Tamed: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 2)

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Tamed: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 2) Page 7

by Felicity Brandon

  “I bet you are,” he murmured. “All that running when you should have been resting.”

  There was a pause as he allowed his words to reverberate through her. Molly felt her heart rate increase, nibbling her lower lip as she eyed him carefully.

  “And then all these hours of punishment you had to endure,” he continued, “and all because you couldn’t do as you were told.”

  Molly blinked at him, trying to ascertain if this was a precursor to yet more penance. “I couldn’t take any more,” she began, her heart racing as she tried to justify herself to him. The fact that she had to do so at all made her want to scream, but she knew there was nothing to be gained in that. “Once we were in the woods, I don’t know. It’s like you became a monster.”

  She hesitated, watching him with wide eyes. The truth was he had been a monster for some time before that, but she’d never told him before.

  “A monster.” Connor sounded amused at her verdict, his tone almost proud.

  “Yes, Master.” Her reply sounded tiny in the depths of the basement.

  There was a sigh. “The cabin was necessary,” he informed her. “And your attempted escape has only delayed my plans for you.”

  Delayed? Her mind reeled at that news. Delayed implied there was still more to come, and there was no way she could go back to that place again. Her throat dried at the prospect, and Molly gulped before she answered.

  “Please don’t take me back there, Master,” she whispered.

  “You prefer my cage then?” His reply was sharp.

  Molly shuddered at the insinuation. She didn’t prefer either, and she had absolutely no desire to be contained in that infernal cage again. “I didn’t want to upset you,” she began, eyeing him beneath a fan of her dark lashes.

  “Just leave me?” he demanded in a sardonic tone.

  “The monster,” she replied hastily. “I wanted to leave the monster. The Master I knew here before we left was different than him.”

  That made him pause, his expression softening perceptibly at her explanation. Connor edged closer, falling to his knees and crawling to within an inch of where Molly lay. “My poor little pet,” he cooed, stroking the side of her face with his long fingers again. “I have confused you.”

  She nodded because it was true. He was freaking confusing, always playing mind games: between rounds of humiliation, of course.

  “But you confused me as well,” he replied. “I remember allowing you to run when we arrived in the woods, yet you refused me. You actually told me that you didn’t want to run, and then a few hours later, you fled while I slept.”

  Molly pulled in a shaky breath. His accusations were all true. “I didn’t think you meant it, Master,” she sighed. “And I never expected the hours of punishment you inflicted upon me afterwards.”

  Connor’s lips curled at the memory, and her belly lurched. Logically she knew he’d enjoyed it, but the gesture made her feel giddy. “So, my little pet changed her mind?” he concluded wistfully. “And you ran into the woods in the dead of the night. What was your plan then, pet? Did you think I wouldn’t find you? Didn’t I tell you I would chase you, and hunt you down?”

  “Y-yes, Master,” she answered him. The timbre of his voice had deepened as he described the memory, and the sound was ominous. “You did tell me.”

  “And so?”

  “I wasn’t thinking,” Molly continued. “There was no plan. I just couldn’t stay there in the woods, and let you torture me.”

  One dark brow rose at her summation of the events at the cabin, but he didn’t counter the point. In fact, for the longest time, he didn’t say anything, and the silence filled the space around her, threatening to deafen Molly with its constant void.

  “I like the idea that you’re letting me do anything to you, pet,” he murmured at length. “Since when did I need your permission?”

  Molly shifted as best she could, ignoring the shoots of agony which whipped through her body. She met Connor’s eye, the green orbs dark with whatever debauched memories he was enjoying.

  “You don’t, Master,” she replied. The whispered words echoed around the dark basement as they pondered one another.

  “No,” he agreed, edging to within an inch of where she rested. “I don’t. When you ran into the woods you forgot the most important lesson I taught you. More important even than the two basic rules I set for you right at the start of our story.”

  Molly swallowed at his words. Connor’s tone sounded predatory, but she sensed something significant was about to happen between them. She had only had the feeling once before, and that was the moment he had fucked her upstairs in his bedroom. She should have been abhorred by the idea. She should have rejected him, fought him, kicked him away, but when the moment had come, none of that had happened. Molly’s breathing increased as the memory of that night flashed behind her eyes. She remembered the sensations of his body. The soft touches countering the hard lines, and how wet she’d been as she’d yielded. It was the only time he’d ever looked for her consent, and on that day, she had given it to him gladly.

  “You remember the rules, don’t you?”

  His voice sounded smoother than before, and its resonance cut through her recollection, popping it like a pin in a balloon.

  Her gaze darted back to Connor’s again, noting the wry smirk which met her. “I remember, Master,” she answered him.

  He smiled. “Good, tell me then. What are those rules?”

  Connor had set the rules back on day one, the first day she had opened her eyes in this house.

  “The first is to obey you,” she began, cringing at the obvious tremble in her voice. She wasn’t sure if it was trepidation which caused it, or the arousal provoked by the recent memories, but she was more than aware of the hot blush which was spreading to her face.

  “And the second?” he prompted her.

  “To write for you, Master,” she concluded, panting at the look in his eyes. His expression was like liquid sin, malevolence and hedonism in equal measure.

  The large palm of his right hand rose to her face before she could even register the movement. Molly’s heart began to race. She had been trained to expect pain or some other ignominy whenever he raised a hand to her, but to her surprise this time there was neither. Instead, the palm landed gently against her hot left cheek, Connor’s long digits caressing her flesh with what might have been mistaken for tenderness.

  “Good pet,” he praised her, slipping those fingers beneath her chin and stroking her skin with his calloused thumb. “I knew you’d still remember them.”

  Molly’s gaze lowered, but his hand kept her face exactly where he wanted it.

  “When you ran, pet, you forgot something even more fundamental to us than those rules.”

  To us? Had he just said that? Molly’s gasp was barely audible, but it was right there, on the edge of her lips. What the actual fuck was that supposed to mean?

  “What, Master?” she inquired breathlessly.

  The truth was that she didn’t give a hoot what she’d forgotten, but she knew he was going to tell her anyway. She knew when she’d left that cabin she’d been running for her life. Molly could recall the terror that had pounded in her chest with each step she’d taken that night. And now, as she stared into the devilishly delicious eyes of her captor – the same monster who had taken and tortured her – all she could think about was her racing pulse, and the growing pool of arousal between the apex of her thighs.

  “You forgot who owns you,” he purred, the resonance of the sound making her clit throb in an almost magnetic way.

  Molly’s breath hitched at his statement. She actually felt the way her body responded, despite the logical part of her brain fighting to regain some control.

  The fingers at her chin shifted, replaced at once by his thumb and forefinger. “Who owns you, pet?”

  The question was a torrid, sensual demand. One Molly was simply unequipped to counter.

  “You do,” she w
hispered in response. “You own me, Master.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Molly delivered the answer he wanted like the part had been scripted for her. Connor was helpless for the first time in years; there was nothing he could do to hide the smile which made his lips curl.

  “You are such a good kitten,” he cooed at her, devouring the look of her flushed face as she blinked up at him.

  She needed another shower after all the hours of punishment, and he knew they’d both appreciate it if he shaved her, too, but those things would have to wait. Based on the expression in his pet’s hot gaze, she needed him before then. After all the deeds of the monster, Molly needed a reminder about who the man was.

  “Are you still going to punish me, Master?”

  The question surprised him, although he supposed it was a reasonable one. The truth was he hadn’t entirely decided, but the fear in her voice made his cock begin to ache.

  “Not now,” he told her in a tone so gentle it even surprised him. “You have been a good pet since we came back here, and if you continue to be good, then there’s no reason why I should need to punish you further.”

  Molly blinked up at him in response, her breathing erratic as she processed his answer.

  “How are those limbs now?” he asked, anxious to know if her body could withstand what his throbbing manhood had in mind.

  Molly’s eyes fell down over her body. The top blanket had fallen away to reveal her incredible tits, and his gaze followed her own as he devoured the look of them.

  “Sore, but better,” she replied in a tiny voice which made Connor’s erection thicken inside his pants.

  “Good,” he replied in little more than a growl, “because your Master wants to reward you for the way you’ve managed your punishment.”

  That made her stop, her eyes widening as his words registered. “Re-reward me?” she stammered, evidently finding the idea insane after the last few hours.

  “Yes,” he chuckled, although the noise was darker than he’d intended. “Reward the good pet, and punish the naughty one.”

  Her face was really a picture as shock reverberated around her pretty features. He liked that she never saw this coming. He liked fucking with her mind almost as much as he liked fucking other parts of her.

  Connor swooped, using her surprise at his sentiment to his advantage as the hand at her chin slipped deftly to her nape. He pulled her head closer to him at the same time he bent toward her face. The last thing he caught sight of before he captured her lips was her dark pupils dilating.

  His mouth claimed her with silent authority. She was his now, she had just admitted as much, and the reality was beautiful. Of course, he’d been irritated when she’d fled the cabin, and panicked when he couldn’t find her, and he’d been more than happy to denigrate her in response, but that was over now. His pet was well and truly disciplined, and Connor’s mind had already shifted to sexier thoughts. He actually felt the moment she surrendered. Her tongue stopped dueling with his, and her body relaxed into the kiss. Connor’s eyes flickered open at the sensation, watching her as they slowly parted.

  “Ready to be rewarded?” he asked in a sardonic tone.

  Molly’s brow furrowed for a fraction of a second, her doubt on the subject evident in her expression. She was clearly still exhausted, and a part of her probably wanted to tell him to go and fuck himself, but she wasn’t stupid enough to do that.

  “Yes, Master,” she sighed, her conflict on the subject more than obvious.

  “You’re sure?” he jested, massaging the back of her nape with the digits still positioned there. “I mean, I don’t want to force any pleasure on you.”

  Molly’s gaze flitted back to his in an instant, her lips curling into an irresistible smile. “I’m sure,” she breathed. “I’m just not sure how much I can take in my current state.”

  She lifted her right arm as she spoke, and Connor’s gaze followed the gesture, understanding its meaning without needing to be told.

  “I’ll be gentle,” he promised her thoughtfully. A look of utter disbelief crossed her face, and he raised a dark brow at her. “I can be gentle you know, pet?”

  A small snort escaped her mouth, but the smile which followed made some of his icy heart melt a little more. “I’m sure, Master,” Molly replied, “I’m just not certain I’ve seen much of that side of you.”

  “True,” he chuckled. “But there’s time for that.”

  There was silence as they both took a moment to consider Connor’s sentiment.

  “Can you get up?” he asked eventually, backing away from her a little to give her room to maneuver.

  She nodded, shifting her weight slowly as she tried to kneel. There was a flash of pain in her eyes as her knees accepted the position, and instinctively Connor reached for her body. Wrapping his strong arms around her torso, he eased her slowly upwards.

  “Try standing,” he ordered her sensually.

  They both watched as her feet found the black tiles, Connor’s eyes rising to her face to see how much effort the act induced.

  “It’s okay,” she murmured. “I think I can stand.”

  He edged away slightly, still poised to take her weight should her knees give out. “What about walking?”

  The question hung in the air between them as two frightened eyes rose to meet his. Evidently, she was wondering the same thing, too.

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine,” she whispered, but the lie was apparent even before the final word left her lips.

  “No,” he decided. “You won’t be. I’m going to carry you.”

  Molly trembled as he swooped and there was a hiss of pain as he grasped the back of her knees and swept her up against his hard chest. Her breathing settled almost immediately, and tentatively, she reached up, stretching her slender arms around his neck.

  Connor glanced down at the woman in his arms. “Are you okay?”

  She blinked up at him, her face once more giving away her disbelief about the question. “Yes, th-thank you, Master.”

  He nodded his approval before striding away with her securely held against his body. Leaving the basement as it was, he took the stairs two at a time and used his back to open the door which brought them back out into the main part of the house. Molly winced at the light which spilled into the reception room, pressing her head against his neck to hide her eyes from its glare. Connor hurried on, whisking her up the second staircase as fast as he could, and around the corner to his waiting bedroom. A moment later she was laid down gently on his waiting bed covers, and he stripped out of his clothing as her large eyes devoured the look of him.

  By the time he joined her on the bed, he was butt naked, his eager erection jutting forward to greet Molly’s body. Her legs parted reflexively, her deep blue gaze rising to read his expression.

  “I want you to come,” he directed as he lowered his body gently over hers. “Your pleasure first, and then mine.”

  As he spoke, his cock gyrated against her hip, and her lips parted as though he had commanded it.

  “Master.” Her voice was soft, yet strained. “I’m not sure I have the energy for an orgasm.”

  He laughed at that, shaking his head at her words. “Nonsense, pet,” he chided. “Not only do you have the energy, but I’m going to prove it.”

  Connor’s lips ducked to her chin, planting a trail of hot caresses along her jaw as he continued. “Do I need to chain you first?”

  His pet groaned at the sensations his lips were producing, writhing beneath his body. “I thought this wasn’t a punishment, Master?” she mumbled.

  “It’s not,” he assured her between kisses. “I just wondered if you wanted it.” He paused, lifting his head to gaze down upon her face. “Do you need the bondage to get off, Molly?”

  Her eyes widened again, but he wasn’t sure if it was the question or the use of her name which provoked the response. “I’m not sure,” she conceded as a wonderful flush painted her cheeks. “I think maybe I do.”
br />   Connor licked his lips at the admission. It was one hell of a concession to make to the man who had already drugged and bound you, and he had to admire her fortitude. “Just the one chain then,” he told her. “Enough to remind you who you belong to.”

  She was panting as he rose from her body, darting to one of the drawers of his bedside cabinet for the long metal chain he had in mind. By the time he returned to her squirming body, her nipples had pebbled into hard buds, her excited anticipation more than evident as he secured the chain around the end of his bedframe.

  Fastening the other end to the D-ring at her neck, he settled between her splayed thighs again. “That’s better,” he murmured appreciatively, “my little pet chained back to my bed once more. As she should be.”

  Molly’s eyes darted to his, her pupils large and dilated. “I missed being here, Master,” she whispered, and for the first time in a while, he sensed that she might actually mean it.

  “I missed having you here, kitten,” he agreed as he ran his tongue across her lower lip. The action provoked a new moan from her mouth, causing her hips to roll forward underneath him. “Now, are you going to come for me?”

  This time her response was immediate. “Yes, please, Master.”

  Connor knew he was smiling again as he shifted his weight left of her hot body. This was going to be a pleasure in more ways than one.

  Chapter Fifteen

  His fingers were on her before she could take another breath, inching their way to the perfect positions for her pleasure, as though he could read her body effortlessly. Connor’s left hand found her right breast, massaging the mound gently before pulling and tweaking the eager bud. A shot of pain raced through her, and Molly closed her eyes, reveling in the sensation. It might be wrong to give in to him again, but right now she couldn’t care less. After all those hours of pain and misery, she deserved this, and she was going to freaking enjoy it.

  By the time she had absorbed the pleasure, his fingers disappeared and were replaced by the hot suction of Connor’s mouth. Molly’s eyes flew open at once, assessing the dark God who was now suckling at her breast. His eyes shifted to greet her no doubt dazed expression, and that gaze offered her the sweetest debauchery she’d ever known. His free hand moved at the same time, exploring her midriff on its journey south. She already knew where those digits were headed. They were going to claim her needy sex. They were going to finger her. They had to. She needed it.


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