The Mermaid's Pearl (Tears of the Deep Book 1)

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The Mermaid's Pearl (Tears of the Deep Book 1) Page 10

by Kennedy, Brooke

  His lips were fierce and burning against mine and made up for all of the frustration we wreaked upon each other over the past few days and all the tension that gnawed at us each time we were near each other. It also erased all the times I pushed him away and pretended not to be interested.

  There was more to my refusal than I initially understood. In reality, I was fighting the way I felt about him. I didn’t want to admit to myself how much I wanted this pirate. Everything led up to this moment. Aiden’s body against mine was everything I missed when I kissed any of the mermen back home, a passion that ripped through my body and left me breathless. I had never felt this way before, and I never expected to feel it with a human. It was as if my whole body awakened for the first time.

  I hadn’t meant to give into him like this, but there was something about the twinkling promise of adventure in his eyes that pulled me to him—just as the ocean and silver moonlight called to me. This attraction between us was bigger than the both of us. It was something I couldn’t fight anymore, and I hoped he didn’t either.

  My mind clouded over with one thing: Aiden. Every brush of his lips calmed something in me, even though it terrified me I needed him so badly. His body led me into dangerous waters, into a place where I wasn’t sure I could escape. His rough hands held me close and ran over my skin as if he’d known me my whole life. A familiarity was there—something I couldn’t place, and it was wonderful.

  He pushed me back against the bed and climbed on top of it with me. His hand ran greedily down my body and onto the bare flesh of my leg. A low sound escaped from his mouth as he slowly began to trail his hand up my thigh, pushing the thin cloth of my dress higher. I clung to him, lost in his embrace, and kissed him back as if he were the only thing keeping me alive.

  As his free hand moved the strap of my dress off my shoulder, his lips followed the path, planting kisses along the newly exposed skin. Each touch of his lips sealed my fate, and I lost all ability to think. All concerns of what we should and should not be doing disappeared. The only thing that remained was the feel of his fingers against my body and his lips taking the time to explore every available part of me.

  He pushed himself up on his elbow and pulled back enough to show a devilish grin. His eyes took me in hungrily for just a moment and took my breath away. Lowering himself back to my skin, his lips moved down my neck, nipping at my skin as he pleased, until he found a sudden interest in the soft spot underneath my ear. It sent shivers down my spine, and I tangled my hands into his hair.

  “Aiden,” I whispered, unable to stop his name falling from my lips.

  He groaned against my skin as he lifted his hand higher, pushing my dress up and running across my stomach. His lips pressed against mine again, and I whimpered into them, tightened my grip on his hair because I couldn’t fight back the need in my body. His ended the kiss and rested his forehead against mine; his deep laughter resounded through the room and tucked itself away into my heart. I wanted him, needed him, more than anything I had ever yearned for in my life.

  But there was something he needed to know. Something I dreaded to tell him.


  “Yes?” He looked up at me.

  “I haven’t, uh.” I stammered, unable to speak the words. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks in embarrassment because he had a lot of experience in this area. Surprise showed on his face, but as he opened his mouth to speak, I felt the need to explain. “It’s not that I haven’t had the chance. I just—I’ve never felt like this before. This is what I’ve been waiting for.”

  “Rae,” he said. His voice was laced with incredible desire. “I have not been with anyone I cared about in many, many years. None of the women I have spent time with have meant anything to me. They are nothing compared to you.”

  I smiled back at him. He was all I dreamed of, somehow. His words were genuine, and if I asked him to stop he would, but I didn’t.

  “I want this, Aiden, don’t play games with me.”

  The corner of his lip turned up into a smirk, and he nodded in response. “As you wish, Rae, my beautiful mysterious love. I’m yours.”

  When he captured my lips again, my heart fluttered. Finally, he admitted he was mine.

  Aiden’s hand moved down my stomach to its intended destination, and he pulled me further under his spell. My head fell back against the bed, my hands tangled in his hair impossibly tight as unidentified noises escaped my mouth. His touch was almost magical, knowing just what to do to make my entire being grow warm and yearn to have him closer to me. His kisses trailed along my skin, humming as he went, and muttering something in another language. I wasn’t sure what it was, but it fit his accent perfectly. I was lost in it.

  My mouth grew dry as my body shuddered in anticipation. The core of my body grew warm, the tingling expanding through my body. It was amazing. I arched my back and his name left my lips in a needy whisper. “Aiden.”

  He chucked, sending a thrill through me, and withdrew his hand from between my legs just as I was about to let go. I whimpered. He knew I was close to losing myself, and he wasn’t ready for that to happen yet. “Mmmm, lass, you are amazing.”

  I wrapped my legs around him as he pressed his hips into me. His readiness excited me, and I could feel it through the cloth of his pants. There was no turning back now, but I didn’t want to.

  His hands trailed softly up my body, pulling the fabric up and over my head. I moved my hands out of the way, and he tossed it to the side. A growl arose from his mouth as he began to roam his hands over my body, stopping at each sensitive spot and spending time there with his warm mouth and his fingers.

  My hands desperately moved to the string of his pants. He didn’t stop me as I pushed them out of the way. Adjusting himself for a moment, he kicked the pants off him and moved back over me.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked me from beneath hooded eyes.

  “With everything I am.”

  I could feel the blood rushing through my body, excitement filling me up as I trembled beneath him. I was nervous and anxious, yet ready, so very ready to have him in my arms for the night. Nothing in my life ever seemed so sure. This was perfect.

  Leaning down on his forearms, he nuzzled his face next to mine. “Say the word and I will stop.”

  I shook my head. Never would I ask him to stop.

  As he shifted his hips forward, I dug my nails into his back. My breath caught in my throat as I pulled him closer. I closed my eyes, biting my lip as he began to move. There was a moment of pain as he slowly pushed himself further, and then the rush of pleasure taking me over. A low moan escaped from between my lips as he began to speed up.

  “Now you really are completely mine, lass” he whispered into my ear.

  Chills ran down my body and I responded with a breathy, “Yes.”

  I couldn’t get enough of him. He was incredible in every way, and only he could put this fire out that was igniting in my body. Every fiber of my being was alive, and I needed Aiden to soothe it.

  “Please,” I begged, no longer wanting him to be gentle with me.

  He smirked, but I didn’t care. He obliged within seconds, speeding up to something more frantic and needy. With each movement of his body, he showed me what was missing in my life. He muttered curses and sweet nothings as he ravished me, just as he promised he would one day. The feel of his body on mine was something I could easily become addicted to. He treated me much more like a precious stone than the bar wenches he was used to. Even as his fingers twisted in my hair and became more insistent, it sent shivers down my back. He was an amazing lover, with no trace of selfishness, and he showed me several times throughout the night.

  My eyes slammed closed as the world exploded around me, leaving me breathless with pleasure. I cried out his name, racking my nails into his back and leaving crescent moons for the morning. Aiden was right behind me, his breath hot on my neck as his eyes grew dark, and he shuddered above me. I would fore
ver have the image ingrained in my head, the feel of the scruff on his face sliding against my soft skin.

  The room was suddenly silent, with only our heavy breaths filling the space. I couldn’t remember a time when I was so happy, so relaxed, or so satisfied. It seemed as if the whole world was perfect there in Aiden’s arms, and I never wanted to leave them.

  That was when the panic hit me. Fear rose in me he would throw me off his ship and brush me off like the other women who shared his bed in the past. I didn’t want to ruin the moment. I tried not to object when he began to roll away from me.

  But he began to laugh, deep and sexy in his chest. I wasn’t sure what was funny, but as I opened my mouth to ask him, he tried to tug his hand from my hair.

  “My ring wants to stay there in your beautiful locks, love.”

  My body relaxed at the realization that he wasn’t leaving me. I laughed as I watched him try to untangle his hand from my hair. When he did, I reached for it and smiled at him. “I want you to stay here with me.”

  “I will, always,” he replied, much to my surprise, as he kissed my forehead and stood up from the bed. “You’ve made it bloody hot in here, lass.”

  I giggled as he shook his head and opened a porthole to let some fresh air into the cabin. He returned to the bed and pulled me to him, lacing his hands through my hair slowly. My racing breath began to slow as my body relaxed against him.

  I ran my hand over his chest, studying the array of scarring and tattoos there. They made him who he was, and I wanted to know the story behind every scar and what each tattoo stood for.

  Pulling myself up on my elbow, I looked down at him with a smile. He returned it and raked his hand through my hair but didn’t say a word. I trailed my hand over his chest to his shoulder, my eyes moving to the inking there.

  “When did you get these?”

  “Different times.”

  From where I was, I could see a skull and crossbones on the inside of his bicep, an anchor on his upper arm, and a very detailed ship on the seas running down his side. They were intricate and beautiful, dark colors that stood out on his body.

  “Did they hurt?”

  He laughed. “No.”

  I cocked an eyebrow and looked at him. “Are you lying to me?”

  “Of course not, darling. Would I do such a thing?” There was mischief in his eyes.

  He took me by the arms and rolled me onto my back, coming with me so he could lean over me. His hand took mine and ran it down his chest to the writing underneath the water the ship rested on.

  “This one reminds me of what I am. I can never forget that.”

  “What are you?” I asked, not understanding what he meant.

  He dipped his head to kiss my neck and whisper. “I’m just a man, love.”

  I wanted to tell him that he was wrong, he was so much more than that. Still, his words didn’t answer my question. He ran his hand down my body, taking my breath and words away. His hands gripped my hips as he rolled back onto his back, taking me with him and tucking me into his arms.

  “Maybe I should get a tattoo,” I mused, wondering what it would be like.

  “No need to ruin your beautiful, perfect skin, lass. Now, let’s stop talking, it’s been quite the long and wonderful night. The sun will be up soon and I don’t want to keep you up all night.”

  “It was worth it,” I whispered as I snuggled closer to him.

  That night, the captain’s quarters seemed less like a prison and more like home. Aiden’s scent, of the air after a rainfall, took me over and fused itself with mine. The sound of the sea outside and the creaking of the ship was a lullaby just for us. This was my first night of peaceful sleep since boarding The Devil’s Pearl. No nightmares, just silence and peace. I felt safe and content as I slept in the strong arms of my captain.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When I awoke the next morning, the sun was shining into the captain’s quarters and bathing me in its warm light. I sighed with contentment as I remembered the night before and reached out to feel for Aiden. I wanted to be tucked into his arms again. A wave of disappointment crashed over me when he wasn't there. Panic and fury hit me simultaneously as I sat straight up in the bed, my eyes roaming desperately over the room to find him. Had he already left me alone and returned to his duties without saying a word?


  He was sitting in the window seat, one of my favorite places to be. One of his legs was drawn up to his chest and the other dangled to the floor. His skin reflected the sunlight, and for a moment he seemed to shine like the sun. The dark tattoos that littered his left side, right shoulder, and bicep stood out on his tanned skin. Now in the light, I could see clearly the scars scattered randomly across his body. His eyes focused on the sea with calmness I had never seen in them before. It was if he was somewhere else and lost deep in his thoughts. He was once again clad in his black cotton pants, and I wondered how long he had been up and sitting there.

  Quietly, I pulled myself out of bed and pulled on his shirt, tugging the fabric across my body as I buttoned it up. It was much too big for me, but it felt right to wear it. My first few steps were wobbly, sore from the night’s antics, but it brought a smile to my face. My feelings jumbled into something I didn’t recognize, and I didn’t like it. But there was no doubt in my mind this wouldn’t last, even if a part of me wanted it too.

  I bit my lip to hide the excited smile because I didn’t want to have any expectations of him. I wasn’t sure what sort of mood he would be in this morning, but I didn’t want to be dismissed.

  “Good morning, love,” he said, turning to address me. He ran his hands through his messy dark hair in an attempt to smooth it out.

  I wasn’t sure what to think of his new pet name for me so I made my reply simple. “Morning.”

  Aiden shifted on the seat to make room for me to sit down beside him. He reached out to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. “Where’s my confident lass?”

  “Same place my dreadful Captain Aiden went I suppose.”

  “Oh he’s always here, just under the surface.” His hand moved into my hair to tangle there and pull me to him. His lips were soft and gentle as they touched mine, taking my breath away even then.

  I leaned away from him and tried to speak confidently and not sound desperate, but my emotions jumbled in a mess that I wasn’t sure how to process. “I want you to stay here with me.”

  “That I will. Always,” he replied much to my surprise as he kissed my forehead and pulled me closer.

  “Aiden, you’re a better person than people give you credit for,” I pointed out teasingly.

  “Shhh, darling, don’t tell anyone, it will be our little secret.” His fingers ran through my hair as he looked down at me. “Now, you do remember I’m in charge on my ship.”

  “I do.”

  “And I don’t take kindly to those who try and overtake me.”

  “Oh I’m sure.” I ran my hands through his hair and gazed up at him. He was so very handsome, his eyes sparkling with trouble.

  “That includes you, I hope you know.”

  “Are you threatening me, Captain?” I giggled.

  His eyes darkened for a moment as he spoke, “Don’t do anything to make me have to do that.”

  My body shivered, recognizing the need in his eyes, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to go there again. Not yet, anyway. I slapped his arm playfully. “You promised me I was safe here.”

  “That you are. But I’m afraid you’re going to be the death of me, love.” Aiden sighed.

  There was the love word again. Love. As much as I was tempted to think about it, I pushed it away, but it kept coming up. Out of all the creatures on the earth, a human pirate was not one I wanted to fall in love with. From his experience with women, maybe he could help me sort out my feelings. Tristen wasn’t there, so Aiden was all I had. Surely he would have kicked me out of his cabin if he were done with me.

  “I would hope not,” I started, but a loud voice interru
pted me. My scowl traveled over towards the door as the noise continued.

  “Cap’n!” a voice called from the other side, following by a loud banging. It continued, loud and determined.

  Aiden growled as he picked me up and sat me on my feet. “Go wash up and put on something more decent so we can go on deck.”

  In the blink of an eye, he changed from the gentle and charming Aiden to the ruthless and demanding Captain.

  I glared at him as I poked him in the chest. “I’ll have you remember I’m not your servant to command.” I whirled around on my feet to retreat to the washroom and change clothes.

  As I closed the door, I heard the rush of someone into the room. There was a grumbling disagreement from the captain, followed by the door closing, and then lowered whispers in the room. Curiosity got the best of me. I cracked the door open slowly and peered out into the room. I couldn’t see them from where I was, but I could hear Aiden bickering quietly with the man.

  “I don’t care, Hayes.”

  “But the other men, they are getting restless at having the girl aboard the ship! They are certain she is a sea witch out to get us! She called Cap’n Gabriel and his feigns to us, you know this to be true.”

  “She did no such thing!” Aiden exclaimed with anger in his voice. A moment later, he laughed. “No need to worry she won’t be here much longer, I’m sure. If her father is who I suspect he is, we will have word soon, and he will not allow us to keep her.”

  I threw my hands over my mouth to hide my shock. I was right all this time. He suspected what I was and had no real need for me, except that I could bring him great prosperity and health. My blood ran cold and my stomach dropped as I continued to listen. I prayed I was wrong, although I wasn’t sure what was more important—his feelings for me or my identity. When had this change of heart occurred?


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