Lena’s Journey, Volumes One through Seven

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Lena’s Journey, Volumes One through Seven Page 3

by Alex Carlsbad


  I watch her drink the wine one tentative sip after another. She blushes deeply and beautifully and I motion her to stand and come to me. She trembles visibly as she pushes her seat back and visibly squares her shoulders, stands and walks up to my chair. Her hips sway enticingly as she tosses back her hair. Barefoot and standing she is only at eye level with me as I sit in my dinner seat. "Closer." She steps closer and I can feel her breath on my face. I can smell her sweet sweat and her musk. "Spread your legs wider and keep your hands behind your back crossed above your butt.”

  “Yes, Master,” she says and does as ordered even though I can feel her breathing heavily. I place the palm of my hand across her freshly chastised tummy and she gasps. I am careful to not hurt her more than necessary as I gently move it down to cup her hairy pussy. She's wet. My hand is so big it almost covers her entire lower pelvis. "Spread your legs wider for me please, sweetheart." She obeys and instinctively arches her back pressing herself against my hand. Her pussy feels hot to the touch. “How old are you?” I ask reaching up with my free hand to tweak her pancake nipples

  "I'm twenty years old, master.” Her voice is small again.

  “Squat down a little bit so I can feel you inside.” She whimpers and obeys. I still don't move my fingers but merely cup her hot pussy and gently caress her nipples. I look up at her. “You will be truthful with me won’t you, Lena?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Because if you lie to me even once, the beating you just got downstairs will seem like nothing in comparison to the punishment that will follow.”

  “Yes, Master,” she says. Again her voice is pleadingly whiny like that of a little girl begging not to be punished for some transgression.

  “Are you a virgin?”

  “Yes, Master.” Her reply actually does not surprise me. Even though she's twenty years old and in this day and age most girls her age have had at least a cursory experience with intercourse, I know Lena to be very modest. Given how busy caring for her mother has kept her, I am not at all surprised.

  “Your pussy is very wet, sweetheart. I also noticed it was that way when I punished you with the leather strap downstairs. Do you know why that is?”

  “I don't, Master. I'm sorry my body just sometimes betrays me.” She's apologizing. My sweet little baby submissive.

  “That is okay sweetheart. I will tell you why. You are a natural submissive. Your body and mind instinctively respond with arousal when given direction and told what to do. Your body even finds it exciting when you are punished. This is nothing to be ashamed of regardless of what you might have been told. It is natural for a beautiful young girl as yourself to gravitate towards the safety and security that an older assertive man can provide. Millions of years of evolution have ingrained it in your psyche to submit yourself to indoctrination just as my instinct now guides me to control you and protect you.” Lena nods and I feel a deep shudder push her hot hairy little unkempt pussy harder into my big warm hand.

  “Tell me what you are thinking right now and look me in the eyes when you speak. If you look away, I will spank you again. But this time it will be on your pussy.” My words have an immediate effect and the hesitant little brunette immediately lowers her eyes down to look at me with her frightened little expression.

  “I’m sorry, Master. I, I don't know what I'm thinking.”

  I rub languid circles around her nipples and watch them visibly tighten as if muscles are controlling them like little fingers. "It is okay, Lena. It is sometimes difficult to put to words what our subconscious is telling us. Just relax and listen to it and tell me what it is whispering to you."



  "I have never felt so excited, so overwhelmed before in my life." My words are coming slow and deliberate as if I'm translating for a foreigner. My subconscious mind is speaking out loud to this man that I barely know and is more than twenty years older than me. He nods. His hands are like sources of electricity where they touch me down there between my legs and across my tender breasts. I know I must be blushing crimson from head to toe. "Oh my God this is fantastic." My breath catches as I feel him slowly part my lips down there and worm in just the tiniest part of the first knuckle of his middle finger into me. My toes curl and I don't think I can’t stand straight much longer with the sensations buffeting every last nerve-ending of my body.

  "Have you been with a boy before?” Master asks me.

  "Only once, in high school, we goofed around in the back seat of a car. I don't think either one of us knew what exactly we were doing… Nothing much happened. I think my date came in his pants when I touched him there. I haven't been with anyone since." The finger is now well past my entrance, its progress made inevitable by the way my legs are splayed wide as I squat against my master's hand. I whimper when I feel him reach my maiden barrier.

  "So you have never sucked a cock before?"

  "No, Master." My breath is coming in short little ragged gasps now. I feel him pump his long digit in short rapid movements against my throbbing entrance. He reaches back with his other hand and holds me around the waist as I feel tremors of uncontrollable ecstasy start my body twitching.

  "Do you know what you are experiencing now?" My master asks. It is so difficult to look him in the eye. So embarrassing and so shameful for him to touch me down there. I'm just a little girl and he is such a big, powerful man.

  "No sir."

  "You have never touched yourself like that before?" I hear the incredulity in his voice as his eyes look at mine severely scanning me to make sure I'm truthful. I shake my head.

  "No, Master. My mom was very serious about church and adamant about not having extramarital sex,” I try to explain.

  "And yet here you are," he says his voice serious and matter-of-fact. My hips rock against his hand of their own accord.

  “You're experiencing the first stages of a female orgasm. Some women even squirt out a little fluid when they cum.”

  "Oh no, how embarrassing," I say my entire body shaking uncontrollably now.

  "Not at all," Dr. Branigan explains. "It is perfectly normal and most men actually enjoy watching the pleasure they have caused their partner. You will feel it like a heat and a thrumming down there. Just let yourself go and enjoy your first real orgasm.” I cannot help myself as bolts of nervous electricity shoot through my spine. I convulse against his probing finger and I shut my eyes twitching uncontrollably. The tremors are something indescribable that make every last fiber of my body convulse sending my mind into nervous overload.

  Next thing I know I am lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling. I try to move but my body is unresponsive. I fainted! I blink away the mist and clear my eyes to see my master finishing his stake and taking a long sip of his wine up above me.

  "How was it?" He asks without even looking down at me.

  "I fainted."

  "I know."

  "It was out of this world. Thank you, Master." I hear myself say and see him nod. I continue lying naked on the cold marble floor of the dining room while he finishes his dinner. Slowly my body comes back down to earth and I am able to sit up, crouch and then stand on shaky knees.

  "Come, sweetheart." He says placing the napkin across his plate as he stands. “Let me show you to your room. I think this is enough firsts for you today. Tomorrow we will resume our work. I will take the week off from work.” Suddenly he pivots and walks back to me quickly making me stand petrified in fright. "You hyperventilated and fainted on me."

  "Yes, Master, I know. I – I'm sorry." I apologize miserably.

  "You broke eye contact,” he says.

  “Oh no!”

  “Yes, you did! What did I say will happen if you broke eye contact?”

  “You will spank me,” I say miserably.

  “Yes I will. Where will I spank you?”

  “On my…, my pussy.”

  “Correct. But first let's get you some rest.”


bsp; My First Oral Exam


  As we enter her small bedroom, I step aside and let my docile little submissive come in. I watch in admiration her beautiful tits sway as she enters. I watch her and realize that she is a girl, no, a woman, who in another age would have inspired poets and set great events in motion. Lena is one of those rare young girls whose breasts even at twenty haven't yet grown into their final shape. Gently upturned at the tip, neither too big nor too small, their pancake nipples are the perfect shade of pink as if constantly begging to be kissed and handled.

  I still haven't done either. It is only her first day at my house and I have to use every last ounce of will to stick it through with her routine of indoctrination. She is not fully aware of it yet, but from the moment she signed her contract of submission, she has commenced a regimen that with time will have her mindlessly submit to my every wish and desire. She agreed to it in her contract and I know how happy she will be when that happens. I watch her worry her bottom lip and I can see her for what she can become — a naturally submissive priestess of love.

  Her room is not big: A former closet in which I have installed a tiny bed that fills more than half the available space. Comfort is not the goal here. It is only in my bedroom that she is to find leisure and luxury, nowhere else.

  I can see her consternation in the tight space as she tries to step around the bulk of my body. At almost seven feet, I tower above my little lithe brunette. Her proportions are those of a goddess and I make a mental note to schedule an appointment with an artist. He’s a good friend of mine who specializes in doing nudes. I want him to paint her the way she is now – young innocent and impressionable. I intend to keep her forever and I will have my friend paint her portrait at every stage of her development.

  "Every evening, before going to bed you are to bid me good night, kneel on the floor and kiss my ring finger." Lena rolls her eyes and I make a mental note to include an extra strike in her punishment in the morning. But now she needs to sleep. No sense rushing the inevitable. I take my responsibilities toward my ward seriously. She's beyond exhausted after all she has been through today. It is completely understandable to see her little attitude flare up and if anything, I actually love it for the innocence it betrays.

  She kneels in the tight space and I offer her my hand. In spite of her obvious displeasure, her lips linger a couple of seconds longer than expected when she kisses the heavy iron gargoyle on my thick ring. Such a wonderful girl!



  He leaves the room but his scent of lavender lingers and keeps me awake for what feels like an eternity. I writhe and turn in the small bed desperately trying to find a comfortable position to sleep. My butt hurts where he spanked me, the pain roiling in waves with the heat emanating from my equally reddened belly. I scrunch my eyes willing myself to sleep. But the discomfort and heat from my freshly spanked bottom and tummy cannot allow me to forget my master. Something about the power that he exerts over my body excites me uncontrollably. The bedsheets and blanket are rough against my skin.

  The darkness and the silence make my thoughts of the man who punished me so much louder. I cannot stop myself. My eyes flit open but I see nothing, hear nothing. Lying on my side, I hear myself moan. I find my own voice oddly arousing, helpless and thick with passion, I moan again turning my head to bury the sound in the hard pillow. I reach without thinking and feel my fingers in the warm hairy wetness I have never explored before. My whole body shakes and the bed creaks. I rub the tips of my fingers across my hairy center. Every follicle becomes a spark of emotion that makes me want to cry. I start sobbing into the pillow as I rub faster and faster. Soon my toes curl and I cannot breathe, my brain is frozen in time as I wet myself between my legs and I gasp into the moist pillow with the second orgasm of my life.

  Finally a restless slumber overcomes me and I drift into a land where powerful men make little girls cum like banshees.

  There are no windows in the room so I have no idea what time it is when I feel Master’s hands gently caressing my hair. It takes me a stultifying moment before reality comes gushing back into my consciousness and I try to sit up but Master gently holds me down.

  "Shhhh, little one," he says. "Don't be afraid. There's no rush, no hurry. There is nowhere you have to go, no work you have to do, you are home now."

  "But my mother…" I start but he puts his finger across my pouty lips.

  "She's at the hospice, like I told you. A friend of mine is taking care of her. All will be fine." I can see he is making an effort to be patient. I have known my master since before I was a teenager. He was our family doctor and now, as a world-renowned expert on multiple sclerosis, he helps me care for my ailing mom. I take a deep breath as I feel him remove the covers. I close my eyes and then immediately open them again remembering my pending punishment for not meeting his gaze at all times.

  He arranges me on my back. I am naked and I blush in the darkness as I feel his big black eyes on me.

  "Try and take a deep breath and settle down.” I feel his fingers gently caress my cheeks and then slide down my long neck to cup my shoulders that he squeezes as if testing the prominence and strength of my muscles there.

  "Lift your arms for me, please," he says and he moves his hands exploring the length of my shoulders. It tickles when he brings them to my armpits. I blush in the semi-darkness of my bedroom and I feel him gently tug at my hairs there. "I will get you an electric epilation machine. I want you to use it to remove the hairs here." His hands suddenly move to my breasts and I feel his fingers pinch and then squeeze viciously. The pain in my nipples takes me completely by surprise and a loud hiss escapes my tight lips. “You have to acknowledge when you're given an order."

  “Yes, Master. I am sorry, Master,” I say my voice strained and pleading for him to release his grasp on my titties. “Yes, I will do what you ask, please….”

  “Tell me exactly what it is that you will do,” he asks. His fingers on my body are like tunnels into a universe of pain. But also…. Pleasure. I gasp loudly with the realization that I am wet between my legs again. Oh, my God. What is happening to me?

  “I will use the machine you give me to remove the hairs from my armpits.”

  “Very well,” his says and resumes exploring my neck and hands.

  He seems to enjoy rubbing the little muscles on the back of my arms as I hold them above my head. It feels so relaxing and so different from the pain these same hands made me experience just a minute ago.

  “You can keep the hair between your legs. I find it endearing and sexy.”

  "Yes, Master,” I say.

  “I have a question to ask.” He places his hands behind my neck and starts rubbing in delicious small circles my tight muscles there. “When you came to me the day before yesterday and offered to become my submissive, did you know what this truly entailed?”

  “No, not really, Master.” I lift my shoulders up and feel him collect my hair and spread it like a halo above my pillow as he resumes massaging my neck and back. His hands beneath me are so big and so strong that they make my body wiggle in little waves as his fingers expertly maneuver around. “I had an idea… I read the book you gave me… And then, I also read and looked at some websites on the Internet. But this is so much more….”


  “Yes, Master. Real”

  “I can smell your wetness, Lena. Tell me did you cum during the night?”

  I nod in the darkness, “I did.”

  “You're a sweet girl,” he says and I feel him bend down and kiss me on the forehead.

  Of their own accord my hands go up around his powerful neck and I interlace the tips of my fingers there. I can feel him smile in the darkness of the room.

  “Not yet, sweetheart. But believe me, I cannot wait,” he says and I hear a little exasperated sigh escape my lips as I let go of him.

  “Before we do anything today, I need to give you a full medical exam. I have already prepared
the documents that you need to sign to give me access to your medical records. I will have them sent over to my office. We will go there after you have breakfast. I have put out a set of clothes I want you to wear and I will drive you to the hospital myself. I have cleared my patients for the day. You will be my only patient this week.” I can hear the smile on his voice as he speaks. “Come we have so much work to do.”



  She looks so small in the big leather seat of my BMW seven series. Watching her in the rearview mirror makes me strain with anticipation to possess her. Young and beautiful, Lena is so willing and impressionable that she was ready to fuck me and lose her virginity right there in her own bed this morning. To think that I almost succumbed to the temptation makes me shudder. Patience is a good master's true virtue when it comes to training a young virginal submissive like Lena.

  I have her dressed like yet another teenager in tight jeans, simple sneakers and formfitting T-shirt that do wonders for her beautiful proportions. Understated and demure, she lets her long black hair cascade in lustrous rivulets all the way down to the small of her back. Her elfin blue eyes are like something straight out of a Tolkien movie as she consciously makes an effort to meet my gaze whenever she can. I know how it probably weighs on her mind that she has a punishment pending for daring to faint on me the other day when she had her first orgasm.

  I have promised her a pussy spanking but she doesn't know when it will happen. It might happen at any moment. For all she knows, I might decide to pull over into some gray grimy parking lot right now and have her slip out of her jeans and spread her legs and hold her own tight lips open for her first painful pussy spanking. I cannot help but shudder in anticipation as we finally drive into the parking lot of the hospital where I work.

  It is so nice to be famous. Well renowned medical doctors are not unlike rock stars and I make sure to reap all the benefits that my research fame brings. I have her scheduled for an all-day visit with me after which I will know more about her body than she ever would.


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