Broken Battlefield, Mended Hearts (Breaking Protocol Series Book 2)

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Broken Battlefield, Mended Hearts (Breaking Protocol Series Book 2) Page 18

by Willow Brooke


  The moment Dom caught sight of the goddess in red, he lost it. Every ounce of control he held slipped out the damn window. She was the sexiest woman he had ever seen. With a short, red, silk dress that fell to mid-thigh, she was all legs and curves. The shiny black pumps only made her look taller and leaner, emphasizing her perfectly round ass. The top of the dress was low cut into a V, revealing huge breasts that spilled out in a cleavage funfest. Her turquoise eyes were outlined and painted dark, making them sparkle and illuminate the room around her. Dom had never seen her wear her hair down, much less curled. It fell in gorgeous soft waves down her back, swept up on one side with a simple jeweled comb. Her lips were painted a matching red, begging to have his cock shoved between them. Fuck! The inner beast inside him went ballistic. The closer she got, the more he wanted to grab her and smash her against the wall and brand those lips for the world to see. He had to dig his fingers into his biceps to keep from doing just that.

  “Hello, Dom. You look dangerously dashing tonight.”

  Dom swept his eyes up and down the length of her slowly, deliberately trying to break her resolve even the slightest. “And you... look at you. You are going to be the fantasy of every man in here tonight.” Much to his surprise, and dismay, it did the opposite. Instead of making her blush, she seemed to be even more confident.

  “I need some air. Care to join me?” Without waiting for an answer, she waltzed out the door, smiling to herself when he fell into step behind her. She turned and walked around the backside of the barn, out of sight from the party goers, and leaned against the fence with one arm tilting toward him. “Enjoying your evening so far?” The simple question was almost a test of sorts, taunting him with a dripping seductive tone.

  He walked over and stood mere centimeters from her. “Mmm. I don't know what game you are playing, Vice, but it is one you will not win. You are messing around in something you couldn't handle.” Dom's low, gravelly voice vibrated straight to her clit. He was hitting on her. All of the past few weeks of wondering what his intentions and comments meant had all come to head at this exact moment. Her nipples tightened and pebbled, poking through the thin silk material.

  “I don't think you know what you are dealing with, Dom. From my stand point, you have no idea what you are getting into. I have yet to find someone that can keep up, much less be too much for me to handle.” She stood her ground, giving a silent challenge.

  Instead of backing down like he should have, it wasn't possible or in his vocabulary. He moved in and took her lips in a heated, powerful demand that set her blood on fire. One hand slid around to fist the back of her hair, pulling her in closer and with enough pressure, tugging, she moaned into his mouth in an instant wave of unrestricted desire. His tongue darted into her mouth, giving her no chance to back down. Dom tasted every corner of her mouth, consuming every ounce of her in each swipe of his tongue against hers. He worked her up into a heightened state of arousal, dropping all of her resolve and the hardened control she was known for. He could feel the hard pebbles through the front of her dress press against his chest, begging to be plucked and sucked.

  Vice handed him control in a nice neat little package, offering it up on a golden platter. Never in her life had she given in to a man so willingly, much less let him take the reins and lead. With every lick and suck, she forfeited more. Her hands came up to dig into his hard chest, skating across the slick thin fabric barrier. Her nails dug in, demanding more. Unable to resist, she trailed one down the front of his torso, dipping under the waistband of his slacks in greed. He nipped and sucked her tongue, holding her hostage and at his mercy. Before her fingers snaked down to meet their target, his free hand came down and grabbed her wrist, jerking it behind her back like a human set of cuffs. Dom slowly walked her backwards to press her against the barn, breaking the kiss enough to trail little bites and the flat side of his tongue down the side of her neck. Vice couldn't hold back. She groaned and arched toward him, pressing against his throbbing cock. With each grind, his touches grew harder. Just before he hoisted her over his shoulder and took her back to his cabin to mold her into complete submission, he jerked away, pushing backwards.

  Panting and on the edge, he growled a feral snarl. “This can never happen again.”

  Without any explanation, he turned and walked away, leaving her standing confused, disoriented, and horny as hell.

  Books by Willow Brooke

  Twisted Fate Series

  Twisted Time

  Coming Soon: Book Two

  Breaking Protocol

  Cadence of Love

  Broken Battlefield, Mended Hearts

  I would love to hear from you!



  Excerpt from Rush Against Time

  Twisted Fates Series Book One

  by Willow Brooke

  Jessa Meadows shifted her weight between each foot unable to stand still. Today had proven to be even worse than the previous with no end in sight. The past few months had been a hurricane of agonizing disastrous events. With a huff, she slung her silky golden hair over her shoulder and handed the huge cup of coffee across the counter to the disgruntled and obviously caffeine deprived woman. When she turned around to grab the glass blender pitcher, she knocked it off onto the tile floor and it exploded into shards.

  Jessa cursed under her breath at the broken glass that lay scattered around her feet. The past six months she had been slammed straight into her first heat with a vengeance. The more she fought it, the longer it dragged on and the more intense it grew. What was supposed to be a milestone in growing up as a shifter had become a living nightmare. It was similar to human puberty, only jacked up on steroids. A shifter could not scent their mate or be scented by their mate until after losing their virginity, or receiving a kiss from them. It was expected of all shifters to experiment sexually during this time, where in the human world it was socially and morally wrong to scratch every hormonal itch. Like wild animals, they would bang every single wolf who so much as gave them a wink and a smile. It was an animalistic fuck fest, and Jessa wanted no part of it. Her wolf fought for control, lunging at every weak spot in an attempt to take over. She was mentally drained, and physically restless. Obviously clumsy could be added to the growing list now, too. Yippie freakin’ skippy. Frustration pooled in the rims of her eyes and threatened to spill as she cleaned up the shards.

  Every man within sniffing distance was all up in her personal space, eagerly offering his services in every humorous and pathetic way possible. The problem was, she refused to give her virginity to the first mutt that came along. It might be unheard of in shifter society, but Jessa wanted her first time to be meaningful. The idea of falling on her back for the first horn dog that came along at the right time made her stomach turn.

  Lost deep in the recess of her thoughts while robotically preparing the next order at Mocha Express, her wolf growled and pranced in a challenging dance at the scents that wafted in her direction. The sudden yelp from the group of girls at the counter was a reality mental slap. The animalistic noise must have slipped out, because they now looked at her as if she had grown a tail. She had to resist the urge to peek behind her and make sure she hadn’t. Super. Jessa offered up a sweet smile, hoping it would dissipate their sudden shock. Mocha Express was one of the few chains that catered to both humans and otherworldly creatures, offering treats and beverages for shifters, vampires, and many other magical creatures that humans were oblivious to. Plus, it provided cover for the group that occupied the attached mansion.

  Vampires and shifters took up residency at Gates Manor, a huge mansion that dated back into the eighteenth century. The eclectic group of paranormal prodigies worked together to keep the balance of the world in order. To prevent the devil from spreading evil through demon possessions and taking over the magical community, angels banded together with this elite group and gave d
irect orders for them to follow. Not many knew of the group’s existence, and great measures were taken to keep it that way. They were known as the Guardians by the select few who helped and fought with them on each mission.

  Michael Stone was the head vampire in the agency, who was in charge of all of the vampires on the continent. He had a huge army of vampires at his ready who fought without question and at a moment’s notice. His wife, Christina, was the most powerful witch who originated from the first bloodline. Her aunt Autumn had been until Christina accepted her powers in the moon ritual. Together, the duo was unbeatable. Most witches needed three to harness magic to their full abilities. Autumn and Christina didn’t.

  Next was Alan Black, one of Autumn’s two mates. He was the alpha of the wolf shifters in Northern America and represented them in the Guardians. Her other mate, Braden Wilder, was the alpha of the jaguar shifters in North America and also member of the Guardians. Together, they all made up one big, happy—odd family.

  Working the day shift at Mocha Express meant more humans and the need to contain her wolf better, but it also meant less shifters that her mangy mutt would try to jump on. It was a catch-22.

  Unfortunately, word must have gotten out of her schedule change. The door chimed announcing the arrival of the mob of six shifter men, all sporting huge grins and hungry looks. The intensity shooting from their eyes confirmed the hunger they had wouldn’t be sated with Danish rolls or pastries. Anger immediately boiled through her veins. Tough luck, boys. You aren’t getting your hands on my cookies. Make a move. I dare you.

  Quickly drawing her attention back to the task-at-hand, she hurriedly finished the order and braced herself for the scene that was about to unfold. With her wolf chomping at the bit, she gritted her teeth and shoved the animal back into its restraints. Time for some fun. Let’s see if you boys can keep up! She plastered the biggest smile she could muster, and turned to her overeager customers. “Good afternoon, gentlemen! What can I get for you today?”

  Excerpt from Out of the Storm

  Masters of the Prairie Winds Club

  by Avery Gale

  Tobi Strobel was livid…completely over the top pissed. From the moment she’d burst into her boss’s office at Austin Gardens and Homes and met Lilly West, her entire world had seemed to tip on its axis. Tobi had been on a tear about the interview she’d been trying to schedule with Prairie Winds “cad” owners, Kyle and Kent West. And she hadn’t even bothered to knock before she’d blown into the small room like a Cat 5 hurricane. When the beautiful dark haired beauty had introduced herself as the “cads” mother, Tobi had wanted to melt into the floor. But Lilly West had been the epitome of grace and only laughed as she’d agreed that her sons were a handful for sure, even though she claimed to be withholding judgment on the “cad” determination. Tobi had felt drawn to Lilly in a way she hadn’t really been able to explain, and the only reason she could come up with was because she’d lost her own mother when she’d been so young. The excuse sounded weak even in her own mind, but it was the only reason she could come up with…at least it was the only one she was willing to accept. Lilly had assured Tobi that her assessment of Kyle and Kent avoiding interviews was dead on and had promised to help her secure an appointment the following day. Before Lilly had left the small magazine’s office, she’d given Tobi a long hug and then kissed her on the forehead saying, “They are going to be thrilled to finally find you.”

  Later that night Tobi had laid awake wondering at the woman’s strange words, but her musings had been cut short by a text message from Kent West giving her directions to Prairie Winds and asking her to arrive at precisely seven the next evening. Tobi hadn’t minded the fact she’d be giving up her Friday evening because she never really went out anyway. It wasn’t like she had any disposable funds for entertainment, and quite frankly, her small apartment wasn’t in a neighborhood that was safe to be out and about in after dark. What she hadn’t planned on was the fact she’d be facing a storm so fierce she’d been forced to pull over to the edge of the road because she hadn’t been able to see where she was going.

  Thank God she’d left her seat belt fastened because she had no sooner put her small car in park than a large truck had barreled past and barely clipped her back bumper, sending her ancient Toyota nose down into a deep ditch. The ditch was rapidly filling with water, so Tobi grabbed her things, wrapped them in a couple of plastic bags she found under her seat and climbed back up to the roadside. Amazingly, not one single person had stopped despite the fact she’d been standing right at the road’s edge.

  The next time she’d seen lights headed her way, she’d moved to the center of the road and had begun waving her arms wildly over her head. Just as the enormous black pickup had gotten close, a bolt of lightning hit in the field to her right and the flash had illuminated the startled expression of a man Tobi could only describe as movie star handsome. She’d only gotten a glimpse of his dark intensity before she’d found herself jumping to the side to keep from becoming his newly mounted hood ornament. By the time he’d managed to screech to a stop, she was hopping mad and stalking toward the large black pickup as fast as her short legs would carry her. She was only five foot two, but as she liked to remind those around her, what she lacked in size, she made up for in attitude.

  Tobi had almost reached his truck by the time he finally stepped out, “You almost ran over me. Holy smokes Batman you could have killed me with that monster-mobile of yours. Damn, a drowned rat. My whole life is spiraling out of control faster than a Kardashian marriage I tell ya. Shit, shit, double shit. My car is probably floating toward the lake and my stuff is in trash bags. Trash bags! That’s a whole new level of the wrong side of the tracks, even for me. I’m so wet I’m pretty sure I won’t be dry for a month of Sundays, hell’s fire I’ll probably mold. And you are freaking huge and probably some serial killer on the top of some most wanted list. I’ll end up on the evening news and my brother will never even know what happened to me because he refuses watch the damned news. My crazy ass neighbors will pick apart my apartment before the broadcast is even over and I’ll be a footnote on some unsolved mysteries show a few years from now. And I still don’t know what Lilly West meant by finding me. Damnation this sucks big green donkey dicks I’m telling ya for sure.” When she finally came up for air and realized the tall hunk in front of her was simply staring at her with his mouth in a grim line, all she could manage to do was blush. He had to be at least a foot taller than she was and his dark hair was barely visible under the Stetson he was wearing. His eyes were a deep chocolate brown that was quickly turning even darker. She realized she was staring at him just as he spoke.

  “How do you know my mother?” Mr. Tall, Dark and Intimidating demanded.

  Did he just say mother? That’s it...that is the final straw. I’m officially certifiable and straitjacket ready. “Mother? Lilly West is your mother?” Looking up at the sky, she asked, “You’re kidding me, right, God? First, you put their mom in my boss’s office just as I have a meltdown about the infamous kink masters not returning my calls. And then of all the people on this planet, you let me almost get run over by one of the men I’ve been trying to schedule a meeting with for weeks? Is this some kind of a joke?” Just as the words left her mouth the world around them exploded in light and a crash of thunder that was so immediate she was sure the bolt must have hit right beside them. Holy shit! Reminder to self…do not challenge the Big Guy.

  “Get in the truck, now.” His words had been more growled than spoken and ordinarily she’d be giving him a piece of her mind for thinking he could give her orders, but right now she was more afraid of becoming a crispy critter in the middle of the highway than she was of Lilly West’s son. Tobi briefly wondered whether he was Kyle or Kent as she scrambled into the big black beast when he opened the door and motioned her inside, but judging by his clipped tone she was guessing Kyle.

  She’d done her homework on the owners of Prairie Winds because she’d been hoping t
o interview them since she first heard about the BDSM club they were building just a few minutes from her home. Sure, she worked for a magazine that spotlighted all things bright and beautiful in the Austin area, but in truth, her interest in the club was much more personal. Banishing those thoughts for the moment, she turned and plopped her soggy ass in the passenger seat and turned to see him staring at her as if he’d never seen a woman before. What the hell?

  Excerpt from Awakened by a Dream

  The Hidden Pack

  By Gracie Meadows

  The fog had returned, except this time at the end she would reappear as she did so many nights—the woman in lights. Each time she showed she had some weird tidbit to share about what Becky needed to do for her upcoming task. So many times she tried to bring her men into the dream, but the woman never would allow it. If only she could just understand, Becky needed her men. The woman in lights was the only way she could describe her. So many unanswered questions, but time and time again she was left to the point of annoyance. However, tonight something was off, different from her normal pattern. Her feet moved her forward in the same recurring pattern, except this time instead of the pond—it was a cave. The trees covered the entrance some, but not enough for her not to see it. Understanding the danger that came with dreamwalking now, she treaded carefully. As she entered the cavern the lights started to bend around a certain tunnel. The walls seem stable enough she didn’t fear a cave in and the color was breathtaking. A brilliant blue and green cascaded off, reminding her of being under the ocean. The comforting feeling suddenly surrounded her as she got closer to another opening. This time when she stepped through, the light illuminated her, creating a shadow behind her as the spray of water hit her face. She had somehow walked into another world. A waterfall cascaded down the side of a cliff as wild flowers bloomed, filling her senses with the fragrance. She was in awe at the sight before her. As she contemplated touching the water, the woman in lights reappeared once more.


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