Outer Ragna: Volume 2

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Outer Ragna: Volume 2 Page 19

by Kasugamaru

  71 Life and Death in the Parallel World of DDR

  God has descended unto me.

  Oh... May His raging spirit flow... Deus Ex.

  -Devil God PotatoStarch I-

  The sweet smell of grass. The strong wind blowing my hair. The sound of my horse galloping. The warmth on my cheeks. The dryness in my throat.

  Mmh...? When did I fall asleep? I open my eyes. I see chocolate-colored hide and hair. Was I lying on my horse’s neck? In my hands isn’t the reins, but its mane. The world is going by so quickly... Green fields and a blue sky. It reminds me of my grandfather’s house up in Furano, Hokkaido. I haven’t been there in a while. Haven’t paid my respects at his grave, either.

  I hear a great tumult getting closer. No, please, I hate crowds! People are always moving one way or the other in the city. Even if I withdraw into a corner, there’s no place for me; it’s only awkward. That’s why I liked work. While I was being helpful, there was a place for me to belong to. I like video games, too. In them, I only have to think about having fun, so it’s very convenient.

  However, it’s hard to only have one or the other; I get restless. Living in the city is cold, which is why I need beer on top of those two things. Then, I can scrape by. Oh, but I’m not supposed to have alcohol. Gotta stay focused on DDR.

  Right... Right. DDR. That weird, mysterious DX version. It required a special approach. And, last I checked, wasn’t I in a sticky situation?

  “Oh... WHOA!”

  Shit! What is this?! What is this sense of realism? I’m totally riding a horse—we’re galloping like the wind! Wah! The gear is different from what I know. The shaking of the saddle is making my crotch... What?! M-M-My body! It’s Kuroi! No way... VR is amazing! It’s like I’m in a parallel world. Soft cheeks, silky hair—they’re all mine.

  Oh! No, no, no! This is just weird! Even the most expensive VR set couldn’t reproduce all this! This isn’t just cutting edge technology, this is science fiction—or just straight-up fiction!

  Ack! The ground’s shaking? And I hear screams. Where’s this horse taking me... There! It’s the demon! That massive monster is raging among a retreating platoon. It smashes, crashes, and bashes... with accompanying screams. So many screams... It’s killing humans—so many humans.

  “Ah... Ahhh...”

  That’s so cruel. It’s just a massacre. It’s not right. Humans shouldn’t be treated like bugs!

  “St... Stop...”

  If this were a game, it’d be fine; it would just be numbers going up and down. I wouldn’t have to care, as long as the character I was controlling was fine. Even a game over can be fun once in a while. ...But I don’t understand. Something’s weird.


  There’s a burning deep in my chest. It’s hot. Hot. Hot! It hurts, and I can hardly breathe. What’s going on? There’s a saltiness... Tears? They’re streaming down my cheeks onto my lips.

  I can’t let this continue. Logic and all that can wait! Demon, you have to be stopped! What you’re doing is unforgivable. Absolutely horrid. You must... pay.

  You must pay!


  The rage boiling up inside me gathers in my raised right hand, burning as I steady my aim. I throw—a spear of fire. But not just one, dozens. They all fly forward simultaneously like a barrage of rockets, burning bright red as they fly straight to their target. Explosions ripple across the demon’s back and shoulders, followed by black smoke and a howl.

  Did that hurt? It did, didn’t it? Your victims were in pain, too! That’s why, first, I’m going to make you hurt!


  I throw again—axes, spears, swords, sickles, knives, halberds, hatchets... every kind of sharp object I can think of, I hurl it. For every unique object I throw, a dozen more of the same follow in its wake. Hundreds upon thousands of flaming blades soar through the air. Fly straight and pierce, arc and slice—I don’t care. Just go! Make that thing hurt!

  C’mon, Chocolate Pudding, faster! I need more speed. Much speed! You think it’s impossible? Not with that attitude! Maybe it’s not physically possible, but we’ve got to try. Feel the heat! Good, that’s the way, we’re almost there. However, at this rate, we might hit someone. Jump now! Wow, that wind pressure—what crazy speed! But we’re gonna make it; we won’t even need a second jump. Straight into the smoke we go! I can see the demon’s shoulder. There’s no soft landing, so let’s change tactics... Horse Kick! Hardly any damage, but that’s fine, the momentum is what’s important.

  A few risky hops and look, the demon’s neck is right before us. Hey, demon! Name’s Kuroi. You’ve been a bad boy. It’s time to die!

  I cast Accept Blade, summoning the thickest blade meant for piercing possible...

  How did I even do that? It’s very weird that this is all happening just like I want it to... but now’s not the time to think about that. First, kill!


  Pierced! Now, pour mana into the blade! Just a little Flame Blade for flavor. I charge it with enough heat to instantly boil the demon’s insides. Starting to sweat? I bet it really burns like nothing you’ve ever felt before. This is the rage of tens of thousands of humans! Ah, the giant’s toppling; everything’s turning sideways. Run, Chocolate Pudding! From a vertical falling start, slowly we start to even out. Ugh, my stomach’s in my mouth! Gotta grit my teeth and bear it.

  The landing! Behold Chocolate Pudding’s beautiful hoofwork—Agh! The ground is pulsing! Sinkholes and spires are appearing everywhere. Earthen Wall and Stone Shield are being combined to create Stone Storm, huh? In other words, this is magic, which means my Flame Blade can cut it! Yup, one slice and it turns back to normal dirt. But... Augh! There’s too many! Gotta do something about the ground itself... Hoo! Ha! Accept Blade! Swords and spears rain into the ground. Settle down, will you?

  Oh, no! A spire just delivered an uppercut to Chocolate Pudding’s jaw! Aw, that whinny! It must really hurt... That’s enough! Come back! Damn, I pour all of my strength into the next Flame Blade and, with dual flaming swords, I pierce the ground. Phew, I somehow managed that. It sure had me sweating for a bit.

  Where’s the demon...? Oh, nice, it’s down. What an annoyance, casting such heavy magic in its death throes.

  My heart’s still beating like crazy... This is more like a rollercoaster than an action game. Plus, this body—

  “Is that you... Kuroi?”

  How the hell did I become Kuroi? What happens if she gets hurt?

  “Ah, so it was you that defeated the demon...”

  A faint, familiar voice. I spin around to find the remains of a carriage. Leaning on it for support is a woman covered in blood.

  “Miss... Ange?”

  “Why, that’s the first time you’ve said my name. Your voice is shaking; that’s not like you.”

  Her normally tightly secured hair is in tangles. Her legs are bent at odd angles. A piece of lumber or something is stuck deep in her belly.

  “I sense... Is that You, God?”

  She’s looking at me, yet she’s not. There’s no sight in her eyes.

  “Thank you... Not just for Your blessing, but for fighting with us through Kuroi.”

  Bright red blood contrasts with her pale white face. Her life force... her HP... that thing I used to see only as numbers, it’s...

  “Are You crying? So You can be angry and sad for our sakes? God... Humanity’s God... is so human.”

  The warmth is fading from her cheeks, flowing out of her along with her blood. There’s nothing I can do. It can’t be stopped.

  Is this a game? If it is, it’s sick. She’s human. She’s a singular, precious human.

  “Take this...” Summoning the last of her strength, she reaches into her breast and produces... a dagger. “I’m not strong enough to fight, but please... At least take this.”

  I have no option but to take it. There’s nothing else I can do.

  “God, please... This world that was home to my daughte
r, my husband, and me... This world where Kuroi and Sira still live in...”

  Her hand is losing its grip. Her life is disappearing. Ah...

  “Please... bring hope... Deus... Ex...”


  72 The Priest Realizes God’s Precious Gift / The Commander Observes the Battle with Demons

  God’s cries are our cries. Our cries.

  The fire burning in the depths of our hearts billows from our mouths and sets the world aflame.

  -Father Felipo III-


  Lady Kuroi’s voice echoes about. What should be a sound emitted from a single person’s mouth doesn’t seem like it at all—an echo should not be possible here, and yet her voice overlaps upon itself endlessly.


  Like a child’s cries, it twists my heart. Like a boy’s shouts, it makes my fists tighten. Like a lady’s wails, it leads my heart astray. And like a beast’s howls, it unnerves me. Her voice paralyzes my mind and body, making me forget who I even am. This voice could even be my own, for it contains everything that is Felipo Valkie Millennium, yet it cries louder than I ever could.


  Oh... this voice. This voice! It moves the heavens and shakes the earth. It is a thundering roar, unleashing the emotions of every human upon the world’s ears.

  “God...” Sira says in a hushed voice. Even she didn’t manage to escape unscathed despite the spectral protection of her father. A lone tear trails down her dusty face. “God is here... He’s inside Lady Kuroi, just like He used to do.”

  Her words ring true; no matter how absurd they might be, those who truly believe will see the truth. Her words simply trace the outline of the miracle.

  Once again, God has descended upon our mortal world.

  Hark, people! Pay your respects! The Apostle is the vessel for His return, and through her, He shall wield His mighty power. Lady Kuroi’s body is but that of a little girl’s, but oh, this overflowing godly force! It’s amazing... Even a demon seems tiny in comparison.

  “God... God is so kind.”

  Yes. Oh, yes, how true that is. God’s heart is the sunlight that illuminates the works of man; an enveloping warmth. Like an affectionate mother holding her beloved daughter, He cradles Ange’s hands. How can we ever express our gratitude for that love and grief?

  “So why... Why did He become a god of battle?”

  Indeed, war does seem to be a part of our God’s ministry. The fierce flames that consumed the demons are proof of this. With fire, He smites our enemies. At the root of His warrior nature is a great rage: First, there was sadness at the woes of man, then resentment, until finally the levee broke.

  “Fighting is all about hurting. It must be hard for one so kind.”

  Hmm... Probably. Perhaps she has a point. Affection from those that have never experienced pain is merely superficial, and the rage of those who have never experienced hardship can sometimes be shallow. Only pitiful sentiments lie beneath the veneer of fake sympathy.

  “Why is He fighting?”

  And yet our God, a sensitive being, is...

  “Why is He pushing himself so hard for all of us?”

  I see... Ah, yes, I understand.

  Truly, a divine duty. We aren’t worthy of His grace, yet God intends to accept every human indignation unto Himself. In other words, Lady Kuroi’s existence is an embodiment of His divine will. And thus... Yes, here they come, rising silently from her feet. Even in death, her black steed continues its unending ride. Then there are her reddish-black knights and soldiers who, appearing like an entourage, fight beyond the horizon of death. One after another they rise, forming an army. In their flaming eyes are tears. Perhaps they are red with blood? Or is it the fire melting something within them? Either way, it shows their fury.

  “Ahhh... Ahhhh!”

  Lady Kuroi’s scream resounds throughout the world, for the sake of the living as well as the dead... Her emotions, as well as God’s emotions, burn hot. Her army, too, burns with a red intensity and keeps increasing in number. Wait... Is that... Father? And if the king is here, then... Yes, I see my brother, too. He was the prince, after all. Next to him is Jashan’s little brother and father. So even in death, the family stays together, huh? Those around them in regal battle formation must be their personal guards.

  Moreover, there’s this presence—this pure, awe-inspiring aura. Its size, pressure, and heat are expanding exponentially. The scale of this existence completely blows every other summon she’s done out of the water.

  The holy book states that a special power resides within Apostles that allows their wishes to be fulfilled... In other words, summoning magic. Golden once stated that summoning magic is a representation of the user’s worldview. The first thing Lady Kuroi sought was weapons—enough to cut through the oncoming tidal wave of monsters that attacked the Frontier. Then, during the battle with Golden, she wished for an army—so that she might drive back our terrible foe in one fell swoop.

  Now, with the demons bearing down upon us, what is it you seek to summon with the power of God?

  -Captain Jashan son Peine V-

  Oh, how wonderful it is to sit cross-legged atop a hill, head resting on my hand, as I watch what is practically the end of the world.

  “Hey, Peine. Why are you so damn relaxed?”

  “The best defense is sitting very far back in a safe position, I’ll have you know.”

  Odysson plods his way towards me, sleep clearly still in his eyes.

  “I had the worst dream... I could swear a piece of the palace wall was flying at me.”

  “Ha ha! Welcome back to our nightmarish reality, my friend.”

  The second demon did in fact rip up the palace’s walls and started flinging them at us like some sort of terrible joke, killing dozens and injuring three times as many. Our morale has, frankly, bombed out.

  But even so, our forces haven’t broken. Lady Kuroi is fighting at the forefront, too, so everyone is gritting their teeth and manning up. Faith can make up for a lack of skill, which explains why our ragtag band is standing its ground.

  “Damn... Missed my chance to die again.”

  “Don’t say that. If you died, I wouldn’t be able to go on.”

  This guy’s another serious one. He sits next to me, groaning in pain. He’s clearly injured and exhausted. He should be resting.

  “Well, death would be its own sort of release.”

  I survey the battlefield, where the demon that ripped through our lines is thrashing about. Is this what you’d call a superb view? I believe we have the advantage. Agias Willow the hero’s tactics are ever-changing and unrelenting. He’s so fast; he makes the demon look slow and stupid. Origis isn’t so bad, either. He tends to flirt with danger too much, but he’s also making the demon falter, so I can’t be too harsh.

  Even so, they’re still human, and their enemy is a monster. That beast has enough physical and magical strength to crush their speed and turn the tides of battle in one strike. But it’s okay. I can watch without worry, for there is a reassuring army at their backs.

  “Wh-Whoa... Wow, what the...?! Is this even possible?” exclaims Odysson in shock.

  “Hard to believe, isn’t it? The foot soldiers and cavalry are in perfect sync, forming a complete circle of destruction. Such tactics are...”

  These reddish-black warriors are nearly silent, neither shouting their names for glory nor playing war drums... yet the cunning in their tactics is clear as day. Their coordinated offense and defense is a sight to behold.

  “...a hallmark of General Bandkan and his fort army.”

  They’re all so gallant, battling the greatest of enemies... I can’t begin to express how envious I am. Seriously, they’re just showing off. Fighting alongside their general, they are... were the peak of humanity. Is there a space left for me? It feels like all I can do is sit and twiddle my thumbs.

bsp; However, I can’t join them yet. Their formation is too strict, too disciplined to accept someone who didn’t try their best to live. I have to fight, doing my best to survive before I can be considered worthy.

  Hm? Their siege is dispersing. It must be a tactical choice; demons are just too strong. Even with the fire magic of the Bomber Knights, killing it is no mean feat. Any sort of vital point is far too high up. Leaping on it and climbing up isn’t a realistic plan, either.

  Oh! Lady Kuroi’s returned... but something’s odd. She hasn’t summoned more of her ember army, yet it’s so hot. Her mana is raging out of control, enough to make it hard for me to breathe. Odysson’s gasping like a goldfish, too.

  So, what’s the plan...?

  Her summoned soldiers gather, blending into a chaotic mix, like embers coming together to form a flame. Then, that flame combines with other flames, forming an inferno. Now it’s... standing? It’s got legs and arms, and at full height it rivals the gigantic demon. It’s... an armored knight! The thousands of ember soldiers combined to form one giant ember knight. It slides across the earth, closing the distance... and then draws. A huge sword flashes through the air, slicing the demon’s torso. Flames rage across its body, as if to swallow up the shrieks of pain. The pillar of fire is so great that I think it could even consume the palace.

  Ash dances on the wind... What a magnificent battle. What a stirring demon slaying.

  “Legion...” Odysson manages to eke out between his puckered lips gasping for air.

  Ah, I see. So this is our God’s higher familiar? Not even the holy book speaks of such a thing. The Demon God has demons; the Dragon God has dragons; and now, the Devil God has a legion. The fact that such a fearsome being has been summoned unto our mortal plane must mean...

  “This... This really is the war to end all wars.”

  This isn’t the time to be joking, let alone smiling. I’m shaking so much I can’t even stand. Yet still, I instantly smile defiantly. I will fight gallantly, smiling the whole time. My father, brother, the General, those soldiers... they were all heroic until their last moments, I’m sure. This faith gives me the strength to fake it till I make it. I can’t help it, I must fight!


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