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by Roland Barthes

  Grande Guerre des écrivains: D’Apollinaire à Zweig, La (Compagnon), 309n1

  Grand Robert, Le (hypnotist), 125, 320n4

  “Grand Robert, Le” (Barthes, R.), 320n5

  Grants: from CNRS, 76–77, 239, 314n4, 314n19, 335n24, 335n30; Ford Foundation, 325n102; Yamamouchi, 279

  Grass, Günter, 329n177

  Grasset, 316n32, 326n135

  Greco, El, 16

  Greece, 5, 32, 46, 62–63

  Greek language, music in, 5, 23

  Greek pastime, traditional (Komboloï), 343n185

  Greek tragedy, 137, 148

  Green, André, 202

  Greimas, Algirdas Julien, 70, 166, 314n3, 321n29

  Grinberg, Michel. See Vinaver, Michel

  Groupe de Théâtre Antique de la Sorbonne, 20, 25, 92, 317n59

  Grünwald (English teacher), 32

  Guéhenno, Jean, 84, 316n32

  Guex (Mme.), 8

  Guibert, Hervé, vii, 342n169, 342nn171–72, 342nn174–76; letters from, 194, 293, 296–97; letters to, 292, 293–96

  Guilloton, Vincent, 147, 324n84

  Gulliver project. See “Revue internationale” project

  Guyotat, Pierre, 270–73, 339nn105–7

  Hachette guidebook, 133

  Hashimoto-san, 278, 279

  Havas, Roland, 341n157

  Hearing. See Understanding/hearing, actors with

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 53, 85

  Heidegger, Martin, 308, 344n202

  Herbe, L’ (Simon, C.), 267

  Herriot, Édouard, 5, 310n9

  Hiroshige, Utagawa, 167

  Histoire de la folie à l’âge classique (Foucault), 237

  Histoire de la langue française (Brunot), 107

  Histoire de la littérature française, L’ (Lanson), 319n107

  Histoire des spectacles, 315n15

  Histoire de Vasco (Schehade), 318n80

  Histoire socialiste de la Révolution française (Librairie de L’Humanité), 310n7

  Historical method, 70, 103–7

  History, 311n36; criticism, 114; poetry and, 112; religiosity and, 108; text and, 111

  Hjelmslev, Louis, 331n49

  Hodin, Claude, 327n159

  Homosexuality, 44, 203–4, 283, 284, 312n69

  Howard, Richard, 323n70, 323n73

  Huerre, Jean, 3, 309n4

  Hugo, Victor, 93, 108, 111, 182

  Huissiers, Les (Vinaver), 100, 319n103

  Humanité, L’ (newspaper), 5

  Hungary, Soviet Union in, 72, 314n8, 318n78, 323n62, 328n175

  Hyppolite, Jean, 327n153

  “I am followed on the street,” 117–18

  Ideas: as chance, 185; as content, 185–86; for novels, 8

  Idiot, The (Dostoevsky), 17, 311n38

  Île [des] pingouins, L’ (France), 5

  Illustrations, 92, 169

  Il n’y a pas de paradis (Frénaud), 316n33

  Image: conference on, 250; name and, 230

  IMEC. See Institut Mémoires de l’Édition Contemporaine

  “Incidents,” 297–98

  Inclined position, tuberculosis and, 33, 312n56

  Instantanés, 320n3, 322n52

  Institut Français, 114, 115

  Institut Franco-Japonais, 276

  Institut Mémoires de l’Édition Contemporaine (IMEC), 1, 326n129

  Institut Pasteur, 28, 312n58

  International Association of Semiotics, 340n142

  Iphigénie Hôtel (Vinaver), 319nn103–4

  Jakobson, Roman, 332n56

  Jammes, Francis, 253

  Japan, 167, 199, 256, 319n105; Pinguet and, 276–81, 339n116; trip to, 260, 325n117, 339n116, 340n121, 340n131

  Japan Times, 281

  Jaurès, Jean, 2, 4–5, 310n6, 310n8

  Je (Velan), 140, 148

  Jésuites, Les (Michelet), 40

  Je vivrai l’amour des autres (Cayrol), 134

  Jews, anti-Semitism, 313n93

  Johns Hopkins University, 274, 315n21, 327n153, 337n62, 339n111, 340n130

  Johnson, Uwe, 329n177

  Joliot-Curie, Frédéric, 121

  Jouffroy, Alain, 200

  Jouhandeau, Marcel, 76

  “Journal de deuil” (Journal of Mourning) (Barthes, R.), 298, 299, 308, 344n200

  Joyce, James, 322n49, 338n84

  Jukovski, N. N., 120

  Julliard. See Éditions Julliard

  Kafka, Franz, 147

  Kanters, Robert, 148–49, 324n95

  Kapaleipsis, 341n153

  Katalepsis, 341n153

  Kemp, Robert, 337n71

  Kempf, Roger, 161, 327n147

  Kessel, Nicole, 339n95

  Kitsch, 222–23, 234

  Klein, Bruno, 36, 56, 313n99

  Klein, Mélanie, 334n75

  Kleist, Heinrich von, 93, 317n67

  Klossowski, Denise, 141, 146, 208, 248, 250, 324n82

  Klossowski, Pierre, ix, 208, 324n92, 331n30, 337n64; with Butor, M., and Perros, G., 238, 246, 247; friendship with, 141, 148, 250, 251, 324n82; piano and, 248

  Knowledge, encyclopedia of, 235–36

  Komboloï (traditional Greek pastime), 343n185

  Koupernik, Cyrille, 125, 126, 320n4

  Kristeva, Julia, 207, 212, 331n39, 339nn100–1; influence of, 268–69; letter from, 270; letters to, 269–70; Sollers and, 339n103; Thiers Foundation and, 284

  Kuki, François, 273, 339n108

  La Bruyère, Jean de, 15

  Lacan, Jacques, 197, 327n153, 333n68

  Lacroix, Jean, 85, 101, 316nn35–36

  La Fontaine, Jean de, 182

  Language, 52, 268; Bouvard et Pécuchet and engine of, 232–36; classical, 110, 234; cliché in, 109, 121; encyclopedia of, 236; with form and content, 185–86; literature and, 114, 181–83; music in Greek, 5, 23; poetry and, 81–82, 116, 183–84, 212; prose and, 5, 112, 183–84; rhetoric and, 181–83; sex and, 271; singing and, 89; sociology through, 70; with writers, role of, 184–85. See also Sentence

  Language, lessons, 32, 35–36

  Lanson, Gustave, 103–5, 319n107

  Laporte, Roger, 237

  La Rochefoucauld, François de, 257, 259

  Lasserre, Pierre, 4

  Laude, Jean, 93, 317n66

  Lautréamont, Comte de, 111, 198

  Lazare parmi nous (Cayrol), 132

  League of Nations, 311n27

  Lebesque, Morvan, 90, 91, 317n51

  Le Bihan (Commander), xii, xiii

  Le Bot, Marc, 161, 327n151

  Le Clézio, Jean-Marie Gustave, 197–98

  Lefebvre, Henri, ix

  Lefort, Claude, 329n188

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 235

  Leiris, Michel, 88, 157, 198, 328n177, 329n188

  Lemaître, Jules, 310n10

  Lenin, Vladimir, 120, 121

  Leonetti, Francesco, 175, 328n177, 329n184

  Leroux, 54, 55

  Lesbian love (fricarelle), 312n69

  Lesbos, 283, 284

  Lessons: language, 32, 35–36; singing, 89–90, 311n40

  Lettres françaises, Les (Derrida), 275

  Lettres nouvelles, Les (review), 124, 125, 126, 138, 140, 320nn8–9; “Le Grand Robert” in, 320n5; Nadeau and, 320n12; with response to La Nouvelle NRF, 316n38

  Lettura (Barthes, R.), 286, 287, 341n159

  Leuwen, Jean-Marc, 209

  Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 88, 327nn161–62; on criticism, 327n165, 328n165; letters from, 165, 166, 167–69, 328n169; letters to, 164, 165, 166–67, 169–70

  Lévy, Bernard-Henri, 131

  Lexicology, 314n4, 315nn18–19

  Lexique de l’auteur, Le (Barthes, R.), 311n29

  Leysin Sanatorium, 1; arrival at, 311n45; letters from, 22–25, 34–51, 54–62; revisiting, 309n3

  Librairie de L’Humanité, 310n7

  Librarian, at Institut Français, 114

  Literary criticism, 107, 113–14

  Literature: censorship, 270–71; desupernaturalization, 106–7; as disappointment,
300, 301; historical method and, 103–7; language and, 114, 181–83; “retiring” from, 252; role of, 342n183; in Romantic period, 110–11

  “Littérature objective” (Bataille), 156–57

  Littérature présente (Nadeau), 320n2

  Living, art of, 278

  Lomonossov, M. V., 120

  Loti, Pierre, 330n14

  Louis-le-Grand Lycée, 1, 311n43

  Lourau, René, 161, 327n147

  Love: examination of, 45–46, 53, 60–62, 314n106; lesbian, 312n69; “Popular Songs of Paris Today” and, 117, 118; power of, 314n106; of servitude, 123

  Luc Mériga (Vandervelde), 310n6

  Luke (apostle), 10, 311n26

  Lyssenko, Trofim Denissovitch, 319n116

  Macksay, Richard, 327n153

  Magic, 23, 106–7, 115, 152, 187, 227

  Magny, Claude-Edmonde, 79

  Main clause, 215

  Malices de Plick et Plock, Les (Christophe), 333n64

  Mallarmé, Stéphane, 149, 152, 182, 187, 271, 334n79; antisentence and, 218; influence of, 2, 5, 105, 198, 315n12

  Malraux, André, 336n40

  Mandiargues, André Pieyre de, 201, 203

  Mandrou, Robert, 336n37

  Manifeste des 121, 329n188, 336n48

  Marconi, Guglielmo, 120

  Mark, erasure and, xi

  Martinet, André, 212, 331n35

  Marty, Éric, 331nn32–33, 341n157, 343n186

  Marx, Karl, 97, 113, 120, 121, 319n111

  Mascolo, Dionys, 254, 316n31, 324n99, 328n177; Enzensberger and, 329n183; Manifeste des 121 and, 329n188; “Revue internationale” and, 172, 174–75, 176

  Maspero, François, 338n83

  Massin, Robert, 265, 338n91

  Maupomé, Claude, 89

  Mauriès, Patrick, 341n157

  Mauzi, Robert, 278, 279, 340n125, 340n132

  Mazarine, 281

  Mazon, Jacqueline, 26, 311n50

  Mazon, Paul, 311n37, 311n47, 311n50

  Médici prize, 326n128

  Mediocrity, 40, 198

  Mercure de France, Le, 310n20, 320n2

  Mère, La (Gorki), 97, 336n46

  Mère Courage (Mother Courage) (Brecht), 96, 97, 318n88, 318n92

  Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 267, 329n188

  Meslon, Olivier de, 135, 241, 335n18

  Messiaen, Olivier, 49, 313n81

  Météores, Les (Tournier), 203

  Méthode de méditation (Bataille), 214

  Metonymy, 219, 271

  Michaux, Henri, 23, 157, 237, 326n134

  Michelangelo, 210

  Michelet, Jules, 104, 108, 149, 257; influence of, 22–23, 36, 39–40, 44, 48–49, 136, 268; work on, 58, 59–60, 79, 80, 133, 333n73

  “Michelet, l’Histoire et la mort” (Barthes, R.), 315n23

  Michelet par lui même (Barthes, R.), 321n32; readers of, 82–84; “Sa Majesté la femme” from, 312n74; with Starobinski, J., letter from, 258

  Microcosmos (film), 209

  Middlebury College, 323nn69–70, 324n84, 335n20

  Milhit, Heidy, 314n109

  Milhit family, 62, 314n109

  Milieu: rhetoric and, 104–5, 106; writer and, 107

  Miller, Jacques-Alain, 337n54

  Milner, Jean-Claude, 337n54

  Mima, 11

  Mimesis, Flaubertian sentence and, 234–35

  Ministry of Foreign Affairs. See Department of Cultural Relations

  Misanthrope, Le (Molière), 105

  Mitchourine, Ivan, 118, 120, 319n116

  Mobile (Butor, Michel), 141, 148, 324nn95–96

  Modern Language Notes, 268

  Moire, 220, 332n59

  Molière, 2, 105, 109, 309n1

  Monde, Le (newspaper), 85, 128, 133, 164, 165, 316n36

  “Monde objet, Le” (Barthes, R.), 331n50

  “Monde où l’on catche, Le” (Barthes, R.), 75, 315n26

  Monnet, Gabriel, 95, 96, 318n86

  Monod (Madame), 25

  Monod, Gabriel, 7, 104, 310n21

  Montaigne, Le, xi–xvi

  Montaigne, Michel de, 150, 325n108

  Montand, Yves, 115

  Mood, 13, 50, 57–58, 203, 220

  Moravia, Alberto, 328n177

  Morazé, Charles, 327n153

  Morceaux choisis (Vandervelde), 310n6

  Morin, Edgar, 157, 315n8, 318n82, 323n64, 326n132; Arguments and, 320n10, 328n175; politics and, 329n188

  Morrissette, Bruce, 267, 323n58

  Mort de Socrate, La (Satie), 206

  “Morts de Roland Barthes, Les” (Derrida), 273

  Mort volontaire au Japon, La (Pinguet), 276

  Moscow Ballet, 317n71

  Mosser, André, 54, 55, 56, 60, 313n91

  Mother, The (Brecht), 318n93

  Mother Courage. See Mère Courage

  Moulin Rouge, 139, 322n56

  Mounier, Emmanuel, 315n24

  Mouvement républicain populaire, 313n80

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 210, 248

  Music, 2, 114, 189, 310n18, 311n40; duet with Perlemuter, 56, 313n96; in Greek language, 5, 23; piano, 7, 141, 146, 238, 242, 248, 251; “Popular Songs of Paris Today,” 115–18; Romantic, 244; silence and, 217. See also Singing

  “Mythe, aujourd’hui, Le’” (Barthes, R.), 316n34

  Mythologies (Barthes, R.), 142, 166; criticism of, 316n36; dedication, 85, 189; doubts about writing, 240; influence of, 170, 261; influences on, 313n82; readers of, 84–85; texts, 75, 315n26, 316n30, 316n34, 320n6; work on, 240, 315n14

  “Mythology”: postage stamp, 209–10; on Tour de France, 320n6

  Nadeau, Maurice, 315n12, 320n2, 320n9, 321n21; cultural-political meeting and, 318n81; as editor, 79, 328n177, 338n85, 338n87; friendship with, 241; letters to, 124–32; Les Lettres nouvelles and, 320n12; Le Prix de Mai and, 320n10; La Quinzaine littéraire and, 124, 128–30, 321n17, 321n20, 321nn22–23; with “Revue internationale” project, 175

  Name, image and, 230

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 15

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 314n7

  Nationalism, 121, 178, 329n188

  Nausée, La (Sartre), 331n43

  Neologisms, 220, 332n57, 334n76

  Neo-Skeptics, 235

  Neutral, 164, 170, 258, 260, 292

  Nicole, Pierre, 334n77

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 7, 310n20

  Nihilism, 326n139

  Nikko-san, 278

  Nîmes drama festival, 317n76

  Nomothete, 332n57

  Nora, Pierre, 131, 321n25

  Notes sur l’histoire de la littérature française de Lanson (Plekhanov), 319n107

  Nouveaux Essais critiques (Barthes, R.), 201, 330n14, 331n35, 333n71

  Nouvelle critique ou nouvelle imposture (Picard), 325n113

  Nouvelle Nouvelle Revue française (review), 150, 315n11, 328n172

  Nouvelle NRF, La (literary magazine), 322n52; attack from, 316n38; renaming of, 150, 315n11, 328n172; writing solicitations from, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 147

  Nouvel Observateur, Le, 331n30, 338n91, 340n134, 342n171

  Novelistic writing, 203, 261, 297

  Novels, 134, 310n15, 326n131, 343n193; as antiartistic genre, 6–7; Butor, Michel, with, 144, 324n75; ideas for, 8. See also Preparation of the Novel, The; “Vita Nova”

  NRF. See Nouvelle NRF, La

  Nude Restaurant (film), 281

  Nuits sans nuit et quelques jours sans jour (Leiris), 157

  Nutte, Gustave, 25

  Objects: sentence and, 214, 216, 235; systems of, 325n100

  Observateur, L’ (magazine), 77, 125–26, 265

  Observatoire de Cannes, L’ (Ricardou), 157

  Oeuvres complètes (Barthes, R.), 332n51, 334n80; production for, 321n19; “Vita Nova,” transcription of, 299–308

  Oeuvres intimes (Stendhal), 311n44

  Oeuvres mêlées (Saint-Évremond), 310n25

  Olivier, Alain, 339n108

  Onomothete, 220, 332n57

  On the Sublime (Pseudo-Longinus), 331n37

  Ordre des choses, L’
(Brosse), 157

  Origine de la tragédie dans la musique ou hellénisme et pessimisme, L’. See Birth of Tragedy, The

  Orion aveugle, L’ (Simon, C.), 266

  ORTF, 178, 200

  Oualid, Sadia, 3, 309n4

  Oulipo: Créations, re-créations, 261, 338n92

  Outlines of Pyrrhonism (Sextus Empiricus), 334n81

  Paganism, 7, 49

  Pages choisies (Desanges), 310n6

  Panzéra, Charles, 89–90, 311n40

  Papiers collés (Perros, G.), 249, 324n81, 324n85

  Papiers collés II (Perros, G.), 257

  Parading, 223, 234

  Parain, Brice, 82

  Paris, Jean, 317nn70–71

  Parodic relationship, writers in, 233

  Parti Radical, 310n9

  Parti Socialiste Français, 4, 310n5

  Pascal, Blaise, 7, 12, 52, 54, 67, 105, 342n183; as enemy of rhetoric, 180–81; influence of, 306, 307, 311n46

  Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 328n177

  Passage (Camus, R.), 281

  Patron, Sylvie, 326n129

  Paulhan, Jean, 73, 76, 78, 85, 189, 316n38

  Pavese, Cesare, 101

  “Pavlovisme sent la poussière, Le” (Koupernik), 320n4

  Péguy, Charles, 105

  Péju, Marcel, 86, 316n44

  Pensées (Pascal), 181, 306, 307, 311n46

  Perec, Georges, 180, 261, 338n90, 338nn84–85; Getzler and, 338n89; letters from, 193, 265; letters to, 262–65, 266; Prix Renaudot and, 338n86

  Peri hypsous, 212

  Perlemuter, Vlado, 56, 313n93, 313n96

  Perrenoud, Arlette, 260

  Perrone-Moisés, Leyla, viii

  Perros, Élisabeth, 151, 325n109

  Perros, Frédéric, 336n49

  Perros, Georges (Poulot), 141, 142, 148, 150, 151, 323n65, 324n81, 324n85, 327n153, 329n177, 336n42; with Butor, Michel, and Klossowski, P., 238, 246, 247; with cancer and silence, 337n68; on L’Empire des signes, 337n66; exile and, 335n9, 335n15; family of, 336n49; letters to, 239–57; letters to Butor, 336n43, 337n60; piano with, 242, 251

  Perros, Tania, 147, 251, 324n86, 325n109, 336n44, 336n49

  Peste, La (Camus. A.), 86, 316n41

  “Peste, annales d’une épidémie ou roman de la solitude? La” (Barthes, R.), 316n41

  Petite-Fille de Madame Angot, La (Vautel), 311n30

  Petrov, V. V., 120

  Philipe, Gérard, 246, 335n32

  Philology, 106, 110

  Photographs: Documentation Photographique, 92; Mère Courage, 96, 97, 318n88

  “Phrase—Modernité” (Barthes, R.), 211

  Piaf, Edith, 115, 116–17, 319n112, 319n114

  Piano, 7, 141, 146, 238, 242, 248, 251

  Piatier, Jacqueline, 165, 328n166

  Pic, Roger, 96, 318n88, 318n92

  Picard, Raymond, 152, 160, 164, 166, 197, 320n15; criticism from, 327n165; quarrel with, 258, 325n113, 326n144


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