Broken Battlefield, Mended Hearts (Breaking Protocol Series Book 2)

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Broken Battlefield, Mended Hearts (Breaking Protocol Series Book 2) Page 16

by Willow Brooke

  ‘Go on baby. Say the words.’ His voice popped in her head as if he sat beside her.

  She looked around, knowing it wasn’t possible but still unable to resist searching for him. Nothing. She continued, “I never seen him as anything but a brother before. I only had eyes for you, Jared. You were my universe. Hell, you still are, and always will be. You will always be in my heart, until the day I die. He…he has another part. Something totally different, and yet wonderful. And the kids…they miss their daddy so much…but Joker helps them and has stepped up to fill the void that I can’t. I want to start a life with him, Jared…I just can’t until I know you are okay with it.” An elephant lifted off her chest. Whether he gave his blessing or not, it was a relief she needed just getting the words out. She broke down crying, holding one hand against the edge of his tombstone.

  “Bella baby, don’t cry. I am sorry I left you. But I died protecting and fighting for what was right. I will always love you, and be looking down watching over you and the kids. I sent Joker to you, my angel. There is no one else in the world I would want taking care of you guys. I knew he could love you and be all you need, and is the only person who I trust enough to raise my kids. Open your heart, and live again, Bella. Remember, the past is the past and can’t be changed. You have no control over the future. But today is a gift…that is why it is called the present.” Bella’s eyes were closed, and she could see Jared speaking. After he was done he hugged her tight. It was so real she could feel him. The sweet scent of his cologne clouded her senses, making this single moment in time embedded in her memories forever.

  “Oh God, Jared, don’t go! Please come back. Please!” Her cries echoed like a bell tolling in a church house.

  When he pulled away, he kissed her softly and began to fade. “I have to go, sweetheart. Always remember I will be looking down on you, watching and keeping you safe. You were the best thing that ever happened to a bum like me. I love you, for the rest of eternity. Go to Joker now, Bella. He needs you as much as you need him. You both need to live.” With that, he was gone. Her butt was numb from the cold ground. She sat for the longest time, making amends with the past and the present. It was time to focus on the future. She stood and dusted off, laying one final kiss on the headstone before turning to walk away.


  As always, General Ashburn arrived twenty minutes earlier than he had said. Mrs. Sanders had prepared a full breakfast buffet in preparation, complete with pastries, eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, and hash browns. They had all filled to the gorge and enjoyed visiting until after the meal, where they retired to the den for privacy and left the girls behind.

  All of the men took a seat in the makeshift conference area they had created for times like this, and waited for the General to get his notes around to start the briefing. Once he had them neatly laid out, he let out a deep sigh. “I apologize for having to call a meeting on such short notice, but the reports came in late last night, and this cannot wait.” He leaned against the fireplace before continuing. Even with the delivery of bad news, which this obviously was given his body language, the man remained posed and iron clad. “After the heavy interrogation of Senator Nelson, and information from Governor Ted Dante of California, we have come across information that is more than valuable to us. That being said, it is dangerous. We have stumbled upon a hornets nest the size of Texas, troops. This goes higher than I know what to do with. The drug end of this operation has CIA agents involved, and not in a good way. They are working hand-in-hand with other national leaders. Both the Governors of New York, Beau Tallon, and Florida, Herman Vancover, are involved and have received deposits in an off shore account that traced back to Afghanistan and Iraq. The last transaction was yesterday morning. The money that had been going into Senator Nelson and Governor Ted Dante’s accounts ceased the moment they were taken into custody. After our intelligence specialists cracked the system, they found two names behind the accounts overseas and out of a bank in Afghanistan. Now, before I continue, I am giving you all a chance to walk out of this room and not be involved. If anyone doesn’t want to be eyeball deep in government shit, please walk out now—no questions asked, and nothing will be mentioned again.” No one budged. Holding true to their beliefs, the team sat tall and waited for him to continue. “Okay then. We have reason to believe the Chief of Staff and the Vice President are involved. But it goes deeper than that. Reports were uncovered revealing the events of 9-11. Documents, official letters, and blue prints of implosion plans were included for both the World Trade Center building seven, and the Pentagon.” The group broke out in hushed conversation.

  “The Pentagon, sir? Are you joking?” Brody voiced what the group was thinking.

  “Yes, the Pentagon. On 9-11, the hole that was made into the side of the Pentagon may not have been made by a Boeing 757 aircraft. I have news reports that only aired once that stated an explosion was heard as each section collapsed. The hole itself measured smaller than the size of the plane. Even with its wings collapsed from impact, it shows in a module that there is no way possible it could have made that hole and still manage to collapse the double reinforced thick walls and pillars that deep into the structure. No pictures or video footage was ever taken at the site of the incident, and no remains of the aircraft itself was recovered. All video cameras were down in that area. For such a highly secured building, for all cameras to be out at the same time before and during such an event is preposterous. To add icing to the cake, none of the 28,000 plus people that worked there witnessed or reported witnessing an aircraft at the time of the incident, but instead waited until later on their eye witnesses. Regarding building seven, spectators and news anchors got footage of the building collapsing one floor at a time as a string of detonation blasts went off. All of the footage was quickly removed from the media and was never to be found by the public eye again…until now.” He paused after the dumbfounding chunk of information he gave to give them time to process.

  “So, who is behind it all? And what is their gain, sir?” Leland asked.

  “We are not certain who the main mastermind is behind it all, but like any acts, money is the root of all evil. The group of bank accounts we have uncovered date back to exactly one year before September 11. As far as we know, this goes up as far as Vice President Kovack. President Bradshaw is not suspected to be involved at this time.”

  “How do we play a role in this?” Brody responded cautiously.

  “Well, that is a good question. There are other people getting involved in the investigation. For now, we have to take down the dirty CIA agents and intercept the drug busts. Our second task, depending on the outcome of the first, is to uncover enough evidence that can put both Governors into the loop, and uncover their branches of the operation that is thought to be stationed in Afghanistan. Lastly, we hand it over to the big guys upstairs. I, for one, do not want to be accused of any type of treason activity, and I assume none of you do either. We have at least a year worth of work ahead of us. Our first mission is back to Kabul.” General Ashburn walked over and sat on the winged back chair positioned by the window. Everyone flooded with questions, and one by one, he answered the best he could. If this information was true, they were about to do what they had fought so hard to accomplish, break protocol and make the world a better place, in a big way. The rest of the morning and into the afternoon was spent discussing tactical plans and details. Come lunchtime, the General had set the deploy time for three months from now. They had numerous trips coming up, and it all started back at square one. He left them to make preparations and go over spreadsheets and files, sending the group immediately into soldier mode once again.

  Even through the chaos of work, Joker fought to keep his mind from wandering to Bella. The last night's events had left him wanting more, and wanting her. Not so much in a sexual way, which he would give his left nut for an instant replay, but just to be with her. Hold her. Love her? Yes. Deeply, passionately, unconditionally, love her. Whi
le the others were busy going over inventory and making a list as to what weapons, gear, and supplies were needed for the next trip, he stepped out on the porch for a breath of air. His heart was torn. He couldn't turn back on his feelings now, but the loyalty to his best friend and brother created a conflicting cut through his heart. He had been so wrapped up in the inner war that battled while they talked about the physical one that was coming up, he felt suffocated. Inhaling deeply, he sucked in the cold air as a buffer to the troubles that boiled inside. He hadn't heard Michael step out onto the porch, and jumped when the older man rested his hand on his shoulder.

  “Fuck! You can't sneak up on people like that. I think I just pissed my pants.” He laughed.

  “Sorry, son. I tried talking to you, but you didn't answer. What has you a million miles away? Is it the mission coming up? You know, it is totally normal to be apprehensive after what happened last time. The secret is to use that as a tool to fuel you, and not let it scare you, boy.” Michael's words were uncharacteristic and threw Joker for a loop. It still amazed him at how much the set in stone gruff old cowboy was changing from the simple thing called love. Mrs. Sanders was definitely affecting the man for the better. Not that he was big on mushy emotions and talking about feelings and shit, but Michael brought a whole new meaning to being a man. He was as hard and jaded as they came. It was nice to see him soften around the edges a little.

  “No, that's not it. I mean, Jared's death and our attack feeds the anger that drives me into being a cold hearted soldier. I want revenge. I want redemption.” Anger welled back up into him.

  “So, it's Bella then.”

  Joker was taken aback that he knew. He didn't think any of the team knew they were anything more than friends.

  “How did you know?”

  “You can't hide love, boy. I am learning this at my old age. The love of a woman changes a man. I can see it in you, and see the conflict you both are facing.”

  “Yeah. It is wrong. Jared was my best friend. Hell, we have been like brothers for so long. And, here I am betraying his trust and moving in on his wife and kids.”

  “No, see that's where you are wrong. Jared wouldn't want Bella self-destructing like she has been, and he sure in the hell would want them taken care of. There is no one else he would trust more than you. You stepping in and falling in love wasn't your doin', boy. I can guarantee you he had a hand in it. You need that little lady as much as she needs you, and Jared is seeing to it that you all are cared for and okay to carry on. Quit fighting fate. Some things are from a higher power than we can control, and when we learn to quit battling it and let destiny unfold, we find true happiness.”

  Joker had turned and was now staring at him. How the hell had he went from a closed off rugged, old fashioned cowboy to someone who understood the secrets to life and love? “Wow. That's some deep shit, Michael. How did you get so wise in the ways of the universe?”

  “Margaret. That woman holds a spell over me that unwrapped all of the wrong inside of me and replaced it with right. Bella is doin' the same to you, and you can see the ways of the stars if you quit fighting it all. Save the battles for the bad guys, and let the love take over your time at home. Jared will always be watching over you all, and will rest in peace knowing you are there to take care of his family.” Michael leaned against the pole, smiling like a child.

  “Yes, sir. I will give it a shot. I couldn't stand to lose her... not now. I have never been in love before in my life. She is something truly special.”

  “Well, what are you going to do about it then?”

  “Ya know, you are right. It seems I have a lot of work and lost time to make up for. Thanks for the talk. I owe you one.” Joker patted his arm, finding a new light on life. With his mind made for him, he started making plans for their future.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Bella arrived back at the ranch, ready to start the first day of the rest of her life. Leaving Jared was hard, but she knew he would always be with her, wherever she may be. When she pulled up at the house, Joker came out to greet her. “Hey, sexy. Is everything okay?” He immediately noticed the tear stains on her cheeks.

  She had figured he would, but thought she would at least get out of the car before she went into explanation mode. She should have known better. With a giggle, she stepped out and kissed him, locking their lips together in a full on battle of the tongues without a care as to who would see. It was her turn to mark him as hers. When she finally pulled back, he was grinning from ear to ear. “I am amazing. And, now that I got to see you, even better.” She looped her arm in his and walked toward the house. Before she could reach the steps, he stopped her.

  “Good to hear. Let’s head to the barn instead. I had Michael prep the horses, and want to get you alone for a while.”

  “I guess it’s my turn to ask you…is everything okay?” She studied his face, worried as to what could be the cause of his wanting to flee without greeting the others.

  “Yes and no. General Ashburn gave us a lot to think about, and a lot of work ahead of us. It is some pretty deep shit, baby. But, if we succeed, we will be making an imprint on history for centuries to come.” He unhooked their linked arms and wrapped his around her waist, hoisting her up with little effort. By the sound of her giggles, he had successfully managed to deflect the seriousness of the situation and get his focus back on her.

  “So…you will be leaving soon in laymen terms then,” Bella said in more of a statement than a question.

  “The first will be in three months, yes,” he said.

  “I see.”

  Joker stopped walking and looked into her eyes, holding her prisoner. There was something about his gaze that captured her heart every single time. “Which just means we have a lot to do and need to work fast before then.”

  “What do you mean?” Bella’s brows furrowed together.

  “You’ll see, darlin’.” Without giving her another chance to question, he continued to the barn, stopping only long enough to help her mount and get saddled himself.

  “Okay, this is your rodeo, baby. Lead the way.” He smiled sweetly, sending heat waves to wash over her with the simple gesture.

  “Try to keep up!” The last two words were hollered over her shoulder as she nudged the beautiful Appaloosa horse and took off. He laughed, followed suit and caught up, staying neck in neck.

  The ride was beautiful. The cool crisp air stung her face, but was a cleansing of sorts, blowing away all problems and worries. With Jared’s blessing, she was ready to kick up her heels and show the man she loved her true feelings.

  Halfway through the field she slowed to a walk, admiring how strong and tall he looked atop the buckskin stallion. He was like a Spartan, riding off to battle with his shield firmly in one hand and sword tucked at his side. Bella laughed, envisioning the king of Sparta.

  “What’s so funny?” Joker asked.

  “Nothing. You just remind me of Leonidas going off to fight the Persians. You are too sexy for your own good, Drake Shields.” Her eyes raked over him, noting every detail she could drink in.

  “Leonidas? Seriously? He would kill for abs and a bod like this.” Joker lifted his shirt, showing off his own impressive display of ripped muscled man meat.

  His ego made her laugh harder. “I think you might be right on that one…” Bella licked her lips in a sexy little flick, making the saddle his most hated adversary against the instant hard-on she gave him. The rest of the ride sucked. Thankfully she didn’t notice and continued small talk, helping to keep his mind off the pain. It didn’t help that he could see the bounce of her tits with each step the horse took, or how her ass seemed to sway in the saddle.

  When they arrived at her picked spot, he couldn’t have been more relieved. Without hesitating a minute longer he dismounted and walked over to help her down. Both horses were tied to a nearby tree, and he finally got a look at the place she had picked for the first time.


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