My Angel (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 9)

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My Angel (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 9) Page 5

by Alanea Alder

  Nigel and Neil grinned at him before Neil answered. "You taught us."

  Kendrick's mouth dropped. "I most certainly did not."

  Nigel nodded. "Yes you did. Remember in Storm Keep we were asking you how to pass the warrior test like the others, so we didn't score too high so that they would keep us? We started doing it then."

  Kendrick's eyes bulged. "You were only supposed to do that for the damn test! Not all the time!"

  The boys paled. "Oh," they whispered.

  "Oh? Oh?" Kendrick threw his hands up. "Do you have any idea what could've happened if you lost control of that much power?" He walked away keeping his back to the room.

  The boys let their heads hang. "We're sorry. We didn't think about the damage we could do to the city," Neil confessed.

  Vivi knew that was the wrong thing to say when Kendrick whirled around and stalked over to the boys. She thought he was going to lay into them when suddenly he pulled them into a fierce hug. "To hell with the city! The two of you could have died! Gods above! That much power could have burned you up." He gave them one final squeeze then stepped back. "No more hiding your power. You're to work directly with me for as long as I'm here, and if I have my way I will strong-arm Magnus into letting you return with Meryn and me to Lycaonia."

  The boys had been reduced to tears that they kept trying to manfully wipe away. They looked up at Kendrick, hope a living thing in their eyes. "We could go home with you?" Nigel whispered.

  Kendrick nodded. "Absolutely. I'm not leaving you here to languish while being used to clean refuse tubes." His eyes narrowed when the boy's heads turned in opposite directions to look at anything but him. "Boys? You did check on the refuse tubes today, didn't you?"

  They looked down and scuffed their feet. Neil looked up. "We meant to, but well." He exchanged shudders with his twin. "It's nasty."

  Kendrick's eyes rolled toward the ceiling before he pinned the boys with a glare. "That's why they are called refuse tubes. Tomorrow morning, no later."

  Their heads bobbed. "We will."

  Kendrick pointed at the door. "Go directly to bed and tomorrow a full breakfast. After using that much power your bodies will soon be feeling the effects. Make sure you're in bed before it hits."

  They beamed at him. "Yes, sir!" They ran out of the room much in the same manner they had entered it, recklessly.

  Once the door shut, Kendrick pulled out a stool, sat down and resumed rubbing his arms. "How in the hell did they go unnoticed?"

  Rheia walked over looking concerned. "Are you well?"

  Kendrick nodded and sighed. "I'm angry at myself for not seeing their abilities sooner. When I think of what could have happened." He scrubbed his hands over his face.

  Rheia lay a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You're not a god Kendrick, no matter how much you like to act like one." When he looked up, she winked at him, and he relaxed.

  "What do we do now?" Ellie asked in a small voice. "Seeing the virus was the only ray of light from Clara's death." She wiped at her eyes.

  Vivi wrapped an arm around her. "You're forgetting my other specialty, hematology. I have been studying blood for as long as microscopes have been around."

  Ellie looked confused. "What good will studying their blood do if we can't see the virus to work on a cure?"

  "I didn't just study human blood to improve it for my people. I also studied using vampire blood as a healing agent for others," Vivi informed her.

  Rheia frowned. "We thought of using vampire blood, but we decided against because of the bonding that would occur."

  Vivi looked at the human doctor. "What if you could use vampire blood without worrying about the patient bonding with the vampire donor?"

  Rheia stared. "Then we could cure just about anything." Her eyes widened. "That's what you've been working on?"

  Vivi nodded. "I have been very secretive about the procedure since it's still being tested among humans, but yes, I believe I have found a combination of science and magic that may work."

  "I thought you said you didn't have much experience with magic," Kendrick pointed out.

  Vivi shrugged. "I personally don't, not really. What I use as part of my procedure was created by a witch years ago. I use it in the same manner as I would use a microscope or centrifuge."

  "What exactly are you talking about?" Kendrick asked.

  "It's a flat stone the size of dinner plate that was bespelled to sever bonds. In the wrong hands, it could be placed under a bottle of wine to break up a marriage or under a coffee carafe to destroy friendships. I use a combination of three different strains of vampire blood, then set the bag of blood on the stone before infusion. It can take eight to twelve hours. The time varies depending on the age of the blood. By using different donors and the stone, so far, it has prevented a bond from forming in trials," she explained.

  "Trials?" Rheia asked. "Wait, you've been using this on humans?"

  Vivi nodded and smiled at Ellie. "Like my friend, I have a soft spot for children. I have a small network of vampire donors who work with me to treat childhood cancer patients. The vampires have to be willing to move to the child's town for the first year of treatment in case a bond does form. If a bond forms, those vampires will stay close to the child for the rest of their lives."

  "Good gods," Ellie whispered.

  Vivi nodded. "Now you see why progress has been so slow. In the beginning before I figured out that using more than one strain of blood helped, we had two cases where the patient formed a bond." She chuckled at the memory. "Fate has a wonderful sense of humor because in both instances, the little girls ended up being mates to one of the donors, so they, in essence, saved their own mates."

  Rheia smiled. "That's amazing. Have you had any cases of bonding since?"

  Vivi shook her head. "No. After the second case, we started using multiple donors and the bonding stone. So far, we have cured an additional eight patients without a single bond forming." She turned to look at the microscope. "Though, I have no idea what parameters should be used with shifter patients."

  "It's something," Ellie began bouncing on her feet excitedly. "We've had to space out the antivirals because they are losing their effectiveness. This could be the breakthrough we need." She laughed. "If this works, we won't even need to see the virus. The vampire blood will give the shifters the boost they need to cure them altogether."

  Kendrick stood. "I think that we need to work and save as many lives as possible," he paused. "That being said, I also think we need to identify this virus and trace it back to its source." He looked around. "If the ferals, or reapers, or whoever is out there now working against us, can cook up this virus, they can make more. I'd rather kill them all and destroy any trace of their methodology before more death and chaos can spread."

  Rheia chuckled at Ellie's shocked expression. She turned to Kendrick. "We'll leave the magic, killing and destruction to you. We'll work on keeping people alive," she said in a sardonic tone.

  Kendrick shrugged a shoulder. "We all have our strengths."

  Ellie turned to Vivi. "What do you need to get started?"

  "You're lucky I don't go anywhere without that stone. It's the one component that would be almost impossible to replace." She looked around. "If you can find me three different vampires to donate, I can start tonight. I just need a flat surface in a refrigerated unit for the bags of blood to sit on. Preferably, the plate and the blood will be the only items in the unit."

  Ellie turned to Kendrick. "Can you call some warriors down? Rheia and I can clear out one of the smaller refrigeration units we have."

  Kendrick gave them an evil grin. "I'd love to." He unclipped the walkie-talkie again. "Tree Beard, come in."

  Whoever Tree Beard was, he took longer than the twins to respond. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" A surly voice responded.

  "I need you, Godard and Viktor to report to the lab as soon as possible," Kendrick ordered.

  "Bloody fucking hell."

l, women are present," Kendrick barked. He gave them a shit-eating grin that belied his anger.

  "My apologies. We will be right down."

  Kendrick was humming as he reattached the walkie-talkie.

  Vivi stared. "Why did you derive so much pleasure from torturing him?"

  Kendrick just gave her a sly smile. "Godard and Dimitri were in charge of Nigel and Neil before I got here. From what I heard they let the twins practically overdose on cookies then used them to create the hospital. Turnabout is fair play."

  Vivi couldn't argue with that. "Good for you." She started looking around the lab until she saw a familiar silver and red case with her tags on it. Her lab equipment arrived before she did. She walked over and using her thumb, she unlocked the case. "What the hell?" Kendrick exclaimed leaning away from the case." Carefully she lifted the stone from its custom-made foam insert.

  "May I?" Kendrick asked. He held out his hand.

  She gently set it down on his palm. He swallowed hard looking a bit ill. Frowning he turned the innocuous gray stone over in his hands before passing it back to her. "Nasty piece of magic that. Who did you say created it for you?"

  "I didn't." She held up a hand when he went to continue his questioning.

  "Don't bother grilling me, I have no idea who it was. It was literally a back-alley transaction at the turn of the century. I never even saw their face."

  "Damn," he muttered.

  "Look at it this way, we know that this stone is used to help and heal people, not harm anyone," she pointed out.

  "True," he said and straightened when a knock sounded at the door. Ellie was walking over to open it when Emeric moved between her and the door. "Why don't you let me open that chér?" He blew her a kiss and went to the door. "Who is it?"

  "Godard, Dimitri and Viktor here to see Kendrick Ashwood," a male voice answered. Emeric opened the door and let the three warriors enter.

  Vivi stared at the tall silver-haired warrior, when he smiled at her, she noticed he had violet eyes. "Are those contacts?" she asked.

  He shook his head. "No, they run in the family." He looked her up and down. "It is rare to see red hair that deep on a vampire. You are a true beauty." His words were polite, but his eyes were flirting.

  Kendrick cleared his throat from where he sat on his stool. "Dr. Vivian Mercy, this is Godard Kipling, Kappa's unit leader. The pretty boy with the freaky eyes is Viktor BelleRose, Iota's unit leader and Dimitri Romanov, Theta's unit leader. Gentlemen, this is Vivian Mercy, Etain Vi'Aerlin's mate." Kendrick stressed the word mate.

  Viktor's eyes widened and he involuntarily stepped back. "My apologies doctor, I had no idea you had found your mate."

  She smiled. "It's no problem."

  Kendrick snorted. "Maybe for you, but I bet Etain would find it interesting to know that Viktor found his mate to be a rare beauty."

  Viktor swallowed hard. "I do not see any reason to share that little piece of information with him."

  Vivi laughed. "Etain is gentle and kind. I know he won't hold it against you."

  Viktor, Dimitri and Godard stared before Dimitri shook his head. "Gentle and kind with you of course, you are his mate. However, he is one of the fiercest warriors the fae have ever produced. I would rather face down raging, bloodied berserkers than your mate when angered," he admitted.

  "Etain? My Etain? You must be wrong." Vivi shook her head.

  Godard chuckled. "He is not the fae warrior for the ranking unit in the city for no reason. His polite and detached fighting style is haunting."

  Dimitri turned to Kendrick. "Why exactly are we here, besides to get Viktor killed?"

  "I need your blood," Kendrick said simply.

  At once, the three warriors began to scowl. Viktor shook his head. "Vampire blood is nothing to be played with, especially mine. Being of a Founding Family our blood is potent and in the wrong hands, can be used against us."

  Ellie stepped in front of the three men. Her eyes were wide and tear filled. "Oh please! We can use it to save the children. I swear to you that it will be treated with the reverence and respect it deserves."

  Immediately they began rolling up their sleeves. Godard glared at Kendrick. "Why did you not just say it was for the children?"

  "It was more fun my way," Kendrick admitted.

  Ellie, Rheia and Vivi collected close to a pint of blood from each vampire. Vivi eyed their donations. "This should get us started." She placed the blood on the plate and set it in the refrigerator Ellie and Rheia cleared.

  "Do we want to know?" Dimitri asked.

  Kendrick shook his head. "Honestly? Probably not, stay dumb and happy."

  Viktor gave Kendrick a dirty look. "Are you always like this or do you have something against vampires?"

  Kendrick thought about it a moment. "No, I'm pretty much always like this, no offense," he smiled at them brightly. The warriors scowled at his flippant response.

  Godard eyed Kendrick. "Since you are a member of the Alpha Unit, maybe you should come train with us tomorrow. That is, if your soft archivist hands can stand getting a little dirty," he teased.

  Kendrick gave him an evil smile and rose to his full height. He stood nearly half a foot over them. "You will find that I am not as easy to manipulate as a certain pair of innocent witches. I look forward to seeing you first thing in the morning."

  Godard's eyes widened. "Gods you are as tall as Warrick! I did not know witches could grow that big." His eyes narrowed. "It is not magic is it?"

  Kendrick laughed. "No, I don't need it," he bragged.

  Dimitri was chuckling as he dragged his friend toward the door. "Well it was nice knowing you Godard. Let us go fill out your will."

  "I wonder whether Adriel will let me run both Iota and Kappa," Viktor teased.

  Dimitri snorted. "I do not know why you think you are in the clear. I have a feeling our tall witch friend here will ensure that Etain is at morning drills. I am certain Etain will have much to discuss with you for flirting with his mate."

  Viktor paled and trudged behind his friends. When the door shut Kendrick was smirking. "Did you see their faces?"

  Ellie looked worried. "Will you really hurt him? All of the warriors have been so wonderful with the children," she fretted.

  Kendrick leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Your kindness shines out in front of you like a beacon." He sighed. "No, I won't kill them...much. Just impress upon them what it feels like to be at a disadvantage. The twins have assured me that no one here has been cruel, but some of the friendly big brother treatment of them gets my back up."

  Rheia sighed. "That's because you spoil them. Don't hold that against the other warriors."

  Kendrick sniffed and stuck his nose in the air dramatically. "I can and I will." He turned to Vivi. "I may not kill them, but that may not hold true for Etain."

  Vivi winked at him. "Who's to say Etain will even be able to walk in the morning?"

  "Vivi!" Ellie exclaimed blushing.

  Rheia bumped her shoulder. "Good point."

  Vivi looked around the lab. "Speaking of mates, it's about time I go and claim mine."

  She had been waiting her entire life to find her mate. Now that she had found him, she was going to tie him to her in every way possible.


  Vivi stared down at her mate. He was lying half on and half off the bed, pants on, and his shirt wrapped around his head. She was shocked he hadn't suffocated. The entire suite reeked of whiskey.

  "Dammit Hal!" she muttered. "This wasn't why I wanted him to be unable to walk in the morning," she griped.

  She should have known she was going to find her mate like this when she passed her squire out cold on the floor next to the coffee table in the family room snoring like a freight train.

  She struggled to remove Etain's boots. "At least they weren't kidding about the soundproofing otherwise Hal would keep me up all night." The second boot flew off with the third tug, and she landed on her tailbone. "Sonofabitch!"

She lifted his feet up onto the bed and made sure he was lying straight with no limbs contorted at weird angles. She stared and then smiled. "Maybe I should take off his clothes. I mean, to get comfortable." Vivi said out loud to convince herself.

  It took her another fifteen minutes to work him out of his clothes, but the effort was worth it. Lying in only his boxer briefs she could stare at his body all she wanted.

  She was going to remove his boxers, but decided against it. It would be like opening a Christmas gift early. She tilted her head and sighed. Her mate was absolutely, freaking perfect.

  Like most fae his skin was a honeyed golden color. His white-blond hair contrasted against the warm tones of his skin. He wasn't bulky but everywhere she looked seemed to be taut skin pulled over toned muscles. Her mouth was literally watering at the thought of licking his neck and drinking from him.

  She pulled up the expensive duvet and covered him gently. Shaking her head at her own misfortune she decided against a shower. What was the point? She hadn't done anything to get dirty and there would obviously be no claiming tonight.

  She stripped out of her clothes down to her panties and put her undershirt back on. After everything she had been told today concerning the virus, she was simply tired and didn't feel like unpacking. She turned off the light and climbed into bed next to her mate.

  To her surprise, he flipped over on to his side and pulled her into the curve of his body. When he buried his nose against her neck and sighed happily she found she couldn't stay mad at him. Closing her eyes she enjoyed being warm for the first time, in a long time.


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