Diary of a Vampeen

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Diary of a Vampeen Page 25

by Christin Lovell

  Sticking to the clean version, I scoured, “No, but I can wreck your car trying if you’d like.”

  He laughed breaking away to start the engine and then pressed the gas pedal with a lustful vengeance.

  Chapter 22

  The day passed quickly after the beach. My mom and I went shopping. She was re-decorating her bedroom and needed to purchase everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything! It got me thinking about re-doing mine too, but I decided against it. My room was like a stabilizer right now. It’s the one thing that didn’t change with my transformation, because no doubt my relationship with Mel would change.

  “How do I look? Am I overdone? No. What am I saying? I’m definitely overdressed. What do you think?” I frantically asked Kellan who was observing my crazy twists in front of my bathroom mirror. I was wearing the first outfit I tried on with Eduardo.

  “You look fine,” he replied.

  “Fine? I can’t look fine, I have to look perfect. I’m seeing my best friend for the first time in two weeks and, oh yea, I weigh a lot less than I could lose in that time frame. A little help please!” I ranted fluffing my hair in the mirror again.

  “Ok. My honest opinion?” he checked hesitantly.

  “Of course. Yes.”

  “Lose the designer look for now. Your best friend remembers you in jeans and a t-shirt. You did slim down a bit and that’ll be shocking enough. Wear the jeans, sneakers, and a hoodie to remind her you’re still the same person, just went from pretty to beautiful,” he stated.

  “You’re right! I don’t want to overwhelm her with everything all at once. You’re a genius!” I exclaimed kissing his cheek as I made my way to my closet.

  “Cover your eyes!” I yelled walking out of the closet with my sneakers in place but a tank top absent over my bra. I quickly grabbed one from my dresser and put it on. I threw the hoodie on over my head announcing, “You’re safe now.”

  Kellan opened his eyes, did a full visual intake before saying, “Perfect.”

  “Good,” I noted aloud. Fidgeting with my hands in my pocket, I began to pace. I glanced at the clock only to find it was time to go.


  My stomach was churning, heart sputtering and mind racing. What would Mel think of me? I hoped she didn’t weird out on me. I thought shock would be her reaction tonight. She’s my best friend though. If she didn’t accept me now, then I knew what we had was superficial. And that was one thing my best friend was definitely not.

  Last minute it dawned on me. Mike hadn’t seen me in two weeks either. All the other times he failed to show, watch tonight be the one he follows through on. Ugh. I was barely ready to see Mel and that’s only to introduce normalcy back into my life, but Mike… He was like the black plague to me right now. I needed to avoid him until I strongly re-establish my relationship with Mel. I would definitely need her support when I broke up with him.

  “You ready?” Kellan prompted.

  “Not really,” I squirmed feeling the color escape my cheeks as reality set in.

  “You’ll be fine Lexi. I’ll be around the corner browsing if you need me,” he reassured me with a kiss on the forehead.

  My palms were clammy despite my health, hands shaking as I grabbed my cell to call Mel. I swallowed the lump in my throat preparing to act normal. “Hey. Where are you?” I asked as Kellan held the first door open for me to the store.

  “I’m at our table,” she answered.

  “Ok. See you in a sec and please don’t freak.” I closed my phone so she couldn’t question my verbiage.

  I lingered before the second and last door separating me from Mel. “Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh,” I whispered frantically. I took a deep breath, exhaling a while. Biting my lower lip and nodded to Kellan. “Ok, I think I’m ready.”

  He looked me over once more and nodded in agreement.

  I walked through the door and towards the table Mel and I occupied every Thursday night. Just as I suspected, shock struck her face and her eyes nearly popped out of socket.

  “O. M. G. O. M. G. Holy sugarplums! What the… What the fizz?! Is that you Lex?!” she exclaimed standing, mouth open, taking me in. Shock, pure and utter surprise, and clear disbelief were smothering her.

  “Yea, it’s me. Do I look ok?” I asked sheepishly.

  “Holy!... Sugar!... Oh my!... WOW!” she yelled.

  “O. M. G. Mel, are you speechless?” I teased nervously, desperately wanting to pick up where we left off before.

  “Holy sugarplums Lex! You’re freaking gorgeous! What the heck kind of vacation did your parents take you on because I definitely need one?!”

  She was still staring – ok, actually gawking – at me. I chuckled tensely avoiding her question.

  “Lex, seriously, you’re beautiful. I mean you’ve always been pretty, but yea… wow! Mike is going to freak.”

  Taking the reins, I dished what I needed of her. “Ok Mel. I seriously need my best friend right now. I know I look drastically different and I can’t even tell you how I got this way, but please don’t weird out on me. So much has happened and I’m dying to tell you.”

  “Of course Lex. Don’t be silly. Nothing is ever going to change between us. Sisters for eternity, remember? I don’t care if you come back looking like Jim Carey. I’ll gawk for a minute then finally shut my pie hole and pass you the newest issue of Seventeen,” she replied. “You do know Mike is going to shit his pants though, right?”

  Now I knew why I loved her so much. I really couldn’t have a better friend. I guess I was worried about nothing… except Mike.

  I quickly spilled my guts and plans to my eternal best friend. I intricately weaved my vacation lie with the truth. I shared every kiss with Kellan, every weird moment with my dad, even the shopping spree with my aunt in Savannah, though I lied and said it happened yesterday.

  “Ok. So I know I was really gung-ho about Mike before, but Lex, what you just described with Kellan is cigarette worthy,” she commented taking a sip of her macchiato.

  “Oh my gosh Mel, it’s so much more and yet such a mess. I know we talked about it before I even left, but I have to break up with Mike. Just… How do you think he’ll take it?” I braced myself for her brutal lash of honesty.

  “Lex, the boy is obsessed with you. And now when he sees how smoking hot you are… Let’s just say I don’t think the load will lighten. He’s a nice guy, love the boy to death, but yes, he kind of creeped me a bit. Do I think he’ll go all stalkerish? - No. Do I think he’ll try to pick a fight with Kellan? – Yes.”

  “Ugh!” I groaned. “Kellan is super strong. I really don’t want Mike fighting him.”

  “That’s a def,” she agreed. “O.M.G. I totally didn’t tell you.”


  “So it’s supposed to be a surprise, but something tells me your heart can’t handle much more so I’m going to spoil it.”

  “What is it?” I pressed.

  “Tomorrow night is your birthday party. Love your Aunt Claire by the way. She’s been planning with me the last two weeks. But Lex, it’s going to be huge,” she dished with excitement and caution concurrently.

  “How huge are we talking here?” I nearly choked on my words as my nerves returned.

  “Pinky swear not to kill me?”

  “That was so fifth grade Mel. Now dish the goods missy!”

  “So I may have posted a flyer or two around school,” she admitted.

  I could tell she was bracing herself for my blow and I really don’t know why I didn’t but I shrugged, “Well, I guess this way at least they won’t think I’m a new student.”

  Mel stared at me for a solid minute. “What exactly happened on that cruise again Lex?” she smiled.

  “Oh shut up! That’s your free pass for the week,” I teased breaking into laughter.

  “So, dress? Pants?” I prompted.

  “Well, we figured since you just got back from the cruise, why not continue the vacation? O.M.G. Lex. Bible it’s go
ing to be awesome! Caribbean chic is the theme. Oh! And you have your own signature cocktail drink, minus the liquor of course, but it’s called a ‘Luscious Lex’. And the DJ is amazing! Oh and the best part, we rented out ten hotel rooms and have the ballroom all night on the beach at the Grande Marriott!” she gushed.

  “Wow. Don’t hold back.” I was partially sarcastic in my remark.

  “Oh please Lex. Am I the type of girl who holds back?!”

  “You know, reservations aside, and now with my new look, I’m actually looking forward to it,” I smiled.

  “I know. Holy sugar cane!”

  “What is up with you and sugar tonight?”

  “No. Genius but oh so wrong thought,” she admitted biting her lower lip to hold back a wide grin.

  “Please tell me you didn’t just hang me,” I frowned.

  “Jason and Jenny broke up again and when she sees you and he sees you… Oh I have to video that tomorrow night!” she exclaimed bouncing in her seat.

  “They’re coming?”

  “Umm. Hello?! Flyers… remember?”

  “Oh yea. Mel moment, sorry.”

  “Ugh!” she scoffed sarcastically.

  We broke into unified laughter. Elation and relief exuded all of me in this moment. Words couldn’t describe the joy I had right now, the confidence I held in knowing my best friend would be steady. We’d done exactly what I dreamed to be possible but believed not to be. She wasn’t even pressing with how or why I was different, just trusting me.

  Guilt consumed me as I realized I discredited my best friend. I didn’t believe in her, in us, to pull through. I felt foolish for ever doubting her coping abilities. I sometimes forget the changes she adapted to with her parents’ divorce.

  “Ok, enough cackling. Back to business,” she commanded though a few chuckles still escaped. “Wait, I just realized you didn’t get your frap. If you want one you should do it now, they’ll be closing in fifteen minutes.”

  “Nah. I’m good. New figure, new diet,” I insisted.

  “You’re not anorexic are you Lex?” she whispered.

  “I know I lost a lot of weight, but do I really look starved?” I pressed with a smirk to ease the sudden tension.

  “Hmm. No, I guess not. I just… wow. You really do look beautiful Lex,” she beamed. I could tell that she was genuinely happy for me.

  “You’re the best. But don’t discredit yourself. You know you’ve got it going on. Speaking of which – why don’t you go with Caleb to my party tomorrow night?”

  “Eternal sisters for sure. I already am!” she shrieked.

  “You were holding out on me!”

  “O.M.G. Two weeks isn’t long but long enough to miss a lot I guess. Ok. So we got to go now, but how about I come over tomorrow and get ready at your house? I’m ditching after lunch to get everything ready with your aunt.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  “Okay. So I’ll come over around one, we can get ready and then I’ll leave early to help your aunt.”

  “Oh my gosh I’ve missed you!” I exclaimed standing just as Sam made the closing announcement.

  “You have no idea!” she agreed.

  Kellan was standing by the door. Mel winked, “Have a good night you two!”

  “I’m letting that one slide,” I yelled out in the parking lot. Mel waved from inside her mom’s fancy SUV.

  “Looks like things went well,” Kellan commented.

  “Oh my gosh. They were perfect. She was shocked at first but nothing changed but my figure and I love it! The whole time we were talking, I didn’t even hear the buzz of sounds that usually overwhelmed me. Well, except the blender. My God can that thing grind some ice!” I smiled catching Kellan off guard with a bear hug as he held open my car door. I buried my face in his chest, inhaling the exact spot where he spritzed his cologne. “I can’t believe it’s actually going to be okay. And don’t tell me ‘I told you so’,” I quickly added at the end.

  “Well, I did,” he smirked.

  “Ugh,” I playfully smacked his chest and backed away. I couldn’t stop smiling though. I couldn’t believe I got it all – the perfect figure, perfect guy, and I got to keep my perfect best friend.

  Kellan pulled me back into his arms. “I’m happy as long as you’re happy, and I definitely have never seen you this happy.”

  “I definitely am,” I beamed with an eternal sunshine of hope. One down and one more to go – Mike.

  The adrenaline rush of joy surged through me for hours. Kellan was worried that I hadn’t been getting enough sleep. He said I needed at least three hours a day not two hours every other. Around 5 a.m. we laced up and went for a morning jog in the neighborhood. He pushed for this activity to release the last of my energy so I would succumb to his sleeping wish. I would have laughed in anyone’s face who told me I’d be doing this a month ago.

  I mimicked Kellan’s perfect form and synced our steps ongoing for forty-five minutes. Looking around, I realized we looked like the epitome of a happy, healthy, young couple. We appeared to be the picture of perfection in athletic pairings. Who would have thought me, an athlete? Not one bead of sweat seeped through my pores, and Kellan stood equally dry breathing seamlessly beside me as we rounded the final corner back to my house.

  I slowed down a tad to catch a glimpse of him from behind. “Eyes on the prize,” he interjected mid-linger.

  “Ok,” I smirked and stopped to stare at him.

  “I’m not the prize.”

  “You’re my prize,” I tugged him into my arms.

  I was still giddy over how wonderful things were panning out. Keira had been m.i.a. since my night of change, Mike didn’t show up last night, me and Mel stayed best friends, my perfect guy was in my arms and felt the same towards me and I was no longer confused about him and us – I hated to keep declaring such a cynically cliquish phrase, but my life was perfect right now. That combined with my parents’ money and my new figure was hate-worthy. I was just happy Mel didn’t feel that way.

  Chapter 23

  “What would happen if I drank a coke?” I asked Kellan as I scanned the fridge. I was anxiously awaiting my best friend’s arrival in the next twenty minutes. My parents were at work and we had the house to ourselves for once.

  “Do you really want one?” he chuckled, clearly amused.

  “Not really, just curious,” I stated grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. It was still strange to not consume three meals a day or snack throughout. I wasn’t lacking in any way but I suppose old habits die hard. I still found myself scanning the fridge and cupboards randomly when bored though the contents were unappealing.

  “If you ever meet him, you cannot rat me out with this story,” he said with serious eyes despite his crooked smile.

  “I swear,” I pledged leaning against the island anxiously.

  He was laughing before he even started the story, lighting up in a way I hadn’t seen before.

  “I’m waiting,” I reminded him.

  “Craig drank one once. We used to dare each other to do stupid things and that was one of them. Oh God Lexi, you had to be there. He got the hiccups but each time he released a growl not a dainty little noise,” Kellan was rolling in laughter, twisting as he leaned onto the island huffing.

  Seeing the way he lit to life when he spoke of Craig made me feel so guilty. He told me before that Mel and I were the girl version of him and Craig with dynamics. And all I could think about now was how elated I was last night with my best friend. Looking at him, I realized I was his only friend here. He didn’t hang out with anyone else, and he definitely needed that companionship. I felt selfish in my tirade of captivity with him; he left me for nothing more than necessity though I could clearly see now that his needs were unspoken. I became determined. I was going to kidnap Craig for a visit. Kellan needed it whether he admitted to it or not.

  “You miss him, don’t you?” I prompted reflecting the same smile he was penetrating me with.

  “Yea, bu
t you make it easier.”

  “Yea, but no offense, you’re no Mel and I’m definitely no growling, hiccupping Craig.”


  It was amazing to see Kellan in that moment. He broke out of his social shell and I caught a sliver of who he was back in Seattle, the happy-go-lucky party guy he suppresses within. He’d begun to lie comfortably next to me; he’s not so serious and withdrawn like before, but I still wanted happiness for him outside of me. I wanted him to have a friend outside of me here to share adventures with. I couldn’t remain a selfish, sullen person capturing his interest all the time. He needed to break free of my reign, break free of our connection for some male bonding. I was still bringing Craig for a visit. It’s going to be difficult to sneak him in with Kellan present 24/7, but… egh. I’d figure it out. I wanted it to stay a surprise though.

  I pulled him in for a kiss just as I heard two car doors shut. I was unsure of what came over me, yet still startled, I jumped back as an unsettling feeling filled the bottom of my stomach.

  Bickering. They were going back and forth. It was Mel, my best friend I’d been anxiously waiting for, and Mike, the boyfriend I’d been trying to avoid. He had been calling me non-stop, and I’d been ignoring his calls. I must have had a minimum ten voicemails from him that I’d yet to play back.

  Frozen in place, I heard Mel harshly say, “If she’s not answering your calls then it’s for a reason! I appreciate the ride but Lex is going to kill me if you come in. This is girl time and you are not a girl!”

  To this Mike replied, “I won’t stay long. I just want to see her. It’s been so long.”

  “I don’t care how long you intend to stay; it’s a NO! Now go get back in your car and leave before you regret it!” she yelled.

  “You can’t tell me what to do! She’s my girlfriend!”

  With that I heard Mike stomp past her. She truly was my best ally against him despite her one-time support.

  “You can’t avoid him forever. He clearly won’t let you,” Kellan observed.

  “Thanks for the tip,” I sighed on my way to the door.

  Thoughts flowed quickly. I was unsure how Mike would react to my change. One thing was certain, he would ask how. He’s nosy like that and not considerate with my privacy like Mel.


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