Tamed: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 2)

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Tamed: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 2) Page 11

by Felicity Brandon

  Molly felt amazing, just like she always did, but as he drew their lips apart and gazed down into her burning blue eyes, it was more than that, and he knew it. He felt something. Something he didn’t dare to dwell on. It had begun a couple of years ago when he’d first read her books, and had grown into a complete fixation. He was something of a control freak, the kind of child who would obsessively order their books alphabetically, and ensure his siblings had washed their hands properly before a meal. As he grew, things had only exacerbated. By the time he was seventeen, he was organizing his girlfriend’s diary, and instructing her on what to wear. He needed to be in control, and he liked to possess things; none of that was new. But his fascination with Molly was a whole new ball game. He’d been so set on taking her, degrading her and training her, that Connor had happily ignored the law, the morality of the situation, and his growing feelings.

  Now that he had her lush body pinioned underneath him, he knew the connection between them could be so much more, if only he’d nurture it, and allow it to grow. He was falling for Molly hard, and if she was serious about obeying him, for the first time he considered the possibility of a consensual future with her.

  “So, what did you want to know?” His voice was almost a growl as he addressed her again for the first time since his internal monologue.

  Molly gulped at the sound. “Master?” she queried him, breathlessly.

  He chuckled. “Earlier,” he started, “you said we barely knew each other. Well, that’s not strictly true, of course, because I know a lot about you.”

  Her expression revealed her surprise at his words, but her breathing had started to normalize. Connor captured her wrists, which had fallen by the side of her head. He pulled them north again, pinning them gently into the mattress above her head. “But, I realize you know virtually nothing about me, so, tell me. What do you want to know?”

  “Well, I…” There was a pause as her brain processed his question. It was clear she hadn’t seen this moment coming. “There’s a thousand questions, Master.”

  Connor knew he was smiling as he answered her. “How about we start with two, pet, and then we can see what you deserve?”

  Molly returned his smile coyly, her gaze straining north to see her imprisoned wrists. “How old are you, Master?” she asked at length.

  His age? That was the first thing she wanted to know? And just when he thought his little pet could do nothing more to surprise him…

  “I’m forty-two,” he told her with a grin. “Is that not what you expected?”

  She shifted as best she could under his body weight. “No,” she murmured. “No, Master. That’s perfect.”

  “Oh good,” he replied with a chuckle. “And what’s your other question, kitten?”

  She hesitated at that, her eyes wide as she scanned his face. “Have you ever been in love before, Master?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  She didn’t know why she asked. Almost certainly there were tens of better questions she could have gone with. Where the hell are we, would be one option, or better, when can I get out of here and get my old life back? For whatever reason though, the first thing which came into her mind was the other question, the one that she’d wondered when she stared into his eyes as he came. There was something dark and mysterious about Connor, and rather than making her scream and run again, right now those aspects were calling to her. Taunting her.

  Connor startled at her query, his expression faltering, although she could tell he fought to mask it. “In love?” he repeated, and there was a pause as he clearly repressed the urge to laugh. “My, my, pet, you are getting sentimental.”

  “Is that a yes?” she probed, teasingly.

  Connor shook his head. “It’s not an answer at all,” he told her, “But yes, of course I have been in love.” He paused as he considered the thought, his expression pensive. “Haven’t we all? Surely someone has stolen your heart before, little minx?”

  His words made her giggle. His tone was so playful, that anyone overhearing him might have mistaken him for her boyfriend. The thought was bizarrely reassuring.

  “Yes, Master,” she replied, smiling up at him. “I’ve been in love before.”

  Connor’s gaze narrowed, and he pressed his face back down over her lips. His mouth grazed over her own, scintillatingly close, and yet barely touching her at all. It was enough to drive her mad. “So, you have, huh?” he answered her in a soft, jesting tone. “Some lucky guy got here before me.”

  She should have laughed or offered some sarcastic retort. The old Molly would certainly have done, but this Molly was different. This Molly had spent endless dark days with Connor. She’d felt the sting of his punishments, and endured the confinement of his cage. More than that though, she’d enjoyed the lingering caresses of his lips and the unbelievable pleasure of his cock. Perhaps it was the trauma of the training he’d been instilling? Maybe it was just her own burgeoning desire for him, but whatever it was, her lips remained silent.

  “Pet?” His voice was sensual, yet insistent. Connor wanted a response.

  “Yes,” she murmured in reply. “Someone was here before you, Master.”

  “Dammit,” he mumbled, his mouth shifting to place a gentle trail of kisses along the side of her jaw. “And there was me thinking you were a virgin when we met.”

  Molly’s eyes fluttered closed as the heady sensations resonated throughout her. Beneath his hard body, her clit was pulsing, and her hips rolled forward, searching for Connor. “I’m afraid not,” she offered in a sultry whisper.

  “Mmmm,” came the reply as his kisses became more demanding. “In that case, I’ll just have to ensure there is never anyone else, kitten.”

  Connor lessened his grip on her wrists, sliding his hands north to link his digits between Molly’s. His face appeared in her line of sight, his gaze questioning.

  “I didn’t think you were going to let me go, anyway?” she murmured, meeting his eye.

  “Oh, don’t you worry,” he told her in a low, sensual growl. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  His cock, which had slipped dormant from her body, grew against the side of her thigh at his words, and Molly squirmed breathlessly beneath him. She wanted him again, and the beading of her nipples and the rolling of her hips would have been making that pretty damn obvious to him, too.

  “You had your two questions, pet,” he murmured, repositioning his hips so that his hardening shaft met her slick lips once more. “Do you feel better?”

  Molly’s mouth parted of its own accord, the sensation of the tip of his cock at her pussy making her desperate. “A little better, thank you,” she heard herself pant in response.

  Connor smirked at her in response. “Good,” he replied. “So, that must mean I get to ask a couple of my own questions?”

  Her heart picked up its pace at the scintillating look in his eye as he spoke. Molly knew it wasn’t really a question. Connor could demand anything he liked of her and in the end, she knew she would concede. He ruled with an iron rod alright, and at this moment that rod was teasing her wet, slick lips in the most excruciatingly delightful way.

  “Okay,” she gasped, frantically trying to maintain her cool as the first inch of his cock pierced her. “What would you like to know?”

  There was a moment of palpable silence as his gaze bore down at her, his breath hot against her face as his mouth lowered toward her waiting lips again. She watched him, hypnotized by the sinful look on his face, and the approaching mouth. She wanted those lips on hers, almost as much as she wanted his cock to fill her up again. To complete her. Rolling her hips forward, she drew in more of his length, moaning as the sensation washed over her.

  “My naughty, little pet,” he crooned, hovering just half an inch above her mouth. “So needy already are we? Your Master isn’t ready for you yet.”

  She groaned in reply, raising her head to capture the stubble at his jaw with her mouth. She was needy. Fucking needy actually, so what would be the
point in denying it? It didn’t even seem to matter that there wasn’t a condom between them. She just wanted him. With him; over her; inside her. “Yes, Master,” she murmured in a breathless tone.

  The sound of Connor’s dark chuckle filled the air, and he shook his head. “Not without a condom,” he mumbled.

  Reaching for the nightstand, he grasped blindly with his hand until he found what he was looking for. All the while his searing gaze never left her face, and as his palm retreated, he waved the silver package over her head. Molly eyed it eagerly, watching as Connor ripped it open with his teeth, before sliding the sheath over his erection.

  “Still needy?” he asked sardonically.

  Molly nodded urgently. “Oh yes.”

  With a dark smile, he obligingly slid his full length into her in one hard thrust. Fuck. The feeling was divine.

  Grasping her fingers more tightly than before, he leaned over her, examining her face as he considered his captive. “You are fucking glorious,” he whispered. “Too fucking glorious.”

  Breathlessly, she squirmed beneath him, lowering her head back to the pillow as she pondered his words. Speared by his enormous erection, there was nowhere for her to go, and anyway, he had her. She was held fast in Connor’s trap whether he had her caged or not.

  “Where were we?” he asked sensually, as though spearing her had completely distracted his own line of thought.

  Molly sympathized. “Your questions for me?” she murmured in response.

  “Oh, yes,” he answered her with a wicked smile. “Well done for paying attention, kitten.”

  She writhed under his hard body. Or at least she wanted to, but between his cock and his piercing gaze, movement seemed impossible. As good as he felt shoved deep inside her, having him there permanently was debilitating. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t think. Christ, she could barely take another breath.

  Reading her perfectly as he so often did, Connor withdrew slowly, hovering at her entrance as he gazed down at her.

  “Tell me,” he began. “Were you happy before this? Was the life I snatched you from a happy one? Do you miss it?”

  The round of queries hit her like bullets, and she feared her eyes made her feelings clear.

  “That’s three questions, Master,” she mumbled in reply, stalling for time as her head tried to wrap around the volley of inquiries.

  Connor laughed heartily at that, just as his cock slammed back inside her wet seam. “Captor’s prerogative,” he told her with a wink. “I never said the game was fair.”

  Gasping at the fullness again, Molly tried to arch her back beneath him. Anything to shift the position and relieve the pressure a little.

  “Answer me, pet,” he commanded in a low, sensual tone. “Answer me, or I will keep you right here on the edge all day and all night. You’ll be begging to be back in my cage again.”

  Her mind was awash with feeling. A myriad of emotions that his questions had provoked swam with what seemed like her never-ending desire for this man, and the things he could do with his cock.

  “There’s a lot to think about in those questions,” she tried to explain. “They’re more complex than the ones I asked you.”

  “Tsk,” he chuckled, shaking his head at Molly. “That sounds like bullshit to me. But okay, let’s just assume you’re right. I’ve given you a few moments to think of the answers already. How much more time to you need?”

  Connor pulled away slightly as he concluded, before thrusting right back into place. Fuck, he was so deep inside her now, it felt like the tip of his cock was nudging her cervix.

  “It’s complicated,” she gasped, squeezing her eyes closed for a moment as he edged back and then slammed into her pussy again. Hard. “I was happy. I thought I was. I was busy and I loved my writing. I…”

  Another deep thrust caught her off guard, making her pant as she struggled futilely to be free of the giant root immobilizing her against the mattress.

  “You, what, pet?”

  Connor’s voice sounded as hard as his cock, and she stared up at him desperately. Had she managed to piss him off somehow? Did he think she was intentionally avoiding his questions?

  “I had friends, Master. A career I loved. A life…” She paused, considering that life once again.

  Whatever happened now she knew she could never return to it. Nothing could be the same after an experience like this, and there was no point pretending otherwise. Connor had well and truly fucked her, sending fragments of her so-called normal existence flying around about the place.

  “So, you do miss it then?”

  He sounded disappointed at the prospect, and the idea riled her. What the fuck did he expect? Did he think he could just rip her from the womb of the life she’d known and it would be okay? That she’d just adapt to being kept leashed in the dark places he’d made for her? The thought made her want to slap him away, but pinioned as she was, that was simply impossible.

  “Of course,” she whispered in reply. “I had a life, Master, and now I’m here instead. I miss my friends, my family, my readers…”

  Her words trailed away and an unexpected well of emotion filled within her. One moment she had been thoroughly horny, hanging on his every word and now this. Now he had destroyed that mentality with his damn questions. Reminding her of everything she had left behind. Everything he had taken from her.

  “I’m sorry,” Connor murmured. “I suppose you do miss them. It’s normal at this juncture.”

  “I don’t want to think about it,” she gasped, aware already of the unwelcome tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. “Please, Master. If you’re not going to let me have those things, then don’t make me remember them.”

  She sounded so desperate she wasn’t surprised by the disconcerted expression which presented itself on his face.

  “Okay, pet,” he replied sympathetically. “I get it. We all have things we don’t want to remember. Let me just fuck the thought of those things away again.”

  Molly’s legs had splayed wider before his sentence had even finished. Evidently, her body was more than ready to go along with his plan, even if her mind thought it needed a little more persuading.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled, turning her face into his strong shoulder just as his hips began to move again.

  And now he moved fluidly, fucking her as though his very essence depended upon the connection. As he filled her balls deep again, her eyes fell closed at the juxtaposition. The wanton part of her loved this, and she thought she could spend many happy months being subject to this type of captivity, but the memories of her old life lingered. The image of Suzy, Hannah and her mom flashed into her mind, distracting her from the carnal pursuit. In that way she never could understand, Connor somehow sensed her thoughts, his question cutting through her internal misery.

  “Who do you belong to, kitten?”

  He had whispered the words in a low sensual growl, but they were like a roar to her ears. She glanced up to find his face right there, those green eyes wide and demanding.

  “You, Master,” she replied instantly. “I am yours.”

  Seemingly satisfied with her reply, his expression softened just a little, but still his cock continued. It worked tirelessly, and as the fucking went on, Molly began to lose herself to his brutal rhythm. Connor pounded her like there was no tomorrow. As though his very soul depended upon filling her up and claiming the woman beneath him. Pushing his climax closer and closer, his mouth finally possessed hers again. At the moment his orgasm crashed down over him, he tensed, sucking her lower lip up into his mouth as her cunt milked the last of his pleasure from him.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The next day passed in a blur of lust and dominance. On the one hand, his pet seemed more attentive to his demands, and more obedient, yet on the other, he sensed her mind was often elsewhere. He knew the exact moment the shift had started. It was when he’d asked about her life before him – before this. He’d practically seen the shutters come down in h
er gaze as she’d recalled her friends and family, and whatever he’d put her through since, he’d not been able to draw her out again. The conundrum irritated Connor. He didn’t just want her body. It had never been about that. He wanted her focus. He needed her to be present.

  He sat at the kitchen table sipping coffee as he watched her clambering after the scrambled eggs he’d presented in her bowl. Molly’s collar was secured to the D-ring in the floor with a moderate length leash, and he smiled wryly as she chased the metal bowl around with her nose.

  “Are you ready to write again after lunch, pet?”

  Her body stilled immediately at his words, large blinking eyes rising from behind the metal to meet his grin. As usual, she looked totally fucking hot this way, and the fact she had now submitted to his meal time routines with little fuss did nothing to cool Connor’s ardor.

  “Yes, Master,” she replied, breathlessly. “Thank you.”

  Suppressing the urge to laugh at the utter state of her adorable face, he nodded, gesturing for her to continue. “Eat up then,” he told her. “You’ll need your strength, kitten. I can promise you that.”

  Molly buried her face back into the egg, sending a shot of electricity straight to his cock. He’d washed and shaved his pet thoroughly since her return from the woods, reintroducing her tight behind to his favorite butt-plug. The tail of the thing dangled tantalizingly between her out-stretched thighs as she bent toward the bowl, and even from this angle he knew how hot that would look from behind. Naked and chained this way, Molly was practically irresistible.

  “There’s a lot to catch up on,” he mused as she crawled in pursuit of the bowl again. Her body had shifted as far as the leash would allow now, her bottom high in the air as she polished off the last of the egg. “I hope you can remember it all.”

  Taking a deep breath, she rose from her lunch again. “I think I can,” she replied. “Can you help me if I get stuck, Master?”

  Those large blue eyes were on him again, apparently unashamed of the state of her mouth as she responded. Connor met her stare, a strange sense of pride filling him as he assessed her. Molly was adapting to life as his pet with apparent incredible ease. It was almost as though she’d been destined for this level of submission, she’d just needed the right psychopath to lubricate the wheels. Now, if he could only engage the writer in her again, and help her to forget about all the things she was missing outside these four walls, things would be as close to perfect as a devil like him could ever achieve.


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