Into the Future: A Callahan Novel

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Into the Future: A Callahan Novel Page 1

by Celya Bowers

  Into the Future

  A Callahan Novel


  Celya Bowers

  Copyright 2015 by Celya Bowers

  This is an original novel.

  Dedication: This book is dedicated to my support group. My family who encourages me, my friends who put up with my writer’s block moments and what if scenarios. Thank you all for being so patient and comforting me through all the twists and turns.

  Most of all, I would like to thank my readers.

  Chapter 1

  “What do you mean he said it’s over?” Izabella Carter-Callahan asked her sister. “You guys looked pretty happy the other week at the mayor’s dinner.”

  “One word. Paul.” Lysette Carter-Hall told her sister. “Paul keeps showing up at work, at my house, if he notices Tristan’s car there. I think the kids might have mentioned he spent the night to Paul. Izzy, I don’t know what to do.”

  Izzy, the younger Carter sister, switched positions on the couch in her living room. Being five months pregnant wasn’t working too well for first-time pregnant Izzy. She wasn’t used to the extra weight, the cravings, and run away emotions. Along with Izzy not being able to work, she was never comfortable. “Lizzy, I don’t understand. Why is Paul constantly blocking you? It’s not like you’re trying to get back with him or anything is it?” Finally, she found a comfortable position on the couch.

  Lizzy laughed. “You look exhausted.”

  “Never mind.” She let out a tired breath. “Continue the story.”

  “I think he’s just trying to make sure I’m a miserable as possible. Especially, since I initiated the divorce. I’m just so tired of this forgetting to pick up the kids, it makes me look bad. He was supposed to pick the kids up from school today at noon. It was a half-day.” Her ex had begged and pleaded with her to let him have the kids this weekend, so he could have more time with them. This was what she got for being nice to him.

  Izzy held up her hand. “Don’t tell me. He forgot again.”

  “Yes, the school called me about one. Mom had to go get them. Unfortunately, since this is about the fifth time this has happened since January, the principal wants a meeting with her and the counselor.” Lizzy was about at her wits’ end. Izzy could always be counted on for good, solid advice. Especially, now that those mother-to-be hormones had kicked in.

  “Quit giving him power over you,” Izzy said. “I know this sounds crazy coming from me, but the reason he’s wrecking so much havoc in your life is because you’re letting him.”

  Lizzy thought about her sister’s words. Maybe it was true. “I didn’t want him to feel like he wasn’t in the kids’ lives. Every time I suggest an alternative arrangement like picking them up at Mom’s or something, he starts whining about me taking his kids away.” And she was tired of feeling guilty for doing the right thing.

  “Well like it or not, this what he’s driving you to do. No one wants to say he’s not doing what he’s supposed to do, but his actions speak louder than anything.”

  Lizzy looked at her sister. Married two months and now Izzy was the calm in everyone else’s storm. Since Tristan had broken it off with her earlier in the week, Lizzy had been an emotional mess. Now she knew what she wanted. Tristan. But first she was going to have to cut the ties to her ex-husband.


  She snapped back to reality just in time to greet her brother-in-law, Campbell, as he walked into the living room. He looked like a model in the dark blue suit. His tanned skin and bright blue eyes could probably bring any woman to her knees. But now he was officially off the market and married to Izzy. “Hello, Cam.” She rose and hugged him. “I just came over for some girl talk.”

  Campbell, Cam, as everyone in the Carter family called him, nodded in agreement. “I heard. Your mom called me asking advice.”

  Oh this didn’t sit well with Lizzy. “Why did Mom call you?”

  Cam’s blue eyes stared at her. This was very serious. “She didn’t call you?”


  “Did the school call you?”

  “Yes. I have a meeting with the principal and the counselor on Monday.” She waited a heartbeat. “What are you not telling me?”

  Cam sat next to Izzy. “I’m sure you’re not aware of this, but every time a parent is late picking up a child, the school logs it. When the principal feels something is going on at home or something else, say the parent is always late picking up said child, the counselor is brought in. Well, normally this is the protocol when the school is going to turn the case over to Child Protective Services. Paul has issued a claim that you’re neglecting the kids and putting your job first by not picking them up in a timely manner and wants to apply for sole custody.”

  “What did you say?”

  “Paul filed a report with CPS. He states that you don’t pick the kids up on time due to your job. That you’ve missed meetings with him, cause of scheduling conflicts, thus limiting his time with the children.”

  “That bastard is trying to take my babies away from me,” Lizzy said. “I can’t believe that. So my meeting on Monday is most likely with CPS.”

  “Yes. I’ll be happy to accompany you, if you need moral support,” Cam said.

  She shook her head. “No, I got this. Paul just made everything a whole lot easier.” Her idiot of an ex-husband just tried to set her up!


  City Manager, Tristan MacDonald stared at the picture on his desk. Lizzy. What was he thinking? Breaking up with her? Sure, he had to take a stand and he had. He was sick and tired of her ex calling the shots. Surely, there had to be a way they could all get along.

  Right, and he wasn’t Irish. Lizzy’s ex had been a thorn in his side since they’d met and it hadn’t gotten any better in the last few months. The man was always where they were: at the movies, eating out, the mayor’s dinner. You name it, the man was there.

  His intercom buzzed. Tristan glanced at his wall clock, it was barely three in the afternoon. His office was quiet as usual on a Friday. Most of the attorneys had the afternoon off. He reached for the phone.

  “Yes, Claire,” he said to his assistant.

  “It’s Mrs. Callahan, sir.”

  He laughed. “Which one? I know about six.”

  “Mrs. Campbell Callahan.”

  Izzy. “Thanks, Claire.” He punched the lighted button on the phone and spoke. “How’s the most beautiful pregnant doctor in Turners Point?”

  Izzy sighed. “Tired. Fat. But very happy.”

  “What’s up, Izzy?”

  “Campbell went to get dinner, so I don’t have very long. Why did you break it off with my sister?”

  Leave it to Izzy. He was surprised she held out this long. “Ask Lizzy.”

  “I did. Now, I’m asking you.”

  “All right. I’m sick of Paul showing up like he’s still running her life.” Tristan felt better just saying it out loud. “I might have over-reacted.”

  “More like you just gave him what he wanted. He just wants to create as much drama in her life as he possibly can.”

  “What do you expect me to do?” He disliked drama.

  “Stand up for your woman. Don’t let this idiot do this to my sister. It’s bad enough she has to talk to CPS on Monday.”

  “Why is she talking to them?”

  “One word. Paul. He issued a complaint and now she has to be investigated.”

  “Damn it.” Tristan sighed. “That’s the last thing she needs right now. What does this complaint say?”

  “You’ll have to ask her the details. I just wanted you to know.”

  “Thanks, Izzy. You’ve helped more than you know. Lizzy is probably a mess now.”

nbsp; “She could use a friend.” Izzy ended the call.

  Tristan stared at the phone. He should just call to see how she was doing with the latest Paul fiasco. Not. Lizzy would see straight through that. Think man. You manage the entire city, surely you can figure out what to say to Lizzy. He was going to need a good plan. A sure fire plan. Unfortunately, a plan of this magnitude was going to need the Callahan touch. God help him.


  “So you’re saying this is my mess?” Tristan looked at his oldest friend, Brad Callahan. “I’m not the one with the clingy ex,” he pointed out to his childhood friend.

  They were sitting in Brad’s man cave, while Brad’s wife Josie was preparing dinner. Brad’s year old son, BJ was crawling around on the hardwood floor. Some days, Tristan didn’t recognize his old friend. Brad was always the ladies’ man, but once he set eyes on Josie, that was that. Now his friend was happily married.

  “Yes, this is your mess.” Brad sat in his large leather chair and looked at Tristan. “Yes, because you initiated the breakup, against my advice, I might add. You’re doing exactly what the ex wants you to do. Run scared. Now with all this other mess he’s started with CPS, everything is going his way.” Brad smiled as BJ ran to his father, arms stretched wide, begging to be picked up. He lifted his chubby son and placed him on his lap. “Look, Tri, we go back a long way and I say this with all the love of our very long friendship. When I tried that stupid mess with Josie, I got set straight real quick. I know you. You want Lizzy. You just think it’s too much drama, especially after what your wife put your through. You were looking for an easy out and you took it. Now you’re sorry.”

  “Thank you for nut-shelling my misery.” Tristan sighed. “So now I have to crawl back to this woman and beg her forgiveness.”

  “I never said that. I said this was your fault,” Brad clarified. “First, you need to talk to Lizzy. Strike while the iron is hot, so to speak. She needs to know that you’re in her corner as her boss and as her potential man.”

  Tristan just wasn’t feeling the drama he knew would follow. “I hear you, Brad, but I’m not feeling all the mess with this guy. He followed us on our dates.”

  “So let him follow.”


  “Seriously. Man you got a whole slew of Callahans behind you. If you need me to put a man on him, I can do that.”

  “You would waste intelligence resources on this?” His friend was the deputy director at the FBI.

  “Yes. He could be a potential terrorist,” Brad said on a smile. “One never knows. If I can’t and that’s so not likely, then Chris can put one of his agents on him. My point is stand up for your woman. Or this excuse of a man will weasel his way back in her life permanently.”

  That was the one thing Tristan hadn’t wanted. He saw the handwriting on the wall and there was little he could do about the situation. He wanted to help Lizzy, that was for sure, and if he could get back in her good graces, it was a win-win.

  “So what’s the verdict?” Brad asked as he played with his son. BJ’s happy giggles filled the room. “Are you going to show this guy who he’s messing with?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not really.” Brad rose with his son in his arms. “Look man, I feel you. You had a rocky marriage with Cynthia. You don’t want any more drama. But as my mother always says, ‘if love was easy, everyone would have it’.”

  “True.” Tristan rose from his seat and headed for the doorway. “I know what I have to do. I’m going to have to step out of my comfort zone, if I want Lizzy back.” He walked toward Brad and patted his friend since first grade, on the shoulder. “Thanks man, sometimes I just need a good kick in the ass.”

  “I’m always here to help.” Brad laughed. “Let me know if you need any back up.”


  It was almost ten at night, before Lizzy’s life was her own again. After picking up the kids, feeding them and putting them to bed, the evening disappeared right before her very eyes. Now, as she settled down in her favorite oversized red chair with a mug of herbal tea and the TV remote, she could finally enjoy some quiet time.

  She was determined not to think about the CPS disaster awaiting her on Monday morning. She wasn’t going to think about Tristan. She was just going to enjoy this satisfying moment of solitude.

  After thirty minutes of not finding anything to watch on TV, she pondered her options of what to do next. Calling Izzy was definitely out. With her problematic pregnancy, Cam made sure she was asleep by ten, sometimes nine. Her next option was to watch a movie instead.

  The doorbell rang at almost midnight. Lizzy was in the middle of her favorite movie. She felt so much better than just two hours before. Now who was trying to ruin her good time? Her first thought was Izzy. But since she hit her fifth month, the doctor insisted that she not drive, so that was out. If it was Paul, she might have to hurt him for all the trouble he’d caused her. Only one way to find out. She turned off the TV and went to answer the door.

  It wasn’t her sister. Or her ex-husband. It was an ex. Tristan. She opened the door. “What are you doing here?” She looked him up and down. He was dressed in blue jeans and a polo shirt. His blue eyes sparkled at her.

  “Well, it’s nice to see you too.” He stepped inside her house and closed the door. “The kids asleep?” He locked the door.

  “Yes, but you haven’t answered my question,” Lizzy said, standing directly in front of him. He might look like as sexy as sin, but she had to stand her ground. “The last time we talked, you said you couldn’t deal with me as a woman only as an employee.”

  “I know what I said.”

  “I’m still a woman, with an ex-husband, two kids and a dog.”


  “Gotcha,” she laughed. “No dog. My point is that I’m the same woman you dumped a few days ago. Nothing has changed.” Okay that was a lie.

  “You’re wrong, counselor.” He closed the gap between them, leaned down toward her within kissing range, but grabbed her hand instead, and led them to the living room.

  “What do you mean?” She wriggled her hand free from his. “You come to my house unannounced and you still haven’t told me why you’re here.”

  He shrugged and took a seat on the couch, across from her favorite chair. “You’re right. I haven’t explained why I’m here.” But no explanation followed.

  Lizzy took a seat in her chair and waited. Tristan was going to drag this out, she feared. “If you don’t mind hurrying this along, I have two soccer games in the morning, plus a birthday party to attend.” She hoped he took her hint.

  He sat back on the couch and stared at her. “You know, all I saw was the drama you were bringing into my life. Your ex-husband was following us, making his presence known in the office, and just being a jackass. It was starting to mess with me and I couldn’t deal with it. So I took the coward’s way out.”

  She was shocked he admitted it. “Well, I’m glad you’re not throwing blame around. You were a chicken.”

  “This isn’t really about me, right now.”

  “Who is this about?”

  “This is about us.”

  Okay, she was not expecting that answer. How did her life events concern him? “Well played, Tristan. Please explain.” She sat back and crossed her legs waiting for him to begin. This had better be good.

  Finally, some cooperation, Tristan thought. He looked her over. Her long black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She was dressed comfortably in lounging clothes of yoga pants and a loose fitting blouse. In short, she looked damn sexy.

  Keep your mind on your task man, he reminded himself. “I know I was wrong, Lizzy. As I said, I was running scared. But I know what Paul has done and I’m here to help.”

  “Who told you?”

  “Does it really matter at this point?” Tristan wanted her to know she had his support. “I know you’re a good parent, and his charges are groundless.”

  “Isn’t this too much d
rama for you?”

  “No, it’s not and yes, I deserve the barb. Right now, I just want to help you right now. We can figure out the rest later.”

  She actually smiled. “So you’re willing to help.”



  “Any way you need me. If you need me to accompany you to the school on Monday, I can do that.” He knew the CPS didn’t have a leg to stand on, Paul must have a connection with someone in the department. Most likely Paul was trying to use this little maneuver for leverage.

  “Would you go with me to the meeting?”

  “Sure, if that’s what you need. I have no problem going. I can be a character witness for you.”

  “Thank you. That’s about all I handle right now.”

  He knew not to force the issue with her. He should probably cut his losses and get out of her house before she realized what was happening. “I’ll meet you at the school. What time is the meeting?”


  He rose from his seat. “I’ll see you on Monday morning. Don’t worry, Lizzy, we’ll have all this sorted out in no time.” He walked toward the front door, ready to make his exit.

  Lizzy joined him at the door. “Thank you, for helping me, Tristan.” She kissed him on the cheek. “And thank you for not taking advantage of my scattered brain tonight.” This time she kissed him on the lips. It was a gentle kiss, but it shook him.

  Now he had to stake his claim. He pulled her closer to his body and he deepened the kiss. He wrapped his arms around her, teasing her mouth open. He didn’t stop until they both needed to come up for breath.

  “Tristan!” She smiled, licking her lips. “I was just saying thank you.”

  “I was saying you’re welcome.” He opened the door and exited before things really got out of control.


  Saturday morning, Lizzy sat on the hard bench at the soccer field, nursing a supersized cup of hazelnut coffee. After Tristan left her house last night, sleep hadn’t come so easy. In fact, she barely got any sleep at all. That kiss was still on her mind as she prepared for the kids’ soccer games.


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