My Angel (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 9)

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My Angel (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 9) Page 16

by Alanea Alder

  Etain rubbed the back of his neck. "You were busy and I didn't wish to disturb you, so I kinda made an executive decision about which room would be ours."

  She narrowed her eyes and he held up both hands defensively. "It's perfect, trust me. It looks like your mother kept her childhood bedroom after her parents were killed. When I walked to the end of the hallway, I found the master suite untouched since your grandparent's death. It's huge, which gave us plenty of space for our new master bathroom and closets."

  "And your fireplace?"

  "It fit perfectly. Once the gold was gone and we started putting up neutrals the grey stone floor began to pop. I have a collection of rugs and linens stacked up for you to go through."

  "One question," she said holding up a finger.

  "Of course," he nodded looking nervous.

  "Self-cleaning floor and sheets?"

  He grinned wickedly. "Absolutely."

  "Thank the gods for those sheets. There are some things I don't need to see," Hal muttered putting away the stemware.

  Vivi blushed furiously as Etain laughed. "Come on my love. I can show you our new room. If there's anything you need to change Micah said he would come back down and fix things for you." Etain steered her out of the kitchen toward the bedrooms.

  He stopped her in front of a large set of wooden double doors. Vivi pointed. "I bit of an overkill isn't it?"

  Etain pointed to the carvings in the door. "It has been spelled for protection, yet another reason I wanted to stay in this room." He placed a hand on the wood, and the lock clicked.

  Vivi's mouth dropped. "It's biometric?"

  Etain brought her hand up and placed it beside his and whispered a phrase softly. She felt the wood warm under her palm, then cool. "Not science, magic. It isn't detecting your fingerprints, but your aura." He pushed the door open then swept her up in his arms. He carried her across the threshold and kicked the door shut with his foot.

  He set her down. "Welcome to our new bedroom."

  Vivi loved everything. "Is that the original furniture?" she asked pointing to the massive bed.

  "Yes, though we swapped out the mattress. Luckily, Declan had an extra one in storage, only his bed came close to being this huge. It turned out to be almost a perfect fit."

  Vivi couldn't find anything that she would change. Etain kept the same ivory color that was predominant throughout the rest of their new living quarters, but here he had chosen to accent in navy blue. Vivi knew she would have never chosen the color herself, thinking it to be a dark, masculine color. However, the way he used it in small ways to contrast the cream was done in such a delicate manner it created a truly harmonious space.

  "Well?" he asked nervously.

  "I don't like it." She glared up at him. His eyes widened, and she laughed. "I love it! I never knew I loved blue until now." She walked around the room inspecting everything. Her favorite item was the navy cashmere throw at the foot of their bed.

  She pointed to the bed and wagged her eyebrows. "Want to test those self-cleaning sheets?"

  He groaned. "I wish we could." He held up his cell phone. It was already after six. "We're expected at dinner to discuss all the new changes and to get feedback regarding what is being said on different levels."

  Vivi simply started stripping. "In that case I will break in our new bathroom."

  His strangled moan was worth facing the cold air. She pointed to the huge fireplace. "Can you turn that on on your way out to get my clothes from Magnus'?"

  "Yes, my love," he replied as he spun her around and pulled her against him. She could feel exactly how her little strip show had affected him. "It feels scandalous being naked while you're fully clothed," she grinned. "Can we do it again later when we christen those sheets?"

  "Absolutely," he promised and took possession of her lips. There was nothing gentle about his onslaught. His tongue dueled with hers driving her need through the roof.

  When he stepped away they were both breathing hard. He looked down and smiled. Her flush had worked its way down her body.

  "Enjoy your bath," he said cheekily and headed toward the door.

  She waited until the door closed behind him before she stuck out her tongue.

  "Later!" he called out through the door.

  Vivi covered her mouth with both hands. Damn man knew her so well already!


  Vivi stared at the tiny sprite who was seated on a stack of coasters in front of a thick book at the end of the table where Magnus usually sat. Sebastian served him very carefully with small plates and cutlery as Ryuu and Hal served the others.

  "Where did you get the serving pieces for him?" Etain asked.

  Sebastian took his time in gently placing the tiny platters heaped up with sprite sized food around Felix. "One of the families had a small doll house that was no longer being used. They brought it down to donate to the shifter children, so I was able to secure some things for our hero here." Felix kept his face down looking entirely uncomfortable at the attention.

  "He's my kind of hero, no spandex," Meryn shot Felix a thumbs up. The tiny sprite brightened and shyly began to eat from the huge selection Sebastian prepared for him.

  Aiden turned to his mate. "What do you have against spandex?"

  "Ball sweat," Meryn replied.

  Everyone turned to face the small human.

  Rex shook his head. "I'm sorry, did you say ball sweat?"

  Meryn nodded. "I don't know why superheroes have an obsession with spandex costumes. That shit doesn't breathe. I bet Batman smells like that kid from gym class who went through a 'natural' phase and always smelled like funk and onions. Then in their movie the writers have the ditzy heroine smiling and willing to get down for sexy time after a huge battle scene," she shook her head. "Would not be me. He'd have to bathe in antiseptic first. No way that shit going near my face with..." Aiden clapped a hand over her mouth looking mortified.

  There was silence then Kendrick lost his composure. He rested his forehead on his folded arms on the table gasping for breath. Anne had her face buried in his back.

  Meryn pushed Aiden's hand away. "What?"

  Kendrick sat up. "I am so glad you're back to normal. I would have missed this if you had stayed a mini Daphne Bowers."

  Meryn pointed to her sweats. "Definitely more comfortable this way."

  Gavriel turned to Felix. "How did your sword work for you?" Felix gave him a thumbs up.

  "Is that the sword from the vault?" Vivi asked still dabbing at her eyes with a napkin from laughing too hard.

  Meryn nodded. "When I saw it, it was this huge fucking claymore. Magnus was trying to keep me away from it. I think he was scared I would cut myself in half." She grinned. "He tried to chase me away from it a few times, but I wore him down. Anyway, the second I touched it, it shrunk down to my size, and I was able to lift it. Then I wondered if Felix touched it, if it would shrink again, and it did. The scabbard changed in size when the sword did, so we attached it to his belt."

  "I heard you kept a necklace," Beth commented. Meryn lifted a small simple locket from under her hoodie. Beth gave her a strange look. "The Gown of Éire Danu can compliment each outfit with rare jewelry pieces, why did you choose something so plain as your reward from Magnus?"

  Meryn shrugged. "I kinda felt sorry for it. It was all by itself looking out of place next to these fancy crowns and tiaras. Besides I like it." She stuffed it back under her hoodie.

  Aiden looked down at his mate adoration in his eyes. "I think it suits you perfectly."

  She smiled up at him. "Yeah?"

  "Yes. I think you made a wonderful choice," he kissed the top of her head.

  "Meryn you are an enigma," Law complimented.

  Vivi picked up her wine glass and took a sip. When she set it down she noticed Rex's knuckles, which were still red. She grinned at him. "How did DeLaFontaine's interrogation go?"

  Rex rubbed his knuckles with his other hand as Declan chuckled. Rex turned to her.
"So far he has been very reticent concerning any information regarding the virus." He gave her a roguish smile. "But we're just getting started."

  Meryn turned to Rex her eyes sparkling. "Can I watch tomorrow?"

  Aiden pulled Meryn onto his lap. "You can spend the day resting and away from the Elder," he grumbled.

  "I was just gonna watch. I bet Rex pounding on DeLaFontaine would be super hot!" Meryn exclaimed. "I mean look at those arms!"

  Aiden nipped Meryn on the neck while trying to cover her eyes with his hand. Giggling she kept turning her head back and forth to avoid his hand.

  Rex was sitting straighter in his chair. "She is a woman of impeccable tastes."

  Law rested his arm over the back of Rex's chair. "When she's right, she's right."

  Vivi watched the entire scene and brought up her napkin to hide her smile. Law was smirking. Rex was nodding. Declan was watching the pair his eyes narrowed and Kari was shaking her head. Law was most definitely fucking with Declan.

  Vivi decided she needed to help stir the pot. She turned to Law. "You know, the two of you sitting together make a striking picture. There's an electricity about you that is enthralling. You should do couples modeling."

  Declan's head snapped around. "Couples?"

  Vivi nodded. "You know a couple of guys."

  Rex smiled at her. "Modeling? Really?"

  "Oh absolutely."

  "Definitely shirtless," Meryn added.

  Declan seemed slightly mollified as he continued to eat dinner a frown on his face. Law winked at her, and Vivi gave him a small salute.

  Rheia leaned back to make eye contact with Vivi. "We administered a second dose of the first trial using the warrior blood. The results between the older warrior blood and the younger vendor blood was like night and day. I honestly feel we have a chance at beating this thing tomorrow using the collected blood from the older vendors. We specifically asked for anyone who was over three thousand years old."

  Vivi felt a spurt of hope. "I should be able to start Magnus' treatment tomorrow as well."

  Beth looked between them. "Wouldn't it be amazing if Uncle and the children recovered at the same time. He would be delighted to hear that, while he was taking his nap, the children were cured."

  Gavriel wrapped an arm around his mate. "Let us not get ahead of ourselves."

  Beth sighed. "I know I am being optimistic, but I feel like something should go our way after everything we've been through in the past few weeks."

  "I bet you're right Beth," Anne said encouragingly.

  Rex raised a glass. "To the health of our loved ones."

  Around the table, glasses were raised in toast. Vivi ate quietly as the dinner progressed fueled by everyone's excitement. She refused to get her hopes up. She knew that sometimes it took months to formulate a proper treatment, but she wasn't about to rain on everyone's parade. They looked like they needed the good news, especially considering how they kept referring to Magnus' state as him taking a nap.

  When Meryn yawned for the fourth time, Aiden put his hand to her forehead. "Are you feeling well?"

  Meryn went to answer and yawned again. "Just tired."

  Aiden shot a look to Rheia, who gave a one shoulder shrug. "We've all been through so much in the past few days. It's understandable that she would be worn down."

  Aiden stood and scooped Meryn up in his arms. Instead of protesting Meryn simply rested her head on his chest looking sleepy. Aiden turned back to Rheia and Ellie. "Anything I should do?" Both women shook their heads looking amused.

  Vivi put on a serious face. "You shouldn't feed her after midnight."

  Aiden nodded. "Anything else?"

  "Try not to get her wet," she advised fighting to keep her expression professional.

  He blinked. "No sex?"

  Vivi cracked up at his tragic expression. Meryn thumped in on the chest and glared at her. "No, she's calling me a gremlin, the heifer!"

  "Meryn, she's a princess now," Beth admonished gently.

  Meryn blinked her eyes innocently. "I'm sorry... Princess Heifer!"

  Vivi just wiggled her fingers at her. "Night, night Gizmo."

  Before she could respond Aiden carted her off toward their bedroom. Vivi couldn't help grinning. "I adore that little midget."

  "I'm not a midget!" they heard Meryn yell from the hallway. Everyone cracked up.

  Beth turned to Vivi. "Why do you agitate her?"

  "Besides it being so easy? I don't know. It's weird. I feel like we're bonding over insults."

  "I think Vivi found the quickest way to get Meryn to accept you," Kendrick mused. "It's kinda of sad, but considering Meryn's background, she is apt to distrust you if you're too nice. But Vivi's teasing makes her feel accepted, not bullied."

  Law growled low in his throat. "Do we know for a fact that anyone that abused her is dead?" Kendrick just stared at him until Law held up his hands. "Just checking."

  "As if I wouldn't follow up on something like that? I take a twisted delight in rationing out punishment to bullies." Kendrick admitted. Anne patted his arm. "At least you're honest about it."

  Gavriel, Beth, Adriel and Eva also stood. Gavriel gave a half bow. "We will take our leave as well. It will be the first night we spend in the Ambrosios quarters, and Beth and Eva still have much to show us about our new home."

  Law stretched in his chair before turning to Rex. "Come on, I will look at that hand for you in your quarters."

  Rex's face brightened. "That would be appreciated. I'm pretty sure I broke something, it's taking forever to heal."

  Law leaned in. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you."

  Declan's eyes were practically bugging out of his head, but his lips remained sealed. Vivi felt bad for a moment for teasing him. He obviously cared for his brother and wouldn't interfere if he thought that it would hurt Rex. But that moment quickly passed as she realized that he was just too perfect of a target. No wonder Law loved teasing him. Declan's facial expressions broadcasted exactly what he was thinking.

  "You might want to give him a full body scan. A floating bone fragment can wreck havoc if left unattended," Vivi suggested.

  "What!" Declan exclaimed standing.

  Law nodded with a serious expression. "Good point."

  Rex shrugged. "Whatever you think is best."

  Law stood with Rex, his back to the table. He gave her a hidden thumbs up and walked out with the Elder.

  "But..." Declan looked around helplessly.

  Kari took pity on her mate. "Let us turn in as well. Things will seem better in the morning."

  "But..." Declan didn't know which way to turn.

  Etain stood and rested a hand on her shoulder. "We will say goodnight too. There is one particular feature of our new home that I am dying to show Vivi."

  Vivi sputtered in her wine as she was about to take another sip. She felt her cheeks heat up sure they were now crimson.

  Adriel cleared his throat. "I hope you enjoy the first night in your new quarters," he said diplomatically.

  Etain gave her shoulder a little squeeze. "Oh, we will." He looked down at her. "Ready darling?"

  She rose to her feet and set her napkin beside her plate. She turned to Hal and Ryuu. "Thank you for a wonderful meal."

  Hal stepped forward. "Get plenty of rest. Tomorrow will be a long day with the different formulas you'll be mixing."

  "I will. Aren't you coming?" she asked.

  Hal nodded. "I'll be along in a bit. I am going to help clean up here then go through my kitchen again to see if we need anything."

  Vivi had a feeling she would have to pry him out of his kitchen in the future. "Goodnight everyone," she said walking out with her mate and the others.

  When they got to their door Etain chuckled as they waved goodnight to Adriel, Eva, Beth and Gavriel from across the large alcove. "It feels like the Unit Level when we go inside our own houses at the end of the day."

  When they shut their door behind them the first thing Vivi notic
ed was the quiet. In the Rioux quarters something was always happening. It's where people had meetings and where they ate their meals. To go from being surrounded by so many people to being alone with her mate felt strange.

  "It's almost too quiet," Etain whispered.

  "Why are you whispering?"

  He shook his head ruefully. "No idea."

  Vivi studied the room. "I really love it, what you've done to our home."

  Etain walked over to a wooden side table and lifted square looking box. Gently he lowered a small arm and moved it over. Soft jazz began playing in the room.

  "Is that a record player?"

  He nodded. "They produce the best quality of music." He held out his hand. "May I have the pleasure of this dance?"

  She placed her hand in his, and he swept her up in his arms. They swayed together to the bluesy music of the past, letting the entire day drain from them.

  "I had so much fun during Prohibition," Vivi murmured into his formal fae robe.

  "Did you cause trouble? Were you a bootlegger?"

  "Of course not. I was a singer at the Vamp Lounge."

  He pulled back to gauge her expression carefully. "Are you joking?"

  "No. I was stuck on a project and decided to head out among the humans for some fun. It had been awhile since I'd last gone out by myself. I was astounded by the clothes and music. Gods, the music! Since I was sensitive to sunlight, I usually went out after dark, which during that time meant I was just showing up as things were getting interesting. At first, I would hum along, but one night the bartender heard me and stuck me up on stage. I stammered and said I wasn't a singer, but no one cared. They said to give it my best shot, and the rest was history. I put my project on hold and delved into the nightlife of the Roaring Twenties."

  Vivi smiled when a tune she was familiar with came on, so she began to sing for her mate. She stepped out of his arms and sashayed to the record player. She turned back to him and moved her hands down her dress. With her eyes, she told him how much she wanted him while she breathed the music. She felt exaltation race through her. She had forgotten how heady it was to sing for someone.

  With every note, her mate's eyes grew darker until they were almost brown in color. He watched her every move. His breath subconsciously syncing up with hers. Through her, he lived each note. The song allowed her to weave the tale of a young man coming home from the war and the joy of being with his true love again, and how all the pain and suffering had been worth it because he had protected her.


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