Beneath Bone Lake

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Beneath Bone Lake Page 28

by Colleen Thompson

  She closed the door behind her softly, leaving Ruby and Misty alone, the shock of the unexpected offer still reverberating through them. Ruby had never thought this day would come, had been warned that DeserTek would try to wear her down with delay upon delay followed by as many appeals as it took.

  “I don’t get it.” Though Misty sounded perplexed, she looked far healthier, and less haunted, than she had in months. In honor of their trip into the city—and her sister’s first day trip after her long convalescence—she’d taken care with her appearance, pulling up her long hair and wearing an aqua sundress that highlighted her sleek, blonde beauty.

  The free community counseling, Ruby decided, had been worth far more than its price implied. For all of them, including Zoe, who was thrilled to be back with her friends at Mrs. Lambert’s day care.

  “The media’s been all over DeserTek’s case,” Misty continued, “and your testimony led to—what was it—a half dozen officials’ arrests. They have to hate your guts now. So why offer to settle?”

  “For the same reason they saved my life.” Unconsciously, Ruby touched the healing scar at her side. Though she was well on her way to a complete recovery, the wounds to her soul lingered, and the memories—so many memories—marked her like brands. “They’re hoping to salvage what’s left of the company—and recast themselves, at least in part, as good guys who’ve been wronged in all this.”

  Misty rolled her eyes. “Quite a trick for a company accused of killing off five workers overseas.”

  Ruby nodded absently, wondering if it was true that the majority of DeserTek’s management staff knew nothing of the murders—including Elysse’s stepbrother and Graham Michael Worth from personnel, who had sent in a pair of DeserTek’s private security contractors after her comments had raised his suspicions.

  “They wouldn’t have a prayer of skating through this,” Ruby said, “if Global Missions hadn’t gone after them through me—through you and Zoe—here on U.S. soil.”

  During her hospitalization, Ruby had been astonished to learn the Florida-based corporation—a competitor for the six-hundred-million-dollar contract hanging in the balance—had orchestrated her family’s ordeal. All for the purpose of hijacking DeserTek secrets and destroying the better established, and notoriously cutthroat, company with negative publicity. Instead, it had been the upstart Global that went under, while DeserTek struggled to salvage the millions the government had locked down by freezing its assets.

  “If we settle, DeserTek stands a chance,” Ruby explained. “If we keep fighting, the media will stay on them, and any jury’s likely to award us way more than three-point-eight.”

  Three-point-eight million was the current offer, once Ruby’s attorney claimed her percentage. After that, she would split the settlement into thirds, one for herself, another for her sister, and a final third to ensure her daughter’s future. Though the government, too, would take its toll, in the form of taxes, the amount still staggered Ruby, the financial weight assigned to so much wrong.

  “So what do you want to do?” Misty asked carefully, hardly daring eye contact.

  Ruby understood. DeserTek was offering to swiftly end the daily dredging up of memories, offering a way out if she could only let go of the fight…and justice.

  Gazing toward the window, which overlooked the city’s sun-soaked downtown, she thought of other fallout: allegations that Justine Wofford, along with her late husband, had accepted bribes funneled through an offshore company, allegedly to protect several local, less-than-legal gambling operations; Paulie and Anna’s crushing grief over the murder of their son; and Sam—God, it still sliced her to the bone to think of Sam’s plight, locked inside a federal prison for violating his probation.

  Locked away because he had refused to leave her side to run, even in those moments when he thought it would cost him his life.

  Swallowing back tears, Ruby looked at her sister. “I know you’re ready to finish up your classes and get out of that crappy house we’re renting.”

  “It is a little crowded,” Misty remarked.

  “You say that so casually, as if you weren’t the one to bring home two full-grown animals from the shelter instead of ‘one tiny kitten.’ ” Ruby softened the statement with a smile, still touched by Zoe and Misty’s conspiracy to rescue both Elysse’s cat—which Ruby had renamed Beelze-Bubba—and Sam’s young retriever, Java.

  “You say that so casually,” Misty countered, “as if you weren’t the one who cried your eyes out when you came home from the hospital and saw them.”

  Ruby’s throat thickened with the reminder that both animals had been just days away from euthanasia, of becoming the two last victims of this debacle.

  Would she allow those others who’d been harmed to suffer, simply so she could make her family secure? Would she turn her back on Carrie Ann Patterson one last time and give up on the man who’d risked everything to help her?

  Decision made, Ruby stood abruptly. “I’m sorry, Misty. I know you want this to be over, but it won’t ever be—it can’t be. Not until DeserTek takes care of the families of the people they got killed in Iraq. And not until the big shots running the company pull whatever strings necessary to spring Sam McCoy. Otherwise, Today Show, here I come.”

  Two weeks later, Ruby and her sister drove back to Dallas, where they once more met with the attorney. As Ruby read over the agreement, she sensed her sister watching carefully, probably wondering whether Ruby could bring herself to sign it.

  Hesitating, Ruby looked up at Delia Scott across the table and said, “I’m still not satisfied.”

  Her disappointment ran far deeper than DeserTek’s claims they could do nothing to influence a federal judge. Her eyes burned at the thought of Sam, who had refused her request for visitation at the penitentiary. Though he insisted, through his lawyer, that he didn’t want her seeing him in custody, she couldn’t help imagining, night after sleepless night, that the real reason for his refusal was anger. That he blamed her for sending him to prison and regretted those hellish days they’d spent together.

  Hellish, but for his generosity, his offer of comfort. Hellish, but for the love and gratitude that had welled up in Ruby’s heart during these past few months. Hopeless love, it seemed.

  “You’ve done a great thing for those families,” Delia said gently. “Without you, they’d be tied up in court with this for years. You’re a hero, Ruby.”

  “Sam’s the hero.” Tears sliding down her face, Ruby made up her mind, put the pen to paper. “And just look where that’s gotten him.”

  Smiling as Ruby handed back the pen, Misty suggested going out for lunch. “Come on, Ruby,” she coasted. “Maybe it is only a partial victory, but we both know life’s too short not to grab every chance we can to celebrate.”

  Misty looked so concerned, so hopeful, that Ruby spontaneously hugged her. After everything her sister had suffered, she deserved her moment of closure, a small celebration to end this painful chapter of her life.

  “You’re absolutely right,” Ruby said, forcing cheer for Misty’s benefit. “Let’s get out of here. Your big sister’s going to buy you lunch at the snootiest, most overpriced restaurant Big D has to offer.”

  As Misty asked a friendly paralegal for a restaurant recommendation, Ruby thought she saw the woman wink. But before she could wonder what that was about, Misty hustled her out, distracting her with chatter about her plans to resume her court reporter training in the fall semester. Twenty minutes later, the two of them pulled into the restaurant in the smoke-belching wreck of a car they’d been sharing. Misty covered her mouth to keep from laughing at the horrified expression of the uniformed valet when she tossed him the keys.

  “Careful not to get any scratches on it.” As they walked toward the ornate double doors, Misty grinned at Ruby. “Think they’ll throw us out?”

  “If they do,” Ruby said, forcing a smile, “let’s just blow this Popsicle stand and find ourselves some cold beer and hot barbecue and a c
ouple of even hotter cowboys.”

  Misty’s head swiveled to stare at her, probably because it had been so long since Ruby had even attempted a joke. Yet in spite of this one, sorrow sheened Misty’s eyes, a depth of empathy that sobered both of them.

  Once they were seated, Ruby said, “Did you pass that maitre d’ a note?”

  Misty gave a who-me shrug and shook her head. “I just handed him a tip, that’s all. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do in fancy places like this?”

  Studying Misty’s blush, Ruby was momentarily suspicious. But according to their counselor, part of the healing process involved learning to trust her sister again, so Ruby forced herself to put it out of her mind.

  As if Misty had sensed her doubt, she grew quiet until after they’d been served their fussy little salads. “I know you’re just faking it for my sake,” she said softly. “I know you’re disappointed with the deal, and I know why.”

  Ruby looked up, a bite of crab trembling at the end of her fork. “Why?” she asked, as if she could forget even for a moment.

  “Come on, Ruby. You don’t have to pretend for my sake. It’s Sam, isn’t it?”

  “Stop.” Ruby moved crisply, laying down her fork and dabbing at her mouth with her cloth napkin. “Stop right now. Don’t—let’s not spoil this.”

  But before the words were out, her shoulders slumped in defeat.

  More quietly, she added, “Sam’s right not to let me see him. The situation’s impossible. We could never—not for years and years. There’s no parole in federal—”

  “You love him, don’t you?” Misty sounded awed by the idea. “You’re in love with him.”

  Unable to bring herself to admit the words aloud, Ruby said, “I’m grateful to him, Misty, and it breaks my heart that he’s locked up on my account. But as far as ‘love’ goes, we were only together for a few—”

  “People can learn a whole lot in a few days under fire,” Misty assured her. “More than some people figure out in a whole lifetime. And besides, Ruby, I have to tell you that Sam might be—”

  “Let it drop, please. I have a daughter to raise.” Ruby stared a plea into her sister’s eyes. “A life I’m going to have to do my best to get on with. And if I’m going to do that, I have to learn to be thankful for what I got back, not miserable about what I can’t have. I’m getting past him.” Ruby swallowed audibly and forced herself to add, “I’m going to be just fine. Fine without…Sam?”

  Both sisters stared as a tall man barged past the puffed-up little maitred’, who huffed after him protesting the invader’s worn Levis and missing tie. Completely ignoring the penguin in his wake, Sam McCoy looked around until he spotted Misty standing and waving her arms to capture his attention.

  “I’m really sorry, Ruby.” Flushing furiously, Misty hurried to explain, “The FBI’s been trying to hire Sam as some kind of consultant—financial cybersecurity, I think. But nobody was sure when, or even if, the release could be arranged, so we decided—I couldn’t stand to see you crushed if it didn’t happen, and…”

  Whatever else she said, Ruby missed it as she shook off her shock and threaded her way toward Sam. In that last moment before they reached each other, she saw the answer to her doubts and fears, saw the reflection of all the pain and love and longing she’d known in his absence.

  But it was in his kiss, as Ruby melted into his arms, that she found so much more. While the restaurant’s patrons gasped and whispered and the maitre d’ protested the “unsuitability of such personal displays,” Sam wiggled a folded bill between his fingers to bribe the little man to back off.

  And consumed by passion, Ruby at last let go of her misgivings…and let her heart give in to hope…

  To joy…

  And to a dawning faith in their shared future.


  I’d like to express my appreciation to many people who helped bring Beneath Bone Lake to fruition. First and foremost, thanks to my husband Mike, who’s always up for a research trip or a plotting session and who scarcely bats an eye when I point to random items in the local home improvement center and blurt, “Wouldn’t that make an excellent murder weapon?”

  Thanks to Dottie Carter of the Spatterdock Cabins in Uncertain, Texas, for the hospitality and to local guide David Applebaum for showing me around beautiful Caddo Lake, the inspiration for the Bone Lake of this story. Your stories of life on the lake were as fascinating as the place itself.

  I’m extremely grateful to first readers Barbara Sissel, Joni Rodgers, and Jo Anne Banker for their helpful feedback on the manuscript, along with Wanda Dionne and T. J. Bennett, two of the sharpest critique partners out there. I count your friendship, intelligence, and assistance among my greatest assets.

  Finally, thanks to my agent, Karen Solem for the insightful suggestions and amazing support, to Jennifer Schober, also of Spencerhill Associates, for her assistance, and to editor Alicia Condon and all the wonderful people at Dorchester Publishing who work so hard to get my stories in the hands of readers.

  Rave Reviews for Colleen Thompson’s Romantic Suspense!


  “Thompson packs this well-paced thriller full of twists and the local color of a small Texas town…The climax will surprise even the most jaded of suspense readers.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “Thompson leads readers on a twisted course…only to stand the plot on its head again in the finale. The only constant is the steady revelation of the characters, who are shown in…more depth with each exposure.”

  —Romantic Times BOOKreviews


  “Poetic use of language, intricate plotting and a wealth of fascinating details make Thompson’s latest novel a masterful work of suspense. Readers will come for the action and stay for the three-dimensional characters and well-crafted narrative. This is a fabulous read!”

  —Romantic Times BOOKreviews (Top Pick)

  “I could not bring myself to set the book down. I simply HAD to know what would happen next…Non-stop action, drama, and mystery. Fans of Tess Gerritsen, Tami Hoag, and Sandra Brown will adore this tale. Phenomenal!”

  —Huntress Reviews


  “Well written with realistic and appealing characters, Head On is a mesmerizing story that keeps readers guessing as the murderer draws closer and secrets are revealed. A compelling tale of romantic suspense, it is a strong, satisfying read.”

  —Romance Reviews Today

  “Filled with realistic dialogue, compelling narrative and believable conflict. The multiple viewpoints add dimension…and the characterizations are very well done.”

  —Romantic Times BOOKreviews

  More Praise for Colleen Thompson!


  “Thompson has crafted a top-notch, thrilling romantic suspense.”

  —New York Times bestselling author Allison Brennan

  “This nicely complicated tale has plenty of edge-of-your-seat suspense.”

  —Romantic Times BOOKreviews


  “Captivating…Thompson, a RITA finalist, is skilled at building suspense.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “Thompson’s style is gritty, and that works well with her flawed and driven characters.”

  —Romantic Times BOOKreviews

  “The Deadliest Denial is a spellbinding read with a gripping, intrigue-filled plot. There are twists and turns around every corner…This is a great read. Ms. Thompson has gifted us with another all-nighter.”

  —Fresh Fiction


  “RITA finalist Thompson takes the reader on a roller-coaster ride full of surprising twists and turns in this exceptional novel of romantic suspense.”

  —Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

  “The precise details of Thompson’s novel give it a rich, edgy texture that’s enthralling…For keen characters, emotional richness and a satisfying story that doesn’t fad
e away, read Thompson’s latest.”

  —Romantic Times BOOKreviews


  “Fast-paced, chilling, and sexy…chemistry that shimmers.”

  —Library Journal

  “Thompson has written a first-class work of romantic suspense.”


  Other books by Colleen Thompson:










  June 2009

  Published by

  Dorchester Publishing Co., Inc.

  200 Madison Avenue

  New York, NY 10016

  Copyright © 2009 by Colleen Thompson

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  E-ISBN: 978-1-4285-0687-9

  The name “Love Spell” and its logo are trademarks of Dorchester Publishing Co., Inc.

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