All My Tomorrows Are Yours: LUNA MOON SERIES BOOK 1

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All My Tomorrows Are Yours: LUNA MOON SERIES BOOK 1 Page 1


  All my tomorrows are yours

  A Luna Moon Series Novel


  Copyright © 2021 by Tia Kenzie

  All rights reserved.



  I've only known sadness in my short life, with a tiny bit of happiness thrown in for a little while.

  When Dante Wilder came into my life I finally knew what it meant to feel loved.

  Until I'm brutally dragged away to start a new life in another country.

  But now I'm back, admittedly without any freedom to live my own life, but at least I'm back in the US, to reclaim what I lost.


  My heart turned black when Luna was ripped away from me. It was only meant to be for a while, until I made a grave error that led to her leaving me for good.... or so I thought.

  Because someone brought her back to me, but I can't be the boy she knew before.... not when I know just what I did to her.


  At 9 I was orphaned.

  At 13 I was sent away from everyone and everything I loved.

  At 17 I'm back - still being controlled and manipulated - but at least I'm home.

  Even if all I find on my return is hurt, betrayal and despair.... Oh! And a forced marriage, just to put the cherry on top!

  Follow my journey and see what unfolds....

  It's a story full of hot guys and hotter kisses!

  Forced marriages and a sexy reverse harem!

  Hop aboard the 'Motherfucking Luna Train'!

  This is book 1 in the Luna Moon Series.


  This book contains sexual content and coarse language, which is recommended for mature readers.

  Table of Contents


  Table of Contents

  Legal Notes

  Chapter 1.

  Chapter 2.

  Chapter 3.

  Chapter 4. DANTE

  Chapter 5.

  Chapter 6.

  Chapter 7.

  Chapter 8.

  Chapter 9.

  Chapter 10.

  Chapter 11.

  Chapter 12.

  Chapter 13.

  Chapter 14.

  Chapter 15.

  Chapter 16.

  Chapter 17.

  Chapter 18.

  Chapter 19.

  Chapter 20.

  Chapter 21.

  Note From The Author

  Legal Notes

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design: Tia Kenzie

  Photograph: iStock

  Editing & Formatting: Tia Kenzie

  Chapter 1.

  Past 9 years old

  I’ve got my new swimsuit on. It’s pink and glittery, with frills on the bottom. I love it and I bet Dante does too. Dante is my best friend who lives next door, with his older brother Colt and Mom, Julie. I wanted him to be my friend since I first met him last year. He’s 2 weeks older than me and is really cute. He has dirty blonde hair that flops into his eyes, and bright green eyes. His brother Colt is 16, and he looks just like Dante, but his hair is shorter.

  We are going to surfing lessons, because Dante wants to be the best surfer ever and he said because I’m his best friend, that I should learn too.

  This will be the fourth Saturday that we’ve been now. But this time is really exciting, because Colt has passed his driving test and he is going to drive us there, all on his own, in his mum’s car.

  Our houses are next to the beach, but we have to drive for 10 minutes to get to where they hold the lessons. We had a lot of fun on the way here. Dante sat in the front, next to Colt, with his window down and his arm hanging out. He looked really cool, especially with his shades on.

  Colt kept getting mad at him though because Dante kept turning the music up. Colt said it was distracting him and kept turning it back down.

  We jump out of the car and make our way to everyone else, who are busy putting special surf suits on. I hate wearing mine because it’s too tight, and much too difficult to put on. I cried last week when I tried to do it on my own. Julie spoke with the instructor though, and he said it doesn’t matter, I can just wear a swimsuit instead, so that’s okay.

  I pull my shorts and t-shirt off, proudly standing in my new suit.

  “Wow Luna, that’s cool. You look just like a princess!” Dante says, when he notices it.

  I can’t stop smiling, “thanks, Nan bought it as a treat for me.” I knew he’d like it; he’s always telling me I’m pretty and should wear pretty clothes. Which I do. I love everything shiny and glittery. When I get home, I’m going to put on my pink shorts and silver, sparkly t-shirt. It’s got a rainbow on the front, made out of little sequins. Julie bought if for my birthday, but I think Dante picked it really. It’s my favorite top now.

  We are all making our way into the water. We’re just going to be paddling today, then learning to balance on the board. Dante has already grabbed one and is walking off. I get to where the boards are but before I pick one up, something hits me in the back, and I fall down onto my knees.

  Looking behind me there is a girl with long dark hair, smiling at me.

  “Oh, sorry about that, are you okay?” She asks me, still smiling.

  I stand up, sure it was an accident. “I’m alright, thanks.”

  “Shame!” She says, walking off.

  She said sorry but I feel like she didn’t really mean it. I get the feeling it wasn’t an accident at all. I’ve seen her here before, but this is the first time she has spoken to me. Normally, she is trying to talk to Dante, but he ignores her.

  We’ve been on the water for ages now. I’m not really good at balancing so I’ve decided to just lay on my front and float. Dante is really good at it though.

  He tried to help me, but I still couldn’t do it, so I told him to carry on without me.

  Looking over I see he’s having a great time. He is really popular with the other kids and they’re all laughing together. I’m glad, I like it when he’s happy. When he smiles all his face lights up and his green eyes sparkle.

  I don’t know how I do it, but I manage to position myself, so I’m laid on my back, on the board.

  It’s a great feeling, laid there with my eyes closed, feeling the ripples gently swaying me. I keep checking to make sure I’m not drifting away though, that would get me in trouble. I mean, I can swim, but I’m not an expert.

  I start thinking about what we’ll do when we get home. Dante likes to sit in the treehouse and play his guitar. He’s really good at it and has been teaching me too. I’m getting good at it, but I prefer the singing though. We try and learn a new song every week.

  I’m daydreaming one second and then the next I’m falling into the water. I’m not expecting it though, so I don’t get the chance to take a big breath beforehand.

  I start swallowing water, which makes me panic. I’m thrashing about, looking for my board to hold on to, but when I look it’s moved a long way away.

  That can’t be right because I had it fastened to my ankle on a long string thing. I can’t understand it!

  Then I notice the girl from earlier
is swimming away from me, laughing. She doesn’t even try to help me!

  Luckily, a boy has seen me struggling and he paddles over. He jumps off his board and pulls my arms and head over it, to hold me up.

  “Are you okay? You should have had your leash fastened, then you don’t lose your board. Come on, we’ll go get it.” He says, helping me along with him.

  Once I’ve got it back, he fastens it onto my ankle for me and asks if I want to get out of the water. I nod yes because I really don’t want to do this anymore. He paddles back with me, to make sure I’m okay. He seems really nice and friendly.

  "What’s your name.” He waits for an answer.


  “I didn’t hear you. What did you say?”

  “Luna.” I try to speak louder but I can’t, it’s just how I am. People usually make fun of me because they say I talk in a whisper. I don’t want him to make fun though because I like him. He’s been kind to me. Luckily, he doesn’t, he just smiles.

  “I’m Ricki. Well come on then, Luna surfer girl. I’ll take you.

  Once we get back to the beach, he carries my board for me and takes me over to Colt, who is sat with the other parents. He talks to Colt for a bit and then he runs off.

  “See you next week, surfer girl!” He shouts behind him. I don’t think he will though, not with how I’m feeling right now.

  Colt wraps me in a towel and sits on the sand with me.

  “What happened? That boy said you were drowning, and you lost your board? I don’t understand though because I saw you fasten your leash.” He’s looking at me in concern.

  “A girl unfastened my strap and pushed me off the board.” I say.

  Colt’s eyes widen at that. “Who was it?

  I don’t want to tell him because he looks really mad. I look down at the sand.

  “Luna, I need you to tell me. I’m not mad at you but that could have been really serious.”

  He’s still waiting for an answer, I just know he’s not going to stop until I tell him. So, I do. I point her out and I also tell him how she pushed me down before too.

  He gives me a hug, telling me it will be okay. I watch him walk over to the instructor who is getting everyone out of the water. He’s there, talking for a while. Then the instructor nods his head, before giving Colt a high five.

  Colt drives us home but I’m not as excited as I was on the way here. Dante is though, he talks to Colt all the way back, telling him all about how the instructor said he was one of the best in our class. I’m pleased for him.

  I stay quiet because I’m upset about what the girl did, and I just know I won’t want to go back next week now. The girl didn’t like me before, so she’ll definitely not like me now that I’ve told on her.

  When we get home, I jump out of the car and run to Nan’s house. Normally, after surf lessons, I would have my tea at Dante’s, but I’m too upset today. I don’t want to tell Dante what happened though, I get embarrassed when he sees that people don't like me. And he’ll be able to tell something is wrong if he sees my face.

  I can hear him calling me, but I don’t look back, I just keep running. I run to my bedroom and throw myself on the bed, crying big, fat tears.

  A few moments later I hear Nan open the door quietly, but she doesn’t say anything. She stays for a few seconds then leaves.

  She’s the best, my Nan. We’ve been here before and she knows I will tell her what’s wrong when I’m ready. Then she will hug me and make it all better. Only, that was before. I don’t think it will work this time, I don’t feel like it will ever get better.

  In fact, I think things will just get worse.

  For some reason, girls especially, don’t like me. Nan says it’s because I’m so pretty. She thinks all the girls are mean to me because she says, ‘I look like an angel’. I mean yeah, I’m small and dainty, with light blonde hair, grey eyes and a heart shaped face. But I don’t feel pretty, unless I’m in my glittery clothes, then yeah, I feel kinda pretty then.

  And if I don’t open my mouth. That is the worst, the thing everyone makes fun of. For some reason I talk really quietly, more like a whisper. I can’t help it, It’s just the way I am. Which is why I don’t talk much. Unless I’m with Nan or the Wilder family, they love me as I am, so that’s okay.


  I must lay on my bed for a long time, I think I may have even fallen asleep at some point. I know I’ve missed tea, but I can’t face eating anything. The last time I felt like this was when my Mom was killed in a car accident, last year. I was so sad I didn’t eat for 3 whole days.

  I look down and see I’m still in my swimming suit, with the towel wrapped round me. I get up and get changed into my princess pajamas. I just want to go back to bed – so I do - and not wake up for a long, long, time. Maybe never.

  Knock. Knock. I peek out from under my covers to see my bedroom door start to open. Dante is stood there, looking at me with a sad face. He comes in and lays down next to me on the bed. He doesn’t say anything for ages, he takes my hand from under the covers and holds onto it, stroking the back of it with his fingers.

  He turns to look at me. “Do you want to watch the sunset from the treehouse with me?” He asks, his eyes searching mine. I don’t speak, I just shake my head a little.

  “Please Luna. I like it best when you’re with me. Come on, pleeeease. And I’ve got a surprise for you, so you have to.”

  I still don’t answer, I just close my eyes because I can feel more tears are on their way and I know he doesn’t like to see me cry. Too late, I can feel them running down my cheeks. Dante climbs under the covers with me and hugs me into his side, my head tucked under his chin. We stay like that for a while, until my tears dry up.

  “I know what happened today, at surfing”, he whispers. “Colt told me what happened. Why didn’t you tell me Luna? You should have told me, and I would have sorted Serena for you.”

  I open my eyes and move my head to look up at him. “Serena?

  He nods yes. “Serena Davenport. I called Ricki and he says she’s a nasty girl who is always picking on other kids. I’m gonna have words with her and she won’t come near you again. And next week, I’m gonna stay with you to keep you safe. I promise Luna, I’ll look after you.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t want to go again; I don’t like it anymore.”

  His face falls at this. “You’ve got to. No way are you letting Serena Davenport ruin something for you, well for us, because I only want to go if you come with me.” He waits but I don’t say anything. "Please go with me next week. Ricki wants you to go too, he said so."

  “How do you know Ricki?” I don’t think he’s mentioned him before

  “He plays football with me. We’re on the same team.”

  Dante recently started playing football, over in the next town. And he’s really good, he’s good at everything.

  “Oh, I see. I’m not sure about surfing, but I’ll go watch the sunset with you if you want.” I only say it because he looks sad, and I never want him to be. He gives me a beaming smile! And I know in my heart that I will go surfing with him, I can’t deny him anything.

  We’ve watched the sunset and wound up our lantern because it’s getting a bit dark now. Colt gave us the lantern a few weeks ago. He found out that we’d smuggled a candle in, and he was angry when he found us with it. He said it was dangerous and if he caught us again, he would pull the treehouse down.

  They had a big fall out and Dante wouldn’t speak to him for 2 whole days. Then Colt gave us the lantern, explaining how we just had to keep winding it up. We love it, but we have to takes turns at winding, because it gets tiring after a while.

  “I’ve got a new song for us to learn.” Dante passes me the words to a new song. Everybody Hurts, it’s called. He starts playing the guitar and I practice the words. After a while we manage to stumble our way through it, all in one go.

  “I like that one,” I say, “but it seems a bit sad.”

ah, it is. My Nan used to listen to it all the time, she always plays sad songs.”

  I’ve never met Dante’s Nan, as she lives in Florida now. From what he’s said his Gramps passed away a long time ago, which is why she’s always sad. She knows he plays guitar, so she’s always sending him new music.


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