Share Me

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Share Me Page 3

by Webster, K

  Clove is dressed in a pencil skirt and blouse. A string of pearls hug her delicate neck and her long, dark brown hair is pulled up into a tight, neat bun. Lately, she wears this juicy as fuck gloss on her pouty pink lips that makes my mouth water for a taste. Her brown eyes are always made up with liner and mascara, but I prefer her when she’s at home and scrubbed clean. Those honey brown eyes seem to pop and reveal more of the real Clove.

  I feel like more and more, especially because of her being with her Ken doll William, she’s lost the real Clove and had to be her dad’s puppet for the press a little too often.

  I’m not a fucking fan of Politician Daughter Barbie.

  She always looks too put together these days. Seeing her in disarray this morning in just her underwear was enlightening, reminding me of the time I took her shopping when she asked me if she looked appealing in a sexual way years ago. She was wearing a stupid fucking sweater thing with animals all over it. She could pull anything off, but I knew she had never picked out her own clothes her entire life. So, I took her to the mall. It was like letting a caged animal free into the world. She went from shop to shop, happily choosing things she wanted, and finished up in a lingerie shop.

  Lace. Lace fucking panties. I could give her a pearl necklace to match those and not the kind she has on now…

  I shake her image from my thoughts for the hundredth time.

  The body she hides beneath her clothes is deadly. She’s a knockout. And the image won’t leave my fucking mind no matter how many times I force it from it.

  “I’m nervous,” she announces, getting my attention for a whole other reason.

  She’s clenching her hands together and my shoulders stiffen.

  I flit my eyes to Sebastian, who is driving for a change, and catch his eyes on her in the rearview.

  “Why?” I ask, frowning. My gut coils with its own nerves of what she’s going to say. I take her hand and give it a squeeze before releasing it.

  “I’m going to break things off with William.” She sighs and shifts in her seat next to mine.

  We’re used to her talking about her life with us. We’re the people she sees the most of, so she’s adapted and become open with some of us. Mainly Leo, who treats her like she’s a breakable fucking doll, and me who just treats her like she’s human. I think she’d surprise everyone just how unbreakable she is.

  I’m so fucking relieved at her words. I had this image of her marrying that cocksucker.

  “He’s wrong for you anyway,” I tell her boldly, ignoring the tightening of Sebastian’s jaw.

  Usually, I just listen to her and not actually intervene, but William doesn’t deserve her. He treats her like she’s an accessory. He only wants to take her out when it’s a photo op for him. He’s too much like her father. Clove needs a man who’s devoted to her. She’s a fucking catch, yet to this political bastard she’s just a means to an end. He’s trying to use her father’s influence and fame for his own gain.

  No one actually looks past her last name to see the woman standing right there before them. She’s bright, beyond beautiful, and caring. Funny and sweet. Determined and focused.

  “You really think that?” she whispers after a silent pause. For a moment, I worry I said that shit out loud, but then remember we were discussing William.

  “I do. You deserve someone who demands your time. Who will go to the ends of the earth to make sure you’re happy and satisfied.” I nod. Her eyes grow wide at the mention of satisfied and it sends a flurry of visions through my head of being the one to satisfy her.

  “We’re here,” Sebastian announces. I unbuckle both our seat belts and slip out of the car.

  Sebastian is already out and at her door before I can get to it.

  “You stay outside. I’ll go in with her,” he grunts.

  With a nod, I check the streets and then take a stance outside the entrance to William’s office building.

  Fidgeting, I wring my hands together as the elevator climbs the building. Why is it so damn hot in here? Sebastian and I are the only two people inside the tin can and his pure size and closeness has me forgetting my nerves and instead the excitement in my stomach is back.

  It’s like my body has woken up after a long sleep. I sense every part of him in here with me. The rise and fall of his chest as he breathes, the trickle of sweat beading on his forehead, his hand accidently brushing the fabric of my clothes, his breath dispersing over my face as he looks down at me, the muscles flexing in his jaw. I’m going to combust.

  Sebastian is in his early thirties, but it doesn’t stop a heat that begins to flame up my neck with him this close. He’s tall, well over six feet. Broad shoulders. Piercing blue eyes and the blackest hair that looks like spilled ink. The fierce glint that always flickers in his gaze reminds me of a vampire again, but it’s me who is thirsty in here, not him.

  I’ve watched too many movies. My imagination likes to go crazy from time to time. Imagine if he really were a vampire and he bit me in other places?

  “You’re looking flustered,” he suddenly says and my eyes widen.

  “I…erm.” My tongue feels too big for my mouth.

  A small tug of his lips and then he adds, “He will be fine. Besides, I’ll be right outside if you need me.” The elevator jolts to a stop and the door dings open.

  “Thanks,” I croak, moving as fast as possible out of the enclosed space.

  I walk straight down the corridor and past Mary, William’s secretary. She starts to stand, her hand waving in protest as she almost falls from behind her desk to reach me, but Sebastian stands in her way, blocking her approach.

  “He’s expecting me, Mary,” I call around his large frame.

  “I still need to announce you,” she argues, but it’s muted by the thickness of Sebastian’s body between us.

  I rap my knuckle on William’s door and then push the handle to go inside. He looks up as I enter the room. There’s a man sitting opposite him, who follows William’s gaze to me. I drop my eyes to study him and swallow when his dark orbs narrow on me.

  “Clove, you’re early.” William stands and runs his hand down his tie.

  “Sorry, I’m actually five minutes late. I can come back another time if you’re busy,” I offer. But really, I won’t make another appointment to see him. I’ll just end things on the phone when he can slip a call in.

  He’s shaking his head vehemently and moving from foot to foot like he’s anxious.

  “Are you going to introduce us?” the other man says, rising to his feet, and comes toward me. The clothes he’s wearing are unusual for this environment, which leads me to believe he’s not here on business. Leather in the form of a jacket sits snug over his wide shoulders. A T-shirt pulls tight against his abdomen with a logo of a rock band emblazoned on the fabric. Jeans sitting low on his narrow hips travel down his legs and disappear into heavy black boots that stop just as the tip of his boot reaches the end of my stiletto.

  The urge to move back is suffocating, but I refuse to be intimidated, and that’s the vibes coming off this man. His eyes are narrowed and a sneer lifts his lip as he states, “You’ve been moving up in the world. She’s an improvement from the last one.”

  Just as my mouth opens to tell him to back away, a large hand reaches around my waist and tugs me backward against a hard chest. Sebastian’s scent surrounds me as his other powerful hand reaches forward and pushes against this man’s chest.

  “You’re too close,” Sebastian growls in warning.

  I feel the heat and grip of his hold in more places than my waist and I fight the urge to inhale him and sink back into his powerful body.

  “It’s okay,” William intervenes, pulling me from my fuzzy thoughts, finally coming around his desk and grabbing the man’s arm to step around him. He’s not looking at me but at the giant behind me, who’s protecting me. “She’s fine,” he tells Sebastian without asking me if I’m indeed fine. In his hold, I feel more than fine.

  “This i
s a school friend of mine from a long time ago. He’s just visiting and now leaving.” William glances over his shoulder and the guy smirks with a shoulder shrug.

  “No offense intended.” He holds up his hands in surrender.

  “You can release her now,” William urges, but Sebastian doesn’t release me, merely relaxes his hold slightly, which I’m grateful for because my knees have weakened.

  “Actually, this was just a quick visit to let you know in person that this”—I gesture between him and me—“isn’t working. I have another engagement to get to so…” I know I sound discombobulated, but I can’t think straight through the Sebastian haze.

  Pull yourself together, I scorn internally.

  William’s jaw is slack and his pale blue eyes widen in shock. He should be enough, he should be better at the things I need, but he’s just not.

  “You’re joking?” He chortles, running his fingers through his blond hair. But the laughter fades when he realizes I’m not smiling. It’s not a joke.

  “Clove? You can’t end us. We’re perfect together. Our careers—”

  I hold a hand up to stop him. He means his career. I do charity work. I’m not trying to climb rungs of a ladder like William. His ego gives me the ammo I need to clear the haze of sexual chemistry I seem to be consumed with today.

  “Your career. Being with you does nothing to further my own agenda, just yours,” I bite out.

  “I love you,” he tries.

  His friend from school, who’s still standing behind him, barks out a laugh, gaining all our attention. With hands going up in surrender, he says, “Sorry, carry on.”

  What a rude sonofabitch. I should have waited for him to leave. Picked another time to do this, but if I wait, it’s just prolonging the inevitable.

  “You love the idea of me,” I mutter. “There’s a difference.”

  William’s jaw locks and the muscles tick there. He places his hands on his hips as he paces the floor. Sebastian’s hold has loosened, but he hasn’t fully let me go.

  “Can we talk about this at a more appropriate time? It’s hardly the place, Clove.”

  “Will I just book another time slot to see you then?” I bite out.

  “I don’t give you enough time. I can do better,” William says with a resigned sigh.

  “Do better with the next woman who comes into your life.” I reach out for him and squeeze his arm, before turning on my heel and coming face-to-face with Sebastian’s chest. He stands in my way for a beat too long before stepping aside and letting me pass.

  Just as I get through the door I turn back. “It was nice meeting you…?”

  “Ren. Ren Hayes.” The friend smirks.

  “The Ren Hayes?” Sebastian stiffens, causing me to go on alert.

  William pales and slams the office door shut in Sebastian’s face.

  “Rude,” I snap out.

  “Come on,” Sebastian urges with his hand to the small of my back, sending shock waves up my spine and liquid heat to pool in my stomach.

  We don’t speak again until we’re back in the car. This time Ford takes the driver’s seat and Sebastian joins me in the back.

  I unbutton a couple buttons on the blouse I’m wearing. I’m flustered and mad at how things went up there in William’s office. And, like a bitch in heat with every touch or look from Sebastian, despite knowing him for over six damn years, it only worsened things. Ugh. These professional clothes are a hindrance. I can’t breathe. I’d love to put on my shorts and tee and just feel normal for once.

  To feel free.

  “What did you mean, The Ren Hayes?” I turn to ask Sebastian to distract myself, but the question fades when I find his eyes on the cleavage I’ve exposed. My heart rate quickens and water floods my mouth.

  “Ren Hayes?” Ford barks over his shoulder. “The man just acquitted for the murder of that woman from that club? It was on the news.”

  All heat drains from my body, leaving an icy chill in its wake. I look at Sebastian for confirmation and going from the dip in his brow and tense posture, I’d say that’s exactly who he meant.

  “Drive,” Sebastian demands.

  I flop back into my seat, not realizing I’d darted forward when Ford brought up just who I was toe to toe with minutes before. Murder?

  Death’s cold hand snakes up my spine, whispering over the flesh, causing goose bumps to rise all over my skin. Sebastian shifts in his seat, his thigh coming to rest against mine, reminding me I have nothing to fear from Ren or men like him. Because I have four protectors who won’t allow anyone to harm me.

  Anxious energy has been coursing through my veins ever since we left William small dick’s office.

  Fucking Ren Hayes was the last person I wanted around Clo and the fact he was in William’s office with William working for the state is foolish of him. That’s a media storm just waiting to happen.

  The boring bastard looked twitchy as fuck and with good reason if he has a past linked with Ren Hayes. Ren was accused of the murder of a woman named Kate Rose. She met him at a nightclub and was later found strangled to death. Ren’s DNA was found on the victim and his fingerprints on a silk scarf wrapped around her neck. He claimed they were an item before she died, and were into rough sex. And that the scarf was a gift he bought her.

  But there was no evidence they were an item. The bastard charmed the jurors and got off.

  Lack of evidence.

  Now I’m on edge. We looked into William when they first started dating, but this business with Ren came later. He wouldn’t have flagged up. I will be doing a fresh look into William’s background when we get done with this coffee meeting with her father.

  Zac and Leo arrived at the coffee house with Mr. Sterling a few minutes ago. He’s decided to sit outside, which makes our job of keeping them safe twice as hard. Crowd points of possible attacks are greater in open space. But Mr. Sterling likes to be seen. It’s good for his image.

  I search the perimeter of the coffee shop again and nod to Ford, who sits next to the table Clo and her dad are having coffee at. It’s apparent he only wanted to meet in a public space when the paparazzi show up and begin snapping them together. Jack Sterling needs the world to think he’s a devoted father spending time with his only child. We all know better. Clo would never see him if it wasn’t good for his image. I’m not saying he doesn’t love or care for her, he just loves his career more. It’s been fucking tough watching her grow into this beautiful woman, but so lonely and in desperate need of love.

  It’s all around her, yet she can never know it.

  I can’t hear what they’re talking about, but the quick glimpses I give Clo tell me it’s something she’s not happy about—no doubt informing her of more photo shoots and organized events she will be required to attend. This girl never complains about being a tool in her father’s campaigns. She does what’s expected of her, like a puppet on a string. I’m dying to cut her loose from them, to set her free…or use them to string her up in more fun ways. Fuck, I need to stop thinking about her this way. She doesn’t fucking help my cause. There’s so much inside her waiting to burst free. I can see it battling under the surface, clawing for an escape, begging for me to unlock the cage she’s kept in.

  I used to love my job, the thrill of possible danger at any turn, but now, now I care so much about the girl I’m protecting I hate it. It stresses me out knowing there’s always potential danger just by her having the Sterling name. Keeping her safe is something I vow to do no matter what, but I wish it were under different circumstances, that she was mine. That it didn’t have to be from afar.

  I’d give anything to just taste her. To feel her against my skin, her breath against my lips before I stole the air from her and made the world disappear with a kiss she’d never get from fucking William. Anything for one taste.

  Leo checks his watch and nods over to me, refocusing my attention. It’s been thirty minutes, which is plenty of time to make a good impression. Like clockwork, they finish up
. He didn’t even feed her.

  “Leo, take Clove home. Sebastian, you and the others will go with me,” Mr. Sterling informs us. Usually he leaves it for me to decide the protection detail arrangements, but he knows Clo likes Leo’s company and going from her downturned lips, the meeting upset her.

  I want to argue, but there’s no reason Clo wouldn’t be safe with Leo. He adores her and is as well trained as the rest of us.

  I nod in confirmation and watch as Clo saunters over to Leo and gestures to the park across the street. She’s always had a thing for walking. She loves nature and rarely gets to experience it.

  As I turn away from her, I feel it in my bones before anything else. The atmosphere shifts and acid pools in my gut as I hear a car revving, the tires squealing and burning asphalt.

  My heart stops as the world slows. I turn just in time to see Clo as she steps into the road, the car barreling toward her. But instead of slowing, it speeds up. A fucking rock forms in my throat, but I manage to bark, “Leo!”

  Fear swells up inside of me as I race toward her. Leo must have seen the car already because he’s pushing her out of the way and catches a clip to the leg as the car makes impact, sending him to the ground. I whip out my Glock, drawing it within a second.

  My eyes are everywhere—checking the surroundings—dropping to see Ford aiding Clo.

  “She’s okay,” he shouts, his own gun in hand.

  Zac has ushered Jack inside the shop to keep him safe. Flashes spark from all the paparazzi taking shots of the incident. I aim at the car disappearing into the distance, but it’s too risky to open fire with so many civilians around. Someone could get injured in the crossfire.

  My chest is tight as I take in Clo crying into Ford’s chest. My entire body is vibrating with a mix of nerves and rage. Someone tried to hurt—no, not hurt, fucking kill our girl.

  Ford gathers Clo into his arms and carries her to the car we arrived in.


  Who the hell would want to hurt her?

  Whoever they are, they’re going to die.


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