Napoleon's Invasion of Russia

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Napoleon's Invasion of Russia Page 51

by George F Nafziger

Light Batteries #24 & #25 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea) 16th Division: Bulatoff Brigade:

  Netchlot Infantry Regiment (2)

  Okhotski Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade:

  Kamchatka Infantry Regiment (2)

  Mingrelia Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade:

  27th Jager Regiment (2)

  43rd Jager Regiment (2) Artillery Brigade:

  Position Battery #16 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #30 & #31 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea) 8th Cavalry Corps: 6th Cavalry Division 18th Brigade:

  Saint Petersburg Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Lithuania Dragoon Regiment (4) 19th Brigade:

  Sieversk Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Kinbourn Dragoon Regiment (4) 20th Brigade:

  White Russia Hussar Regiment (8)

  Volhynie Uhlan Regiment (8) 7th Cavalry Division 21st Brigade:

  Smolensk Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Pereiaslav Dragoon Regiment (4) 22nd Brigade:

  Tiraspol Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Dorpat Dragoon Regiment (4) 23rd Brigade:

  Olivopol Hussar Regiment (8)

  Tchougouiev Uhlan Regiment (8)

  Attached: Grekov #7 Don Cossack Regiment Grekov #8 Don Cossack Regiment 1st Orenburg Cossack Regiment 2nd Orenburg Cossack Regiment Astakhov #7 Cossack Regiment Melnikov #5 Cossack Regiment 3rd Orel Cossack Regiment 4th Orel Cossack Regiment Melnikov #3 Cossack Regiment Loukoffkin Cossack Regiment Tourfchaininov Cossack Regiment



  19th Division: Rutcheff Brigade:

  Kazan Infantry Regiment (2)

  Bielov Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade:

  Sebastapol Infantry Regiment (2)

  Sousdal Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade:

  16th Jager Regiment (2)

  17th Jager Regiment (2) Artillery Brigade:

  Position Battery #19 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #36 & #37 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea) 20th Division: Paulucci Brigade:

  Troitsk Infantry Regiment (2)

  Kabardinsk Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade:

  Tiflis Infantry Regiment (2)

  Volgoda Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade:

  9th Jager Regiment (2)

  15th Jager Regiment (2) Artillery Brigade:

  Position Battery #20 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #38 & #39 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea)

  25th Brigade:

  Narva Dragoon Regiment (4) Borisoglievsk Dragoon Regiment (4)

  St. Petersburg:

  25th Division: Baschutski (from Finland) Brigade:

  Vorohenz Infantry Regiment (2) 1st Marine Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade:

  2nd Marine Infantry Regiment (2) 3rd Marine Infantry Regiment (2) Artillery Brigade:

  Position Battery #14 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes) Riga: Commanding Officer—Essen I

  22nd Division: Lewis Brigade:

  Viborg Infantry Regiment (2)

  Viatka Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade:

  Staroskol Infantry Regiment (2)

  Olonetz Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade:

  29th Jager Regiment (2)

  45 th Jager Regiment (2) Artillery Brigade:

  Position Battery #22 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #41 & #42 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea) Finland: Commanding Officer—Steingell

  6th Division: Rachmanoff Brigade:

  Azov Infantry Regiment (2)

  Ouglitz Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade:

  Nisov Infantry Regiment (2)

  Briansk Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade:

  3rd Jager Regiment (2) Artillery Brigade:

  Position Battery #21 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Battery #27 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes) 21st Division: Demidoff


  Neva Infantry Regiment (2)

  Petrovsk Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade:

  Lithuania Infantry Regiment (2)

  Podolsk Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade:

  2nd Jager Regiment (2)

  44th Jager Regiment (2) Artillery Brigade:

  Position Battery #21 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #11 & #40 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea)

  Pioneer Company 27th Brigade:

  Finland Dragoon Regiment

  Mitau Dragoon Regiment

  Lotchilin Cossack Regiment

  Composition of Russian Reserve Divisions 1812

  Royal Prussian Army Corps 13 May 1812

  Advanced Guard: Generallieutenant von Massenbach (in Goldbach)

  Right Wing: Colonel von Czarnowsky (in Tapiau)

  1st Combined Hussar Regiment (4)

  2nd Combined Hussar Regiment (2)

  East Prussian Jager Battalion (2 coys)

  Fusilier Battalion 1st Infantry Regiment

  Horse Battery #3 Left Wing: Oberstleutnant von Jurgass (in Labiau)

  2nd Combined Dragoon Regiment (2)

  East Prussian Jager Battalion (2 coys)

  Fusilier Battalion 5th Infantry Regiment Fusilier Battalion 3rd Infantry Regiment Foot Battery #1

  Corps of Battle: General of Infantry von Grawert (in Kongisberg) Right Wing: Oberst von Below

  2/lst, l/3rd Infantry Regiment

  1/4th, l/5th Infantry Regiment Left Wing: Oberstleutnant von Horn (in Caymen)

  2/2nd, l/10th Infantry Regiment

  1/, 2/Leib Infantry Regiment

  Fus/Leib Infantry

  1/6th Infantry Regiment

  1st Combined Dragoon Regiment (4) (l/4th, 2/4th, l/5th, 3/5th) Artillery: Major von Schmidt (in Koenigsberg)

  2nd Prussian Foot Battery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  3rd Prussian Foot Battery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  4th Brandenburg Foot Battery (6-6pdrs & 2 How)

  Horse Battery #1

  Horse Battery #2 Pioneers: Major Markoff (in Koenigsberg)

  1st Pioneer Company

  2nd Pioneer Company Train: Major von Herzberg (in Koenigsberg)

  Prussian Park Columns #1, #2, #3, & #4

  2 Bridging Trains

  Russian I Corps 10 June 1812

  Commanding General—Generallieutenant Count Wittgenstein

  Chief of Staff —Generalmajor d'Auvray

  Artillery Commander —Generalmajor Jachwill

  Quartermaster Chief —(vacant) (later Baron Diebitsch)

  Service Colonel —Baron Diebitsch

  Chief of Engineers —Colonel Count Sievers

  Advanced Guard: Generalmajor Koulnieff

  Rodinov #2 Don Cossack Regiment (465) Platov #4 Don Cossack Regiment (410) Grodno Hussar Regiment (4)(560)

  Brigade: Colonel Denissiev

  23rd Jager Regiment (2)(1,269)

  24th Jager Regiment (2)(1,227) Artillery: Colonel Pering

  Light Battery #9 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Main Battle Line: Generalmajor Berg Brigade: Colonel Frolof

  26th Jager Regiment (2)(1,225)

  25th Jager Regiment (2)(1,309) Brigade: Generalmajor Prince of Siberia

  Perm Infantry Regiment (2)(1,267)

  Mohilev Infantry Regiment (2)(1,270) Brigade: Colonel Loukoff

  Sievesk Infantry Regiment (2)(1,136)

  Kalouga Infantry Regiment (2)(1,135) Brigade: Generalmajor Helfrich

  Tenguinsk Infantry Regiment (2)(1,254)

  Estonia Infantry Regiment (2)(1,279) Artillery:

  Position Battery #27 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)(251)

  Position Battery #5 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)(216) Cavalry: Generalmajor Balk Brigade: Colonel de la Caste

  Riga Dragoon Regiment (4)(562)

  Grodno Hussar Regiment (4)(560) Artillery: Lt. Col. Suchosantes

  Horse Battery #1 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)(220)

  Horse Battery #3 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)(220)


  Infantry: Generalmajor Sazonov Brigade:

  Converged Grenadiers of 5th and 14th Divisions (4)(1,984) Brigade: Colonel Harpe

  Toula Infantry Regiment (2)(1,160)

  Navajinsk Infantry Regimen
t (2)(1,183) Artillery: Colonel Staden

  Light Battery #26 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)(152)

  Light Battery #27 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)(152)

  Position Battery #27 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)(233)

  Pioneer Company (93)

  1st & 2nd Pontooneer Companies (308)

  Cavalry: Colonel Falk

  Iambourg Dragoon Regiment (4)(569)

  Detached Forces

  Kazan Dragoon Regiment (4) Polish Uhlan Regiment (8) Riga Dragoon Regiment (4) Selivanov Cossack Regiment

  Russian I Corps 30 June 1812

  Commanding General—Generallieutenant Count Wittgenstein

  Chief of Staff —Generalmajor d'Auvray

  Artillery Commander —Generalmajor Jachwill

  Quartermaster Chief —(vacant) (later Baron Diebitsch)

  Service Colonel —Baron Diebitsch

  Chief of Engineers —Colonel Count Sievers

  Advanced Guard: Generalmajor Koulnieff

  Platov #4 Don Cossack Regiment (336)

  Grodno Hussar Regiment (4)(1,044) Brigade: Colonel Denissiev

  23rd Jager Regiment (2)(1,408)

  24th Jager Regiment (2)(1,268) Artillery: Colonel Pering

  Position Battery #28 (6 guns)(160)

  Light Battery #9 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)(179)

  Main Battle Line: Generalmajor Berg Brigade: Colonel Frolof

  25th Jager Regiment (2)(1,285) Brigade: Generalmajor Prince of Siberia

  Perm Infantry Regiment (2)(1,215)

  Mohilev Infantry Regiment (2)(1,235) Brigade: Kozaczkoffski

  Sievesk Infantry Regiment (2)(1,160)

  Kalouga Infantry Regiment (2)(1,165) Brigade:

  Reserve Battalion of 11th Jagers (1)(240)

  Reserve Battalion of 36th Jagers (1)(234) Artillery:

  Position Battery #27 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)(213)

  Position Battery #5 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)(251) Light Battery #27 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)(141) Brigade:

  Converged Dragoon Depot Squadrons (4)(501)

  (Moscow, Pskof, Ingremanland, & Kargopol Dragoon Regiments) 2nd Line of Battle: Generallieutenant Kakhoffski Riga Dragoon Regiment (4)(500) Iambourg Dragoon Regiment (4)(409) Horse Battery #1 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)(213) Reserve Grenadier Battalions

  Leib Grenadiers (1)(228)

  Tauride Grenadiers (1)(302)

  Ekaterinoslav Grenadiers (1)(363)

  Pavlov Grenadiers (1)(304)

  Arakcheyev Grenadiers (1)(267)

  St. Petersburg Grenadiers (1)(357)

  Converged Grenadiers of 5th and 14th Division (4)(1,016 & 972) Reserve: Generalmajor Sazonov

  Converged Cuirassier Depot Squadrons (4)(533) Converged Guard Depot Squadrons (3)(404)

  (Hussars, Dragoons & Uhlans) 26th Jager Regiment (2)(1,243) Brigade: Generalmajor Helfrich Tenguinsk Infantry Regiment (2)(1,204) Estonia Infantry Regiment (2)(1,1,231) Brigade: Colonel Harpe Toula Infantry Regiment (2)(1,1,156) Navajinsk Infantry Regiment (2)(1,126) Artillery: Light Battery #26 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)(160) Position Battery #14 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)(213) Position Battery #28 (6 guns)(159)

  1st Reserve Division 1 July 1812

  Commanding Officer: General Loison Brigade: Major de Tracy 1st Demi-brigade de marche 1st Battalion de marche 3 companies of 5/7th L£gere Regiment (10/428) 3 companies of 5/33rd Legere Regiment (11/431)

  2nd Battalion de marche 3 companies of 5/13th Line Regiment (8/377) 3 companies of 5/15th Line Regiment (7/425)

  3rd Battalion de marche 2 companies of 5/17th Line Regiment (5/332) 2 companies of 5/25th Line Regiment (5/300)

  1 company of 5/12th Line Regiment (2/140)

  2nd Demi-brigade de marche: Major Dambrujac

  1st Battalion de marche

  2 companies of 5/48th Line Regiment (3/326)

  2 companies of 5/108th Line Regiment (5/327)

  2 companies of 5/85th Line Regiment (7/332)

  2nd Battalion de marche 2 companies of 5/30th Line Regiment (6/332) 2 companies of 5/33rd Line Regiment (6/330) 2 companies of 5/21st Line Regiment (5/321)

  3rd Battalion de marche

  2 companies of 5/57th Line Regiment (4/327) 2 companies of 5/61st Line Regiment (6/329)

  2 companies of 5/111th Line Regiment (6/320)

  3rd Demi-brigade de marche: Major Aberjoux

  1st Battalion de marche

  3 companies of 5/26th Legere Regiment (6/485)

  3 companies of 5/1 lth Legere Regiment (10/323)

  2nd Battalion de marche 2 companies of 5/2nd Line Regiment (5/332) 2 companies of 5/37th Line Regiment (3/328) 2 companies of 5/37th Line Regiment (6/330)

  2 companies of 5/93rd Line Regiment (6/330)

  3rd Battalion de marche

  3 companies of 5/24th Legere Regiment (6/489)

  4th Demi-brigade de marche

  1st Battalion de marche

  2 companies of 5/19th Line Regiment (6/266) 2 companies of 5/46th Line Regiment (5/303 2 companies of 5/18th Line Regiment (5/299) 2nd Battalion de marche 2 companies of 5/4th Line Regiment (4/296) 2 companies of 5/72nd Line Regiment (8/273) 2 companies of 5/56th Line Regiment (6/307)

  6/19th Line Regiment (20/685)

  6/37th Line Regiment (15/691)

  6/56th Line Regiment (10/709) 6/93rd Line Regiment (16/882) 6/46th Line Regiment (13/793)

  Danish Division 1 July 1812

  Division: Generallieutenant Ewald Brigade: Generalmajor Wegener

  1/, 21, 3/, 4/Oldenburg Infantry Regiment (4)(56/2,578)

  1/, 2/Schleswig & Holstein Light Infantry Regiment (2)(32/947)

  21, 6/Hussar Regiment (2)(13/325)

  1/, 2/Jutland Dragoon Regiment (2)(98/287) Brigade: Generalmajor Dorrien

  Queen's Infantry Regiment (1)(23/1,138)

  1/Sionie Infantry Regiment (3)(21/938)

  3/Schleswig Infantry Regiment (1)(16/562)

  3/Holstein Infantry Regiment (1)(13/562)

  2/Schleswig Jager Regiment (1)(18/495)

  1/, 21, 3/, 4/Holstein Cavalry Regiment (4)(23/583) Artillery: Major Muck

  Foot Artillery (4/325)

  Horse Artillery (9/460)

  40 guns & 10 howitzers

  Russian I Corps 18 July 1812

  Commanding General—Generallieutenant Count Wittgenstein

  Chief of Staff —Generalmajor d'Auvray

  Artillery Commander —Generalmajor Jachwill

  Quartermaster Chief —(vacant) (later Baron Diebitsch)

  Service Colonel —Baron Diebitsch

  Chief of Engineers —Colonel Count Sievers Advanced Guard: Generalmajor Koulnieff

  Platov #4 Don Cossack Regiment (370)

  Grodno Hussar Regiment (8)(724)

  Brigade: Colonel Denissiev

  25th Jager Regiment (2)(1,193)

  26th Jager Regiment (2)(1,168) Artillery: Lt. Col. Suchosanets

  Horse Battery #1 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)(216)

  Main Battle Line: Generalmajor Berg Brigade: Generalmajor Prince of Siberia

  Perm Infantry Regiment (2)(1,215)

  Mohilev Infantry Regiment (2)(1,235) Artillery: Baikov

  Light Battery #27 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)(140) Brigade: Colonel Loukoff

  Sievesk Infantry Regiment (2)(1,160)

  Kalouga Infantry Regiment (2)(1,065) Artillery: Lt. Col. Paring

  Light Battery #9 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)(140) Brigade:

  24th Jager Regiment (2)(1,285)

  23rd Jager Regiment (2)(1,208) Artillery:

  Position Battery #5 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)(213)

  Position Battery #14 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)(234)

  Light Battery #27 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Pioneer Company (93)

  2nd Line of Battle: Generallieutenant Kakhoffski Brigade:

  Converged Grenadier Battalions of 5th & 14th Divisions (4)(1,984) Brigade:

  Position Battery #27 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)(140) Brigade: Reserve Grenadier Battalions (1,581) Leib Grenadiers (1) Tauride Grenadiers (1) Ekaterinoslav Grenadiers (1) Pavlov Grenadiers (1) Arakcheyev Grenadiers
(1) St. Petersburg Grenadiers (1) Artillery: Captain Bistrom

  Horse Battery #3 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)(224) Cavalry: Generalmajor Balk

  Riga Dragoon Regiment (4)(500) Iambourg Dragoon Regiment (4)(409)

  Reserve: Generalmajor Sasonov

  Brigade: Colonel Harpe Toula Infantry Regiment (2)(1,081) Navajinsk Infantry Regiment (2)(1,051)


  Light Battery #26 (4-6pdrs & 2 Licornes)(72)

  Brigade: Generalmajor Helfrich Tenguinsk Infantry Regiment (2)(1,129) Estonia Infantry Regiment (2)(1,153)


  Light Battery #26 (4-6pdrs & 2 Licornes)(73) Reserve Cavalry: Prince Repnin

  Converged Cuirassier Depot Squadrons (4)(500) Converged Guard Depot Squadrons (3)(370)

  (Hussars, Dragoons & Uhlans) Depot Squadron of Pskof Dragoon Regiment (1)(127) Converged Jager Regiment (Depot Bns) (374) Position Battery #26 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)(236)

  Army of Moldavia 19 July 1812

  Commanding General —Admiral Tchichagov

  Chief of Staff —Generallieutenant Sabaneiev

  Quartermaster General—Generalmajor Berg

  Service General —Generalmajor Tuchkov II

  I Corps: Generallieutenant Langeron 13th Division: Generallieutenant Langeron

  Vieliki-Loutzk Infantry Regiment

  Galitz Infantry Regiment (5 Battalions)

  Saratov Infantry Regiment (2)

  29th Jager Regiment

  45th Jager Regiment (5 Battalions)

  Position Battery #22 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #41 & #42 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea)

  Grekov #7 Don Cossack Regiment

  Panteleieff #3 Cossack Regiment

  1st Orenburg Cossack Regiment

  18th Brigade: Saint Petersburg Dragoon Regiment (4) Lithuania Dragoon Regiment (4) Horse Battery #14

  2nd Corps: Generalmajor Essen II 8th Division: Generalmajor Essen II

  Archangle Infantry Regiment

  Schusselburg Infantry Regiment (5 battalions)

  Old Ingremanland Infantry Regiment (2)

  Ukraine Infantry Regiment (2)

  37th Jager Regiment (2)

  Horse Battery #15 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Light Batteries #14 & #15 (8-6pdrs & 4 Licornes ea)

  Position Battery #8 (8-12pdrs & 4 Licornes)

  Smolensk Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Sieversk Dragoon Regiment (4)

  Grekov #8 Don Cossack Regiment

  2nd Orenburg Cossack Regiment


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