Soul Sentinels 3: Nehi and Menna (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Soul Sentinels 3: Nehi and Menna (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Becca Van

  Soul Sentinels 3: Nehi and Menna

  After her supposed friends leave her in the middle of nowhere with no other option than to walk, Lavinia Frock immediately feels as if she's being watched. Then she sees the black, evil shadows creeping toward her. What she is faced with is far more frightening than any human being.

  Just as she thinks she's about to die two tall, muscular men seem to appear out of nowhere and come to her rescue. She has trouble believing her own eyes as they fight off the shadows with scimitars.

  Nehi "En" Fadil and Menna "Men" Jahi know that Lavinia is their mate, but trying to convince her that they are the men for her is an additional problem. How do you convince the love of your life you are meant to be together, when she has no idea that evil or sentinels exist?

  Genre: Fantasy, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 49,299 words



  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2016 by Becca Van

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-060-9

  First E-book Publication: February 2016

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  About the Author




  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter One

  Nehi glanced over at Menna as they took down shadow demon after shadow demon. He had thought that they would get a bit of a reprieve from fighting after what had happened with Nina, Pen, and Paser’s mate, but the demonic seemed to have grown in number overnight.

  He swung his scimitar left and right, satisfied when he killed five of the shadow demons surrounding him. Men took down another five and still they kept coming. He gritted his teeth with frustration and wondered how the hell Apep had managed to accrue so many minions in such a short amount of time. It had been four weeks since Nina had been pulled into the underworld. Ra had gone into the bowels of hell to save her and now she was slashing her sword just like the rest of them killing the demonic.

  Although he continued to fight, his thoughts weren’t really on what he was doing. After living and fighting for thousands of years he was able to let his thoughts wander since his body moved by rote.

  He envied Set and Sab as well as Pen and Paser for finding their mates and although he knew his time would come where he and Men would find the one woman meant to be theirs, he was impatient. He wanted to find her now. To be able to cuddle with her and love her.

  Nehi, or En as he liked to be called, turned to gaze over at Zara and Nina and his mouth dropped open. They had moved to stand next to each other and as they linked hands they began to glow brightly. The light emanating from them was so pure white it hurt his eyes, but he couldn’t afford to close them if he didn’t want to end up injured by one of the shadow demons. Just as he took a step toward Men the light grew even brighter before exploding out, encompassing all of them and the demonic in a love so poignant and powerful, En nearly ended up on his knees. He had to blink a few times to dispel the spots before his gaze, and when he was able to see once more, he turned in a full circle. Not one of the demonic or possessed humans who had been fighting them remained. He looked up when he felt something brush against his cheek and watched as ash rained down from the sky.

  “You and Zara were amazing, baby.”

  En looked over at Pen just in time to see his fellow sentinel pull Nina, his mate, into his arms and kiss her passionately. Paser, also mate to Nina moved up close to her back, wrapped his arms around her waist, and nibbled on her neck.

  He quickly looked away, feeling like he was invading their privacy with his voyeurism, and sighed when he saw Zara, Set, and Sab doing the same. Turning his back on the loving trios, he glanced about the surrounding area, making sure that none of the demonic had survived the love blast from the two women.

  He grinned when the label came to mind and decided to share with his comrades. “I don’t know how they do it, but I wish I could love blast like they do.”

  Mitry sputtered before grinning. “Did you just say love blast?”

  “He did.” Menna chuckled before bursting out into full laughter. En and the others joined in.

  “What’s so funny?” Zara asked as she walked toward them holding hands with Set and Sab

  “En just gave yours and Nina’s power a name.” Weni chortled with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

  Zara stared at En and although she tried to hide her humor, he could see the mischievous sparkle in her eyes. “Give.”

  “You’ll never guess.” Mitry smirked.

  “Love blast,” Nina said as she and her mates stopped next to Zara and her men.

  “You cheated.” Men pointed at Nina.

  “No I didn’t.” Nina smiled. “I can’t help it if my hearing is exceptional.”

  “Do you think we’re done for the night?” En asked, looking at Set and Sab.

  Set glanced at his watch and nodded. “I think we can call it a night.”

  Zara, who had been completely relaxed, straightened as she glanced at Nina. “Can you feel it?”

  “Yes.” Nina nodded. “We can’t go home yet. There are more demonic out and about.”

  “I can’t feel anything.” Men frowned. “Can you?”

  En shook his head as did each of the other sentinels. “Seems your mates are more sensitive to the demonic than we are.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing.” Pen sighed. “I was hoping we could get back early.”

  “You weren’t the only one,” Men muttered.

  “We have to hurry,” Nina said urgently.

  “Which way, sweetheart?” Paser asked as he tugged Nina against his side.

  “North,” Zara answered.

  “Northwest,” Nina affirmed. “The northern end of Great Salt Lake.

  “That was specific. We’ll see you there,” En said just before he and Men teleported with a thought. He hated doing it, but after practicing the skill over the last four weeks they had all become more proficient at it. The disorientation, light-headedness, and dizziness weren’t nearly as bad when they’d all first started teleporting.

  “Fuck, I hate that,” Men growled as he appeared next to En.

  “You aren’t the only one,” Mit said as he took a step to counter his balance when he swayed.

  “I don’t see any demonic,” Wen whispered in case the shadow demons were close enough to hear.

  “I don’t feel them either.” Mit glanced about warily.

  En breathed in deeply, but he couldn’t smell any of the sulfur that usually lingered in the air if there was evil abound. “Maybe the ladies were off in direction.”

  “I don’t think so,” Men murmured. “They haven’t been wrong yet.”

  “I wish I knew why they can hone in on evil better than we do.” Mit narrowed his eyes as he peered through the trees lining the bank of the lake.

  “They’re a lot more innocent and loving than we are or will ever be,” Wen stated. “I think that has a major role in their detection skills.”

  “Still, it would come in handy if we were as sensitive as they are.” Men turned when a rustle sounded at the base of the trees off to the right.

  “Rat,” En whispered.

  Set, Sab, and Zara appeared behind them. Pen, Paser, and Nina appeared to the right of them and closer to the edge of the lake.

  “They’re close,” Zara whispered as she came to stand beside Nina.

  “I hate this feeling.” Nina’s mouth pulled into a tight line of tension.

  “I can’t feel them,” Pen said quietly.

  “Neither can I and that worries me,” Paser said. “I think maybe Apep and his demonic have learned to cloak themselves to an extent.”

  “Maybe we’re just too used feeling them and have become complacent.” En took a step toward the lake. He narrowed his eyes watching for any moving shadows or dark mist, but he couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

  “No I don’t think that’s the case,” Zara murmured. I think Paser might be right.”

  “How the hell are we supposed to fight and destroy the demonic if we can’t feel the tug and find them?” Mit asked, frustration evident in his voice.

  En shrugged.

  “We need to spread out,” Nina suggested.

  “I agree.” Zara pointed toward En and Men. “You two take the east side of the lake. Mit and Wen can take the west. Me and my guys can teleport to the south. Nina, you, Pen, and Paser keep watch here.”

  En nodded, glanced at Men and then they both began walking east. He opened his senses as wide as possible, hoping to pick up on a smidgeon of what Nina and Zara were feeling. He sighed with frustration when he still came up blank.

  As he and Men moved farther away from the others the very air around them began to change. It became thicker and darker. He still couldn’t feel the demonic purportedly in the area, but with each step a knot of anticipated dread began to form in his gut. It got bigger and bigger until he had to consciously think about keeping his breathing deep and even. From the way Menna had tensed up and grown quieter, he was feeling it, too.

  Sometimes he wondered if he had the chance again to choose to become one of Ra’s Soul Sentinels, if he’d make the same decision. He and the other men had been fighting for millennia and at times the loneliness was almost too much to bear.

  Nearly five thousand years ago he and the other men had stepped in when an elderly fellow slave had fallen to his knees with exhaustion. They had been pulling on a rope moving one of the massive blocks of stone up an incline for one of the asshole pharaohs’ tombs. One of the overseers had started to whip the slave, flaying the skin on his back open. The bastard overseer had been so brutal and had taken pleasure in hurting the exhausted man. He and the others had been so incensed they’d stepped in and stopped the man from being hurt further. They had ended up being tied to posts and whipped in the elderly man’s place.

  En hadn’t cared. He’d wanted the torture of being enslaved to end. He’d expected to die that day and have his suffering cease, and in a way he’d supposed he and the others had died.

  The sun god, Ra, had been watching from the heavens and stepped in halting the overseers from killing them. Apparently the snake god, Apep, had been guiding the pharaohs and overseers into doing evil. Ra had given the pharaohs riches to be distributed amongst the poor and the slaves, and after banishing Apep to the bowels of hell had whisked En, Menna, and the other six men into the fade, a place between life and death. He’d offered them immortality, enhanced senses, as well as phenomenal speed and strength. They’d accepted and had been changed into demigods. None of them had even considered the cost of their decision. It wasn’t that he didn’t love his deity or his comrades, or his job for that matter. It was the long, endless loneliness. He craved the touch of a woman now and then and was able to slake his lust with a willing partner, but he wanted more than that.

  En wanted to have a woman by his side. One he could come home to every night, one who would be able to fight by his side if that’s what she wanted. He wanted a woman to love more than anything else in the world. The yearning was so much more intense since Sab, Set, Pen, and Paser had found their mates. Sometimes he felt like he was about to lose his mind from the longing that ran through his veins, heart, and soul.

  He brought his thoughts back to the present when a shiver raced up his spine.

  En wished whatever was out here would show its face so he could eliminate it and get back home. It had to be well after three in the morning and they’d been fighting nonstop since they practically exited their home base. He was hungry and thirsty and he felt dirty, but he always felt that way after fighting the shadow demons. It didn’t matter that the demonic hadn’t got close enough to touch him, nor that he’d worked up a sweat. A shower was cathartic and helped him wash away the evil he encountered night after night.

  Nehi stopped when he heard a squeak but dismissed it as another small animal foraging in the brush and foliage under the trees near the lake. The next instant he had his sword in hand and was running.

  * * * *

  Lavinia Flock stomped toward the low log fence around the parking lot on the east side of Great Salt Lake. She sat down and stared at her phone. There was no cell phone service h
ere and she was too far from anywhere to walk, especially since it was nighttime.

  She cursed Carrie and her asshole of a boyfriend to hell and back. Those two had gotten downright nasty as they argued and Lavinia now wished she’d stayed in the backseat of Gary’s car instead of getting out so she wouldn’t have to listen to their bickering. Lavinia had walked toward the lake’s edge because if she’d stayed she would have ended up getting in the middle of the couple and making matters worse. She wasn’t so sure that would have been a bad idea now. Maybe she would have been on her way back home if that was where Gary had been going.

  She was so angry her face was hot, but she was also scared. She hated the dark. Had ever since she’d been a little kid and although she’d tried various things to circumvent her fear, none of it had worked. A shiver raced up her spine and she quickly turned her head to make sure no one was behind her. She sighed with relief when she found no one about and would have laughed at herself if she wasn’t so scared.

  If she could go back a couple of hours when Carrie had invited her along for a late-night snack and then a drive she would have refused instead of taking the other woman up on her offer.

  Lavinia sighed. She’d only known Carrie for six months and although they weren’t best friends or worst enemies, they got on okay. Or so Lavinia had thought, but obviously she’d been wrong. Lavinia had leased the spare room in the house Carrie and Gary rented, but she should have realized by the way Gary had glared at her he wasn’t happy about the situation.

  That man had barely spoken more than ten words to her and when he did, Lavinia wished she hadn’t been able to hear him. He was so nasty to her, he’d brought tears to her eyes, but she hadn’t let them well up or fall. There was no way in hell she was letting that prick see how much he’d affected her. So she wasn’t beautiful like Carrie. Lavinia wasn’t tall and slim nor was she a brunette with bright jade-green eyes, and while she knew she would never hold a candle to the other woman, she didn’t think she was ugly. Her hair was a blonde color and she had blue eyes, but she was okay to look at. In fact, she thought her hair was her best feature. It was long and wavy, and while it sometimes drove her crazy, she just couldn’t bring herself to cut it. She couldn’t help the way she looked because she couldn’t change her genes. It had taken her a few weeks to harden her heart against whatever Gary said to her and although she had never reacted that didn’t mean his hateful words hadn’t cut her to the quick.


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