids as I spoke, revealing each plate. “Fruit and the best scrambled eggs you’ve ever had in your life.”

  “If there’s coffee as well, I think this just might be as close to heaven as I’ve come on Earth.”

  “Of course there’s coffee,” I scoffed playfully, reaching down and taking the carafe from the lower tier of the cart.

  She groaned and said, “I think I just might die.”

  She sat down at the nearby table, her eyes on the window. It was perfectly white outside. The snow that’d fallen was still fresh and untouched. The mountains rose in the distance, capped with their own fresh snow.

  “Amazing,” she sighed as she stared at Mother Nature’s beauty.

  “Glad you’re enjoying it. I’m thinking after the fuss of last night, we’ve both earned a relaxing day. Sound good?”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  I went to work on the food, filling a couple of plates and setting them on the table along with some fresh coffee. We sat and ate in silence, the fireplace crackling.

  “I’m thinking after breakfast we check out the hot tub.”

  “I’m down,” she said. “But I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”

  I winked as I popped a bit of sliced sausage into my mouth.

  “Ahh,” she said, understanding my look.

  More silence passed as we ate, the comfort of the room, the delicious food, and the incredible view of the city a relaxing setting after an energetic night.

  “Something else I wanted to talk to you about,” I said. “I got a text from my brother this morning.”

  Her eyebrows rose as she sipped her coffee. “Is that right?”

  “He wants to know if we can meet him tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow? That’s sooner than I expected.”

  “I know. We’re both busy, and we have to make time for each other when we can. If you want to reschedule, that’s totally fine with me – I’ll understand.”

  I hoped she wouldn’t. How she and Andrew reacted to seeing one another would determine exactly how this relationship between us would work out. But I still had to keep a little to myself. If I had my way, she wouldn’t ever find out that I knew who she was before we’d started seeing each other. She’d never find out that our first meeting hadn’t been accidental. It’d all be a humorous coincidence. Sure, it might be awkward as hell, but hopefully they’d both get over it.

  Still, my gut tightened at the idea of Annie deciding it was too much and wanting to cut ties with me. It was a risk I had to take. Not like I could never let her meet Andrew.

  “No,” she said. “This is something I want to do, too. I can meet your brother and maybe before too long you can meet my sister.”

  “The rest of your family’s in Denver, right?”

  “Right. And you’ll meet them all eventually. Assuming you want to.”

  I reached over and took her hand. Asking if I wanted to meet her family was all but asking if I wanted to take things to the next level.

  “Of course I want to meet your family. And we can do it at our own pace. You meet my brother, I meet your sister. We start there.”

  She smiled. “I still can’t believe the situation with you and him, that you went so long without knowing him. Do you ever feel upset about that?”

  “I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt. Spending your childhood with your siblings…it’s essential for developing that kind of relationship. But my birth mother…” I trailed off.

  “Are you mad at her for what she did?” Then her eyes flashed. “Sorry, that was really over-the-line. Not really any of my business.”

  “No,” I said. “You have a right to know those sorts of things. And no, I don’t hold a grudge. She made the decisions she did for her own reasons,
and nothing would be accomplished by holding it against her. The past is the past, and that’s where it’s going to stay. I have wonderful parents, and that was her gift to me.”

  I meant the words, but as I spoke them, I was acutely aware of the fact that I still hadn’t met the woman who’d given birth to me. That I still didn’t want to meet her. Was there more bitterness inside my heart than I was letting on? I pushed all of that out of my mind.

  “Then we’ll meet tomorrow,” I announced. “And I promise we’ll have a good time.”

  “Sounds great,” she said with a warm smile.

  It occurred to me that I’d made a promise I didn’t know if I could keep. What if she saw Andrew and it wrecked her? After all, I was reasonably sure they hadn’t seen each other since they’d broken up.

  We finished our meals and sat back.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “The food’s no joke here,” I said. “Glad you liked it.”

  She glanced toward the balcony and the hot tub waiting for us. “I think I’m about ready for a dip…maybe even a little more. How about you?”

  “Can’t believe you even need to ask.”

  We rose and went outside, the chilly air enough to make us shiver. We stepped over to the tub, shed our robes, and climbed up onto the side. The sight of her naked made my cock instantly hard. And she noticed.

  “Something tells me you’ve got things on your mind other than getting clean,” she said with a grin as she slipped into the water.

  “You might be right about that.” I brought my legs into the water and dropped down onto the seat. “Come here.”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Her naked body seemed to shift under the surface – what a sight. She floated over to me, her breath coming out in steamy puffs. Once she was on my lap, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and kissed me.

  “I’ve never, um, done it in a hot tub before.”

  It was beyond crazy that a woman like her seemed so…chaste. I would’ve thought men and boys had been drooling over her since she was old enough to date.

  “It looks like we’ve got a lot of ground to cover.”

  “Then let’s get to covering.”


  We kissed again, my hands sliding over her water-slicked body along her cool skin. I dipped my right hand under the surface, down her belly, over the patch of hair above her pussy. She sighed as I touched her, closing her eyes and focusing on the pleasure coursing through her body. I rubbed her gently, teasing her clit with the tip of my middle finger, spreading her lips open with the others.

  “How the hell can you make me feel so good with just your fingers?” she wondered aloud, letting out a long sigh after she finished speaking.

  “Because I know what you want.”

  She bit her lower lip, her chest rising and falling, her breasts coming up over the surface of the water for a moment only to drop below when she exhaled. I put my hand on the small of her back, holding her on my lap as she squirmed and writhed.

  Her eyes opened, flashing as they locked onto mine. Then she grabbed my cock, already stiff, and began stroking it under the water.

  “I need it,” she murmured. “Please.”

  “No,” I denied her. “I’m going to make you come first.”

  She opened her mouth to protest but seemed to realize there wasn’t any point. Annie closed her eyes as I continued to touch her, moving my middle finger in and out of her as I moved my thumb in slow circles around her clit.

  “Oh…oh my God…” She moaned, her body slack in my lap. I watched her come, watched her face tighten and relax, her breath quicken. Nothing was better than watching her orgasm – which was why I loved to do it over and over again.

  “Now,” she said, wrapping her fingers around my cock once her pleasure had subsided. “Please.”

  “Since you asked so nicely,” I teased.

  I put my hands on her hips and guided her on top of me. She kept my cock pointing straight up, and I lowered her onto me. My head went into her, then the rest of my cock, her soft, velvety walls wrapping around me like the softest, smoothest fabric. She felt so fucking good, like heaven.

  “God, you fit me perfectly,” she moaned. “I can’t believe it.”

  “Believe it,” I said, my voice coming out in a low growl.

  I put my hands on the small of her back, guiding her toward me, my cock grinding against her walls. She moaned, her voice rising over the bubbling of the hot tub. And there I was, on the balcony of the best hotel in the state, the city before me and the mountains in the distance, the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen on my lap. What more could a man want?

  She kept on riding me, bucking her hips back and forth, each push of her body over mine bringing us closer and closer to orgasm.

  “I’m almost there,” she sighed.

  “Then come for me again.”

  She nodded, biting her lower lip and knitting her brow. Then she opened her mouth and let out a silent scream, her body shaking on top of me as the orgasm ran through her. I came along with her, my cock throbbing as I shot myself into her, filling her full. I gripped her tits, kneading the perfect flesh as she rode me to the peaks of pleasure.

  She rested her head on my shoulder as we collected our breath.

  Annie lifted her head up after a time, smiling sweetly. “I really like you, Duncan.”

  I grinned. “I really like you, too, Annie.”


  The rest of the day was wonderful. Duncan drove me around Denver, showing me a few of his favorite spots in the city. We stopped for lunch at a delicious Thai place, grabbing a quick drink after. We might’ve spent the entire day in the city, but a weather report we heard in the car let us know some inclement weather was incoming and gave us the push we needed to head back to White Pines.

  “What’s your plan for the rest of the day?” I asked as we rode in his BMW back to town.

  “A little work, but nothing I can’t do at home. How about you?”


  He smiled. “Want to make an evening of it? If we’re going to be snowed in, we might as well be snowed in together.”

  “I like that idea,” I said, barely able to hold back my grin. “Mind if we stop at my place?” I tugged on the gown I’d worn the night before, the only clothes I had. “Not sure this is the best choice for loungewear.”

  He chuckled. “Hey, if you want to hang around dressed like that, I’d be happy to get you a new wardrobe.”

  “As long as I can wear some comfortable sneakers underneath. You want to try relaxing in these heels?”

  That got another laugh. I kicked them off, letting the heels drop onto the floor of the BMW, stretching my toes out.

  “We can swing by your place so you can get what you need. Then we can do a little work, relax, and I’ll make some dinner later.”


  It was such a nice idea, being snowed in with a man like him. The fact that his house was a palace didn’t hurt matters. It was almost domestic. My heart skipped a beat as I realized that whatever was going on between us, it was happening fast.

  Where would we be in a few weeks? A few months? Was the relationship developing between me and Duncan something real? Like so much about my relationship with him, it was scary and thrilling all at once.

  We soon reached White Pines, the first few flakes of the incoming storm already coming down. The sky was slate gray, the clouds thick and roiling, the sun nothing but a bright smudge behind them.

  Duncan pulled up to my place, and I jumped out after putting on my heels, hiking up my gown as I stepped over the dusting of snow. Once in my apartment, I slipped out of the gown, taking care to hang it up carefully in the closet. I still couldn’t believe I owned something so nice. I still didn’t know the price, but I was reasonably sure it was worth more than all the clothes I owned put together.

  I changed and packed a small overnight bag, stuffing my laptop and other essentials in
there. Then I hurried back to Duncan’s car, not wanting to get caught out in the storm.

  “All set?” Duncan asked as I climbed back into the car.

  “Let’s do it.”

  The snow came down harder as we drove to his house, the blizzard moving in faster than we’d anticipated. But once we reached his magnificent home, the outside world seemed to vanish. Duncan turned on the fireplace along with some low lighting.

  “Hope this works for a home office,” he said.

  “It’s perfect.”

  “You have the place all to yourself – make yourself at home. I’ll be up in my office on the third floor if you need me.” His phone buzzed, and after reading the screen, he said, “Hmm.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Nothing. Just my brother confirming for tomorrow. How’s seven sound?”

  “Sounds good.” I swallowed after I spoke.

  “Great,” he said, smiling at me, though he had an odd look on his face. “Anyway, I’m going to get to it. If you need a little more privacy, feel free to use one of the spare bedrooms.” He stepped over to me, kissed me on the lips, and smiled before heading out of the room.

  I should’ve been over the moon. And I was, for the most part. But he had to mention the whole meeting the brother thing. It was hard to pinpoint exactly why I was so nervous about it. I needed to talk to someone about it before I could even think of doing anything else. So I slipped my phone out of my pocket, fired off a text to Gia to see what she was up to, and headed to the second floor in search of a bedroom.

  She called as I shut the door. “Hey!” she said, chipper as ever. “Can you believe this freaking weather?” she asked. “I guess you can believe it – we’re in Colorado, after all.”

  “Right – snow’s what we signed up for.” Gia, being her awesome self, always put me a little more at ease.

  “Anyway, what’s up?”

  I took a deep breath and went into it, catching her up on every detail.


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