The Lost Book of Chaos: How to Divide the World (The Secret Wars of Angels 1)

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The Lost Book of Chaos: How to Divide the World (The Secret Wars of Angels 1) Page 15

by Thomas, J. D.

  “We will need your strength if we are to fight,” Varak said. Apparently, their captors had tortured Varak to force Arcana to talk, but Varak stood as if his wounds meant nothing “I have survived worse than this.”

  “The Undying King,” Arcana said. “I had hoped to lose his trail, but he has finally caught up. He is one of those who want the power of the Zohar, though for different reasons than others. Where others seek the Zohar to gain power and immortality, he seeks to use the power to end his existence.”

  “The Immortal King is a pitiful existence,” Arcana continued, “who fights and seeks the battlefield to find an opponent who can slay him once and for all. But since no one can kill him, his army keeps growing larger as those who challenge him end up becoming his pawns.”

  Judas tried not to shudder.

  “Your sacred blade,” Judas said, handing Arcana the blade of the Zohar. Deep inside, Judas was glad to finally be rid of it.

  “How did you get past the enemy?” Arcana said in awe. “And what is that tremendous power?” She was probably referring to Gabriel who was still sending lighting everywhere to scare off the enemy soldiers and scorch the Immortal King.

  “An angel,” Judas said. “You probably don’t him to know that you're here.” If what Arcana said was true, that angels of heaven were looking for her too, then meeting Gabriel would mean trouble. It was only by luck that there was the commotion of the corpses to distract Gabriel, otherwise, Judas still had no plan about how to hide Arcana from the angel. He hated to think it, but in a way, the Immortal King's unexpected presence had created an opening.

  “Why is an angel here?” Arcana said in disbelief. “And one of such power...”

  “I asked him to help us,” Judas said. “But of course, I didn't tell him who you were.”

  Arcana looked at Judas, astonished.

  “And here’s the amulet,” Judas offered.

  Arcana shook her head, refusing to take it back. “You should keep the amulet,” Arcana said.

  “But if it falls in the wrong hands...” Judas started. “They can find you.”

  “I have cast the spell between you and me so no one else can use the amulet,” Arcana said. “If ever you need anything, look for me.”

  Then Judas remembered. “Gnaeus is outside the enemy camp,” Judas said, “Gnaeus just tried to force his way in, probably using the cover of the Undead presence as a distraction. But now that you are safe maybe we should call him off from the fighting.”

  “Or maybe we can leave the fool here,” Varak suggested. “He would never know that we were here in the first place. Let him fight it out.”

  There was a commotion outside and the sound of hooves closing in.

  “Some soldiers are coming,” Ichab said as he entered the tent, “there's too many! I don't think I can hold them back.”

  Judas cursed mentally.

  The three went outside the tent, and to their relief, they found Gnaeus and his soldiers surrounding the tent. Gnaeus looked relieved too, and signalled his men to stand down.

  Gnaeus and his men were covered with blood, dirt and sweat; they had probably ridden a long way, in addition to fighting the Inquisitors stationed in the camp.

  Varak muttered something under his breath.

  “Arcana, My Lady,” Gnaeus said as he dismounted and rushed towards her.

  Varak immediately put himself between her and Gnaeus.

  “Are you all right My Lady?” Gnaeus said, ignoring Varak. Gnaeus wore a look of concern. “I was awake the entire night worried about you and what they would do to you. I couldn't bear the thought...”

  “I am well,” Arcana said. “Thank you for coming to my aid.”

  “He couldn't sleep the entire night,” the second in command of Gnaeus said, “Why, if something ever happened to the Lady, Captain Gnaeus would kill himself.”

  The soldiers laughed and hooted. It was a wonder, considering their state, that they found any humor in this at all.

  Arcana nodded to them, thanking them in turn.

  “We brought more steeds,” Gnaeus announced, “we had to leave the rest of the horses outside the camp as the Inquisitors fortified the area, making it difficult for the other riderless horses to come in.”

  “I need to heal your wounds,” Arcana said, “but with so many of you, I can't use instant healing. Instead...” Arcana spread her hands, and green light glowed outwards from her and to the soldiers, including Judas and Varak. “I will boost your body's regeneration,” Arcana finished.

  Judas felt a warm, pleasant sensation in his body. It was a different type of sensation compared to Gabriel's healing. But it was still pleasant. He felt the tension float away from his body. Even Ichab seemed to calm down, and wore what would have been a pleasant expression had it been on someone else's face.

  “Arcana, my...” Gnaeus started, but Varak was fuming. Varak looked as though he was about to say something, but Arcana cut him off. “Thank you Gnaeus, you have done well,” Arcana said as if she really meant it. Gnaeus seemed to brighten at her response.

  Arcana turned to Judas one more time, but this time she said nothing. She just stared at his eyes, as if in wonder. If Judas needed to meet her again, he had the amulet.

  Arcana's gaze seemed to pull him in, though not by sorcery this time, but by human connection.

  Judas almost felt disappointed when she took her gaze away.

  With that, Arcana hurried away.

  Varak looked Judas, as if sizing him up. After a while, Varak finally gave him a nod, then Varak started in Arcana’s direction. That was about as much a thank you as one could get from Varak.

  “Let’s go men,” Gnaeus commanded, heading in the direction that Arcana had gone. Then Gnaeus paused. “Judas, what are you waiting for? We need to go.”

  “Gnaeus,” Judas said. “Can you take Ichab with you? I have somewhere else I need to be.”

  “Out looking for more trouble again,” Gnaeus muttered, looking resigned. Gnaeus looked at Ichab, as if considering him, then nodded. Gnaeus gave a final nod before turning to leave, but Ichab did not follow.

  “Teacher,” Ichab said, his voice had a hint of a whimper, “what about you?”

  “You're safer with them,” Judas answered. “I need to go with Gabriel so I can reach Sky Jerusalem and meet the Master.”

  But Ichab hesitated.

  “Go,” Judas ordered. Now was not the time or place to delay.

  Ichab looked in the direction that Gnaeus went, then back at Judas, as if deciding. Then, Ichab turned and headed to follow the others.

  Judas watched briefly as Ichab ran, swaying to and fro like a duck as he did. Judas hoped they would be all right. He muttered a blessing.

  With that, Judas ran as fast as he could towards Gabriel.

  The angel was surrounded by burning corpses, but more and more of the Undead were coming. The Immortal King was still standing, a black carrion bird on his shoulders, and the angel’s sword in his chest, which didn’t seem to do anything to the Undead King. That meant that Gabriel fought with barehanded.

  Without his sword, Gabriel continued to fight, deftly moving in and out of the endless ranks of Undead, crushing their skulls, tearing their limbs, ripping them apart. Such was the power of the angel, that even without a weapon, he could cause so much destruction.

  However, despite the angel ripping through the corpses of Undead, Judas could see that it was futile. As far as the eye could see, an endless army of Undead spread out to the horizon.

  On the other hand, the Immortal King seemed content with letting his minions do the work, as perhaps he was waiting for Gabriel to grow tired.

  Judas called out to alert Gabriel that he was there, and despite the noise of battle and the moans of the dead, Gabriel heard him. Gabriel hurried to the merkavah and flew to him. Judas immediately alighted, and the merkavah's black surface held his feet in place.

  “An angel of the highest rank running away?” the Immortal King laughed, a deep, mad l
aughter. Gabriel did not seem affected. The Undead corpses tried to follow, but the merkavah was too fast.

  “Are you ready to go?” Gabriel asked.

  “My friends are now safe, thank you,” Judas said. “What about your sword?”

  “An angel’s power does not come from his sword,” Gabriel said, “but from himself.”

  With that, they rode the merkavah and flew away from the enemy camp. However, as the merkavah sped up, something pulled them backward, stopping the merkavah with a jolt. Had it not been for the merkavah's surface holding them in place, they would have toppled.

  The merkavah continued forward, but slower than before. Then, there was a loud explosion from underneath the merkavah, and they began descending.

  Judas cursed. Now what?

  As Gabriel and Judas lost altitude, they could hear the laughter of the Immortal King. Gabriel tried to push the merkavah away as far as they could, even with the merkavah failing.

  Then they crashed.

  Chapter 17 – A Sea Of Blood

  Judas tried to stand, surprised to find himself alive.

  Gabriel was already up, unscathed, looking in the direction that they had come from.

  “The Immortal King and the Undead, just what are they?” Judas asked.

  But before Gabriel could answer, Judas heard the sound of trees falling in the distance. The Earth began to shudder, as more trees fell and they came closer and closer.

  Judas muttered a prayer. Whatever was coming for them... It did not bode well. Without the merkavah, they would be forced to travel on foot. With an Undead army behind them, and with this thing approaching...

  In mere moments, it arrived, halting a few hundred strides away from them. Judas had to adjust his eyes to the horrendous sight, because at first he could not make sense of it.

  But what it was, was a mass of corpses in a sea of dark red, almost-black blood. The undulating mass towered above them, as high, no, even higher than the trees. The corpses were all floating, moving as they did, in a sea of blood, consuming everything in their path.

  “At last,” the Immortal King's voice flooded the entire area, coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. Then Judas realized that the whole mass was the Immortal King. “I can taste your flesh, Gabriel.”

  The sea of blood continued to undulate, making Judas sick in his stomach.

  “Stand behind me,” Gabriel said.

  The angel gathered his energy and sent shocks of lighting against the undulating sea of corpses. Judas could smell burnt flesh hanging heavily in the air.

  It seemed to be working.

  The sea of corpses was slowly being pushed back.

  Gabriel stopped the lightning. But even so, the Immortal King's sea of corpses and blood did not continue. Had it given up and recognized the power of the angel?

  “Judas,” Gabriel said, “you need to go while I hold the enemy back.”

  Judas hesitated.

  “I will catch up to you,” Gabriel said.

  Having no other choice, Judas decided to do as Gabriel said. As he ran, Judas heard the lightning arcing again, making more of his hairs stand on end. However, after a short distance, Judas heard a sickening sound, and at the same time the sound of lightning stopped.

  Judas turned to see Gabriel struck on his shoulder, with a spear made from corpses and black blood.

  Apparently, the Immortal King had crept up from behind Gabriel as the angel stood distracted, and attacked the angel from behind.

  Gabriel tried to back away, but the mass that speared through him held him in place.

  “Where is your mercy now?” the Immortal King sneered, this time, the figure of the tall man appeared just beside Gabriel, taunting the angel. “Where is your forgiveness now?”

  The Immortal King laughed in that mad laughter of his.

  “When faced with a stronger enemy your talks of peace are worthless!” The Immortal King said.

  Gabriel had stopped struggling. The situation was looking grim. Judas had to do something. But what?

  Judas remembered the sword that he had used to fight against Shaul. But he had tried the other day, and it had not come to him. Would it work now?

  He needed to try.

  Judas willed the sword to come and he called out to Nacash the Great Serpent.

  I thought you would never call, Nacash answered his thoughts.

  Golden scales came out and reopened the wound in his right hand. The world slowed down. Or rather, the perception of Judas sped up. The golden scales crawled like an army of golden beetles, a mass of bugs covering his entire arm, then burrowing their tiny legs into his skin to hold them in place. It all happened in less than a second, but Judas was aware of every detail. Pain shot through his arm, but he gritted his teeth and went through it.

  In mere moments, the sword was in his hands.

  The Spirit Of Truth, Nacash announced. I am surprised by what's happening with the sword as this has not happened before, so I studied your blood and how it interacts with the sword.

  Judas didn't have time to listen to Nacash, but Nacash seemed intent to explain to him something.

  Don't worry about time, Nacash said, you're experiencing enhanced perception of the passage of time. It may seem like minutes have passed, but in reality not even one second has passed. We have time to talk.

  With the blood of the Master running in your veins, Nacash continued in his thoughts, anyone that you wound will receive your memories, and at the same time, you will also receive their memories. Those you wound will not die from it, because the blood from the Cup of Life heals them. Any harm you cause will only be temporary.

  That struck Judas as a surprise.

  So that was how the memories of Shaul the Inquisitor came to him. And that meant...

  Yes, Nacash continued, Shaul should have also received your memories.

  Judas felt a sickening feeling in his stomach.

  All his memories?

  All your memories, Nacash answered, responding to his thoughts even though Judas was not directing them to the serpent. Including your feelings, sensations, principles, thoughts, experiences, personalities, philosophies, everything. It's as if you have become him, and he has become you, in a way.

  Judas felt his privacy taken away. For one, Nacash was already invading the privacy of his thoughts. But Shaul was worse, and he was the enemy.

  But Judas had even deeper worries.

  Does that mean Shaul can gain my memories now? Judas thought back. Can Shaul also see what's happening to me right at this moment?

  No, Nacash said. It does not work that way. You only share your past memories at the point of attack. That is, the moment you wound your enemy, your blood mixes with theirs, and you gain their memory and vice versa. Anything that happens after, is not shared. Otherwise, you would be seeing where Shaul is right now.


  Though that was a good thing to know. It would be a problem if his enemy knew where he went and where he was going on a continuous basis.

  Also, Nacash said, you might consider the possibility that Shaul is no longer your enemy.

  What do you mean by that? Judas thought.

  Shaul now sees why you are doing what you do, Nacash explained. He knows your heart, your soul, and your mind. Not even I, who is with in your thoughts, has access to your memories, as I only have access to your present thoughts and experiences. On the other hand, Shaul knows you since birth. And you too, know Shaul since birth.

  In other words, Judas said. I understand Shaul fully, and Shaul understands me.

  True, the moment he understood where Shaul was coming from, he could no longer hate the man. It didn't mean that he agreed with what Shaul had done, torturing and killing and murdering many of the Master's followers. Judas understood Shaul fully, but was it also the same situation for Shaul?

  Then Judas had another thought.

  But that means, Judas thought, that I can't defeat an enemy? Because the wounds I make immediately heal? />
  Unfortunately, Nacash said, yes. But it makes for an interesting possibility.

  What possibility? Judas said.

  That whoever is your enemy, Nacash said, will become your ally. Most people probably will became an ally, once they understand you fully. Of course there will be some exceptions.

  Judas thought about that.

  True, if used properly, he could use it to stop war between two nations. If he attacked both kings involved in the war, then they would understand each other fully, and maybe come to trust each other fully. In so doing, he could prevent or even stop a war.

  Now you see, Nacash said. Though it won't always be that easy. Many kings will have angels or half-angels guarding them, who are stronger than you.

  I see, Judas said, so to use my power I need to be stronger than them or the ones protecting them. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to wound them and the power wouldn't work.

  By now, Judas could fully appreciate why Nacash called the sword “The Spirit of Truth”.

  But back to the fight, Nacash reminded him. You have a few seconds to do what you need to do,

  Judas cursed, suddenly feeling the gravity of the situation.

  He dashed forward, covering the distance between him and Gabriel in an instant, and slashed down at the spear of blood and corpses that struck Gabriel in his shoulder. The black spear mass fell apart, and even as he did, Judas held on to Gabriel. Out of respect, he didn't want to drag the angel so roughly, but he had no choice.

  Judas dragged the angel back a distance, away from the Immortal King and the undulating mass of dark blood and corpses.

  The power of the sword began to fade away. As his blood and the blood of the Immortal King mixed, Judas began to lose focus as he saw the memories from the Immortal King. However, the Immortal King's memories were not of one individual... But of countless individuals that the Immortal King had consumed before.



  Tens of thousands.


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