Honeymoon Angel: A Family Justice Novella

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Honeymoon Angel: A Family Justice Novella Page 2

by Suzanne Halliday

  With a well-played lowering of her eyes and a flirty lip bite, she agreed. “Yes, Sir. I do. Very much.”

  “No,” he ground out.

  Shocked by his fierce reaction, Angie’s gaze flew to his. The man looking at her had an intriguing blend of intense aggression and vulnerability in his expression. Her eyes went wide, and she hung on his next words.

  MY LORD, HE thought. I’ve waited my whole life for this.

  Not the blowjob. The look on her face. He was so in love with his sapphire-eyed honeymoon angel that Parker was sure at any moment he would lose himself in the bottomless pit of love shining at him in her eyes.

  When she called him Sir, though, he quickly clarified a point.

  “No, my angel, don’t call me that. When we play, that’s one thing, especially when you say it with insolence. But not like this. I want you to use my name, wife. I want to hear my name on your lips when you come.”

  Her glorious smile warmed his soul. “Parker Sullivan, I love you.”

  He snickered but didn’t stop his command of her chin. “The perfect response from the perfect wife.”

  She grinned and licked her lips.

  “More?” he asked.

  “Oh, yes please, Parker.”

  A flash assessment of his beautiful wife told him a lot. She was panting. The glaze of arousal in her eyes fed his need. Even while he commanded her attention, she continued to stroke his cock. Her nipples were peaked and flushed a deep rosy color. He was sure if he tested, her desire would cover his hand.

  How much could he push her? Parker liked probing Angie’s desires. Most of the time, her passion astonished him. At times, he could barely keep up—and that was saying a lot.

  The intention of this tropical honeymoon adventure was to feed and unleash their sexual desires, and at the moment, another perfect opportunity was right in front of him.

  “Finish how you like, kitten, but I want your pussy to drip when you’re through.”

  Her expression suggested he’d handed her a million dollars in cash. Awesome.

  “Thank you, husband. Now sit back and enjoy.”

  She wasted not one second more to suck his length into her voracious mouth. His hot, sexy wife demanded much, and he gave her what she needed. She even reached for his hand and put it on the back of her head. His bones nearly melted with pleasure, and he immediately responded with fervor.

  He fucked her sexy mouth until she quivered head to toe. With a hand on either side of her head, he took control of her movements. She relaxed in his firm hold and offered her mouth for his pleasure. When she took him into her throat, and he held her down as his hips bucked into tight wetness, Parker almost lost his mind. Her hands rested calmly on his thighs, and he felt absolutely no tension as he used her mouth. Her trust and submission awed him.

  Deep, guttural moans rumbled from her throat and wrapped around his cock. He grunted uncontrollably.

  And then she went wild while he held on through a lusty ride that was the most erotic thing he’d experienced—until this moment.

  Her hands did crazy things to his cock, grinding the throbbing flesh with firm fingers while her mouth sucked him into a pleasure coma. He sensed her readiness—not for it to be over but to come.

  Angie blew his fucking world to bits with her wicked mouth. She was primed for a climax, and he hadn’t even touched her.

  Parker felt when it happened. She groaned and shuddered on his cock. He couldn’t believe it. Sucking him off turned his sexy angel on so much that she had an orgasm. A hands-free orgasm.

  “Fuck, yes,” he grunted as loud growls of incredible pleasure tore from his throat.

  She masterfully milked his hard flesh and drew a thundering orgasm out of him. His cock swelled and exploded. He felt the first pulses against her tongue before she took her mouth away. But she wasn’t stopping—not while he was in the middle of coming.

  He watched as she handled his manhood and finished him off with her hands. Thick ribbons of come landed on her tits. She rubbed the tip of his cock on a turgid nipple and moaned as his milky seed covered her chest.

  The sexy smile on her lips made his heart thump wildly.

  It took him a few minutes to calm down. She didn’t move and remained on her knees between his spread thighs. Proof of his orgasm clung to her skin. He swallowed hard and let the pleasure he felt have free rein. Her soft hand never let go. Contentment filled him as the emotion moved to his smile.

  “I like this look on you, Angel.” He snickered when his voice finally returned.

  She blushed and smiled at the same time.

  “And I like knowing your sweet pussy got off from a blow job. A masterful blow job with a surprise ending.”

  Her rosy blush deepened. So did her naughty smile.

  He needed another minute before continuing, so he teased her for the hell of it.

  “How bad does my sexy kitten want to rub her clit right now?”

  Angie Sullivan gave him exactly the pithy, fuck-you look he was sure she always had ready in the wings.

  “Excuse me?” She scoffed. The hair flipping motion for hair that was still piled on her head made him laugh. He loved an Angie performance.

  “The clit rubbing was in your vows. Not mine.”

  “Are you sure about that?” he quipped.

  “Parker!” She gasped.

  He loved how fast she escalated from a baiting power play.

  He sat forward and gestured with his head. “On your back, wife. Right where you are. Legs spread.”

  She hesitated and gave him a funny look.

  “Do what you’re told, kitten.” He took extra pain with a deep growl, so she didn’t misunderstand.

  The small tremble he noticed in her hands when she shifted and pushed the cushion aside intrigued him. She awkwardly positioned herself on the floor between his spread legs. The outrageous heels didn’t make it easy. He moved her calves to either side of his so she was fully spread open and exposed.

  Her flushed pussy matched her cheeks. Moisture glistened on her bare mound. For added benefit, he took the cushion and shoved it under her ass. He had a perfect view.

  “One hundred, kitten,” he murmured.


  He laughed at her confusion.

  Parker snapped his fingers and said, “Give me your hand.” He took hold and used two of her fingers to rub the juicy mess on her beautifully swollen clit.

  “One hundred times, kitten. Just like that. And I want to hear you count.”

  Her breathing became harsh. His kitten responded to dirty and lewd. For him, she’d do almost anything, and he was respectful of the honor.

  “Begin,” he grunted as his gaze fixed on her gloriously exposed mound.

  It made no difference that she’d recently come. With the first swirling circles, she started to come undone, and he wasn’t surprised. Her pussy was visibly throbbing and the liquid arousal plentiful.

  “No coming,” he commanded when a soft grunt and a slowing of her fingers signaled her impending climax.

  She tried to close her thighs, but his legs were in the way. Parker licked his lips, studied her response, and smiled knowingly.

  “Continue. Out loud.”

  “Twenty-three. Twenty-four, uh,” she groaned. His gaze focused on the delicious nub. It was sexy as fuck how with one hand her fingers spread the wet lips of her sex as the other circled the bundle of nerves covered in arousal.

  She was at a quivering fifty-seven when it became too much.

  “Parker, I can’t.” Her legs squeezed against his spread calves. She wanted to close her legs so badly—maybe ease the ache.

  “Here,” he grunted. “Let me help.” Then he shifted his legs farther apart, forcing hers to spread wider.

  She trembled, and he told her to open her pussy for him. Watching Angie’s shaking fingers spread herself open was hotter than the surface of the sun.

  He laughed when she moaned because he knew she fully expected him to tou
ch her.

  “That’s nice, kitten. Now finish counting.”

  When she didn’t move, he smacked her hand. “Fifty-eight, kitten. Rub and count. Now.”

  At eighty-four, she came. Her cry of surrender to the climax made her body jerk and hardened his cock.

  After the storm had passed, he lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her shaking fingers.

  “Creamy Angel,” he drawled. “Tits covered by my come and a flooded pussy.”

  She wiggled and moaned.

  He stood, removed the shoes, and picked her up off the floor. With Angie cradled in his arms, he marched from the house along the path that wound down to the beach. At the water’s edge, he smiled into her eyes.

  “My sexy kitten likes it wet.” He chuckled and then calmly took a few steps into the warm, crystal clear water and hurled her into the air.

  He watched her body soar for a few seconds and descend with a tremendous splash. His wife’s outraged scream made his dick throb.

  Diving into the warm water, he surfaced next to her and grinned. She smacked the surface of the shifting sea and sent a waterfall straight at his face.

  Well, I guess she told me!

  He loved her spunky nature. It was shitloads of fun to tame Angie’s passionate ways.

  “My hair’s wet now, you asshole!”

  Swiping water from his eyes, Parker couldn’t hold back the bellow of delighted laughter that burst from him. His smartass wife slash sub was new to the concept of behaving—thank god. She’d never truly behave. How could she? It wasn’t in her emotional makeup. But the behaving submissive dance was one he was sure they’d enjoy learning.

  With an exaggerated gasp, he tsked at her. “Mrs. Sullivan! I’m shocked. Did you just call your husband and master an asshole?”

  She sputtered and fought the moving water until her feet found the bottom, and then the little witch stuck her tongue out and tried to march to the shoreline. Her histrionic mumblings about wet hair and him being a dick were music to his ears.

  Parker’s grin widened as he watched her performance.

  Those things she’d written in her journal moved through his thoughts, and a scene worthy of his naughty honeymoon angel sprang to mind. Introducing fantasy and roles to their playtimes was new. He’d never considered it before, but the things that turned her on were so much goddamn fun that he was a newly converted and enthusiastic participant.

  This whole being a Dom thing was working out great so far. And the bonus of a wedding ring gave Parker unexpected freedom.

  Instead of following her—which was what she expected—he took a little swim and completely disregarded the arms crossed, foot tapping bullshit she was pulling. He smirked too because she could have walked away, but she hadn’t.

  He’d married a smart girl.

  Parker floated on his back for a bit and enjoyed the warm water, blue skies, and tropical earthiness of their hideaway. When he was damn good and ready, he rolled over and swam lazily to the shallower water. Standing when he could, he gave his wanton paramour a little show while calmly plowing through the water—waist deep, at first—until he strode from the sea as water dripped from his naked body. With each step, his dick hardened, swaying with his movements. To him, it felt like a divining rod searching for what it craved most. Her.

  As he swaggered toward her, he switched gears and fell into character. She wanted to be a pirate’s prize? Fine by him but that meant learning some manners. Being taught a lesson. And he had just the experience in mind. Something he was certain would catch her unawares and teach her a thing or two about who she was dealing with.

  “I didn’t bring you to my private island for you to run away. Or be a bitch.”

  “My hair is wet,” she pouted.

  He was standing ten feet away with his arms crossed, glaring at her. There was a second of concern, and then she got it.

  “There are strict rules on my ship. Pirates may be bastards, but only a fool talks back to the captain. Do you want to know what happens to my crew when they step out of line?”

  He asked the question smoothly with just the hint of a dare and menace.

  “Well,” she huffed. “If they objected because you got their hair wet, I daresay that’s hardly out of line. Even a bastard knows when someone’s a dick.”

  Oh, my god! She was talking smack. Only Angie.

  “So be it,” he growled and marched purposely into her body space, grabbed a wrist, and began dragging her toward the sprawling house. She wasn’t prepared and lost her footing in the sand.

  “Either get up and walk or be carried.”

  Her dark scowl was so damn cute. So was the indignant way she brushed the sand from her legs.

  Straightening, she pointed at him like a stern school teacher. “Just because I’m your captive doesn’t mean you get to intimidate me. Does being under the king’s protection mean nothing to you?”

  “Means absolutely nothing here.” He scoffed with a wave of his hand at the island paradise. “Fuck the king and fuck whatever idea you’re clinging to about being protected. Or rescued. When I’m finished, the king is welcome to you. Wrecked pussy and all.”

  Her outraged gasp was perfect. He shoved her shoulder. “Walk.”

  Grumbling under her breath, she gave him a dose of stink eye and stomped as best she could across the sand.

  On the long pathway winding through the dense trees and foliage, he stopped her at a spot he’d been thinking about since they’d landed.

  Two wooden columns covered in flowering vines supported a curved arch whose sole function was to hold a wind chime and provide visual detail. It was a nice touch and perfect for the dirty scene playing out in his mind.

  “Stay put,” he grunted. “Right here. Don’t move.”

  His daring captive glanced around, trying to read his mind, but Parker could tell she was clueless.

  “Princess,” he barked.

  She jumped at his tone. Her expression was startled.

  “Do you understand? Do not move from this spot.”

  He strode away before she answered and laughed inside his head. He’d never done anything like this before—not really. But he practiced a bit—out in the desert where no one could watch—and quickly relearned what he’d been taught years before.

  Taking his good old time, he stopped in the kitchen and eyed the delayed breakfast she’d been trying to make. He grabbed a banana and inhaled it in two large bites while packing a satchel with what he needed. At the last minute, he added a piece of equipment he knew she wouldn’t like—until he showed her how close pleasure and pain existed.

  When he walked back to the path, he was amused to find his confused captive wringing her hands as she paced and waited. Some of it was playacting, but some of her reaction was real.

  Her eyes went to the big duffle bag he carried, and she murmured, “Oh, god.”

  Angie already knew that when the bag came out, things were about to get real.

  “That’s right, princess.” He sniggered. “No tiara can help you now.”

  She wasn’t going down without a fight. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  He chuckled. “You might want to rethink that.”

  Reaching into the bag, he pulled out a pair of padded cuff restraints and got them on her before she knew what was happening. The worried expression she tried to disguise fired up his libido.

  With an expert toss that was more luck than skill, he double threw a thick rope over the wood arch and connected an end to her cuffs. All it took was a firm yank, and her arms went straight above her head. She flinched and bit her lip when the precariousness of her situation became evident.

  If he’d stopped there, she might have kept her composure, but he was steps ahead of her. After carefully wrapping each ankle, he used a long piece of rope to restrain her legs too. She was spread-eagle and hanging from the arch. A soft hiss of alarm came out of her mouth.

  Parker circled her, testing the ropes to make sure she couldn’t m
ove. It was critical that she not wiggle too much.

  He stood in front of her and stepped back. Crossing an arm across his chest, he stroked his chin with one hand. “This is a good look for you, princess. If we were on my ship, I could hang you from a ceiling beam in my stateroom, but you’d need a gag. I wouldn’t want my men to hear your screams. They might get … jealous.”

  Angie’s shaky gasp was hot.

  “But alone on my island paradise? Nobody will hear your screams but me.”

  “Do you get a lot of dates with this move?”

  Her sarcasm was brave. And foolish.

  He smirked and fondled his junk for emphasis. “When I’m finished, you’ll beg me to fuck you. And I will fuck you, princess. In every way I choose.”

  Just to mess with her, he walked behind and caressed her ass. He was saving the taking of her anal virginity for the end of their island honeymoon. Angie knew it was coming and was more than excited. Edging her anticipation was part of the appeal. Would he do it now? Tomorrow? Never?

  When he trussed her to the arch, he made sure to face her toward the ocean. He wanted her to savor the experience and having a spectacular view framed by the stunning natural foliage was a big help.

  He also moved the duffle bag out of her line of vision.

  Let the playtime begin.

  Moving in from behind, after a lot of wriggling around, he nestled his cock against her butt and grunted into her ear. “Such a delicate body and such a big cock. Things are going to get a bit rough for you, princess.”

  He reached around and began fondling her breasts. Her breathing became harsh. He liked being behind her and letting his sense of touch be his eyes. Pinching her nipples, Parker tugged and massaged until Angie eventually trembled and moaned out loud.

  Closing his eyes and creating his own visual, he breathed her in and inspected the hard nubs his finger had created out of her nipples. Perfect.

  Next up? New equipment.

  He reached into the bag and draped a silver chain over his finger before stepping around her. The first thing he noticed was the unmistakable flush on her face and the lusty fire blazing from her eyes.


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