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Nightfall Page 3

by TK Lawyer

  Lifting himself off the floor, Josh grumbled in frustration. He decided to be patient and wait despite the intense, almost overwhelming urge to claim the wide-eyed, adorable female smiling at him. He exhaled an elongated sigh and shook his head to clear his thoughts before returning to acting like the ‘dog’ Tamara insisted he was.

  He looked up adoringly at Tamara as she rubbed him on the head and kissed his muzzle.

  “You’re such a good boy, Nightfall, and handsome too. I’m really blessed, no actually, honored you came into my life. I truly missed having a dog around, ever since my Zoe passed.” She paused for several long seconds and blinked back tears. “I didn’t think I’d get emotional, but… it’s really wonderful having an animal around again. Someone who loves you unconditionally and would do anything for you.” She rubbed her hands through the fur on his back. “You’re really special, Nightfall. Thank you.”

  Ahhh, that felt good… and Tamara was right. He’d do anything for her, without question.

  “You know, Nightfall, I’m so glad you’re a protective dog. Zoe wasn’t, though she did come between a stranger and me one time, and that was really weird. I think she felt my unhappy surprise when I opened the door, expecting to find a friend and found a strange guy standing there instead. I’m glad you’ll protect me no matter what. I’ll do the same for you if you ever need it.”

  She, softly, brushed the fur on his long legs.

  “Not that I engage in risky behavior or anything. I’m actually pretty boring, but I’m glad you’re around to watch out for me, anyway.”

  Josh looked up at her, his eyes focused on the amazing, beautiful woman speaking soothing words to him. He sighed contentedly at his good fortune. Not many wolves found their true mates. Tamara was a rare and precious gem. He couldn’t wait for her to know him.


  The machine to create dog tags loomed at the entrance to the store. Tamara looked down at the leash and back at Nightfall. What was she supposed to do with him while she tried to figure out how to create the dog tag he needed? She couldn’t hold onto him and operate the machine at the same time, could she? She needed two hands to enter Nightfall’s name, address, and phone number, efficiently, plus locate the code for the specific dog tag she wanted on her receipt and then, subsequently, feed the coins into the machine.

  She sighed as she considered what to do, staring into Nightfall’s gorgeous amber eyes with a formulated plan and renewed determination.

  Wrapping the leash around a belt loop, she commanded him to stay, praising him as soon as his bottom hit the ground. Her glance alternated between the instructions on the machine and her fingers on the keypad. Several screens later, the machine whirred and started engraving her chosen tag.


  Her heart filled with pride as the rest of the letters magically appeared on the bone-shaped metal object in front of her. Once finished, the tag fell down and clacked in the receptacle bin, waiting for her to retrieve it.

  She held the shiny, blue-colored tag in front of his eyes with glee. “Look Nightfall, isn’t it beautiful?”

  Tamara grabbed his face, ruffled his fur, and bent down to kiss his muzzle. “You’re mine now, Sweetie. I’m so happy.”

  She loosely looped the leash around her arm when a voice called her attention.

  “Awww, that’s so sweet,” a young, blonde female said as she walked toward them. “What kind of dog is he? He’s beautiful.”

  The woman bent over and patted Nightfall on the head while the tops of her breasts popped out from her thin T-shirt. Tamara shied away from the brazen display.

  “He’s…um…well, I’m not sure exactly.”

  It was a fair question. What was Nightfall anyway, besides a sweet and loyal companion? She watched the blonde woman smile at Nightfall, pop her gum, and then rub him underneath his chin. The woman’s fingernail then scraped off a piece of chewing gum plastered to the side of her upper lip. She pushed it back into her mouth to chew on it once more.

  “Well, aren’t you adorable?” she drawled while looking down at Nightfall. “You’re a good boy, aren’t you?” Her breasts heaved through the rainbow design on her sleeveless, light-blue T-shirt. Her perky nipples poked through the soft fabric.

  Tamara’s jaw dropped in disbelief. She looked away while the blonde continued speaking to the dog, wondering if anyone else noticed her partial nudity.

  “If you didn’t belong to anyone, you could come home with me. I’d take you.”

  The woman snapped her gum, rubbed his head one final time, and waved good-bye. Her hips knocked side-to-side as she sashayed to the back of the store.

  Tamara glanced at the blonde’s slim, curvy shape as she walked away- a part of her wishing her body mimicked the slender profile the blonde sported around easily. She sighed, knowing her voluptuous form would never behave, then navigated to the end of a nearby aisle.

  She bent down to pat Nightfall’s head and gasped when she found he wasn’t there. Turning quickly in both directions, she found his leash sliding across the floor and trailing behind his furry, escaping butt. Calling his name, Tamara followed after him, rushing to the back of the store and grabbing at the end of the leash. Yet, each time she had it within her grasp, it slipped away like sand through her fingers.

  “Nightfall! Damn it, come back here!”

  Several customers turned and looked at her. Even more, glared at her as they covered the ears of their children. Many muttered under their breath at her choice of words.

  She left them all behind to chase after the dog, frustrated to find the leash whipping around several corners and out of her sight. Her heart pounding faster with the unintentional race, she took a sharp right into an aisle and spotted him. Summoning up her remaining energy, she sprinted up to him and stamped a foot down on his leash. The force of her action caused Nightfall to yelp and his body to jerk backward. He fell straight onto the floor, bouncing back up shortly afterward.

  Tamara gasped into her hands at what she witnessed while immediately releasing her foot off the leash. “I’m so sorry, Nightfall. Are you okay?”

  As she bent toward him to make sure he was alright, he left her side and strutted over to a familiar face. Was he chasing her all this time?

  The blonde woman from earlier crouched down to reward Nightfall with an encore view down her shirt. “Oh, hey there, Cutie. What are you doing?” Her gum cracked loudly in her mouth. Running her fingers through the thick fur on the back of his neck, she said, “No…no…you can’t come home with me. You have a mistress to take care of you.”

  Tamara frowned, tied the leash securely around her arm, and walked up to the other woman. Her mouth opened in apology but slammed shut when she found Nightfall licking the blonde’s hand. A sudden, unexpected shot of jealousy pierced straight through her heart.

  Tamara tapped her hand against his muzzle. “Stop that, Nightfall. Stop it. Stop it, right now.”

  “Oh, it’s okay. He’s just being friendly,” the woman giggled. She rubbed her fingers through his fur again while popping her gum several more times.

  “A little too friendly,” Tamara mumbled quietly.

  Where did her protective dog go? Now he seemed to be everyone’s dog and not solely hers.

  Tamara pulled on the leash and shouted, “Let’s go!”

  She half-dragged Nightfall through the aisle and up through the center of the store. He glanced back at the blonde and whimpered.


  Tamara encouraged Nightfall onto a grassy area. Recalling her plight with him in the store, she scowled and folded her arms across her chest.

  “What’s wrong with you? Why are you following other people? I had to run after you, damn it! I was so scared I lost you. Please, don’t do that ever again.”

  Nightfall ignored her. Instead, he sniffed the grass and walked around aimlessly. She pulled on his leash and led him to the car, where she bent over him and wagged her finger at him, continuing his discipline.

“Nightfall! Are you hearing me? Don’t make me chase after you again.”

  The dog looked bored; clearly, she wasn’t getting through to him.

  Tamara swatted him hard on the butt with her open palm. “Bad boy!”

  When he lunged forward and snapped at her, she jumped back, surprised. Her eyes widened, and her heartbeat pulsed in her throat. She froze, calculating several possible defensive maneuvers should she need to respond.

  Nightfall glared at her at first, and then, suddenly, his eyes softened. He whimpered, lowered his head, and pawed at the ground. Tamara swallowed down the lump caught in her throat. Was Nightfall wild? Had she, in her desperation to have a new companion, rushed into giving an untamed animal a home, not realizing he might be wrong for her? Should she keep him now that he almost attacked her? No dog had ever bared its teeth to her. He might become violent at any moment. Tamara didn’t like knowing this.

  She didn’t like it at all.

  Nightfall whined. He raised his head and looked up at her with sad eyes, then lowered his head again and whimpered. Her hand hesitated by her side before slowly reaching out toward him and rubbing the fur on the top of his head.

  “Are we okay now?” she asked, a bit uncertain.

  Nightfall licked her hand. He worked his way toward her palm and looked up at her before drawing his tongue slowly across it several times. She involuntarily gasped for breath and retrieved her hand.

  She reached out to the car to steady herself and maintain her balance. Instead, she fell against it and cried out.


  Tamara grimaced as she held her left arm close to her body and slid behind the steering wheel. She adjusted her rearview mirror and looked at the furry being in her backseat before returning her attention to the erratic thoughts ping-ponging around in her brain.

  The palms of her hands were highly sensitive—to the extent that stroking across them produced pleasurable, knee-weakening sensations. This area was one of her lesser-known erogenous zones.

  There was no way Nightfall was aware of this sensitive area; yet, what explanation was there for how he effectively licked the area not once but twice.

  No, Tamara, you’re being silly. He’s just a dog.

  She turned to the rearview mirror and found Nightfall looking at her. She stared, stuck, and unable to shift her eyes away despite her brain’s attempts to control her movement. Her breathing turned shallow as his gaze pierced into hers.

  I’m sorry. I was merely gauging your reaction to my leaving you for someone else. Rest assured, my love, you are the only one for me. My mate…you will know pure ecstasy when I am done with you.

  She heard the words in her mind, but they were not hers.

  A shiver escalated through her body, ending in small electrically charged tremors. The voice, whoever it was, was amazing. Confident and husky, the message he sent quickened her breathing to near dangerous levels.

  Her eyes burned and watered. Still, she couldn’t break the connection with Nightfall. Instead, she stared mindlessly at her new, unintended master. She willed herself to break the stranglehold he held over her and took in a deep breath, counted to three, and forced her eyes shut. The burning sensation behind her eyes finally ceased. Tamara paused with relief, thankful for the forced respite. Surrounded in splendid, complete darkness, her head fell back against the headrest. She concentrated on quieting her thoughts and returning her breathing to a normal state.

  I love you.

  The words wafted through her mind and Tamara’s eyelids popped open. She found Nightfall lying down on the backseat with his head between his front paws.

  It had to be true; she was going insane. She was hearing voices and cracking up. This dog couldn’t be anything but a dog, and he was a good one, too. He wasn’t vicious despite her recent scare. She couldn’t believe he was.

  She forced a smile on her face and popped the crazy thoughts out of her head. Turning on the ignition, she drove as quickly as she could out of the parking lot.


  Josh sat up in the seat, alert, famished, and ready to sample all of the food Tamara ordered from the drive-thru window. Eagerly, he bounded toward her and bounced his head against her side.

  She cupped one hand under his chin and rubbed it. “Hey, Sweetie.”

  Tamara kissed his muzzle before retrieving her wallet from her purse.

  The smell of food proved overwhelming, and his stomach rumbled with hunger. Whimpering, he pawed at the back of her seat until Tamara gave up, pulled the car over, and handed him a few of her french fries. He gobbled up each salty morsel and begged for more before falling onto the backseat. Nightfall’s paws were in the air, feigning death if he wasn’t given any more food. She laughed and shook her head. He hung his head in disappointment.

  “What am I going to do with you? I mean, whoever heard of a dog that doesn’t like dog food?” She eyed him with concern. “Hmmm, are you starving? I hope not. No matter how appealing I try to make your food, you won’t eat it. Well, I guess I’m going to have to give you something else. Maybe I’ll split half of my dinner with you if you’re a good boy. And cheese…yeah, I don’t know why, but you seem to like cheese. Maybe I’ll give you a slice or two.”

  She readjusted the rearview mirror as Josh lay quietly on the backseat and grinned.

  Mission accomplished.


  Tamara ran into the kitchen, barely making it past the threshold of the door before being accosted by a wet-nosed and ravenous, furry stalker. Nightfall sat at the edge of the kitchen, salivating and grumbling. She pulled a plate out of the cabinet, un-wrapped the burgers, and shook the fries out of the container. Adding a few slices of cheese, she placed everything onto the plate and then turned to the carryout bag, and to the box of chicken nuggets lying inside, on the bottom. She looked at Nightfall and then back at the box and then gave in, setting several of them onto his plate.

  “Okay. There you go, Nightfall. You should be happy now. You’re going to have a feast tonight. So, no more complaints from you. You should be a satisfied doggy.”

  Before she had the chance to place the plate on the floor, he attacked it and devoured everything she offered. Tamara filled a bowl with water and placed it next to him, marveling at how quickly he consumed everything. He whined for more.

  She giggled. “Oh no, you don’t. I already gave you half my dinner, that’s a lot of food!”

  How could Nightfall look so pitiful and still be hungry?

  She stared past the pure, golden-amber tone of his eye color and the stray flecks that sparkled and sighed with resignation. “Those eyes, they do it to me every time. Okay, okay.”

  Unable to resist him, she grabbed a chicken nugget from her plate and crouched in front of him, offering the food morsel. Was she making a grave error, not knowing if he was food aggressive or not? She figured she’d know soon enough.

  She waited for his response. He’d either rip the chicken nugget from her small hand or take it, nicely, from her. Nightfall walked up to her. He looked at her and then at her outstretched hand. He scooped the nugget up while his whiskers tickled the palm of her hand. Tamara giggled as Nightfall edged forward, and she fell back onto the tile floor.

  He licked the remaining crumbs from the palm of her hand. The action caused her breath to quicken while a delicious vibe tingled straight through her core. Gritting her teeth, she willed her body to ignore the stimulation coursing through her nerves. With a vigorous shake of her hand, she rubbed the wet skin against her blouse, then tried pushing herself up onto her elbows when she spotted Nightfall moving toward her.

  His muzzle inched ever closer, his warm breath blowing across her dry, cracked lips. She could’ve sworn he grinned.

  Words wafted through her mind again.

  I love you.

  He licked across her open mouth.

  “Augh. That’s disgusting.” She turned her head away. Soft fur fell forward.

  You are everything I need, everythi
ng I want.

  He licked his way up to her earlobe and slipped underneath it.

  “Yah, Nightfall, stop.”

  She pushed against his massive, hairy chest, attempting to lift him off her. However, Nightfall proved to be impossibly strong, muscular, and determined. Damn. She might as well be playing the childhood game paddy cake with him. Her attempts to shove him off her were faring no better than the harmless arm movements, which were part of the song. If only he were human and not a canine.

  I am.

  She heard the words and saw them written across her mind in a white chalk-like substance.

  I am human. You’ve seen me before. I think you were attracted to me. We have a bond, you and I. You are my mate for life.

  What? Where were these kooky statements coming from? Tamara wondered.

  The thoughts continued.

  One day soon, my love, I will show you, but you need to be open to it. I will not reveal myself to you if it’ll scare you. I love you, my darling. You are my life, mate. No harm will ever come to you. I guarantee it.

  She moved her head left to right, searching for the origin of the words. Her eyes darted about the room and then settled on Nightfall, standing above her. She was nose to nose with the canine. The softness in his cheekbones turned hard, and the angles of his jaw stilled. He blinked once.

  Tamara wasn’t sure what to make of the situation. Her heartbeat accelerated while Nightfall stood still. If he inhaled or exhaled, she didn’t notice. She opened her lips to find his eyes dart toward them. This time, though, his eye color was different. It held something else in it, something she’d never expect to find in the eyes of any dog—an underlying sadness.

  The animal groaned and then stepped back.

  Please, don’t be afraid. You’re correct in your assumptions of me. I’m not what you perceive. I’ll be much more to you soon…if you’ll let me. Nightfall lifted his head up high. You’re mine, Tamara. I want to be with you, but not as I am now. I love you, I always will.


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