Taking the Human

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Taking the Human Page 6

by Trent Evans

  He smiled indulgently at her. “You tried, anyway.” His fist closed in her hair, as his smile disappeared, a look of pure avarice shining in his blue eyes. “Now, suck on the head only.”

  She complied, the slurping sounds, and the drip of her saliva down her chin, making her blush furiously. He ordered her to lick him then and she bathed the length of him with her tongue, even taking his balls into her mouth. She was just able to manage that at least, to his approving murmurs, and she left them with a soft kiss, returning to licking and sucking upon the veined thickness of his shaft.

  He groaned, falling back onto the mattress, his grip on her hair pulling her up on her knees so that she was between his thighs, her breasts swinging just below his heavy scrotum as she sucked him in earnest. In moments, his impossibly thick cock swelled even further upon her tongue, and he pulled her head away, ordering her to sit on her heels. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she met his gaze, and he grinned at her.

  “Hold up those breasts. Offer them to me, slave girl.”

  She did, her cheeks burning bright, even as she wished she could taste his cock upon her tongue once more. Servicing him in that way, should have felt demeaning, but there was no room for that anymore. She was his slave, and as such, a part of her—a very twisted one she didn’t know existed—felt a sense of rightness, almost justice, that she should perform this for her Master. A very concrete way of showing her contrition—and her obedience to his wishes.

  He stroked the thick penis once, twice, a third time, the veins standing out at the base of his neck, the corded muscles of his massive forearms bunching. Then he let go a strangled groan, throwing his head back, and thick, pearly arcs of semen leaped from the tip of his cock, the hot liquid splashing upon the slopes of her proffered breasts, soaking her, wetting her chest and even the base of her throat with his essence.

  His growled order to her to rub it into her skin made her blush blaze, but she obeyed, looking down as she massaged the viscous fluid into her soft breasts until her skin shone with it.

  Mortified, aroused and confused all at once, she watched him in silence as he regained his breath, his penis slowly softening, the sight as touching as it was erotic. She was already looking forward to watching it swell again.

  You’ve lost your mind.

  Rather than chain her up and lay her down on her cot, as he usually did, he took her into his bed, that night, drawing her close to his hulking form. The heat of his body was welcome all through the night, as he kept his room quite cool. She did little actual sleeping until deep into the night, finally drifting off as she lay across his chest, her head rising and falling with the gentle breathing found only in slumber.

  Before sleep claimed her though one thought repeated in her mind.

  You can’t let him in. If you do, you’re lost.

  She feared it was already too late.

  Chapter Eight

  The grav-repulser unit was originally designed to hold—and slowly rotate—an art exhibit. A sculpture, to be more precise. With a software upgrade and a couple of minor tweaks, he found it worked quite well for displaying a human too.

  He took his meal on the rooftop that night, enjoying the warmth of the evening, and the brilliance of the stars in the sky. It had taken him some time to get used to the Terran night sky, nearly barren as it was of stars compared to his home. With time, it had grown on him, the sight of the smudge of the galactic disc—the humans called it the Milky Way—stretching across the sky. It held its own sparse beauty.

  The beauty of the woman bound and slowly rotating before him was anything but sparse.

  Not for the first time, she’d drifted off to sleep in the warm, vibrating hum of the embrace of the energy bands. He stared at her as he ate, his eyes tracing every stripe, mark, and welt still sported by her body. He’d been disgusted at his weakness the morning after he’d taken her into his bed, and he’d resolved to return their dynamic to where it was supposed to be.

  He’d used her in every room of his home—sometimes more than once—and she’d danced, and cried, and wept to the tune of as many implements as he dared use upon her clear, pale skin. For days, he’d kept at her, rarely allowing her much rest from either his cock or his whip.

  But still, it hadn’t changed it. It hadn’t changed how he felt—the affection for her that grew more each day. Yes, he treated her like a sex toy, a slave in all ways, but she was a loved one. Though he’d read it risked spoiling a slave—more than one of the accounts from other human owners warned of this—he loved her orgasms. It was almost as wonderful as watching her bottom shudder and redden under his paddle.

  Watching her face flush, her mouth drop open, her panting pleas until her eyes rolled back as he forced over the edge again and again, was equal parts fascinating and arousing. Many a time he’d bring her to the pinnacle repeatedly, whether with his fingers, his cock, or his tongue, and she’d plead with him to relent—delirious, exhausted, wrung out.

  And he’d rarely given in to her pleas.

  He’d begun her course with the anal trainers, not sure yet if he’d actually use her ass, but knowing for certain that he delighted in making her submit her bottom hole to the increasing stretching afforded by the graduated metal phalluses. He’d stumbled upon her responsiveness to anal stimulation quite by accident, investigating her gaping anus after removing one of the trainers. She’d moaned and pleaded with him to take her as he’d traced her stretched rim with a finger, watching mesmerized as it slowly returned to a tight, dusky whorl.

  It wasn’t long before he’d discovered she could come solely from anal penetration alone, though it took her longer, leaving her inevitably drenched in sweat at the end, her panting, and moaning like sweet music to his ears. How many lost cries had she uttered as after a particularly arduous climb to orgasm, he’d promised her he wasn’t even close to being done playing with her bottomhole?

  Still, every time he’d taken her as far as he thought she was capable, he needed her to know he was there with her for all of it, never alone, never neglected. He shouldn’t have spent so many hours bathing her, pampering her, kissing her all over her body, caressing her freshly bathed, fragrant skin—but he did.

  And each night, he couldn’t bear to chain her up on her lonely cot, depriving them both, instead taking her into his bed, his slave asleep in his arms a quiet pleasure that had no equal.

  Sitting there watching her rotate, the energy bands holding her limbs outstretched, his seed still dripping from between very swollen cunt lips, he feared it was hopeless.

  No matter how much he tried to keep her at arm’s length, she’d draw him still closer.

  For the first time since he’d taken the alluring human, Lukanos wasn’t sure he knew what he was doing anymore.

  Chapter Nine

  “What’s this, sir?”

  She’d been sitting out on the deck, listening to a book Lukanos had given her—a general science tome that had her continually dropping her jaw. She couldn’t read it, of course, so he had rigged it up to a translator. It was slow listening to the text read back to her, but it worked, and she loved every minute of it.

  Humankind was so very far behind, despite the strides they’d already made as a species in the sciences. The sense of arrogance some human scientists felt. If they only knew what she knew now. It almost made her feel hopeless—that she’d already learned more than any scientist had in the past two hundred years of human history, and yet, she’d have no humans to share it with. The melancholy threatened to set in each time she thought of that, about her sense of being alone. The only time she didn’t feel that was late in the night, in his arms, listening to him breath, burrowing closer to his big body, sighing to herself with a strange contentment until she drifted off to sleep.

  That sense of sadness though was ever present during the day, if only in the shadows of her consciousness. But then she’d hear another revelation, and the sense of wonder banished all of those negative thoughts.

  The afternoon light was just beginning to wane. He’d collared her and chained her to her chair as he was wont to do when taking her outside, the thick gray cloak he allowed her wrapped tightly about her form. The day was cool, but not uncomfortable, and she was grateful for any time outside.

  Her Master—she’d been thinking of him as that more and more as time went by, and lately, it held a note of respect, even admiration—came padding out onto the deck, looking mouthwatering in nothing but a brief set of tights that she thought might be an analog to underwear. The bulge of his genitals caught her eye immediately, sending an anticipatory shiver down her spine as it always did. Would he take her today? Maybe he’d do it right there in broad daylight? The image of her kneeling before him sprang into her mind, his fist in her hair as she sucked him, while from above he growled commands at her in his native tongue, their meaning clear regardless of language.

  She stopped the playback of the audio, looking up at him. “So, we were right about that! It is possible, with enough power—something we never really believed we’d be able to generate safely. We still have—had—arguments about it all the time.”

  He tilted his head. “Oh, you mean the Gate system? We didn’t actually build the Gates themselves—no one does. They’ve been here much longer than any of the species populating our galaxy now. But we did learn how to use them once we perfected the matter-antimatter reactors. Without those, we’d never have been able to satisfy the power demands required to open a transit—your species calls it an Einstein-Rosen bridge, I believe.”

  “Oh my fucking...God,” she breathed, her hand to her mouth. So much knowledge. It was like she was a kid again.

  “You asked what this is? It’s the answers to your questions. As you say, you’re a scientist.” Lukanos fitted the silver metal halo about her skull, two pads clasping her firmly just over her temples. “This... should stay on. I had to find a children’s version—the adult one is too large for humans. Let’s hope it works.”

  “It’s... it’s okay, sir. What is it?”

  He clicked something on the side of the headset and she gasped.

  “How is this...oh my God, how is this...possible?” Her voice was almost a squeal as the images cascaded through her mind, in a projection that was more than 3D—it felt like a whole new world in itself.

  “Interfaces with the optical nerves and projects the image for you. The closest thing we equate it to seeing thoughts... in a way. We’ve never really tested it on humans, but your basic brain structure is essentially identical to ours, so it should work—with a hiccup or two.” He gave her a wan smile, touching her cheek. “This is patched into our neural net. You can think of it as an immense number of brains linked together, sharing thoughts, synthesizing ideas. Only it’s computers and brains, working in concert. The net I hooked this into consists of the three planets in our star system, plus a handful of other outposts within one parsec. Should be enough to keep you entertained for a while.”

  She squealed, jumping up into his arms. “Thank you! Thank you! Oh God, this is incredible!”

  It was as if everything were new again. Her thirst for knowledge had been with her as long as she remembered, and this—this was the moment when it all seemed worth it.

  Still, as giddy as she was, lapping up the equations, histories, and theories like a crack addict fresh out of twenty day rehab, something... was off. Missing.

  It’s called your heart.

  He set her down, then took a seat next to her, staring off into the distance. He’d been doing more of that of late. Though the view was stunning—his house perched upon a forested hill overlooking a vast valley, the city barely visible near the horizon, the green and purple foliage of dinhal trees surrounding his home on three sides—she knew better. He’d been distant, even cool, of late. He barely used her, and when he did, it was quick. She’d even once caught him with his head in his hands, but he quickly recovered, barking at her to stand at attention, and scolding her for entering his room without permission.

  Something was very wrong.

  And though she didn’t want to admit it, even to herself, he’d become, well, the center of everything. When he was unhappy, she was unhappy. Depending upon him for everything, she’d come to crave his presence, his touch, even his affection. She’d have gladly serviced him much more than he demanded, and she’d even made a few clumsy—and very embarrassing—attempts to flirt with him, to tempt him into taking her. But of late, even that was no use.

  She already struggled with the confusion of her own feelings, emotions she’d never have expected to feel for a being who uprooted her from her entire life.

  Such as it was. He probably did you a favor.

  How was it possible that a trained scientist was so unsuccessfully grappling with something much more profound than a schoolgirl crush? Worse, it was directed at a man she should hate, a being who’d turned her existence upside down in an instant.

  What was happening here?

  Chapter Ten

  The commport burst to life as Lukanos cleaned up the remnants of dinner, Alisse already upstairs on her cot. He’d found her crying again that morning, curled up on his bed, his pillow clutched to her face. Though he’d affixed her chain and cinched her collar tightly—something that used to have her pretty pink nipples standing up, and her eyes sparkling eagerly—it was as if he wasn’t even there. She was almost... listless.

  The signs had been everywhere and yet, he tried not to see them. He knew what they meant.

  “Lieutenant, I’m sorry to bother you.” Captain Maerata’s lips twisted a moment. “If it’s a bad time, I’ll try again later.”

  “No, it’s fine, Captain. What...what can I do for you?”

  He thought of Alisse again, and all the things he’d like to do for her—and to her—if only that last, and most difficult—divide could be bridged with her. He feared it would never be, no matter how patient he was, no matter how much time he gave her.

  “I’ve been given new orders. It’s to be Terra again, training new teams.”

  “I’m not surprised, Captain. Admiral Kosha always did have a soft spot for you.”

  If it were any other Survey Team Captain whose subordinate had violated the Directive in so blatant a manner, they both knew Captain Maerata would be lucky to see service on a garbage scow for the rest of his career.

  “How is she? Really.”

  Lukanos sighed, leaning an arm against the wall, shaking his head at the commport screen. “I wish I knew. We barely speak anymore. She obeys quickly enough, but it’s rote. She’s going through the motions. I thought hooking her into the neural net would change things for her—and they did for a few days. But now, she’s as down as she ever was. I just... don’t know.”

  “I think you’re lying to yourself about that, Lieutenant. You do know.”

  Lukanos needed to change the subject, and fast. “You going to the Induction tomorrow?”

  “I’ll be there. Willix would kill me if I didn’t make it. I’m going to bring Alisse with me. See what she thinks. I’ll need to make her a little less conspicuous though, I suppose.”

  “Why do that to yourself, Lukanos? She won’t take that last step, if she’s not ready. You know this.”

  “Maybe it’s a fool wanting to at least be near something he knows he can never really have.”

  “My transport leaves for Gate rendezvous within the hour following the Induction. Looks like I’ll be the only one embarked until touchdown on Terra. If...” Maerata cleared his throat, staring at him for a long moment. “Well, thought you might want to know.”

  “Thanks, Captain. Safe travels if I don’t see you tomorrow.”

  He switched off the commport, leaning against the counter, cursing under his breath. If only...

  “You’re being stupid, Lieutenant,” he hissed out loud. “Go to bed.”


  The Three Sisters were out again, the arc of smoky orange moons like dimmer, less bombastic cousins of the
gorgeous setting sun back on Terra.

  They laid in silence now upon his bed, the night deep and dark around them. He’d taken her before bed, slow and gentle, savoring every sigh, every tiny squeeze of her yielding sex. He’d met her gaze as he moved within her, and they stayed that way, in silence, until her moans overtook her, until oblivion pulled him under. He’d touched her face before leaving the clutch of her burning core, and she’d given him a bittersweet smile, grasping his hand and pressing those soft, swollen lips to his fingertips, one by one.

  Now, his seed dripping down upon him from her well-used sex, she sprawled upon him, her chin propped on his chest, the starlight caught in the liquid forever of her eyes, the brilliance of the night sky doing nothing to banish the sadness he saw in her gaze.

  “What do you think when you see all those stars up there? Those moons?”

  She didn’t answer right away, instead laying her smooth cheek against his skin. “I think of... all I know. And all I don’t yet understand.”

  “No matter how much I try, some things I’ll never understand. No matter how much knowledge I acquire, some things in this universe are still a mystery to me.”

  She murmured, then kissed his chest. “Now, you know how I feel.”

  It’s time to ask it, you oaf. Just get it over with. End the torture.

  “Knowing what you know now, if you had the chance, the choice—would you do this all again? Would you be here? With me?”

  For a long moment, she was silent, and he thought perhaps she’d fallen asleep. Then she stirred, gazing up his body at him, her eyes unreadable, almost black in the shadows of the bedroom.


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