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Outer Ragna: Volume 2

Page 8

by Kasugamaru

  I’m not going to die. Not as the Demon God’s pawn. Hell no!

  “The cavalry! Focus on the cavalry! They’re aiming for me!”

  “Lady Tamika, the cavalry have already run away...”

  “It’s a temporary retreat. They’ll be back! I can see them preparing behind their foot soldiers!”

  That man leading the cavalry has such cold, piercing eyes. Stop! Don’t look at me. I’m no ally of the humans, but that doesn’t make me their enemy either. I’m risking my life for the sake of this world, too. You don’t understand!

  “Ugh... You’re strong, aren’t you?” I mutter.

  I can’t believe they’re fighting evenly against vampires. Their mass of shields and spears doesn’t even flinch against the monstrous strength of my soldiers. It’s thanks to the flaming oil they spread everywhere. What the hell are they? How can they fight while on fire?! Not only are vampires weak to fire, but it also obstructs my magic. Such a pain.

  The real key to all of this, however, is their militant rabbit familiars. Jumping into the chaos caused by the black wolves is a strong strategy for us. Unfortunately, those rabbits cut off that option. Like acrobats, they hop, crouch, and leap horns-first. They’ve definitely been blessed by a deity. Militant rabbits are normally prey for black wolves, so the fact that they’re different from normal is putting the wolves at a disadvantage. Our familiars are at the mercy of their own ignorance.

  For the vampires, a brawl between familiars hinders their attack, but for the humans, it actually helps them. If you add to that mix wild, idiotic use of flames... this happens.

  It makes no sense. We were supposed to win this easily. Is this the power of the human god... the Devil God? I hate it. The Demon God, Dragon God, and Devil God should all just die. They’re invaders with no shame or common sense, sneaking their foreign tentacles into our lands. They should all be executed. This world’s fate should be decided by its inhabitants, so why is such selfishness allowed? It’s the definition of outrageous.

  Justice. I have justice on my side—a righteous indignation to correct the warping of this world and a duty to restore it to its original state. That’s why I made a contract with the spirit of darkness, granting me true magic.

  Earth, thunder, water, wind, and fire—I shall liberate all the spirits that have been subjugated by these false gods. One day, I shall return things to their natural order. I cannot die here.

  “Huff... Nngh... Guh!”

  I’m scared. Scared. Even now, I can sense that cavalryman aiming for me. Hurry up and kill him. Where’s Fang Chief Barebow? Where is she right now? To the left, where we’re making the most progress? But she’s too slow; she needs to press harder. She’ll never reach that man at this rate.

  I’ll have to use my trump card.

  We’re in such a stalemate that even Fang Chief Barebow won’t be able to complain if I do. She’s got a good nose, too, so she’ll surely follow up on my strategy. Then we’ll destroy them. We’ll win.

  “I order you all to withdraw! Back to where there are no goblin corpses!”

  I can’t breathe. With my trembling hands, I grip my chest. I shut my jaw tightly and try to steady myself.

  “Subterranians, arise! Prepare for a surprise attack!” I command.

  The five hundred soldiers under the earth will guarantee us victory. I prepared this trap the night after the goblins were wiped out. They won’t be affected by the fire, oil, and corpses on the surface far above them. It’ll be okay. The enemy will never see this coming.

  You usurpers were too busy looking up to notice the danger beneath your feet. Now taste defeat! And if you have to die, then go ahead and die already.

  -Commander Jashan son Peine III-

  “Push! Push them back!” Zakkow’s voice reverberates reassuringly in my belly. It makes me want to shout: “Yes, sir!” If we all charged forward right now, I’m sure we would win.

  “Commander! A message from Marius! Requesting permission to strike at the enemy’s back!”

  Damn it, Marius, you’re too hot-blooded for a man of refinement.

  “Rejected!” I won’t allow it. If the beasts see our cavalry sweeping around the side now, they’ll scatter. If that happens, then our foot soldiers won’t be able to catch them. If they head for the Hell Expanse as a consequence, I wouldn’t be able to bear it. “The cavalry is to hold its position and watch for any enemy movements!” Don’t panic. We’ve managed to drag them into our flames. There’s no need to throw away our advantage now. Flames, when gathered together, become an inferno. “Temper your spirits and wait for my orders! Tell them that!”

  We’re up against blood-sucking beasts with monstrous strength. We can’t possibly push through them now. The Bomber Knights will only enter the fray to deal the death blow. First and foremost, we must create the perfect opportunity for their Inferno spells.

  Hm? I’ve stepped on something. It’s the corpse of a black wolf, it would seem. The beasts don’t have the same blessing we possess, so they are finding it hard to even breathe in this battlefield aflame. Lesser beings like the black wolves simply end up like this. My, these fireproof soldiers have proved to be quite the invention. Odysson has such nasty ideas. I should have expected as much of a master of fire. In the end, the art of war comes down to who is better at harassing the other. How dangerous.

  Of our enemies, the elder one seems to be the most problematic. Everything she does drips in barbarity. That hammer of hers sends guts and flesh flying all over. She sure knows how to destroy our morale... oh! Well, this isn’t good. She’s incredibly strong. At this rate, she might even break through our three layers of soldiers.

  “Men, draw your swords! We’ll be entering the fray as well!” I command my soldiers.

  If she breaks through, our whole army will feel the repercussions. Damn old bitch, she knows what she’s doing. A clever warrior and a nasty personality to boot—the exact opposite of a pure-hearted soul like me... mmh? What’s this? She’s retreating? Now? After how far she pressed our side? Is she stupid? Well, let’s not let this advantage slip away.

  “Foot soldiers, forward! Surround and burn them! Cavalry... huh?”

  Wait, they’re all retreating? That makes no sense. What’s wrong with them? If they were afraid of fire they would be running for their lives, and I highly doubt they’re scared of us humans. Hm... what did Marius say? Something about the enemy’s leader pissing herself. Is that it, then? Is that where this clumsy attempt at strategy is coming from?

  “...Center foot soldiers, charge! Into the thick of it!”

  It’s a trap. Nine times out of ten, it’s a trap. However, it’s an awfully executed one. At the very least, there doesn’t seem to be much coordination between their leader and that vampire hag. That’s our opening. That’s where we’ll strike.

  “Press, press! Look at how they stumble over themselves!”

  Attack! Momentum is important here. If we take advantage of their lack of coordination, we can win. No—if we don’t, we’ll never stand a chance. Our enemy is untiring; their explosive strength and stamina are vastly superior to ours. We have to hurry and make this chance at an offense ours...

  Whoa! What have I stepped on this time? A goblin corpse? Such a damn nuisance. Even a starving black wolf won’t eat dead monster flesh, I suppose.

  No... that’s not true. Vampires know nothing of supply trains, but there’s no way they’d leave edible meat alone. This is suspicious... there might be poison traps or flesh-eating bugs hiding here. Anything infectious would be fatal. The sickness that is the source of the stench is nothing but bad news.

  What should I do? The side wings of foot soldiers are still some distance away from the bodies. Do we push through? Or do we stop, and keep the contamination to the center soldiers?

  “C-Commander! There! There!”

  “Use your words, man! How am I supposed to understand... What the hell is that?!”

  From the west, a single rider rushes toward us at bla
zing speed. Long, raven hair flicks in the wind... huh? It’s Lady Kuroi! What is she doing here? Why is she charging straight forward? Where are Commander Willow and his men?

  Oh! She summons a spear and grips it upside down. It’s that stance from the other night. Still atop her horse, without so much as a wobble, she hurls her spear. It flies through the air like an arrow and strikes the mountain of goblin corpses. Immediately, it bursts into flames—the same magical flames that were Golden’s undoing.

  And from the flames... screams. Arms shoot out, and then vanish into ash.

  Ah-hah. So that’s what it was.

  “Retreat! Be careful of the goblin corpses!” I shout, reacting to the situation.

  A body moves, and something bursts from underneath. My God, it’s a vampire. How many days had it been lying under there? I don’t know how many more there are like it, but for them to wait in ambush covered in monster blood and dirt... That’s... incredibly stupid.

  Oh, pardon. I mean, adorable. Silly beasts.

  “There are enemies beneath the corpses! Burn them all! Douse them with oil and light them on fire!”

  Whoever came up with this plan is still way too naive. What is this, a child’s prank? Don’t risk your soldiers’ lives on a plan that is so easily exposed!

  “Side foot soldiers, tighten up formations! Central foot soldiers, split into two groups and join either wing! And finally...” I order as I run. This is what Marius has been dying to hear all along. “Cavalry, chaaarge! A path’s been opened for you! Now get to them before Lady Kuroi does! Ha ha haaa!”

  53 The DDR Radar / The Soldier Witnesses Humanity’s Bonds of Flame

  Fire burns deep in my heart. Fire connects us all.

  Fire. Fire is the bond that connects us to God.

  -DDR Stream/VOD Part 6-

  I’m scared. Ahhh, I’m so scared! Too scared to go to the bathroom, so I’m focusing on the battle. I’m the kind of guy that gets nutrients from the battlefield! Probably! Dual-wielding atop my horse, I slash and slice! Every strike of my Flame Blade grants certain death! Charge, my steed... uh... Chocolate Pudding! I’m really dying for something sweet right now! I’ll be sure to buy some chocolate bamboo shoot biscuits from the convenience store later! The more bamboo shoots, the better! None of those mushroom ones, please.

  So, what is going on with this battle? I just sorta charged in without thinking. The vampires and humans are locked in hand-to-hand combat, pushing and pulling each other down. Not to mention the humans are literally on fire, devil-red and skin the color of mocha. Doesn’t the heat wear them out? Come on! Livin’ la vida loca.

  Furthermore, there are vampires hiding under the dead bodies of monsters, like some sort of zombies or weird ninjas. See? Over there, too! I’ll just toss my spear and... strike! Now you’re all livin’ la vida loca. So easy.

  I mean, you can’t hide from my mini map’s radar. It’s pointless to wait in ambush there. Actually, I feel a little bad now. Like I just ruined a surprise birthday party.

  “Damn, the ape Apostle! I’ll send her crying home with some flying lava!”

  Hey, a named enemy. Something-something Barebow. She wields a warhammer, huh? That pretty much guarantees she’s an earth mage. What are her stats?

  “Guh! That glint in her eyes creeps me out! And I’m never creeped out! Forget it! Run! We did our jobs, damn it!”

  The earth rises and great walls of stone rise up, cutting off all paths forward. Ah, I see. So it’s standard practice for them to throw out Earthen Wall and Stone Shield like it’s going out of fashion against mounted fighters. Unfortunately for them, magic is still magic. Hup! As you can see, my Flame Blade cuts through it all. In a clash of magics, it’s always the stronger spell that comes out on top... hm? Wow, they’re fast runners. Who are you, Usain Bolt?

  I could chase them down, but... this battle is pretty much won. That cavalry charge down the center was the clincher, I think. It was so cool and cinematic how they split the vampire forces in half. And then those hand-grenade-looking things they tossed over and over? That must have dealt a lot of damage.

  I was thinking the vampires weren’t so impressive because it is the middle of the day, but even so, the humans have gotten really strong. And fire is extremely effective against vampires. I doubt we would have won against the elves under the same conditions. They’d just blow away our fire with their wind and water, and any grenades would be shot down with arrows.

  Hm... Does that mean this DX version has a lot of anti-vampire mechanics in place? I felt this during the battle against Golden, but when the humans and elves team up they can make quick work of the vampires. Water for defense, fire for offense. And this might just be me being pedantic, but why are vampires the only ones with a weakness? No other race is weak to an element, but they can’t cross flowing water and are weak to fire... Well, if you think about it as the game being loyal to traditional vampire lore, then I guess it works out? Honestly, though, isn’t that loyalty in the wrong sense?

  All in all, I have a nagging feeling I can’t get rid of... Maybe they get special treatment because they’re the strongest race? In order to balance them, perhaps the devs gave them weaknesses. Come on, devs...


  After a little bit of Dynasty Warriors roleplaying, here we are: the vampires have lost and are running away. It’s an overwhelming human victory. Wow, they’re really cheering loudly. The rabbits are hopping about, too. So fancy. The cavalry aren’t giving chase, either. That’s the right choice, I think. Whether it’s against vampires or elves, chasing them into the forest is like trying to fight a shark underwater.

  Besides, the main vampire force is closing in just on the other side of the forest. Where are they now, exactly? Let’s check for Thunderstorm on the overworld map. Hmmm... yep, I can sense them taking the long way around through the south. On the contrary, Absolute hasn’t moved. Mmmh...

  Does this mean the elven army hasn’t caught on to Thunderstorm’s movements? It’s a possibility. For example, they could have left ten thousand or so vampires behind as a distraction. Apostles, for all their great strategic importance, can be very light-footed. Such a diversion would certainly be possible.

  Thinking about it that way, this system that allows me to see Apostle locations is kind of like a cheat. I-Is that okay? Is this information even accurate? U-Um...? Thunderstorm’s marker disappeared. Was it because I complained? Is this some kind of new service that instantly responds to player feedback, similar to what happened with Sira’s viewing window? I’ve got a lot to deal with in real life already, so can you not? Damn, I’m getting scared again. Please stop, PotatoStarch Observing Company. Stalking is a criminal offense. Unngh... huh? The marker’s back. Stop toying with my emotions!

  Wait, now it’s Crumbling Mountain? Not Thunderstorm? And why is the marker in that location? That’s the southern corner of the western front. The only place I can think of over there is the mountain range that splits the human territory into north and south: the Sacred Shield Mountains, more commonly called the Iron Wall. Nestled in its center is the fort, which protects the human safe zone. It’s the whole reason no one has ever tried to attack that location before; it’s a complete dead end to the west.

  So why is he there? At the foot of the mountain is the biggest human city. Why is Crumbling Mountain’s marker slowly moving its way south? Whoa, whoa... this is bad. What’s going to happen to the city? What is this Apostle doing? Hey... Hey, hey, hey! Why isn’t he stopping?! It can’t be... It can’t be!

  -Soldier Mulaso II-

  “Mulaso! Hey, you alive?”

  I reach out towards the sound of the sergeant’s voice and touch something. I tap it. It’s all I can do to breathe. Talking’s impossible. I can hardly see, either. I’m half-buried in rubble and can’t move. And my arms... are just an arm now.

  The attack was so sudden. On the horizon, a cloud of dust appeared, and from it came a horde of charging vampires. I’d never see
n such numbers. The sergeant shouted something about thousands, and someone else shouted back about tens of thousands. There were just so many. It was obvious from the moment I saw them that it was useless. We were all going to die. I even forgot how to breathe, and ended up just continually sucking in air. It was painful.

  Nevertheless, I remembered the sergeant’s words and ran. I did what I could, and tried to warn as many people as possible. “Head to the underground shelters and cave rooms!” I yelled. I urged them to hide. While carrying an old lady on my back and pulling a child by the hand, I did what I could.

  I am a soldier; I will die. It is my destiny. But the people who aren’t soldiers don’t have to suffer the same fate. It’s my job to sacrifice myself so they can survive. With that thought in mind, I ran around doing my job. Eventually, my chest began to feel hot. Tears dripped from my eyes, but I kept doing the best I could.

  Later, I grabbed my spear along with my brethren and stood against the vampires. We were going to be brave and perform our duty as an army. We would fight, even if we knew we wouldn’t win.

  However, I’m not cool like those knights... so I got taken out really quickly. One of them grabbed my arm, flung me about, and tossed me. I hit something; it hurt like hell. I nearly fainted. I was paralyzed. I could only listen to the sounds of my brethren fighting. I’d mustered up my courage, prepared myself for death... and then this happened.

  I couldn’t even become kindling for the fire. I’m so lame.

  “Mulaso, lad... a job well done.”

  Ah, he’s going to scold me until the end. Whatever, it’s fine. As long as I don’t have to die alone... I’m so happy to feel human contact.

  “Your spear hit true. It was impressive.”


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