Detour (The Getaway Series Book 5)

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Detour (The Getaway Series Book 5) Page 14

by Jay Crownover

  “I’m right at the edge, Wyatt.” I figured I should warn him in case he had other plans than having me explode all over his fingers.

  My ass was pressed up against the edge of the counter and the muscles clenched reflexively when Wyatt’s thumb circled the flared head of my dick before pressing himself even closer to me. There was hardly any space between either of us, but I wanted to be even closer. I needed to ask Wyatt where this was all going, once I could form words again.

  “Good. I like you on the edge, Sheriff.”

  I growled my response, head thrown back as pleasure spiraled through all my limbs, making my knees weak and my mind go completely blank for a second. I felt my cock jerk in Wyatt’s hold and heard him grunt in satisfaction as my completion covered both of us. When I finally managed to peel my eyes open, our gazes locked, and a second later I felt a rush of warmth hit my lower abs and base of my dick.

  We were a glorious mess, and I couldn’t remember a time in my life when I’d ever felt better.

  Wyatt held up his wet, glistening hand and lifted an arrogant eyebrow in my direction. With a smirk, he licked the side of his thumb and told me, “Let’s take a shower and go to bed. Things will look different in the morning. No one said we have to solve all the world’s problems in one night.”

  No one said it, but it felt like that was the expectation. Bending to pull off my boots, I asked without looking at him, “What are we doing, pretty boy?”

  Did this mean half as much to him as it did to me?

  “We don’t have to figure that out in one night either.” When I finally gathered the courage to look at him, he lifted his non-scarred shoulder and let it drop in a careless shrug. “But this feels like the beginning of something, doesn’t it?”

  I sighed, and nodded in silent agreement.

  The only thing that worried me was if we indeed started something, we either choose to keep it going or waited for it to end. I knew which one of those things I wanted to happen, but had no clue what Wyatt was thinking, and he’d already told me honesty wasn’t always the best policy. Would he be truthful if I pressed him about the direction we were headed, or would he tell me what I wanted to hear because it would be so much easier when it came time for him to walk away?

  Confused and frustrated, I followed him to the shower, knowing I was going to need answers one way or the other… even if the truth did ultimately hurt.


  “Are you ready for this?”

  Rodie’s voice was a raspy growl next to my ear. I was pressed up against the slippery tiles of the walk-in shower. My forehead was resting against the slick surface. I kept my eyes closed as one of Rodie’s hands skimmed over my bare chest, while the fingers of the other unerringly moved in and out of my clenching hole. Sure, the shower started out as a way for both of us to get clean before crashing out for the night. I wasn’t surprised things quickly turned dirty underneath the pouring water and heated up in the swirling steam. His hands were everywhere, scrambling common sense and making my skin feel like it was buzzing with electricity.

  If I was being truthful, I would admit that I knew exactly where things were headed when I made the decision to let him in this evening. And maybe I’d been awake, waiting for him to arrive, because I knew that he would. I knew exactly what was in store, so I’d been ready for this long before he put his hands on me, and I’d worked to prepare my body for the obvious next step. Though I appreciated his consideration and the time he was investing to make sure I was as turned on and eager as he was.

  Outwardly, Rodie didn’t come across as a thoughtful and tender man. He was all rough edges because of his childhood and time in the military. It did something to my insides to know he took deliberate care when it came to pleasing his partner, and that he put effort into letting me know I mattered to him, that the intimacy and attraction we shared was special and worth more than a quick fuck in the dark.

  Rodie and I may clash in a lot of ways, but when all the barriers dropped and we were stripped bare, both literally and figuratively, we were more than compatible. I had a normal sex drive, and an active libido, but I had never met someone I couldn’t keep my hands off until the good sheriff came into my life. It didn’t matter if we disagreed in the daylight. Here, in the dim light of the moon, we were on exactly the same page and had the same objective… to make each other feel good and make the other forget whomever had come before.

  With my body clenching and tightening with his every stroke, and my insides feeling like they were lit up and glowing as flames of desire flickered throughout my body, there was no comparison to any man who had been in my life before Rodie. No one else left their touch burned into my skin, nor their kiss branded on my mouth the way he did. He seemed so much bigger and brighter than any of the shadows that had passed through in a blur. He felt so solid, so real, and I was secretly a little afraid of how powerful the emotions he brought to the surface were.

  I didn’t know if I was coming or going, and he didn’t know how to be the man he was meant to be. There were so many unanswered questions between us, but none of it seemed to matter when Rodie pressed closer, his chest practically glued to my back because of his wet skin and how tightly he was holding me. I felt the heat of his erection as it rubbed against the curve of my ass. Since I wasn’t sure how stable I would be if I moved, I’d made him leave the warmth of the shower to retrieve the lube left in the kitchen, as well as a condom from the stash I had in the same drawer.

  He was right when he joked I was always prepared, but the truth was, I’d made a stop at a drug store after one of my sessions with Miranda, because there was no denying the direction things were headed with Rodie after that first life-altering kiss. It was a kiss that would inevitably lead to other things, and I wanted to make sure I was prepared for whatever Rodie threw my way.

  I still couldn’t bend and move the way I used to, so once again we’d had to get creative. Standing upright kept pressure off my bad shoulder but made my injured knee shaky. Fortunately, Rodie was strong enough, I could lean against him, and he managed to keep us both upright. Who knew sex was going to be my biggest motivating factor in getting my free range of motion back?

  “I want you, want this.” My voice was strained and low. A soft chuckle escaped, but it turned into a moan of pure pleasure when Rodie’s questing fingers found that spot inside that was bound to make a man lose his mind. “Don’t let me fall.”

  There was definitely a double meaning behind those words. It might be a bit too late to stop myself from falling for him, but that was easier to accept than the image of me ending up at his feet in a naked heap because my leg gave out.

  I felt him grin against my shoulder where his mouth was resting in between kisses. “If you fall, I’ll catch you.”

  I wanted to tell him the same thing, I would catch him if he fell. However, I was the one backing him closer and closer to the edge of a cliff where he’d never been comfortable. I didn’t want him to hide anymore. I wanted him to be a voice and an inspiration for kids like Cam. I wanted him to have the chance to be comfortable in his own skin. The truth was, I was tripping him up and making him fall, and I didn’t feel bad about it. I did feel pretty terrible not knowing if I would be around when it was time to pick him up. Sooner rather than later, I needed to figure out my life. I needed to put my finger on what really was going to make me happy, aside from all the glorious things Rodie was making me feel.

  I was happy right now, and about to get even happier, because Rodie replaced his flexing fingers with the tip of his cock. I sucked in a breath and felt my hands curl into fists at the initial burn and stretch of his invasion. Rodie did a good job preparing my body for his entrance, but it’d still been more than a minute since I’d been with anyone, and he was working with equipment that was impressive in a lot of ways. I was going to feel him well into tomorrow, but I loved every minute of my body slowly quivering and quaking as I adjusted to having him inside. I liked to give and to receive, but typica
lly the men I dated just assumed I wanted to be the one on top. I always blamed the badge and gun, as well as my uptight personality, for the assumption. It was kind of thrilling Rodie didn’t ask what I wanted or what I liked. He just seemed to instinctively know.

  I also understood he was pretty open-minded when it came to positions and preferences. He hadn’t batted an eye when I fingered him awake the first time he crashed with me.

  I heard his breath catch and felt his teeth dig into the curve of my shoulder. The fingers of his hand, which was resting protectively over my heart, curled against my skin, his short nails leaving marks. We were both going to look a little worse for the wear in the morning, but these tell-tale signs of love, sex, and everything in-between were beautiful. They were reminders of a beautiful act between people who cared about one another, not memories of pain and suffering like all the scars were. Any spot left on my skin from Rodie’s mouth and hands I would wear proudly. I silently hoped he felt the same. I didn’t want him to look in the mirror and feel shame when he saw where I’d been all over his skin. I wanted him to be pleased, the same way I was. I wanted him to remember me, because I knew it was going to be impossible for me to ever forget him.

  I wrapped my damp hand around my cock when Rodie took another step closer. There was zero space between my back and his front. I let out a long breath once he was fully seated inside of me, my entire body tightening in response to feeling so full and stretched. Rodie’s teeth locked onto my shoulder as he started to thrust with a forceful and purposeful rhythm. He braced his free hand on my hip, fingers digging into my flesh, to hold me up and hold me still as his hips retreated and collided against my backside.

  The sound of wet skin on wet skin, the sounds of harsh breathing and low grunts of satisfaction, rang between my ears. It was enough to have my dick kicking in excitement within my grasp. I felt my balls tingle and pull tight between my legs, desire surging thick and syrupy in my veins. I gave the shaft in my hand a squeeze to still some of the churning desire. I wanted to prolong the moment, wanted to draw every second of pleasure as long as I could.

  Rodie muttered my name as his rhythm picked up speed and lost some of its finesse. I closed my eyes and let my head drop, the tile cool against my skin. His hold on my hip tightened until it was almost painful, and I swore I could feel every pulse and throb of his cock where it was pressed inside of me. The tapered head tapped against that hot spot, and I knew I would’ve hit the ground if he hadn’t been holding me. The onslaught of sensation was almost too much.

  Wetness from the tip of my cock made my hand slippery as it continued to glide up and down my rigid shaft. I bit back a moan when I felt Rodie’s hand wrap around, so we were both working me over as he continued to thrust inside my body. His breath was warm on the side of my neck, and the quiet swear words slipping out of his lips caused me to grin. I enjoyed his loss of composure and how he seemed to be just slightly wild and out of control. He was so bossy normally; it was flattering to know he wanted me so much he forgot his insistent need to be in charge. He still let an order slip here and there, but he was so focused on driving us both to the pinnacle of pleasure, he couldn’t string a coherent command together.

  “So good. So tight and warm. I’m not going to last much longer.” I grinned at the quiet admission, moving my hand faster as he relentlessly worked my prostate.

  “Let go.” The words were rough, because I was as close to coming as he was. I couldn’t tell him I would catch him, but I wouldn’t let him fall alone.

  His hips ground against my ass, and I felt his cock jerk and spasm inside of me. He panted his completion along the side of my neck, and I felt his teeth tug on my ear. He whispered my name, and the soft, reverent sound was what ultimately pushed my own release. My dick painted the tiles in front of me as I sighed heavily in satisfaction. My body was fully satiated, and my mind felt like it was full of cotton candy. I might not be totally healthy at the moment, but if he asked if I was happy, I’d have to tell him I was. I would be hard pressed to pick another time in my life when I felt this good.

  We both groaned when Rodie pulled back, separating our bodies with a slick sound. He squeezed my hip, fingers dragging over the red marks he’d left there. I felt his lips brush against the back of my neck. He asked if I was okay to stand on my own, and when I gave him a sleepy nod, he moved away to take care of the condom and grab us a couple of towels to dry off.

  I let him guide me toward the bed in the center of the room, feeling like I was walking through a dream. I was almost asleep when he laid down next to me and tossed the comforter over us. I was too spent and too tired to protest when he yanked me against his broad chest. I was also too far gone to worry when he whispered, “We have to talk about this eventually.”

  Maybe this meant the seriously awesome sex, but I had a gut feeling it meant something else. He was going to want answers about what all of this meant between us, and I wasn’t sure I had one he wanted to hear. I feigned sleep so I wouldn’t have to respond, real sleep hovering on the periphery. He must’ve been willing to let the subject drop, because the next thing I knew, the morning sun was bleeding into the small space.

  I woke with a yawn, stretching my arms above my head as I became slowly aware of the hard body beneath mine. I turned my head to look at a sleeping Rodie Collins. He really was beautiful in a dark and brooding kind of way. He didn’t look peaceful while he slept. He still had a furrow between his eyebrows and a slant to his mouth. It almost looked like all the things haunting him while he was awake got worse when he was resting. It had to be exhausting constantly holding a mask in place and praying it didn’t slip.

  A moment later, an alarm screamed loud and shrill from his phone, pulling those brilliant green eyes open. He rubbed a hand over his face, pausing to scratch the dark stubble that covered his chin.

  “I gotta go to work.” He stretched similar to the way I did, rolling to the side of the bed and climbing out, so he could find his discarded jeans. “But we do need to talk, Wyatt.”

  I rolled my stiff shoulders, muttering, “You might not like what I have to say, Sheriff.” I wasn’t going to make a promise I wasn’t sure I could keep.

  Rodie sighed and turned to look at me, he was gearing up to say something, probably to start a fight, when there was a knock at the door.

  I bolted upright, holding the sheet around my waist as I scrambled to get to my feet. It was probably just Cam with breakfast from the main house like it was every morning, but in case it was one of the Warners or my brother, the last thing I wanted was for Rodie to answer the door half-dressed.

  Only I wasn’t fast enough and almost ended up on the floor with the sheet twisted around me. Rodie clearly wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone at the moment, because he put his shirt on and went to the door without buttoning it. Anyone on the other side would know exactly what we were up to, and then I was going to have to explain myself to more than just him.

  “Oh, hey, Sheriff.” I heard Cam’s voice try to cover his surprise. “I brought Wyatt breakfast from Brynn. I don’t think she knew you were here or she would’ve packed more.” He was such a freaking good kid. The Warners were lucky to have him, and so was this town he now called home.

  Rodie chuckled. “No worries. I’m on my way out. Give Wyatt a minute to get up and going. He had a late night and he’s moving slowly this morning.”

  I got to my feet as Rodie stepped onto the front porch, pulling the door shut behind him, and doing up the buttons on his uniform shirt as he went.

  Outside, I heard Cam ask, “What’s wrong?” as I flew around the room, trying to pick up hastily removed clothing and any other signs of the debauchery I’d indulged in last night. I tugged on a pair of track pants and a t-shirt, ran a comb through my hair, and brushed my teeth so I could at least pretend to be a respectable grown-up.

  Rodie’s deep voice rumbled that he felt like someone was watching them. Then he told Cam to have a good day and to stay out of trouble until hi
s suspension from school was over. Cam agreed, telling Rodie it was probably just one of the family keeping an eye on him from the big house. He mumbled that everyone was really worried lately, and I heard Rodie apologize to the teenager for not being able to do more. He really was a good guy, and I felt bad that I was now the hard place pushing him against the unyielding rock of expectations.

  When I heard his SUV start up, I went to the door and pulled it open, ushering Cam inside. I stuck my head outside to watch Rodie drive away, and I also got a weird prickle on the back of my neck. My instincts had kept me alive in more than one dangerous situation, and I agreed with Rodie that something was off, even if nothing on the massive, sprawling property immediately looked amiss.

  “You’re banging the sheriff.” It wasn’t a question, and Cam looked surprisingly pleased as he made the bold statement.

  I sighed and took the breakfast basket from him. “I don’t know what I’m doing.” Which was the story of my life. “I didn’t find out he was interested in me until a couple of days ago. No one in town really knows he’s gay, so it’s complicated. Better to keep it quiet.”

  Cam took a seat at the table, dark eyebrows lifting. “He’s very good looking. You guys look great together. I didn’t know he was gay either, but I’m not surprised. He’s been very encouraging with me, and pretty supportive. It felt like more than just his job.”

  I groaned and dragged my hands over my face. “Don’t give me your seal of approval, kid. I’m already having a hard time trying to remain objective and level-headed where he’s concerned.”

  Cam chuckled and reached for the goodie basket so he could paw through it. “You’re both these larger-than-life kind of men. It’s like if Bucky and Captain America hooked up.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me and flashed a smirk. “That’s super-hot when you think about it.”


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