
Home > Other > Nightfall > Page 10
Nightfall Page 10

by TK Lawyer

  Tamara backed out of Josh’s arms, intensely aware of the crowd forming around them. “I accepted the dance with him, okay? Please stop making a scene.”

  Josh, smiled slyly and threw his hands up into the air, admitting defeat. “You’re right Keith, she’s your date.” He backed up a few steps before turning to her and saying, “Tamara, it was very nice seeing you again. Maybe we’ll see each other again sometime?”

  Keith pointed an accusing finger at Josh. “Hey, don’t be making plans with my woman.”

  Tamara whipped around to face him. “Your woman? I am not your woman.”

  Josh’s eyebrow arched, and he grinned. “It’s okay. I know what fighting over territory is like. Since you came to the club with him, he thinks you’re his. If you came with me, things would be different. I know when to back down…for now.”

  Keith interjected. “Listen, buddy, you want to take this outside?” The veins in his neck bulged. A tint of crimson shadowed part of his face.

  “What in the hell, Keith? You’re being ridiculous.” Tamara grabbed her purse, turned on her heel and stormed out of the club.

  Keith took off after Tamara while Josh followed slightly behind. He stepped off to the side and watched as Keith ran up to Tamara.

  “Hey Baby, where you going?” Keith attempted to grab Tamara’s arm, but she shrugged him off.

  “Get off me, Keith.”

  “Hey, come on. Don’t be like that. What did you expect me to do? That guy was hanging all over you and you’re my date.”

  “I accepted a dance with him. What did you expect me to do? We’re not in third grade. And the way you treated him was inexcusable.”

  “Look, the night is still young. Don’t leave me. Come here, Baby.”

  Tamara eyed him. She was still fuming at the way he treated poor Josh. She really didn’t want to be anywhere near Keith right now, but she figured she’d give him a second chance. Keith’s arms surrounded her and she allowed his embrace. Still, she wasn’t prepared for what came next.

  Keith lifted her chin up and planted his mouth on hers. She squealed through his parted lips. Her arms pushed against his chest, but the action got her nowhere. He was too strong. His tongue delved through her warm cavern, seeking her submission. She pounded on his shoulders, his arms, anywhere she could make contact when he pulled her tighter and deepened the kiss. She stomped on his foot and he finally let her go.

  “Hey!” Keith ran after her when she took off in the opposite direction of his car. Where in the hell she was going, Tamara didn’t know. She only knew she had to get away from the weasel and then somehow find her way home. But first, she wanted to be out of his sight and then she’d determine what to do next.

  She shouted and screamed as she ran in heels not made for exercise. Then she plunged into the arms of another, almost knocking him down.

  Josh threw his hand up in front of Keith in a motion to stop. Keith came to an abrupt halt. His dark eye color burned into Josh’s amber-gold.

  With a low grunt, Keith stammered out, “Get out of the way. This doesn’t concern you.”

  “I believe the lady said no.”

  “Let her tell me that!”

  “Keith…” Tamara shook her head, unable to say much else. She stared at him for a short while. A look of confusion spread across her face. What in the hell happened to her date? Who was this monster in front of her? “I don’t ever want to see you again.”

  “So, you like this man, instead, is that it? I pay for your drinks and this is what I get?”

  “She’s not your property. She’s your date.”

  Keith jerked forward, his fists balled up in a threatening gesture to start a fight. Josh let go of Tamara, secured her behind his sturdy back and squared off his stance to accept the invitation. Yet, Keith’s shoulders loosened, and he leaned back, dropping his hands and spitting out words with disgust, “Nah. She’s not worth it.”

  Tamara gave Keith a stunned, hurtful look before he turned and left. They watched Keith disappear before Josh reached for Tamara.

  Josh placed his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “Are you okay?”

  Still reeling from Keith’s reaction and his quick dismissal of her, Tamara could only slowly nod in reply. Tears glazed over her irises when Josh squeezed her shoulders in reassurance.

  “Hey, it’s okay. The scumbag is gone.”

  She leaned into Josh and cried onto his shoulder while he held her in a reassuring embrace. He stroked the back of her head, caressing through random strands of her baby fine hair. The gesture helped to soothe and calm her nerves some. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. Is there anything you need? Let me know.”

  She peered up into his eyes. “Thank you for helping me. Right now, I just want to go home.”

  “Of course. I never like to see a lady in distress. Speaking of which, I’m assuming he drove you here? Or did you bring your own car?”

  Tamara lowered her eyes. “Unfortunately, he brought me. I can call an Uber.”

  “Or I can drive you home, if you let me.”

  She couldn’t ask him for anything else. It wouldn’t be right. “No, I don’t want to…”

  “Tamara, it’s okay. Whatever you prefer. I want you to be safe and comfortable. Don’t worry about me.”

  Man, Josh really was a knight in shining armor.

  Still…she needed the time, alone, to process all that happened and sitting in Josh’s car might not be the best option at the moment.

  “Thank you so much. You’ve done enough, already. I truly appreciate your help.”

  He shook his head. “Okay. If you don’t mind, I’ll wait with you until your Uber arrives. Is that okay?”

  Tamara pulled the phone in front of her to request her ride. “That would be wonderful. Thanks.”


  A flood of tears streamed down Tamara’s cheeks. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew it was silly to cry over a man she only had her first date with, but she really liked Keith. She hoped that he was different—a good guy among the riff-raff. Yet when she said no and he didn’t listen, it made her wonder what else he’d dismiss, as well.

  She glanced at the screen when her phone chimed. It was her best friend Vee checking up on her.

  “Hey, Vee. The date went all wrong.”

  “What happened?”

  “Keith tried to kiss me, but I was mad at him and I didn’t want it. He wouldn’t listen. Then Josh stepped in...”

  “Who’s Josh?”


  What was Josh, to her? A guy from long ago she, coincidentally, met up with tonight? A man who stepped in to rescue her with Keith when Keith got a little aggressive. A man Tamara thought she’d never see again, yet somehow he remembered her and sent her gifts.

  She tightened her hold on the cellphone. “Um, he’s a friend from years ago. I just saw him again tonight.”

  “Oh? You never mentioned him before.”

  “Well, um, that’s because I haven’t seen him in so long. I actually just ran into him. I didn’t think he’d be there with Keith and me.”

  “Well, maybe he was at the right place at the right time. Are you okay? You need me to come over?”

  “No, no, I’m good. I can’t find Nightfall, but I’m good.”

  “Did you leave the door open? Maybe the back door and he slipped out into the yard?”

  “No. I checked a while ago. I was going to go outside and search for him, again. Maybe ask some of the neighbors that are still up. He probably got out somehow, but I don’t like him being out there. Even though he was a stray before.”

  “I’m sure he’ll show up. But thanks, Vee. Listen, I better let you go. I’m okay now. Hearing your voice makes me feel better. Give my love to Ray and to your furry girls.”

  “Aww, I love you too. Please let me know if you find Nightfall. Text me and let me know, okay?”

  “Sure will. Have a good night.”

; Shortly afterward, Tamara ended the call. Still in her clothes from tonight’s date, she traded her heels for slip-ons and padded through the house, calling out Nightfall’s name. With no response, she made her way toward the front door, opening it to find Nightfall lifting his head up as soon as he spotted her.

  “There you are. Where have you been?”

  She waited but no reply came. It was odd that he didn’t answer her.

  “I was worried about you. I had a horrible night.”

  Random tears strayed from the corners of her eyes. Nightfall lifted to a stand and sat at her feet. She bent over him to run her fingers through his warm, thick fur.

  “I missed you, Buddy.”

  She crouched down next to him and checked his body, his muzzle and his paws for anything new. Commanding him to lie down, she checked his belly but found no new rips, tears or bloody spots. She feared the worst when she found Nightfall gone.

  “Come on, Sweetheart. Come on in. I don’t know how you got out, but I will have to double-check everything before I leave so this doesn’t happen again.”

  She sat on the edge of the couch and relayed part of tonight’s failed date to Nightfall, sniffling in the middle of her story.

  He lifted himself up onto her naked thigh. Let me comfort you.

  She chuckled. “So now you’re talking to me? I love you, Nightfall.” She turned her head to one side and gave him a big hug while leaning her head against his larger one. “You were right. I shouldn’t have gone out. I should’ve just stayed home with you. I would’ve had more fun. Though there was one strange thing that happened tonight; Josh was there. I never thought I’d see him again. He’s the main reason Keith didn’t get a chance to kiss me again. Josh stepped in and disarmed him.”

  Lost in her thoughts, she stared at nothing while her fingers strummed through Nightfall’s soft, fuzzy fur.

  He perked up with concern. Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault—it would never be your fault. You did nothing wrong.

  Tamara held him close. A slight tilted curve formed across her lips and stretched into a weak smile. “Thank you for helping me feel better.”

  He nuzzled his cheek against her knee. I’m here to help you in any way I can, I promise.

  She pointed at the carpet. “Please stay with me tonight. You can lie on the floor next to my bed. That way, I’ll feel protected.”

  Nightfall re-positioned himself on the ground to sit directly in front of her. His tone turned serious. I won’t leave your side unless you want me to. I love you, Tamara.

  “I love you too, Nightfall. Thank you.” She lifted off the edge of the bed, rubbed the top of his head, and walked into the bathroom.


  From the minute Tamara walked back into the bedroom, Josh stuck his nose into the air and sniffed. The delicious scent of her mixed with lavender was enough to set him back on edge and forget his purpose—helping her forget about Keith. He wanted to be creating new, joyful memories for her, with Josh.

  He perched on the edge of the bed and took a long, blissful whiff that stirred his heart and pumped his blood. Tamara looked peaceful and beautiful, like an angel floating on a cloud—his darling angel.

  And…his mate.

  His heart burst with pride and joy. Those two simple words created a calm sense of security, which flooded straight through him and validated his existence. Few wolves ever found their mates, but amazingly he had. She was in front of him. Sadly, she was, emotionally, injured. He tried his hardest to make her feel better, with what limited ability he had in wolf form.

  Should he reveal himself to her? Having just gone through an ordeal tonight, she was weary; but, he also sensed that she was ready. The last thing Josh wanted was for Tamara to think that yet another suitor was attempting to take advantage of her. He didn’t want to dominate her; he just wanted her…permanently and lovingly as his life mate. He argued back and forth with himself, unsure of what to do, what the next step should be, and what was best for his mate in the end. He didn’t want to threaten her or their future together, but he wanted to do something, anything to move them forward. He sniffed the air again and unwittingly fell off the edge of the bed and onto four paws. Josh wanted her to know him, his true self.

  He eased carefully out of the room and returned, later, in human form, wearing a plain white T-shirt and grey sweatpants. He kneeled next to her and telepathically messaged loving thoughts. He sent images to her and watched as her body stirred beneath the sheets. Next, she did what he wanted to happen. She whispered his real name and murmured. Josh’s heart stilled, but his body didn’t seem to notice. He frowned as his lower half awakened.

  She whispered in a barely audible tone, but Josh’s sensitive ears picked up every delicious syllable. She was having an erotic dream about him and all because of his telepathic suggestions. The possibility was rumored between mates, but he hadn’t actually witnessed it before. He didn’t know his mate until now. He sat beside her, humbled and awed, his heart filled to capacity with love for his mate.

  On the edge of her bed, he braced himself for reality and whispered, “Tamara, wake up. Wake up, I’m here.”

  He repeated his plea four times before she stirred. Her eyes opened slowly and heavily as if chains held them shut. Tamara turned her head toward him. A few seconds passed before she jerked straight up in the bed.


  She pulled the bed sheet across her body, covering everything up to her neck. A few seconds later, she dropped the sheet and scooted across the bed, away from him.

  “What are you doing here?” Her eyes widened, and she, suddenly, froze. “How did you find out where I live? Did you break into my home? But why? You helped me tonight. Oh god, is that how Nightfall got out-when you came in?”

  Tamara started for the door, but Josh held a hand up to stop her. “Don’t be alarmed. I’m not here to hurt you.”

  She called out fervently to Nightfall and repeated her plea several times before she turned back to Josh with a curious look in her eye. “How did you get in here?”

  They stared at each other over the brief silence.

  “Get out of my house. I mean it, get out!” She called to Nightfall again, cursing when he didn’t appear.

  “Tamara,” Josh said gently. “I am Nightfall.”

  She guffawed. “I’m not stupid, Josh. What on earth would make you think I’d fall for that?”

  Josh crossed his arms defiantly. “Do you remember the day you named me Nightfall? You said it was the color of my eyes. If you looked into mine right now, you’d see they’re the exact same color. Look at me, Tamara. Look into my eyes and tell me what you see.”

  She shook her head. “Why are you doing this? You’re playing tricks on me. I thought you were nice.”

  “Think about it,” Josh pressed her further. “How would I know about Nightfall?”

  Tamara scoffed at him. “Because I called his name, that’s why! Where is he anyway? Nightfall, damn it, where are you? Come here, boy. You’re supposed to protect me.”

  Josh lowered his voice. “I’m right here, Tamara. I already told you, I am Nightfall.”

  She teetered forward. “No, you’re wrong. Nightfall’s not a man, he’s a dog. I don’t know why you’re messing with me.”

  “No, Tamara. You already knew that Nightfall is a gray wolf, he told you that himself. He also told you that he was a human man, and…I am him.”

  Tamara covered her ears. “Stop saying that! It can’t be true. Get out of here!!”

  Josh sighed in exasperation and took her by the hand, saying, “Listen to me, beautiful, and I’ll tell you all about your Nightfall. Nightfall started coming to your home a month ago. He came by a few times, at first to lie on your doorstep, but soon started spending every night on it from about eleven o’clock. You spooked him once by sneaking up on him one morning and when you went inside the house he ran away. Exactly two weeks and four days ago, you took him in to be your pet. He hurt himself by spraining
his hip to save you from a vagrant in the parking lot, and earlier tonight he helped you get away from Keith. Oh, and one more thing, Nightfall can speak to you through telepathy.”

  Tamara stared at him, speechless.

  Josh snapped his fingers and added, “I almost forgot, Nightfall doesn’t like dog food. He likes human food, especially cheese.”

  Her jaw dropped. “But how? How do you know all that?”

  “I told you, I’m Nightfall. Well, technically, Nightfall is me—at least in animal form.”

  Tamara laughed abruptly, then stopped. She stayed still, staring at Josh as if trying to figure him out while he took the opportunity to sense the rapid, tumultuous feelings washing over her like waves. Next, she backed away from him and questioned her own sanity.

  You’re not insane.

  She yelped as the voice penetrated her mind and jumped back against the curtain.

  “Please don’t be alarmed. I’m the one who’s been talking to you. We have a bond through telepathy. What else do you need as proof?” He hung his lead low and groaned. “I don’t want to turn back into a wolf, but if you need proof I will do it just for you. As long as you allow me to return to human form afterward. It’s uncomfortable being a wolf too long, but if you need proof I will do as you ask.”

  She tilted her head to one side. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I am. I want you to know me.”

  “This has got to be some sort of weird dream. I have to be imagining it.”

  He took a few steps toward her and held her trembling hand. “You’re not. I know it’s a lot to take in. You’ve had a long day and need to rest.” Josh scooped her up in his arms amidst her murmured protest. “It’s okay.”

  He smoothed her hair back with his hand, caressing several strands in an attempt to soothe her. He gingerly placed her on the bed, reluctant to leave her welcoming warmth. Yet, Tamara needed space to process everything. He’d stay near her, but he’d give her the space she needed.

  “You’ve been through an experience tonight, but you did ask me to stay by your side. I don’t want to return to my wolf form. Would you be okay if I slept on the couch tonight? I can watch you from the living room and keep you safe.”


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