Outer Ragna: Volume 2

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Outer Ragna: Volume 2 Page 6

by Kasugamaru

  “You’ll have your chance to fight, so don’t rush to your death.”

  “I am sitting quietly.”

  “Only because I confiscated your drum and forbade you from chanting! Honestly...”

  Tamika is a weird one. As expected of Golden’s close associate, I suppose. If she were simply an upstart, I could smash her head during battle and be done with it... but thanks to orders from above, that isn’t such a valid plan anymore.

  “So, what now? The goblins you brought are now wiped out,” I complain.

  “They did their job. Let’s wait until nightfall.”

  “A night raid? Classic plan. There’re no annoying elves to interfere, either.”

  “Oh, no. The battle will take place tomorrow at noon.”

  “Haaah?” I exhale in exasperation. Seemingly done talking, the girl yawns.

  And what was all that about making her personal grotto as smooth as possible? This is why I hate pet “mages”; they can’t even use proper magic.

  “Wait. At least explain to me... Hey, what’s with that face?”

  “You just said my word was absolute.”

  “I’m not objecting. I’ll do what you want when you order me to, but if I don’t understand what you’re thinking, it could lead to awkward situations later.”

  “What I’m thinking is that I’d like to finish things up here if possible. I’m sleepy.”

  “Finish things? What do you... Don’t pull up your blanket!”

  She gets tired very easily. Why does she shrivel up so much after only three or four days of no sleep? I’d hate to emulate the apes. They like strange things like fruits and vegetables, too.

  It’s not loneliness, is it? As Golden’s aide, I saw her receiving that woman’s favor. Depression leading to self-abandonment is nothing but a hindrance on the battlefield.

  “I told you already! Our mission isn’t to kill lots of humans or raid their towns! Don’t you remember?!” Ugh, now I do remember, I think to myself. A menacing look suddenly takes over her face. She even bares her fangs. “The elves are at the Frontier, which makes things annoying! And Ten Thousand Bells is the ultimate annoyance! Instead, if we make a big commotion out here and lure the humans to us, we can finish things easily! Do you understand now?”

  Such intensity. And that mysterious magic... I see. No wonder she was Golden’s aide. This must be what the boss likes about her.

  “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. My curiosity gets the better of me sometimes.”

  I diligently walk her to her grotto. I’ve been in battles all my life, clawing my way up to Fang Chief; there’s no way I’m going out pathetically. Battle—if I’m going to die, it has to be in battle.

  Finally, the royal pain in my ass is gone. I have to respect Golden. Even Apostles have their own struggles, but her death was glorious. Moreover, she went out at her peak. Now, the Apostles are being ordered around like common soldiers. Thunderstorm and Crumbling Mountain can’t disobey the boss.

  She just showed up out of nowhere, too... Her damned Highness, the Demon God Strigoaică.

  49 The Shadow Sympathizes with Her Enemy’s Loss / The Officer Plans His Enemy’s Defeat

  All I have belongs to God.

  Even this unease in my heart belongs to Him.

  -Shadow Tamika I-

  I’m giving battle orders in the middle of the day. Me!

  My position as Golden’s aide allowed me to retrieve her remains, a feat of loyalty for which I was hoping to be rewarded with a few days to mourn. That’s usually the custom, not being sent to the front lines of an army that marches for days on end.

  “Lady Tamika. Lady Tamika...”

  Damn the Demon God. Damn Her! She should have just stayed asleep in the depths of the palace. But no, She had to come out and be so proactive all of a sudden. I can’t take it! I certainly never expected Her to make an appearance at the Night Council. I had never planned to expose myself to the sun, but then I of all people got selected for this job.

  Those piercing eyes... that cruel smile... it can’t be. Does She know the truth about me? No, that’s not possible. It just can’t be, I disguised myself so well. Through sheer coincidence, I managed to perform an exemplary vampire career. I never forget my offerings or prayers, either. My record in battle is pretty good, too.

  “In the middle of a vision, are you? Oh, how beautiful you are. Your face, your breasts, your skin...” mutters a voice.

  It’s okay. Everything’s okay. I still reside within the shadows. No matter how they look at me, or how they treat me, I should be fine as long as I don’t slip up and reveal my true motives or goals. This is just one of Her divine whims; nothing out of the ordinary.

  Besides, what the hell was all that stuff about “the time has come” and sending a declaration of war for final battle? I hate Her from the bottom of my heart. Why does She have the right to decide the fate of this world? She’s only the “Demon God.” A damned being from another world... Ahg?!

  “Lady Tamika, the troops are in formation.”

  “Huh? Oh, I see. Tell them to wait for the signal.” I bat away my second-in-command’s hand. Why does she have to touch me so erotically? It’s a real pain how she presses her breasts up against me. This is why I hate vampires...

  Anyway, for now, I’ve got to focus on the battle in front of me. Like it or not, I’ve been saddled with this responsibility thanks to an imperial command; I have to succeed or I’ll be killed.

  On the plains sits the human army. In their center is a row of about two thousand foot soldiers, with about a thousand cavalry sandwiching them from both sides. From the outside, it appears to be a very common formation... but my Shadow Vision uses bugs; you can’t hide your secret plans from me.

  About a thousand militant rabbits are hiding behind the soldiers’ shields. In addition, despite the mass of banners and bonfires in the city behind them, there are only a few hundred injured soldiers about the place. In other words, their whole army is a little over five thousand strong, and they’re concentrating their entire force here.

  On our side, counting Fang Chief Barebow’s soldiers added under my command, we have about three thousand five hundred soldiers in our main force, plus a side army of a thousand black wolves. In total, we are four thousand five hundred strong. Our victory is pretty much guaranteed. However, just in case, I have five hundred soldiers hiding in wait to finish the job should the need arise.

  I know these people, I understand the strength of humans. I won’t let my guard down.

  As for the signal to begin... Hmm, what should I do? Honestly, I don’t want to kill them. They came from the Frontier, so it’s likely they were in contact with that abnormality. No matter what, I don’t want to piss her off. Besides, there’s nothing to gain from wiping out the humans. It would only make the Demon God happy, which is a loss for us all. Needless to mention, I’m not looking for revenge for Golden. In fact, I’d be overjoyed if they went straight for the Demon God Herself after that battle. They’d just end up tortured to death, but at least it might have made Her drop her guard a bit.

  Also, I’m not opposed to replacing Golden with the humans as my pawns. However... the war has already started. Violence is thoughtless, uncaring, ruthless, and unpredictable; it does not distinguish one life from another. And now I’m involved in it. It’s come down to this, so I don’t care what the humans’ circumstances are. I really don’t want to kill them, but that doesn’t mean I want to let them go, either. I just want the least amount of annoyances.

  It’s so sad. We are all trapped in that poisonous creature’s vortex of despair born out of that “final battle” declaration. Even the vampires who are destined to win are, ultimately, just disposable pawns. Eventually, they will be wiped out, too. The Apostles are mere supporting actors. If you aren’t an Apostle, you’re a bit part. No matter what your plans are, what you can actually do is limited.

  I know the truth of this world more than anyone. And because of that, the burden of the dut
y I must execute weighs heavily upon me. Probably.

  The least I can do is sympathize with these poor creatures... Yeah, I’ll let them start the battle.

  Go ahead.

  The deeper the sun sets, the longer the shadows creep, the more they will panic. And fearing the night, they will make their move. That’s our opening—the most efficient way to victory. Then, once we’ve won... I’ll execute my mission.

  -Captain Jashan son Peine II-

  “Hmm... this is a battle of endurance,” I mutter to myself. Marius and Zakkow round on me, a frightful look in their eyes. Considering the vampires’ forces are greater than we’d imagined, I don’t blame them. “Calm down, you two. The vampires have appeared, but they aren’t attacking. Let us ask ourselves why. These beasts, who love battle and hunger for blood, have issued a proclamation of war with no chance for diplomacy—yet they refuse to move. Something is quite clearly afoot.”

  I dramatically cross my legs, causing my stool to creak. It’s a sickening sound, like a scream. I slap my belly, even though I am not full, and my armor clangs happily. Our soldiers are watching and listening; their leaders cannot afford to become nervous.

  “Is it a trap?” asks Marius.

  “Probably. Which is very unlike the vampires to do.”

  “A trap... Maybe they’re keeping us here while they take a separate force the long way around to attack the Expanse.”

  “That isn’t a plan a warrior would come up with. Surely they would rather slam those extra men into us from the side or head-on.”

  “Maybe they changed strategies after observing us.”

  “That might be the case if our opponents were the honest sort...”

  If we base our guesses on human behavior, I would have no issue with Marius’s answer. Certainly, that would be the superior strategy. But would these beasts do such a thing? Or have they crafted some sort of plan?

  “Then perhaps it is a silent threat. Maybe they wish for us to withdraw without fighting.”

  “We cannot expect such politeness from these things. Don’t you remember Golden? She brought her forces all the way from the far north... oh! I see! Maybe...”

  Maybe they came here with a specific goal in mind. Therefore, if this situation satisfies that goal, then there would be nothing strange about it at all. Observe the human army? No, what they’ve done so far would have been enough. If our destruction were their objective, they would have attacked by now. What is it? How are they planning to make use of this situation?

  “Hmmm... At present, they don’t seem to be itching to fight. Are they buying time? Or do they simply not care how long this takes? Which is it?”

  “Is there a difference?”

  “If it’s the former, we can evacuate the citizens. We can leave our army here to show them we don’t intend to let anyone through. Would that be a win-win situation?”

  “Hold on. There are many citizens, and the Frontier is far away. If they attack...”

  “Then we can simply fight back with the strength of demons. If we do, they will surely withdraw. If their goal is to buy time, then they’ll want to avoid such a short-term decisive battle.”

  “That’s a crazy plan.”

  “This is war. Oh, but if it comes to that, I want you to fight from afar, Marius. Our priority is to preserve the Bomber Knights. You understand this as well, right, Zakkow?”

  “Yes... but are you going to fight head-on, too? What about taking command of a wing of cavalry?”

  “I told you, no horses for me, please. The wounds on my inner thighs are deep. Those black wolves are as vicious and barbaric as their masters. At least I was able to protect my dick.”

  I spread my legs and shake for them. See? They’re all laughing now. Dirty jokes are the best at times like this. They’re down-to-earth, and make one remember one’s real self.

  “Then allow me to check if your plan will work,” says Marius.

  “Oh, are you going to do a bit of scouting? Perhaps you should move after we observe the situation for a bit more.”

  “Of course, a light challenge should reveal many things to us.”

  “Be sure not to clash head-on, now.”

  Marius chuckles. “It’ll be just a tickle.”

  Good, good. That black-hearted smile means I have nothing to worry about. A young, rosy-cheeked warrior has no business acting as the tragic hero.

  Now that I’ve taken care of these two’s morale, it’s time to think. How do we win? Engaging in an espionage war is way too difficult for one as kind, cheerful, and pure of heart as I... but it is much easier than a brute force slugfest.

  I can feel it in the air; the blood-sucking beasts at the very front are desperate for battle. They are being forced to do something unusual, but they cannot disobey. It must be quite... frustrating. Even the small fry of Golden’s army were allowed complete autonomy. There is simply no way these beasts can put up with such orders from someone who is not an Apostle. At least, not for very long anyway.

  Whatever they are planning, whatever sort of trap this is, if a drawn-out battle is what they require, then eventually a weakness will appear. If we leave them alone, they will slowly destroy themselves. This is a battle of attrition, and no one is better at sucking it up than us. We shall wait patiently for the loose ends to fray... Ah, what sport this is!

  50 The Captain Fights Hard, then Awaits the Morning of the Decisive Battle

  Watch the flames; stare deeply into the burning, dancing tongues.

  I am here. We are here. God, too, is here.

  -Captain Zakkow II-

  The clanging of bells breaks the silence of the night. Camps are burning. Howls and screams fill the air. We knew they would come, but the battle is fiercer than anyone could have imagined. So these are vampires, huh?

  “Captain! Captain Zakkow! There are more coming from the west!”

  “Got it! More oil to that side! Kick over the watch-fires!” I shout, turning towards the source of bloodlust and excitement, spear in hand.

  “Fire is our ally! We are fire! Men, douse them in oil!”

  Vaulting over the blazing wall of fire, I miss my landing and stumble spear-first into a vampire illuminated by the flames. I stab, stab, and stab it some more. All I can do is pierce him. Meanwhile, some young soldiers run up behind me and cleave its head off with an ax, fang necklace and all.

  “Yes! We did it, Captain Zakkow!”

  “Good! That’s the way! But it’s too early to celebrate!”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “And just call me Captain! You’re a corporal, aren’t you? A good one at that!”

  “Is that so, sir!”

  They’re still volunteer soldiers at heart, even if they’ve been promoted, but they’re all heroic men, every last one of them.

  Suddenly, a bestial howl comes from the side. About thirty vampires are charging at us. Judging from their movements, they must be thunder mages. Shit, magic!

  “Fall back! Into the fire!”

  I throw myself towards the closest bonfire and its roaring, surging flames. I close my eyes. Immediately, I hear the sound of something bursting. Heat singes my skin; thunder pierces my ears; screams rend my heart. How many died? Who died? Oh, the corporal... And right after his heroic deed, too. Some soldiers are still breathing. Their bodies are numb, they struggle to wield their spears. I will not abandon them. I will not let this continue.

  Unexpectedly, something flies through the air, and a flash catches the corner of my eye. Oh! It’s them! The rabbits! Wielding their sword-like horns as weapons, our comrades leap towards the vampires. They aim for the feet, the fingers, and even the neck if the chance presents itself. The vampires are taken aback for a bit.

  “Now! Press forward!” I command while charging in. The night air slices at my stinging cheeks. Before me is a confused vampire brushing off the corpse of a militant rabbit—I drive my spear into his face. With a swift movement, I pull back and stab again. This time, the spearhead gets stuck i
n his crotch. It won’t come out.


  I draw my hatchet and leap towards another vampire. His arm is wrapped tightly around someone’s spear—I sever it. His other arm whips around, but I jump away as he scrapes my helm. I won’t be caught.

  Hmph, it’s hot. Well, I took a bath of fire earlier.

  “Dieee!” I scream with all of my might.

  I drive my hatchet into the enemy’s throat. Black, smelly blood spurts everywhere. No, there’s also animal fat mixed in there as well. Did someone throw a vial of oil at him? The flames burn even hotter.

  “Grahhh!” I roar.

  With rabbits at my back and surrounded by spears sticking out of the ground, I engage the vampires in combat. This is a flame-soaked, hand-to-hand combat. It’s so hot. Hot. The heat takes over, moves my body. I swing my hatchet like there’s no tomorrow.

  Fools. Stupid vampires.

  The commander often called them blood-sucking beasts that would even leap into fire. Well, everything is on fire here; there is no night or darkness. No water, wind, or clouds can exist in this land. The earth is covered in flames... This is now a battlefield for those of us who live and breathe fire.

  Behold, vampires! This is the power of our fire resistance magic! As fire-fighting soldiers, we put our all into learning this spell. It all started from God’s blessing, which kept us from receiving simple burns. At present, we can live in an exhilarating, refreshing flame bath. We fight on a battlefield of flames.

  “Stab them! Overwhelm them! Burn the vampires to death!”

  Once we’ve managed to withstand their initial attack, the rest is easy. The standoff lasted three days, so our fire traps are fully prepared.

  From the other side of the flames, I can hear the clopping of horse hooves. I am in awe at Marius’s excellent leadership. He doesn’t try to intercept the vampires’ invasion, but instead cuts it off completely. Then he destroys their coordination, holding back just enough to keep them from scattering everywhere... it’s beautiful.


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