Outer Ragna: Volume 2

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Outer Ragna: Volume 2 Page 17

by Kasugamaru

  I cannot bring myself to move. This is akin to a natural disaster—it is not something we can fight against. Humans are trash, huh? I see. There is no honor or meaning in a death like this. It is certainly worthless.

  “Higyaaaaaaaaaaaaan! Bah! Pugyawahwahwah!”

  What the hell? Who’s screaming like a clown? The king’s sister, huh? She’s fallen from her palanquin and is crawling toward me, trying to get as far away from the demon as possible. Unable to move her arms and legs, she’s forced to worm through the grass and mud with her elbows and butt.

  “Eek! Ahh! I’m scared! Save me! I’m so scared! I don’t want to die!”

  Ah... A human. Covered in tears and snot, yet still struggling to survive... that is what it means to be human. We are weak. No matter how great our numbers or perfect our techniques, we are like candles in the wind before the tyranny of dragons and demons. Our burning souls do nothing to stave off the darkness of death. This is reality.

  And that’s why I reach out my hand.

  I dismount, take the lady’s hand, wipe her face with a cloth, and help her up. I look towards those who once stood opposite to me on the battlefield... and I welcome them. Let us all act as brothers. Good and evil, costs and benefits, advantages and disadvantages... Let us all put those aside for now.

  We are the same. We are all weak. None of us can stand strong and proud alone.

  “...Do not be afraid.” I do my best to speak, to give reassuring words. I’m reminded of a time long ago, back when the Frontier was facing an oncoming tidal wave of monsters. My only thought had been to at least die cleanly. How sullen; how cowardly. “Despair may threaten to destroy us, but there is no need for raw fear. Behold! We are no longer alone. We are not abandoned.”

  It was from the church’s observation tower that I witnessed her first battle. That raven-haired girl fought more fiercely than any man I’d ever seen. That was her beginning; that’s why I can now say:

  “God does exist. Let us believe in Him, pray to Him, and serve Him! God loves us, and has granted us His blessing... through her.”

  Lady Kuroi. No family name or history to speak of, yet here she sits atop her horse, fire magic rising from her entire body as she fixes the demon with a stare. She doesn’t attempt to ride out alone, like she usually does. Instead, the rabbits surround her, thousands of sharp horns at the ready. Her shadow warriors, wavering in the light of her burning dual swords, poise to intercept.

  Her back, though silent, seems to ask: Wouldst thou fight with honor? Wouldst thou fight alongside me? Wouldst thou believe in God?

  Ah... The fog of fear is lifting. My sword is drawn before I can even answer.

  Agias Willow, are you a fighter? I am! My soul cries before my mind can move.

  “Concentrate, men!” I bark.

  The trembling has stopped; strength is rising within me. All I can do now is leave everything to my years of battle training.

  “We are about to fight that demon! And once we defeat it, the Demon God—and the world—shall know of human majesty!”

  Lady Kuroi looks over her shoulder at me—I can see approval in her fire-colored eyes. Yes, I will go. We are together, not alone. We shall challenge the world as one.

  “Felipo, instruct your men to take any who can’t fight to the rear! Then set up a base in a suitable area! Zakkow, your fireproof soldiers will enter the palace to rescue any surviving citizens! Lead them to the rear base!”

  This battle must be humanity’s salvation. It will all be meaningless if we cannot ensure the maximum number of survivors. We must do all that we can!

  “Odysson, the Mage Company is our trump card! Position yourselves on a hill and wait for my signal! Son Peine! Guard them with your cavalry!”

  Fire magic. Fire is stronger than steel against a demon. Assuming it’s a higher class of vampire, while its strengths are massively amplified, it should still share the same weakness. We shall destroy it with an inferno large enough to burn an entire army.

  “Marius! Annihilate the vampires remaining in the palace! You have a thousand prey to hunt!”

  My orders are rough at best, but this is fine. Marius gives me an invincible smile.

  “Origis! You and I shall attack this demon in tandem! My men shall ride ahead as a disruptor, and you follow up! I expect great things from our best formation, the Inferno!”

  Cheers rise one by one, eventually rousing a limitless fighting spirit. Once-slumbering morale burns bright again. Here and there, soldiers unleash battle cries. Their spirits are rising.

  You see, Lady Kuroi? We are ready. No matter what your plan is, we will assist you. We will fight by your side.

  “Begin!” I shout.

  The demon approaches. With enormous strength, it crushes a human city underfoot as it makes its way to bring our end. Every step it takes is a massive earthquake.

  But we are no longer scared. My horse paws at the ground with its hoof, as if to say, “You think this scares a war horse?”

  Hmph! What was that? The demon bends over, then rights itself. Its eyes, glinting with yellow monstrosity, narrow... Its maw opens wide, revealing rows of fangs... That beast! It intends to eat humans before our eyes! What evil! Is this a symbol of the cruelty of this world?

  Someone shouts. Was it me? Or was it Origis? No, it was everyone. We howl for the people who are now undoubtedly crushed in the demon’s hand, as well as for our own loved ones.

  That was the first strike. A streak of fire shoots through the air like a comet, riding on our voices. It’s a spear—a javelin thrown by Lady Kuroi. Magical fire illuminates its sharp steel as it rips through the world. The distance it has to travel is far... perhaps too far. Regardless, it hits. It pierces the demon’s hand, burning its victims, and travels through the other side into the demon’s right eye. The monster unleashes a frightful scream. It almost looks pitiable as it clutches its face; shock and confusion consume the creature. Wickedness can only exist within those with intelligence.

  Two things fall to the ground: One is the demon’s eyeball—it melts into smoke. The second is the ashes from its cremated victims. May their souls be at peace.

  This first strike was a display of Lady Kuroi’s will. Armed with rage, she challenges this absurd world; burdened with grief, she sends off the dead... just as in days past. Then she rides ahead again, our Lady Kuroi. This Apostle speaks only with actions.

  Let us follow her. Let us fight harder than we have ever fought before. And then, here and now, we shall reverse the rules of this world.

  68 Targeting and Climbing in DDR

  If a demon is the vanguard of humanity’s destruction, then should I—no, we—not simply defeat it?

  -DDR Stream/VOD Part 13-

  No way. It took damage? That means it’s a real demon, and not an illusion. But why? Why a demon?

  (Attacks from this range are non-standard. Consistently strange.)

  Demons are the Demon God’s trump card. They’re above even Apostles in terms of power and standing, and are mostly used to engage with dragons. Which is why this one should be off fighting in the central plains. That’s the main battlefield, right?

  (So many alterations that overcome the system. In a progressive manner.)

  So why here? The Apostle in the palace is Crumbling Mountain, isn’t it? He can’t summon a demon like Golden could or Thunderstorm can. I don’t get it.

  (How can someone so insignificant as yourself be capable of all this?)

  Oh, man. It’s coming. That giant thing, like a forced-death event, crushes a palace wall and starts its advance. It’s totally targeting me. Well, I guess I did earn its ire. But, like, it pissed me off! How dare it destroy the palace?

  (No, could it be...?)

  I’ll show you. Oh, I’ll freaking show you! A sudden battle against a demon is just cruel, even for DDR. I mean, I should be emailing support right now. Even so...

  (Are you really only playing a game?)

  The landscape’s not so bad. The open p
lains are good for galloping on, and there are no boulders for it to throw. The sun’s height means it’s just before lunchtime, too. Wait, this is smack dab in the center of human territory; obviously we’re going to have a terrain advantage.

  (But is it true it’s only you?)

  But most of all... This mana. My max mana, current mana, and recovery rate are all increased to shocking levels. Heh heh heh! The Devil God’s overall faith levels are skyrocketing. My battlefield display must have really worked. Bwa ha ha ha!

  (In other words, someone is...)

  In other words, victory is assured! Haaa ha ha ha hah!

  (...using you as a counterattack against my strategies?)

  Let’s go, Kuroi! First, cast Call Einherjar! Let the mana flow and summon as many as you can! Foot soldiers? Cavalry? A hundred? A thousand? Who cares! Just fight for me, please! Then I quickly put them on auto-battle. Oh! The militant rabbits have started their attack as well. Wonderful! Go, go, go! Don’t think, just charge! Swarm, swarm! Draw the demon’s attention! Whoa, the demon’s punch shakes the earth. One hit turned a dozen of them into pancakes. Rest in peace, my fluffy friends. Only Sakiel could have blocked that attack, and that’s the Honest Abe truth.

  That’s why aggro management is important! Have you already lost sight of Kuroi, you demon?

  (Is this an example of “if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you”?)

  Good, now I can use my summoned warriors as cover to get closer. It may be big and strong, but it’s also slow, which means my soldiers can get onto its chest like—and I kinda hate to say this—fleas... Whoa! It’s trying to brush them off like eraser shavings! Eek!

  Oh my! A huge Fire Ray is coming this way! The Mage Company must have worked together to produce this... Aw, it got blocked! The damn demon turned its arm to stone! But it’s fine. This is fine! I’m close enough. Chaaarge, Chocolate Pudding! Use Kuroi’s magic to turbo-overdrive-boost! Man, this thing is big up-close; it’s like a real-life giant robot!

  (Or is this simply action and reaction? What a simple phenomenon that would be.)

  My goal is the ankle! Running up the thigh, I imbue my swords with the power of fire, and... HAH! Did ya like that, punk? The screaming and feel of iron sinking into flesh tells me I did some real damage. Good, good! Fire magic is awesome, look how effective it is against a demon!

  (This magic... and this performance... It’s as if you’re after my power.)

  Whoa! Stop struggling! I didn’t have to worry about this in my elven playthrough because I could fly—augh! It’s stomping the ground and kicking up dust clouds! But don’t underestimate Kuroi’s lateral jump abilities! I eject from Chocolate Pudding and hop, hop, hop! Dodging circularly, I zig-zag like lightning towards the demon! I can practically feel the afterimages coming off of me! Taking down massive opponents is the best part of an action game!

  (This KartofStarch’s playstyle is optimized as far as DDR’s combat rules will allow.)

  I think that weirdo just messed up my name again! Whatever, I don’t have time to look at the chat. It’s really flying by, but I gotta ignore, ignore, ignore!

  Yes, I got on! I summon daggers into my hands and stab, then pull myself onto them. Using those daggers as footholds, I summon more daggers. Climb, Kuroi! I’ve climbed many dragons in my vampire playthroughs, but never a demon.

  (A clever choice. Very effective.)

  Th-The shaking! Agh, it feels like an earthquake! This isn’t good, I can’t reach the head. Fine, I’ll settle for here—the ‘base’ of the leg. Thrust that blade in! And why stop at one? Ten! Twenty! I can keep this up all day! And they’re all on fire, of course!

  (This is really stoking my curiosity. How strange.)

  Nice! It’s retreating! Now to dive off and prepare for the landing damage... Wow, nice timing, hot knight! You’re the true knight in shining armor!

  (Who invited you to the parallel world?)

  Dive! Whew, good catch. But don’t stop! Go, go! Runnn!

  “That was crazy! But impressive!”

  The knights’ movements are amazing, like a school of fish. They even glitter like one.

  “The Bomber Knights and mages will provide cover.”

  We distance ourselves, watching the thrashing demon’s back... Ep! Explosions! Another platoon of cavalry is ripping it apart with grenade-like things. Yes! And it’s followed up by another combo Fire Shot! Is there a group of mages on that hill?

  “Lady Kuroi, you do as you will.”

  Nice! Excellent movements! Maneuver warfare combined with covering fire on a flat plain with no vampires might be a new strategy for success! However, considering the demon’s phases, that might be coming next.

  I jump off the knight’s horse and summon Chocolate Pudding under me. I gallop off at top speed, using the momentum to adjust my balance. See? The demon’s emitting smoke. The stone armor covering its body crashes to the earth, and its eyes flash. I knew it. Its muscled body bulges as electricity runs along it... an extra-massive Lightning Bolt is coming! That’s usually a spell reserved for named vampires, and is more like a bit of flashiness, but in the hands of a demon, it’s a map-wide weapon; a weapon of mass destruction.

  Not that I’m going to let that happen, though.

  If you think you can just stand there without moving and charge up your thunder magic without being attacked, you must be crazy. It’s careless and conceited. I’ve got no, no, no reason to wait around for you to finish.

  So, facing the demon head-on, Kuroi aims her spear from atop her horse. Get back, my summoned soldiers. Get back! You too, cavalry. Distance yourselves. You’re about to witness an attack even more powerful than the one at the beginning of this grisly battle.

  Charge that fire magic... Even this sturdy spear can’t handle it all and is starting to spark, but I continue to charge. It burns red-hot, but I push it further. Ten more seconds. It’ll be fine; the demon still has thirty seconds left to go.

  (Dragon Demon RPG, DX mode. A mysterious program that no one has access to.)

  The demon’s weak spot is its throat. I learned that in my elven playthrough, when Absolute skillfully pierced that spot. Now, to steady my aim...

  (I made this game.)

  Eaaaaaat this!

  (And now you interfere with my plans.)

  The spear lands dead center, then bursts into a huge ball of flame. That, combined with the failure of its own spell, makes for massive damage. How do you like that? Haaa ha ha hah! Look, the demon’s like a fireworks show!

  (I want to consume you.)

  Brrr! A shiver just went up my back, but I gotta stay strong; I’m in the middle of a battle. If things get really desperate, I always have my empty plastic bottle.

  69 The Sorcerer Struggles to Control Fire / DDR Is a Shitty Game

  The Devil God howls. Humanity makes its heroic stand—the flames burn bright.

  We fear no enemy, make no retreat. We will not lose.

  -Sorcerer Odysson II-

  “Did you see that? Did you see that shit? Demons? Hah!”

  I’m astonished. Me, Odysson. That was some crazy magic. Not only was that giant spear blazing red, it shone as it flew through the air... I’d name it “Blazing Star” if it were up to me. The way it pierced the demon and then exploded was, simply put, amazing. Not even siege weapons have that much destructive power.

  “All right. While it’s still burning, let’s launch a third blast.”

  Kuroi, Apostle to the Devil God, guardian deity of humanity. You’ve always had a crazy, reckless fighting style. That demon, a monster that’s basically the end of the world, was destroying the palace, but you didn’t despair in the slightest. Instead, you challenged it head-on. We’ve gotta learn from your example. Humanity can’t accept absurdity anymore. If we get hit, we have to hit back. Don’t give up, even if it means death!

  “Now! Fire!”

  Controlling a thousand Fire Rays, I tighten them into a spiral and launch it skyward. It makes my br
ain feel like it’s gonna split, but someone’s gotta do this job, right? I’m the first human to use fire magic, damn it! My nose won’t stop bleeding... Hit! Yesss, it’s finally starting to burn nicely! The Bomber Knights are landing direct hits as well. The demon looks so stupid, getting knocked on its butt. It’s burning, writhing in pain... and howling.

  Oh, screw you! Don’t cry so dramatically just because you’re huge. Stop making the world vibrate. Do you know how many screams there were when you ravaged the palace? None of their voices were heard, and I doubt they’d forgive you.

  “Replace your charcoal wands! Fill them with mana!”

  Humanity has been crying for eons and eons, longer than anyone can remember. Crying, raging, and dying en masse; that was our lot in life. But I’ll be damned if we’re going to take it lying down any longer.

  “Don’t hold anything back! Draw out every last bit of mana you’ve got! Then pack your wands with it!”

  This is all so we don’t have to be so pathetic in the future. So we can make a world where kids like Sira can live peacefully without having to fight.

  Die. Die! Die by our hands! This is payback for years of torment. If you’re going to curse someone, curse your master for doing something as stupid as declaring a final battle.

  There’s blood on my wand. The skin on my hands must have rubbed off. There’s blood in my mouth, too. Am I clenching my jaw too tightly? My head’s pounding. I’m nauseous. Everything’s cold. My vision’s blurry; I’m clearly using too much mana. The world is starting to turn red... But as long as I’ve got this burning feeling rising from the pit of my belly, it’s nothing I can’t handle.

  Whoa! Was that Fire Swipe from Agias? The title “Acting Commander of the Frontier Army” isn’t enough anymore. I can’t believe he freaking cut through one of that demon’s tendons. That was dangerous. I can’t let him die, just like I can’t let Kuroi die.


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