Detour (The Getaway Series Book 5)

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Detour (The Getaway Series Book 5) Page 18

by Jay Crownover

  I’d wondered what he’d been up to when he was acting so secretive all weekend. I felt like he ignored me when I said I didn’t want to sink to the mayor and Delaney’s level.

  Apparently, seeing the disapproval on my face, he once again reached up and tapped my chin, this time pausing so he could brush his thumb over the curve of my lower lip. “Don’t worry, Sheriff. I didn’t break any laws, and I didn’t find anything anyone else wouldn’t if they bothered to look. Just trust me on this one.”

  “He’s even prettier than Delaney Hall.” Wyatt and I both jerked around as the elderly woman whose driveway I cleared ambled by. “And I’d say you look just as good with him as you would with her. Better even, because he actually makes you smile. I know you had a hard road in these parts as a kid, Rodie. But you made your way back, better than ever, and that means something around here.”

  She gave us a pert little nod and merged with the rest of the crowd leaving through the back doors. The mayor and Delaney had their heads bent together and were whispering furiously, glancing over in Wyatt’s direction every so often. Byron was standing off to the side with an entirely pleased look on his face. I owed the man a lot. I was going to have to thank him and let him know I owed him a big ass favor down the road.

  “Let’s get out of here.” Wyatt’s voice turned husky, and the look in his eyes went heated and intent. “I feel like you deserve a reward for facing your biggest fear in front of everyone.”

  “What kind of reward?” I already knew and my body was ready.

  Wyatt chuckled and tilted his chin back defiantly. “Whatever you want.”

  That left the door open for a lot of interpretation.

  I wondered if he was ready to hear that what I wanted most was for him to agree to stay. Not necessarily in Sheridan — but with me — no matter where that may be in the future.


  I was surprised by the interior of Rodie’s home. I was expecting a barren, bachelor vibe similar to the condo I sold in DC not too long ago. I wasn’t expecting something chic you could easily find on any HGTV show. There were soft colors painted on the walls and modern furniture that looked like something out of a magazine. For a man who lived in faded jeans and cowboy boots, there was a lot of style splattered around. It went all the way to the bedroom, where Rodie crowded me without offering a tour of his smallish home. He tried to pry the information I scraped together about the mayor out of me on our short trip to his place, but I didn’t want to distract from the victory he’d had at the town hall. He needed a moment to absorb the fact that he’d faced his biggest fear and came out on the other side relatively unscathed.

  Grinning as he used his big, strong body to back me toward the large bed in the center of the room, I lifted an eyebrow and asked, “Did you hire a decorator? I have a hard time believing a guy like you knows what wainscoting is.”

  I landed with a slight exclamation, the soft mattress at my back. Rodie hovered over me, one of his hands planted above my head as he braced a knee on the bed next to my hip. I was effectively caged in, and I wasn’t going to complain about it. I was done trying to get away.

  “This was the first place I ever lived that I got to call my own. I’d never lived anywhere that was entirely mine, so I spent a lot of time on it.”

  Once again, he was showing me how badly I’d failed at moving past all the things in life that had left their mark. I’d owned my place in DC, but was rarely there since I was always working. The condo felt more like a high-end hotel than a home, even though I told myself all I wanted in life was a place to call my own without the memories of my childhood haunting every corner. All I ended up with was an expensive box that felt as cold and sterile as all the places I bounced around when I was younger.

  I didn’t get to think about his decorating acumen any longer because my attention was stolen by a steamy kiss that was all lips and tongue. It was a great distraction from the décor, but there was still something pressing I wanted to get off my chest. I turned my head when Rodie slanted his mouth in the opposite direction, trying to steal my breath and blow my mind from another angle.

  I grabbed his face between my hands and held him still. I made sure his gaze was locked on mine before I quietly told him, “I’m really proud of you, ya know?”

  His green eyes flared, turning a brighter shade. A touch of pink crossed his high cheekbones, and the corner of his usually stern mouth lifted lightly.

  “It’s hard to be open and honest with the people closest to you without knowing the reaction you might get. I can’t imagine what it felt like to come out to an entire community the way you did. That was brave, and sexy as hell.” I smiled back at him. I knew mine held a hint of sadness. “You kept saying you were hiding, but you really weren’t. You were living your life under the radar, tucked away in the closet because it was safe for you in there. You were minding your own business because you were afraid to let anyone in, because you’d been hurt by those who were supposed to care about you. Anyone would be leery after that. I was the one hiding in plain sight. When went undercover, I got to be someone else. Someone without my past. Someone without my problems. I got to play pretend for real, which meant I never had to face the issues I’d spent an eternity denying. I think part of the reason I couldn’t accept the desk job, and why I’ve been struggling so hard since leaving the DEA, is because now I have to be me. I have to learn to live as Wyatt Bryant, no one else, and I’m not sure how to go about doing that.”

  Rodie watched me for a long moment before dropping his head and placing a playful kiss on the end of my nose.

  “I don’t know how to live as an open and honest Rodie Collins either. We can figure it out together and navigate the unexpected detours hand in hand.”

  Shockingly, I didn’t mind the sound of that at all. It was different kind of challenge and adventure than I was used to, but it would keep me on my toes just as much as my old life had.

  He kissed me again, so I whispered against his lips, “I owe you a reward. Tell me what you want, Sheriff.”

  His green eyes glittered like emeralds, and the smile on his face turned seductive and slightly sinister.

  “Oh, I can think of a few things I want, pretty boy, but for tonight, all I want is for you to do anything I ask.” His dark eyebrows danced upward, and his teeth flashed wickedly.

  “Anything?” That was pretty broad and sounded like it could be a whole lot of fun.

  “Whatever I tell you to do, you have to comply. If you’re good and do what I say, then you’ll earn your own reward. Are you up for it?”

  I wasn’t surprised he had a dominant streak that slipped out when clothes started coming off and walls started coming down. It wasn’t something I’d normally be attracted to in a partner, but it was part of his personality, so I didn’t mind it. In fact, I kind of liked it. I always had a hard time turning off the whirling thoughts in my head, even during sex. Somehow, when I was following Rodie’s lead and leaning into the deep, husky voice telling me what he liked, all of that extra, annoying noise simply went away.

  “Do your worst.” A chuckle followed the words as he kissed me again.

  “No. With you, Wyatt, I’ll always do my best.” His rasp was even sexier when he was making promises like that.

  The kiss went wild, teeth clicking together as he used his free hand to start unbuttoning my shirt. I followed suit, helping him out of the uniform shirt and going to work on the massive belt buckle he always wore. Anticipation made my skin tingle and my blood buzz. I waited breathlessly for whatever he was going to ask me to do first. Not knowing what was coming upped the intensity of the feelings and emotions coursing through me.

  We undressed in silence, the sound of descending zippers and labored breathing loud in the room. It occurred to me it was the middle of the day and I’d never done anything before as bold and wanton with the sun shining. Yet another new thing Rodie was leading me into. I never realized how much I’d repressed in my life because of the linger
ing fear of being hurt, at least until he opened my eyes.

  Between biting kisses and grabbing hands, I was breathless and fighting the urge to squirm underneath him. I felt the damp tip of his cock drag along the sensitive skin of my inner thigh. The contact made my own erection twitch eagerly and forced my hips to lift off the bed.

  Rodie’s eyes gleamed, and he caught my restless hands in one of his, pinning them to the bed above my head.

  “Leave those there.”

  The first order made me suck in a deep breath and I felt my face flush. My heart kicked hard, and goosebumps broke out across my skin. I stilled and watched with wide eyes as he switched his attention from my mouth to other parts of my body.

  His lips skated down the side of my neck, and he nibbled on my collar bone. He kissed his way down the center of my chest, stopping to use his teeth on one of my nipples. The sting curled my hands into fists and I had to really concentrate on not moving them. He switched to the other side, using his lips and tongue instead; the contrast between the little bit of pain and the soft caress made me groan. I felt his heated length press against mine, making my balls tight and the rigid shaft between my legs pulse in response. Rodie muttered something that sounded approving, and his tongue danced across the corrugated lines of my abs, the tip detouring to dip into the tiny indent of my belly button.

  I couldn’t stop my hips from lifting, chasing the sweet sensation. Rodie lifted his head, the pleased grin on his face stealing my breath and making me shiver.

  “Turn over.” The command was rough and I could see a slight tremor making the muscles in his arms twitch.

  I gulped, debating if I had the balls to be so open and vulnerable in broad daylight. Rodie watched patiently as I slowly pulled my head and heart together and did as he requested.

  My hands curled tightly into the sheets, and my breath wheezed out when I felt his lips touch the top of my spine. One of his wandering hands landed on my backside and gave the firm globe a squeeze. I closed my eyes and let the sensation swamp me as his tongue glided down the entire length of my back. My shoulders stiffened and I felt my cock start to rapidly swell and leak onto the sheets underneath me. The friction was enough to distract from what Rodie was doing, but the dual stimulation was enough that pops of bright light burst behind my eyelids.

  “Get on your knees.”

  I automatically complied, shifting underneath him restlessly when I felt the warmth of his breath across the top curve of my ass. It didn’t even occur to me that I’d made so much progress during physical therapy the last few weeks that I could get into the familiar position without too much of my body protesting. It was a good thing I really did act like a Boy Scout and keep myself always prepared, because it would’ve been a real shame to tell him to stop in the middle of something that felt so damn good.

  The sound that burst out of me at the first swipe of his tongue against that sensitive, tender hole sounded almost inhuman. I panted loudly, trying not to push my ass into his face and focus instead on getting one of my hands around my throbbing, neglected cock.


  I protested weakly when Rodie caught my wandering hand and held it still. I grumbled louder when he lifted his head and told me, “No touching until I tell you.”

  So far, I’d liked what he told me to do. My aching, pulsing cock wasn’t too happy with this one. It hung heavy between my legs, the tip shiny and slick with precum.

  A second later I forgot to be frustrated because Rodie was back to flicking his tongue against my puckered hole, taking his time until it fluttered open and he could spear the tip inside.

  I swallowed a moan, hips shifting, seeking more contact, chasing more pleasure. I felt hot all over and swore that each and every heartbeat was making my cock thump in time. All I wanted was to wrap my hand around the aching shaft and find some relief. Rodie must’ve known he was making me suffer, because his chuckle vibrated against my most sensitive spot. I swore I was on the brink of coming with zero contact to my cock, which would absolutely be a first for me.

  Once everything was wet and slippery, and I was a quaking, writhing mess on the bed in front of him, I felt the bite of his teeth on one flexed butt cheek and Rodie lifted his head.

  “I want you to ride me.” He rasped out the words, hands shaking as he stroked my spine.

  I blinked my eyes open and turned to look at him over my shoulder. “Is that an order?”

  He laughed again, and I realized when he was happy, he was probably the best-looking man I had ever laid eyes on.

  “Ride me.” His voice was firm and the gleam in his eyes made my cock jump once again.

  “What if I want you to ride me as my reward?” We’d never really had the conversation about how open he was to reversing the roles we’d played thus far.

  His dark eyebrows quirked, and his smile once again went slightly naughty. “All you have to do is ask, Special Agent.”

  My breath escaped in a loud whoosh, and if it was possible, my cock got even harder.

  “Duly noted. I’m going to ask.” I barely got the words out around all the emotion lodged in my throat. I gasped when I felt cool liquid hit the already over-sensitized hole he’d been playing with.

  “Can’t wait.”

  I never knew it could be this easy.

  Imagine if I’d never found him. If I’d never stopped moving and pretending. I would have missed out on so much.

  Rodie shifted our positions, the bed moving and dipping under his weight. Instead of straddling and facing him, he ordered me to face the other way. It was that same disconnect when I couldn’t touch myself. It amped up each and every move, every touch, every breath. It was like being balanced on the edge of something very high up, waiting for someone to push you off. I hadn’t felt this kind of thrill since I walked away from my job. It did something to my insides to know Rodie could read me so well. I had no idea how he figured out the tiny tingle of suspense made everything we did to each other so much better.

  He handled the protection, but once again stopped me from reaching for my dick. I growled at him in a threatening manner, pulling a deep laugh from his wide chest. He knew he was torturing me, and was getting off on it.

  A moment later his big hands were on my hips as I carefully hovered over his straining erection. We both gasped when the tapered head breached my small opening. Since he was keeping me hanging, I took my time working his full length inside. Only, he was too good at finding the spot that drove me wild and made me forget to have any kind of composure. Pleasure almost instantly exploded across all my nerve endings, and desire took over. All I could do was beg for more and move frantically on top of him.

  Rodie hummed in appreciation, shifting underneath me. Everywhere we touched was burning hot, pulsing with its own kind of life and electricity.

  Rodie growled my name, his strong fingers digging into my hips with enough force to leave marks. All my attention was focused on my cock, I swear I could hear it howling, demanding some kind of pressure and stimulation. My insides clenched and flexed around Rodie’s unrelenting flesh as I got ready to disobey his command, not caring about the consequences.

  I swore at him, eyes nearly rolling back in my head from the onslaught of pleasure. I heard his breath catch and felt his hips kick erratically. I knew he was close to losing it before he told me he was. I was going to kill him a second after he came if he kept me on the edge.

  About a second before I felt the pulse and rush of his release, he barked, “Touch yourself, Wyatt,” and I almost sobbed with relief.

  As soon as my palm touched my heated skin, everything exploded in an intense rush. My eyes slammed closed, my lungs seized, my skin felt like it came alive, and my mind went totally blank. I came with enough force that it felt like I might black out. It felt so good, it was almost painful.

  I nearly collapsed on top of Rodie as soon as the last bit of liquid surged out of the glistening tip.

  I moaned and bent forward so I could rest my foreh
ead against one of his knees. I wanted to die, then come back to life and do this exact same thing all over again. It was that good.

  I exhaled and knocked my forehead playfully against the hard surface. “You’re dangerous, Sheriff.”

  He hummed again, hands going to my ass. I felt him press against the tensed cheeks so he could look at the point where we were still connected.

  “I have something else I want to tell you to do since you have to listen to me, but instead, I’m going to ask.” For the first time since I’d met him, he sounded hesitant and unsure.

  I lifted up and looked at him over my shoulder, shuddering as it pushed his softening erection back into my tender entrance.

  “What do you want to ask me?” There were a million things it could be, and if I wasn’t sex-drunk and caught in a spiral of satisfaction, I would’ve been picking each one of them apart.

  He cleared his throat and reached up to trace a random pattern across my shoulders. It took me a minute to realize he was drawing a heart with our initials. It was a surprisingly sweet gesture from such a stern man, and it almost guaranteed I was going to agree to anything. I was shocked at the submissive side that came to the forefront with this man.

  “Stay with me. I don’t want you to go.” The admission was shaky and a little sad, as if he assumed I already had an answer.

  We watched each other silently for a long moment. Rodie had his heart in his eyes and I could see he was waiting for me to break it.

  Instead, I whispered, “Tell me to stay.” I couldn’t say no.

  His eyebrows shot upward and his mouth dropped open before he burst out, “Don’t go.”

  I lifted up, separating us and making us both moan. I turned around so I was facing him, and I put a hand on his chest where I could feel his heart pounding.


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