Operation SEAL: Book Two Trident Brotherhood Series

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Operation SEAL: Book Two Trident Brotherhood Series Page 21

by Cayce Poponea

  As I finish shaving, the last one I will do for a while, as Harper prefers my ‘sexy stubble’. I have to maintain regulations while I wear this uniform, but once I hang it in our closet, I'll make sure my girl has all the stubble she wants. My phone chimes with a message and I see Josh has sent me something. Opening the attachment, I see a picture of my girl standing beside my mother, her smile front and center as she shakes the hand of who I recognize as the Governor of Virginia and old admirer of my mother, Frank Borland. With the way, he appreciates Harper’s chest, his taste in a younger woman hasn’t changed, despite his run in with a jealous husband a few years ago. Motherfucker is barking up the wrong tree with my girlfriend.

  Just as I was about to get into my rental car, my phone alerted me of another message, this time from my father. Harper is sitting in the back of a car, Amanda on one side and my mother on the other. Her face is breaking around the edges, sadness filling those beautiful eyes I loved to get lost in. Her hands are clenched in her lap; a black cell phone lay abandoned against the light fabric of her dress.

  She knows communication was restored a few days ago and how I’ve been in contact with you by email. I stand by what I said earlier, this is going to come back to haunt you. -Dad

  Tossing my phone to the passenger seat, I backed out of the spot and headed toward my future. A few blocks from the address I was given for Horizons, I had to park my car as the line to get to the event was endless. Finding a spot at the side of a convenience store, I locked the car and take off at a run, ignoring the thought of how much dirt was collecting on my white shoes. I could toss these and have plenty of time to order new ones, the next time I would need them would be the last day I wore a uniform.

  Stepping around a number of people, calling ‘excuse me’ over my shoulder as I bumped into far more than I cared for. I could see in the distance the platform Josh told me to look for. Keeping as much of me hidden in the crowd as I could, not wanting Harper to see me before it was time. I notice to my left are a couple of tall guys and I slip as close as possible without being creepy. Two older ladies stand to my right, ignoring everyone around them as they watch my mother and Harper take their seats on the platform.

  “She looks just like her mother.”

  “She may look like her, but she has the heart of her father.”

  Ross had given me the email address to reach Bruce Kincaid, but I preferred to sit down with him face to face. Once I introduced my lips to Harper’s, I would plan a meeting between the families. Let Bruce see the kind of man his daughter had chosen.

  Josh scanned the crowd as he took his place behind the podium, which I will admit was quite impressive. With all of these people here on such a beautiful morning, it was clear Harper had touched more lives than I ever imagined.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Reece International and the Forbes family, I would like to welcome you to the dedication of the new Horizons Center. Some years ago, a young woman we all know and love, took an idea she read about in a magazine, and brought it to life. Taking those principles and put them into a charity that has helped thousands. But she didn’t stop there, not only did she help the citizens of this community, she dedicated herself to reaching across the oceans and into the deserts and jungles of other countries, sending a number of our single military men and women care packages during the holidays. Many would have stopped there, satisfied with the accomplishment of bringing a smile to the face of so many, but not Harper Kincaid. She continued to go above and beyond, adopting one of those recipients and sending additional care packages during the year. Building friendships and ironically bringing two people together, who might never have met if it wasn’t for the giving spirit of one woman. Recently, the board of directors of Reece International learned of this courageous young lady and her mission to clothe her community, unanimously voting to pledge their support for a minimum of five years.”

  Just as Josh turns his body to look behind him, clapping along with the crowd as Harper's tight smile curls at the edges, he catches my eye but doesn’t stop his progression. My focus flashes back to my girl, and the smile she is struggling to hold on to. I’ve seen this face on her once before when she discovered Goodman in my room, naked and lying through her teeth. I didn’t like it then, and I fucking hate it now.

  “I've had the pleasure of working for Reece International for a number of years, traveling alongside the wonderful woman who is going to say a few words before we proceed to the ribbon cutting and let you all have a look at what we’ve done to the inside of the building behind me.”

  My mother tugs at the edge of her skirt, the kind smile I've known my entire life gracing her face. Her left hand is clenched around her note cards, a waste of good paper since she always memorizes what she is going to say. I never thought I would ever meet a woman with the same values as my mother, someone with the same passion she does for those around her, until I met Harper.

  The original plan was to wait until Harper took her place behind the podium, thanking everyone for coming and cut the yellow ribbon. But seeing how unhappy she is, how hard she is working to maintain what little smile she managed to paint on those lips, my feet decide the original plan sucks, and the rest of my body agrees. When I chose to be in her life, to stand by her side and protect her, I also accepted the challenge of making her happy. Clearly, my heart was in the right place, with good and honorable intentions. My delivery and inability to take the advice of a man, who had been married to the love of his life longer than I’ve been alive, was where I failed.

  Working my way to the front of the crowd, I toss more of those apologies out to the strangers around me as I zigzag my way forward. I’m halfway to my target as my mother turns on her social graces. She may have been born and raised in Manhattan, but she can charm the pants off anyone. This crowd is no different as a collective cheer breaks out as she mentions the home team's football mascot.

  Josh finds my attention once again, a deep wrinkle of confusion forming between his eyebrows. I motion to the side of the platform where the metal stairs leading up to the platform are. But there are three people in wheelchairs blocking my path, a little boy with a chocolate candy bar standing behind the one closest to me and I decide against taking a chance the chocolate won't end up all over my white uniform.

  My only option is the jump up on stage directly in front of the podium, interrupting my mother’s speech and possibly pissing her off. My need to change the fake smile on Harper’s face to a real one, overrules my avoidance of upsetting my mother. And as I increase my steps, gaining the needed momentum to propel my frame onto the wood of the platform and get as little dirt as possible on my uniform, my mother shifts her eyes and catches me.

  Landing with a thud, the metal supports bouncing enough to sway the flag in the background. Dusting off my hands as I reach my full height, and then right my cover back in place. I stand quite a bit taller than my mother, even with the height of her heeled shoes. It's been awhile since we have seen one another in person, and by the smile on her face, I won't be begging for forgiveness in interrupting her speech.

  Wrapping my arms around my mother, kissing her cheek and breathing in the scent of her perfume. I lean over and begin speaking into the microphone.

  “Ladies and gentleman, you will have to pardon my interruption. My name is Logan Forbes,” a loud gasp sounds from behind me, I don’t have to turn around to know it came from Harper.

  “And I have traveled a long way to be here today to celebrate this momentous occasion and honor one of the most generous women I know.”

  Smiling down at my mother, a quick kiss on her forehead, “My mother set the bar high for the woman I trusted with my heart. Her constant reminder of how to treat others, especially the less fortunate, as you want to be treated is something I have carried with me.”

  Unable to continue being this close to Harper and not touch her, I pulled away from my mother, and made my way toward the woman who had changed my life in a few short mo
nths. Seeing her beautiful face on my computer screen failed to show me the depth of her beauty. Her peaches and cream skin lacked even a single freckle, a product of avoiding the rays of the sun. Those almond shaped eyes, full of wonderment and disbelief shining brightly in my favorite kaleidoscope of blue hews. Her kissable pink lips, glistening from her lips gloss, one of the few vanities she allowed herself to have, and chocolate brown hair, streaks of healthy shine cascading down nearly every strand, giving her an angelic glow. She is breathtaking and so much more than I deserve, yet I cannot help but to fall further in love with her.


  My heart flips as my name leaves her lips, goosebumps take up residence on the flesh of my arms. From the first moment I heard her voice, I found myself anxious to hear it again, to memorize how her laughter sounds as it echoes in the room. I longed to taste her breath as she whispers her affection across my lips, bathing in the intimate way she calls me as she gives into my need to love her.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  My words are lacking, hollow even to my ears. She is so much more than beautiful, more incredible than any sonnet ever written. She is perfect, so motherfucking perfect.

  “How?” She starts and I shake my head, reaching over to help her up from her chair. Calmness floods my body when my fingers touch the silkiness of her hands. I lack the control to maintain a proper distance between us, shielding the hundreds of spectators from being able to feel the love I have for her.

  “I’ve waited so long,” my eyes shifting between hers, feasting on the essence of her: the way her hair dances in the breeze. Most of all, I delight in the sliver of a smile growing ever so slowly as she realizes I’ve covertly decreased the distance between us. My hands travel up her arms, framing her delicate face as I clear the final inch, covering her lips with mine. I’ve kissed my fair share of women, some I liked enough to kiss a second time, while others I turned away and moved on to the next. Had I kissed this gorgeous creature first, I know beyond a reasonable doubt, I would never have stopped.

  She is hesitant at first, her hands trembling against the skin of my arms, feeding the cockiness I’ve perfected over the years, using it to my advantage on numerous occasions. I don’t give her an opportunity to second-guess this, my possessive inner core roaring to the forefront, claiming this beautiful creature as mine. Rubbing my thumbs over her cheekbones and pressing the tips of my fingers into the soft flesh behind her ears, I adjust the angle, deepening the kiss.

  I nearly rejoice the moment she lets go of her hesitation, moaning into my mouth and parting her lips. Her nails dig into my skin, and I relish in the pain, which travels straight to my fucking cock. Her eagerness is catching up to mine as her fingers move up my arms landing at the skin on the back of my neck. Tucking a few fingers under my collar, she presses into the muscles there, silently telling me she wants this as badly as I do.

  The majority of me is lost in this kiss, drowning in the love I have for her, with no desire to stop until she has forgotten her name. The SEAL in me is keenly aware of the crowd behind me, of my parents huddled together ecstatic with joy as they see how happy I am. When Harper lets her chest relax into mine, I know she has surrendered to the moment, ignoring the catcalls resonating around us. As badly as I want to stay in this moment, I love her enough to push my need for her aside and let her enjoy the reason everyone is gathered here.

  Detaching my lips from hers, taking into account my level of control is a thread higher than hers; I take a half a step back, keeping her face in my hands, locking eyes with hers. Our breathing is labored, and her eyes are speckled with confusion. I have so many things to clear up, to remind her I the same man who swore to make her happy.

  “Totally worth flying coach.”

  Harper blinks several times, her pupils dilate but as reality begins to set in she shifts focus from my face to the smiling faces around us.

  “I’m sorry, what?” Her voice is shaky but sexy as fuck, and I wonder if she sounds like this when she first wakes up.

  Unable to resist, I lean over and place a peck to her lips. “I said, kissing you was worth a cramped seat in coach.”

  “You didn’t call. You always call or email.”

  “I know, I’m sorry.” Looking over my shoulder, suspecting the novelty of the moment is wearing thin with my mother. “I’ll explain everything later, when there aren’t as many people around.” Taking her hand in mine, such a tiny gesture but it's rocking my world. Josh pulls a chair from around the side of the platform, sitting it beside Harper’s. Laying my right arm along the back of her chair, my fingers caressing the sliver of skin at her neck. The left is sandwiched between both of hers, our fingers interlaced. As I glance down at her, I’m elated to see the smile I’ve kept in my memory, the one I’ve claimed was made for me.

  Harper leans into me as my mother continues her speech, sharing the story of how she initially came to Chesapeake to see for herself the woman who had captured my attention. As she prepared for the interrogation as she called it, gaining a round of laughter from the crowd, she found Harper to be much like herself: selfless and humble. I watched as heads nodded in agreement, blue haired ladies whispering to one another as they point to Harper. Out of habit, I surf the crowd, counting the number of men versus women, looking for anything or anyone unusual. A man sitting in the second row halts my perusal, deep-set eyes shooting daggers at me, the same eyes Ross and Harper shared.

  Bruce Kincaid, possibly the biggest hurdle I had to face in dating his daughter. Ross had warned me his distrust of any man who came snooping around his only daughter, Lance Ranoka sitting at the top of the list. Mentally, I was ready for anything he could throw my way and physically I would show him how I had her happiness at the top of my priority list. While I knew it wouldn’t be an easy task, I’d had years of training under my belt. If all else fails, I have a reference from someone he does respect, Ross.

  The energy around us buzzed as the next speaker stood and took his turn behind the microphone. Josh gave the mayor all of three minutes to remind the citizens how he had watched Harper grow and create such a successful business, giving her the tutelage she used to make her shop so successful. I knew Harper was up next, Josh had emailed me the itinerary along with a few details involving the people I would encounter today. Nothing pushes a man off-kilter more than someone knowing who they are and something about them when they have never been introduced.

  “Our final speaker needs no introduction. She is the local girl who has shown more kindness to others in the past year than most people do in a lifetime.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Glancing out over the crowd, I see the smiling faces of my friends and neighbors looking back at me. Having Logan emerge, dressed in his whites and carrying the smile I’d pretended was reserved for me was enough to make the nervous butterflies fluttering around in my stomach vanish into thin air. Looking into his eyes, face to face and not through the filter of a computer screen, they captivated and enchanted me. His irises are so blue they are nearly white and are making my body take notice, any inhibitions take a back seat to what I wanted from him. Logan took charge, kissing me as if his life depended on it, showing me how it felt to be kissed by a man who not only knew how, but wanted to.

  Sitting beside him, absorbing his warmth and the way his masculine scent surrounded me, blanketing me in a calmness that was foreign, yet comfortable. Relishing the way his fingers left a fire in their wake, as his gently glided them up and down the edge of my neck and arm, heating me to a point I wanted to straddle him, not caring if everyone watched.

  “Hey, Y'all.” Grasping the podium tightly, not because I was nervous or afraid to be standing here, but to keep me rooted long enough to say what I needed to say.

  “I had a speech ready several days ago,” picking up my notecards, I grip them between my fingers and with a firm tug ripped them in half, tossing the torn ends behind me. “But you guys don’t need to be reminded of who is
responsible for all of this or why we’re here. I will say thank you to Dr. and Mrs. Forbes for venturing down south, even if it was to size me up.” Craning my head over my right shoulder, sending a wink in Meredith’s direction.

  “And to Josh, for giving me fair warning what the Forbes family was capable of, especially Logan.” I hear a unified rumble of snickers from some of the people before me. My eyes scan the crowd, landing first on my father who is trying to look intimidating in Logan's eyes, yet failing miserably, but I will give him credit.

  Valerie Forbes sat in the third row, fanning her hand over her face and winking at me when she caught my eye. Somehow the reminder of how incredible Logan looked sitting in his chair didn’t strike me as creepy, even with the close relationship they had.

  “Thank you again, to Reece International for their generosity. Now let's go cut a ribbon and eat some cake.”

  Mrs. Dorchester, who owned the cake shop at the end of the block, had told anyone who would listen how the sweet and beautiful Meredith Forbes had phoned her personally, boasting about how she had heard from her New York society people that Donna’s Donuts and More was the best bakery they had ever sampled. I don’t know who she was trying to impress as most folks around here had never heard of Meredith to begin with, much less what high society was.

  Strong arms surround me as the crowd applauds in appreciation of free cake. Connie Dorchester would have gotten more points had she skipped the society bit and gone straight to free sugar.

  “Come on, I’ve arranged for seven minutes where we won't be missed.” Logan doesn’t wait for me to agree as he scoops me up bridal style and tears off down the steps, into the back seat of a waiting car.

  Not a second separates the time between the sound of the door closing and Logan pressing his body to mine, lips firm and demanding taking control, cutting off the giggles which bubbled out of my chest without my permission. His hands trap my face, holding it firmly so he can explore my mouth with his tongue, rubbing his thigh against mine in tune with the talents of his tongue.


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