All My Tomorrows Are Yours: LUNA MOON SERIES BOOK 1

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All My Tomorrows Are Yours: LUNA MOON SERIES BOOK 1 Page 8


  I shake my head. “Don’t mention it, please.” I say pleadingly.

  “Why? Are you back for good?” He tries to tilt my face with his hand so he can see me, but I pull it back, refusing to move.

  “I just want to pretend that none of it happened. Pretend it’s still before, back when everything was okay.” I snuggle back down, giving a big sigh. A while passes and we stay as we are, just snuggled up and silent.



  “Why did you never write back, never answer the phone to me?” It’s killing me asking this, but I need to hear his explanation.

  “What do you mean? We never heard from you.” I can feel the movement of him shaking his head.

  “Yeah, well, I don’t believe you. You see, for the first 6 months I was gone I rang every day. I rang you, Dante and your Mom. You gave me a list with your numbers on when I left, so I know I had the numbers correct. None of you ever answered though. I wrote you all letters too, so yeah, whatever.”

  “No Lune, I’m serious,” he sits up straighter, holding my face so he can look into my eyes, “we never, ever, heard from you. Dante was going mad, thinking the worst had happened. I promise, I swear Lune, we never got any letters or phone calls. Ever!”

  I don't know what to make of that, like, at all. That makes no sense. He must be lying, but he seems so sincere. I decide to drop it, for now. I snuggle into his chest again, just loving the feel of him.



  “Where have you been? All this time you've been gone I’ve tried to find you. But I couldn't, none of us could.”

  That makes me pause, shocked to find out they did try after all.

  “Switzerland, in a fucking boarding school. I thought you had all forgot about me. I'm back now though. I’ve been sent to Grace Glory Academy, about an hour from here.”

  “Never Lune, we never forgot.” He kisses the top of my head. “Lune, if you're at Grace Glory, have you seen Dante?” He asks, almost cautiously.

  I nod my head.

  “Lune? What happened? Did you talk to him?”

  I don't answer for a while. Eventually I nod my head. “He was with Serena Davenport.” I choke out, in a broken sob.

  “Fuck! I'm sorry you saw that. He’s such a fucking idiot.”

  “Why is he with her? I mean, how did that happen?”

  “I don’t know. To be honest, he's not been the same since you left. He took it really bad, was angry with everyone all the time. He blamed Mom for not keeping you here. He blamed me too, said I should have done more.

  Then a few months after you left, he was offered a place at the school you are at now. And, well, he took it and moved out. We haven't seen much of him since then. He’s changed so much, I feel like we lost him too Lune.”

  “What, he was offered a place at 13? How come?”

  “I’m not sure. Well, he got really good at football, so it was some kind of scholarship to do with that. Mom didn't want him to go as it meant he’d be living away from home. But she knew it was what he wanted, so in the end she gave her approval. I think he just couldn’t bear being here, without you.”

  I think about that for a bit. Julie must have been so upset when he left.

  “How is your Mom? Is she okay?”

  He sighs. “She left to live with Gran in Florida 2 years ago now. She’s not been back since.”

  Oh! I was not expecting that. “What about you then, are you living next door alone?”

  “Now and then.”

  I sit up to look at him. “Oh, and where else do you live then, if you’re only here now and then?”

  He smirks at me. “Lune, have you noticed I look a bit different?” He gestures to his body, his gorgeous muscles filling out his t-shirt, perfectly.

  I nod my head. I would have to be blind not to notice the dark ink on his arms, the dark look in his face and all black clothing.

  “Well, I kinda joined the local MC. I spend a lot of time there.” His gaze is searching, to see if I understand what he is saying.

  At first, I don’t, then I do. “Oh! The scary bikers on the edge of town? Really?” My eyes must be so wide!

  He chuckles, “yeah, scary biker guy, that’s me.”

  I have a thought, “so then… do you have a scary biker girlfriend?” I cannot believe I asked him, I’m just feeling brave I suppose. This must be what happens when your heart is ripped apart. I am learning to not give 2 fucks!

  “Not really. You know, the Lune I knew never would have asked me that. In fact, you never asked me anything personal.”

  I start blushing, I can feel my cheeks burning. “Yeah, I was a bit shy.” I smile, “not so shy now though. Plus, I kinda had a crush on you so….” I shrug, giggling.

  He lifts his eyebrows in question. “Shut up! You never had a crush on me. You loved Dante.”

  “I did love Dante, with all my heart. But I also did have a major crush on you. I used to imagine what it would be like if you were both my boyfriends.” I bite my lip, shit!

  That is something I did used to think about, quite a lot in fact. The old Luna would definitely, never, have said that out loud. I guess I am the new, improved version – with no filter! (or Talia is rubbing off on me!)

  His eyes widen. “Fucking hell Lune! You were so quiet and such a good girl. No way were you thinking that!”

  I start giggling again. “You do know I spent my early years with a Mom who changed boyfriends like underwear. At times she also had multiple at the same time.

  My eyes were widened at an incredibly young age, I’ll have you know. Well, I think all her free loving must have rubbed off on me. She passed me the love spreading gene.”

  “Love spreading? What the hell does that mean?”

  “You know, falling in love easy. I call it love spreading.”

  “Oh okay. So, you just said falling in love. Did you love me Lune?” He sings the last part in a mocking tone.

  “Yeah, I think I did.” I bite my lip, wondering what he is gonna make of that confession. I quickly change the subject. “Can you remember the valentines cards you received, every year?”

  “Yeah, it used to drive Dante mad. He was jealous because I always got an anonymous one, through the post. To be honest, I was always a bit jealous of him.”


  “Because he always got one from you. And I think mine were from Mom anyway, not that she ever admitted it.”

  “Actually, they were from me.”

  “What, really? Why?”

  I think on it for a bit. “Because I loved you, and Dante wouldn’t have liked it if I gave you one too.”

  He looks at me with searching eyes, just watching, for what feels like forever. “Fuck! I can't believe that. But I’m glad you told me.”


  “Yeah. I loved you too Lune. I didn’t realize just how much until you’d gone.”

  Looking at him I get an overbearing need to kiss him. Being here in his arms is the safest and most loved I have felt in years. I don't know why but I start feeling really brave. I am probably gonna regret this later, but for now let’s call it a moment of madness. Brought on with the feeling of being back home. Oh, and the fact I have imagined my first kiss for years, have played it out time and time again in my mind. I mean yeah, granted, it was always Dante I imagined it being with. But sat here, right now with Colt, damn, I have got an urge to kiss him like nobody ever before.

  I sit up straight, still sat on his lap, with my legs straddling him on the swing seat. “Colt, close your eyes.” I wait but he doesn't close them.


  “Do you trust me Colt?”

  “I don’t trust many people Lune, but you I do, yeah.” He closes his eyes. “It’d better not hurt; whatever it is you’re planning.”

  “Definitely won’t hurt.” I purr, yeah, I purr. Shit! I am gonna do it! Lord, give me strength!

  Leaning over I place a gentle kiss underneath
his jaw, then slide my tongue up to under his ear. “Keep them closed.” I whisper.

  I place another kiss, in the same place on the other side of his jaw. He keeps them closed. Again, I lick a line to under his ear, slow and gentle. Then I place a tender kiss on the outer corner of his lip. Next, I run my tongue along the seam of his lips, following up with a quick tug with my teeth on his bottom lip. He jumps.

  “Fuck Lune.” He groans, quietly. I start peppering small kisses along the length of his lips, over and over, so softly. I feel his dick twitch under me. Fuck! That was a surprise. He groans, softly.

  He places his hands on my sides, spreading his hands wide. He keeps them placed there, increasing the pressure until he is holding onto me, tightly. I move away from his lips, and start kissing his neck, sliding my hands through his hair. He still holds onto me tightly, but his fingers start stroking, catching the underside of my breasts. I jump, his dick jumps. Fuck! That felt nice, I can feel wetness in my panties. My God! This is the most I have ever been turned on, in my life.

  He moves a hand to tilt my face back up to him, then he lowers his lips to mine and starts kissing me, softly at first, then more deeply. My body acts on its own, pushing down onto his length. Rocking into him, over and over as we kiss, passionately. I can feel he is rock hard now, pushing back against me. The kiss deepens, I feel so fucking alive. It is everything I imagined it would be.

  Suddenly he stops and pulls away, looking at me. I look back, biting my bottom lip.

  “What the fuck was that Lune?” It comes out low and husky. He is searching my eyes for an answer.

  I smile. “My first proper kiss, I gave it to you. Was it okay?” I bat my eyelashes, I so fucking bat them!

  He lifts his brows. “No way was that your first kiss.” Shaking his head for emphasis.

  “It was, honest.”

  He stares at me a while. “Lune, if that was your first kiss. Wow, just wow.”

  I nod, beaming and feeling really proud of myself. “It was, honestly.”

  “So, you never had a boyfriend, while you were away?”

  “Nah, I was still missing home too much. There wasn’t anybody I liked anyway. Do you want another?” I am back to playing shy now. God, what a skank I am! But I really like kissing Colt.

  “No! I mean, God yeah, but no, we shouldn’t.” His eyes seem to dim before me, he looks away for a few seconds, then back at me.

  “Lune, I’m sorry. I feel like I’ve just crossed a line, like I’ve taken advantage of you.”

  “Colt, no way! I think it was me taking advantage. Tell me you didn’t like it.”

  He shakes his head. “I can’t because I did like it. But I should have stopped you.” He sighs deeply then, I just know he is going to get up, move away from me. God, that is the last thing I want.

  I place my hands either side of his face and slowly lean into him. I leave a few millimeters between our lips, pausing to look into his eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want another?” I whisper.

  He stares back, I can see the want in his eyes, they have darkened to the deepest shade of green. Fuck it! I close the gap and we start devouring each other.

  This time his hands sneak under my dress, sliding up to cover my breasts, his fingers teasing my nipples into hard points.

  I start rocking against his hard length again, lost in the moment and the feelings coursing through my body. Next, he takes his hands out of my dress, then he pulls on the shoulder ties, so they open, and the top of my dress falls down to my waist, exposing my breasts to him.

  He stops kissing me and his gaze falls to them, his eyes lighting up with desire. He takes one in his mouth, sucking and teasing my nipple with his tongue. He lifts his eyes to look at me while he’s doing it. Fuck! That is the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen! To look down and see a gorgeous, beautiful man, worshipping you is just, divine!

  He moves a hand onto my ass, squeezing and stroking. Then he moves it under my dress, between my legs, playing with the material of my panties. He stills, looking up at me, asking for permission. “Yes”, I whisper.

  He pulls my face down to him, kissing me again. His finger slips under my panties, finding my core wet and wanting for him.

  “Fuck Luna!” He curses into my mouth, pushing his hardness against me. His finger slides up and down, his thumb finding my clit, circling and pressing. He pulls away from my mouth to kiss my neck, all the time his finger and thumb teasing me. He slides his finger inside, pumping slowly.

  My breathing gets faster, I start moaning softly. “Colt, Colt.”

  He adds another finger inside me, increasing the speed. His thumb is rubbing my clit, harder still. Then he bites my neck sharply and I come. Oh my God do I come. I can feel my insides contracting, pure heaven pulsing through me.

  He holds me in that position, sucking and kissing my neck until my body stops pulsing, the feeling slowly ebbing away. I keep my face turned away from him, apparently now I’m shy again!

  “Lune.” He whispers. “Are you okay?”

  Be brave! New Luna remember! I pull up to look at him.

  “Yeah, I’m very okay.” I smile widely. “What about you? Are you okay?”

  He laughs. “Lune, I’ve just come in my fucking pants, from a kiss. I’m more than okay. You are so fucking sexy; in fact, you are so fucking everything.” He shakes his head, moving me off his lap as he stands up and lights a cigarette. Then he moves away, sitting on the steps to smoke it.

  I busy myself by putting my dress back into place. I watch him for a bit, not knowing what to say. Huh! I’ve no experience at all so I’m not sure how he should be acting. I’m wondering if he’s regretting it. Walking over I sit on the step above him. I place my legs either side of his, resting my head on his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry. I kinda pushed you into that.” I say, thinking he’s upset over what we’ve done. He doesn’t look around, but he does answer.

  “Don’t be sorry Lune. That’s the best fucking thing I’ve ever experienced. It’s just, I feel bad, for you. Because it was with me.” He pauses for ages, but I remain quiet. “I’m no good Lune, I’m not the person you knew before. I’ve done some bad shit that, well, I’m no good for you.”

  “I don’t care what you’ve done Colt. All that matters to me is that I had my first kiss with someone I love. And I do, love you, I mean.”

  He reaches a hand up and behind him, placing it against my cheek, all the while looking straight forward. “I love you too, so fucking much. I’m just afraid you’re gonna hate me some day. Plus, I can’t help feeling you maybe chose me because of Dante, you know.”

  “Colt no.” I say, hurt that he’d think that, but also mad with myself because I know there may be some truth to it. “I mean yeah, I am hurt by what he’s done but, no, I’m honestly glad that it was you. Please don’t ever think I will regret it because I won’t, ever.”

  If only I knew then, what I know now.


  Chapter 8.

  I wake up Friday in a good mood. Nah, scrap that! A very fucking good mood!

  I’d gone to sleep replaying in my mind what had happened with Colt. OMG! I can’t believe I did that, but I’m really fucking glad I did. I feel like I’ve been sleep-walking through life and now I’ve finally woken up! I think quiet, reserved Luna could be a thing of the past. Well, I sure hope so.

  I grab my phone to re-read his texts from last night, so happy that he thought to ask for my number, before the Uber came for me.

  Colt: Lune, let me know you’ve gotten home okay.

  Me: I’m home Colt, thanks for caring.

  Colt: I’ll always care about you Lune. Are you feeling okay?


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