My Angel (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 9)

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My Angel (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 9) Page 8

by Alanea Alder

  Etain slumped forward a bit. "Oh thank the gods!"

  "You're relieved?"

  He looked at her incredulously. "Absolutely! Can you imagine if you truly had waited? No man could live up to those expectations. No matter what I did, it would be a let down." He shuddered. "No. Thank. You. I do not wish to hear details about previous lovers, but I do understand you having them." His eyes turned serious. "What happened to your mother?" he asked gently.

  "Father caught up with her and her mate and ripped them apart. I was with Hal at the time. We were just returning from the market. He had taken me on an outing to give my mother and her mate some time alone. He said as we neared the house you could smell the blood. He waited until my father stormed out looking for me before running into the house. He grabbed what my mother had packed for us, whatever valuables he could sell and ran."

  "He later heard that when my father returned to Noctem Falls he was challenged by Magnus with the backing of the other families. He was killed, and Magnus was confirmed as the new Elder and ruler of Noctem Falls."

  Etain frowned. "I was there when your father lost what was left of his mind and turned on his own family for backing Magnus. When Magnus killed him he was like a rabid animal. Javier BelleRose as the ranking Founding Family member was the one that confirmed Magnus as prince."

  "It takes four royals to confirm a new prince, otherwise anyone strong enough would just take over." She scooted down, and Etain got comfortable beside her. "My mother knowing she was leaving the city for good left her recommendation for Magnus signed with her blood for authentication. I think that's what drove him to murder. My mother inadvertently started the end of his reign."

  Etain rubbed his head over her hair. "I don't think it was her. DuSang started to unravel years before your mother ever left. I think her leaving a letter proved to the others the reality of his instability. By the time he had massacred the shifter town and then turned on his family it was too late to simply bring him before the other families."

  Vivi's heart was in her throat. "Does that change how you feel about me?"

  Etain looked down at her. "How would that change things between us? You are no more your father than I am the Queen of the Fae."

  She felt her eyes fill with tears. "All my life I have felt as if his darkness weighed down my heart. Knowing what he had done, the people he murdered, the lives he destroyed, made me want to help people; to somehow atone for his sins."

  "My darling, they are not your sins to atone for." He placed a hand over her heart. "Let my light protect your heart. You are free of him."

  Vivi thought that what he said was simply a gesture until a soft light began to glow under his palm. Moments later, she felt his warmth seep into her very soul. The guilt and sorrow she had carried all her life began to dissolve and float away. When the light dimmed she felt better than she had in centuries. She hadn't felt so carefree since she was a child and ignorant of the havoc her father had caused.

  "Thank you," she sighed as the bands of guilt relaxed allowing her to breathe easier.

  "You are my mate, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you, no matter your name."

  "Maybe I could be Vivian Vi'Aerlin instead," Vivi whispered lowly almost afraid of his reaction.

  He rolled them until she was pinned under him. His eyes were shining as he stared down at her. "You would do that? You would take my name?" he asked breathlessly.

  "Rheia, Anne and Meryn have all taken their mate's names," she pointed out.

  "But they are human and very, very young. You're a paranormal and have built a life for yourself in your own right under your own name. Not many older females take their mate's names."

  She smiled shyly up at him. "I don't think my mother would mind if I changed my name from Mercy to Vi'Aerlin."

  He cocked his head to one side. "Your mother?"

  "Her name was Mercia. When it came time to choose my own name, I chose Mercy in her honor."

  He smiled. "I thought it was because you became an angel of mercy."

  "If anyone here is an angel it's you. Have you looked in a mirror lately? You're all sun-kissed hair and golden skin." She leered up at him. "Maybe a fallen angel, because you are tempting me to do some wicked things."

  He leaned down on his forearms and ground his hardened bulge between her legs. "And what sort of wicked things were you thinking of?"

  She fought for breath. "The kind that involves being naked, sweaty and screaming out to the gods."

  "I think that can be arranged." He pushed himself up and sat back. Standing he slowly began to unbutton his uniform jacket.

  As she watched his long fingers work each button, she was busy peeling off her clothes in a haphazard manner. She flung her clothes away from her in her rush to touch his skin.

  He gracefully let his clothes fall to the floor, his eyes locked on her. She leaned back on her elbows as naked as the day she was born. She smiled up at him. "I don't think I will ever tire of looking at you."

  He gave her a wicked grin and dropped to his knees. She watched his muscles glide under his skin as he made his way to her. "I cannot wait to see where your lights are."

  "My lights?"

  He didn't reply. He simply leaned down and began to kiss up her inner leg. His blond hair created a golden curtain so that she couldn't see what he was doing. He bypassed her mound and began to nibble on her hip bone. She moaned as darts of pleasure raced through her.

  "Light yellow. Pleasurable but not exactly what I was looking for," he said then resumed his leisurely exploration of her body. He teased her not only with his lips and tongue but also with his fingertips. His touch was never more than a graze, a fleeting tantalization before he moved on.

  By the time he wrapped his lips around her nipple, she gasped and arched her back. "Gods!" she exhaled. She was strung out by his torturous expedition. She wanted him to fill her, to give her the pleasure that seemed just out of reach.

  "Burnt orange. I'm glad, because I could feast on your breasts for years." He nuzzled between her breasts and moved up her neck.

  Growling low in her throat, she wrapped her legs around his waist and raised her lower body up to contact his. Like a cat in heat, she rubbed herself against him, desperate for them to become one.

  "I will give you what you need." He reached between them and guided himself between her folds. A moment later, he was thrusting deep and finally reaching that one spot that promised to send her soaring.

  "Yes! Gods, yes!" She kept her legs wrapped as he kept up a steady pace.

  He pulled back and looked her in the eyes. "Will you complete my soul? Will you allow me to join us together to face eternity as one?"

  She reached up and pulled his head down capturing his lips. She sucked on his tongue and allowed him to dominate the kiss. When she wrapped her hands in his hair and tugged his head back gently he went wild. His hips began to piston as he plunged deep. She was congratulating herself on having found one of his hot spots when he found her biggest one.

  When his teeth clamped down on the sensitive part of her neck, she screamed as her body exploded. Her mate shouted his release. A moment later he pushed himself up to watch their souls claim each other. Between their bodies, two playful balls of light lifted from their chests. His was a soft amber color, hers a silvery blue. They darted around each other before swirling into one pulsing light. When the two spheres separated their colors reflected the joining of their souls.

  Etain's warm light completely surrounded her silver core. The little balls returned to their chests and disappeared again. When the light faded she could feel Etain as a part of her, as surely as if he were a physical piece of her body.

  Groaning he pulled completely from her body and slumped down to one side. "Your neck is definitely a fiery red light."

  Gasping for air she swatted at him. "You think?" She rubbed her chest. "Your light feels like warm honey."

  "Your's feels calming. The way moonlight seems to gently guide those at nig

  "It's not cold?"

  "No, it almost feels like a balm on a sunburn." He pulled her close. "You are my solace. Only in your arms do my cares fall away. Now that my soul has been soothed by yours, I do not think I could face the world alone."

  She kissed his chest. "You will never have to. I will never let you go. As I have soothed you, you have warmed me. I feel like I have stepped into the sun after a lifetime of living in the shadows."

  "We will have to return to Level One eventually," he said sighing.

  "But we will return together." She closed her eyes. "Let's rest for a bit then head down. I'm worried about our little midget."

  He chuckled. "I think she could weather anything."

  Vivi pulled back and looked up at him. "Not this time. His words hurt her. Words can be more devastating than any injury."

  His features softened. "You speak from experience."

  She scrunched up her nose. "Because I couldn't go outside much as a child, the other kids used to call me a blood-sucking vampire."

  Etain frowned. "But you are a blood-sucking vampire."

  She sniffed haughtily. "But those little bastards didn't know that."

  He buried his face between her shoulder and her neck laughing. "I adore you."

  "You're lucky I adore you too, or I would be very upset at you laughing over my childhood trauma."

  When he licked where he had bitten her, she exhaled softly. "No fair."

  "Rest love, when we get up, I may show you exactly how unfair I can be."

  She wiggled closer and yawned. "I could get used to this."

  "That's the idea," he whispered cradling her gently.

  She couldn't fight the wave of exhaustion that swamped her, smiling, she fell asleep in her mate's arms.


  They swung by the lab to see that Marjoram had dropped off new blood samples, and Ellie had already prepped the slides. She pulled them out of the refrigerator and looked at them under the microscope.

  "Well?" Etain asked.

  "I bet Ellie is dancing a jig." She moved the slide to the left. She could clearly see evidence of the virus now as it seemed to be under attack by the vampire blood. Flashes of magic was making it hard to see.


  "Take a look." She stepped back and allowed him to look into the eyepiece.

  He straightened. "It looks like a tiny battle."

  "Because that's what it is. From the number of inert cells, I'm going out on a limb and saying that the warrior blood is about sixty percent effective in eradicating this thing."

  His face brightened. "That's amazing news!"

  Vivi couldn't help the blooming sense of hope. "We're dealing with a magic driven virus that shouldn't exist. I'll take any progress."

  "Let's go share the good news," he held out his hand.

  Together they made their way to Prince Magnus' quarters. When Sebastian opened the door, he was frowning.

  They stepped inside. "What?" she asked.

  Sebastian pursed his lips. "They were just about to call for you. I will let them explain." He led them to the dining room where everyone sat looking grim.

  Magnus looked relieved at their arrival. "Good, we were about to send someone to get you. Please sit down. Have the two of you eaten lunch yet?"

  Vivi shook her head. "Not yet."

  They sat down, and Sebastian brought in a fresh platter of sandwiches. As they helped themselves, Kari started. "Stefan got a call from his brother this morning. Cristo is in Albuquerque and was ready to complete the last leg of his travels to come visit when he discovered that the fae portal at the Council Estate wouldn't open."

  Etain froze with his sandwich halfway to his mouth. He set it down. "What?"

  Magnus grimaced. "Exactly. Which is why we were waiting for you. Have you ever heard of such a thing occurring?"

  Etain didn't reply instead, he reached for his phone. "Damn!"


  "My sister has been trying to reach me for hours. I have it on 'Do not disturb'. We always seem to be in the lab or in meetings, so it was easier to leave it silenced, especially since we have walkie-talkies now. I never even thought to check it." He pushed a button and started to rise.

  Magnus shook his head. "Do not feel as if you have to leave on our account. Unless you desire privacy, you are more than welcome to stay. I think we are past formal manners at this point in time."

  Etain sat back down looking relieved. "Allia what is..."

  "Where in the hell have you been!" a female voice demanded.

  "Baby sister, I am sitting at the Prince's dining table. Everyone can hear you," he informed her.

  "Oh. In that case. Where in the hell have you been! I have been calling for hours Etain. Hours!" Allia continued.

  Declan chuckled, and Grant covered his mouth with his hand to hide his smile. Etain glared at them. "My mate found her way to me. We have been getting to know one another."

  "Next time you have sex leave the damn ringer on. Do you have any idea what's happening? No one can open a portal to Noctem Falls," his baby sister ranted.

  Vivi leaned in listening avidly. Her mate's sister sounded like a firecracker.

  Etain turned to her, his cheeks pink. "She's normally much more collected."

  "I think she sounds amazing," Vivi admitted.

  "Is that her?" Allia asked.

  "Yes, I'm here. My name is Vivian Vi'Aerlin, or it will be as soon as I file the paperwork with the council to change my name."

  A soft gasp was heard. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Allia repeated.

  "Here, let me." A male voice said. "Etain, congratulations on finding your mate."

  "Ailain, thank you. Is our sister well?" Etain asked looking worried.

  "She's crying she's so happy. We feared the worst when she shared your earlier concerns with us in regard to your mate's safety. I cannot tell you how relieved we are to hear both of you are well," Ailain answered.

  Etain turned to Vivi. "Allia and Ailain are twins. They are my younger siblings by nearly a thousand years. Both serve directly under the queen. Allia acts as her lady in waiting or a more modern term would be her personal assistant, and Ailain fulfills the same role for the Queen's consort Brennus Vi'Eirlea," he explained.

  "Brother, what is going on in Noctem Falls? Allia nearly skewered the poor guard who was supposed to open the portal to send you your requested support when he failed to establish a connection." Despite the seriousness of the situation, Ailain's voice sounded amused. Vivi could only imagine the amount of trouble the little spitfire caused.

  "Ailain, I need you and Allia to go to the Queen's antechamber and have her cast a soundproofing spell," Etain requested. Beside him, Kendrick was securing the dining room.

  "Hold." Gone was Ailain's mirth, he was all business now.

  Everyone heard their footsteps as they walked down what sounded like a marble hallway. They heard a knock then a soft voice. "Enter."

  "My Queen, I have my brother Etain on the phone. He is with Prince Magnus and is requesting that you soundproof this room before anything is discussed."

  "Of course," was the reply. A moment later, the melodic voice returned. "Etain, the spell has been cast." There was a pause. "Prince Magnus, I offer greetings to the City of the Night from the Land of Eternal Sun. It has been too long since we last have spoke."

  "I have been pining away since our last conversation Aleksandra," Magnus said in an amorous tone.

  Over the phone, they heard a low growl. "Magnus! What have I told you about flirting with my mate!" a deep voice demanded.

  "Oh, Brennus were you there? Sorry about that." Magnus didn't sound the least bit sorry. Behind him Sebastian had his face buried in his hands.

  A soft tinkling laugh was heard before the queen came back on the line. "Etain, it has been so long since your last call. How have you been? I heard you have found your mate! I am so excited for you. We have all missed you dreadfully here. Malcolm is doing a fine job as Captain of the Gua
rd, but you were so much better at it. When can you come home for a visit? " the queen asked question after question.

  Etain's face softened. "As I have missed all of you. And yes, I have found my mate. She is as beautiful as she is kind. As for visiting, I fear that the reason for this phone call prevents me from leaving the city any time soon."

  "Could that be the reason why none of my children can establish a portal to Noctem Falls?"

  "Yes." Etain paused before shooting a glance to Magnus who nodded. He continued. "We seem to have something on an anomaly here."

  "Sounds interesting. What type of an anomaly?"

  "A virus that affects both shifters and vampires."

  "There is no such thing," the queen refuted.

  "There is now your majesty," Rheia replied.

  "Who is that?"

  Rheia blushed. "My name is Dr. Rheia Albright."

  "Perhaps some introductions are in order," Magnus suggested.

  It took a few moments, but they worked their way around the table.

  "Dr. Albright, Dr. Kimball, what can you tell me about this virus?" the queen asked.

  "Please, call me Rheia," Rheia started.

  "And me Ellie. We haven't been too formal here," Ellie replied.

  "Not formal? At Noctem Falls? Did Sebastian stop starching Magnus?" Aleksandra asked playfully.

  Magnus opened his mouth.

  "If you make one comment about being stiff, I will find a way to thrash you over this phone," Brennus warned.

  Magnus closed his mouth sighing. "Having young people about has greatly improved my outlook."

  "I know what you mean. Speaking of young ones, I noticed that Meryn McKenzie was not one of those introduced. Is she there?"

  Aiden turned to Ryuu with a puzzled look on his face. "Where is Meryn?"

  Ryuu's features were drawn tight. "I sent her to bed. Someone said something to her that hurt her terribly. It felt like someone raked claws along her soul."

  Aiden's expression shut down. "I see."

  "Aiden as soon as this call is over, I will tell you what happened," Etain offered.

  Aiden just nodded, but Vivi noticed that a faint outline began to appear around the Unit Commander.


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